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Seanachai babbled:

He has not yet amused me
Sod Off

And he was distinctly stroppy with a Lady of the 'Pool
Yeah? Which one was that? It's quite difficult to tell one from the other in this fetid environment. Regardless, if I have offered offense to a Lady of the Cess' then I submit my most humble apologies.

Ummmm... Stroppy?

Nobody's sodding from Florida
Ignorance demonstrable. Indeed I was born here, left and then returned. Have fun shoveling snow this week your...ummm...whateverness, or Ice Skating, or whatever it is you people do in January. I'm going to the beach to work on my tan. Sod off and have a nice day.

Furthermore, I did say something nice about the Scots already, and one of the pillocks nit-picked me for it.

Berli-sumthin' scribbled...

Pike the lad... you'll feel better for it
Bah! You should try that yourself., and not depend on the Knight Champion of the MBT to do the dirty work for you...Coward.

Joe Shaw spoke:

Lesson the first lad ...
Yeah, got it. Send hate-mail to Seanachai and spank Berlichtingen at my first opportunity. Will Do. Got a tournament coming up, but will take care of all that soonest.



Amuse yourself by Sodding Off on a Pike.

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Originally posted by Vadr:

Ummmm... Stroppy?

Main Entry: strop·py

Pronunciation: 'strä-pE

Function: adjective

Etymology: perhaps by shortening & alteration from obstreperous

Date: 1951


I suppose next you'll want me to hold it for you while you pee, you illiterate bugger.

All the glories and intricacies of the English language before you like a sunrise, and you, dazzled by the light, are content to drool 'say what?'

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And now for a quick Gamey Update --

The legal Hordes have obtained the fastest CM victory on record from dalem's unterfascist swarm -- a surrender in the setup phase.

It seem dalem got a bit agoraphobic in this one.

He's demanded a rematch -- this time, I wonder whether his computer will talk him into quitting before he even opens the setup?


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Originally posted by Mace:

My folks are long gone, so this one's for you, old chum.... CRIKEY!


Good on 'ya, Mace!

I'm sorry to hear your folks are no longer with us.

But, on the bright side, having passed into the vale of Death, they aren't subjected to Vadr's posts, so they might be said to be the luckiest of us all.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

But, on the bright side, having passed into the vale of Death, they aren't subjected to Vadr's posts, so they might be said to be the luckiest of us all.

And they don't have to put up with me any longer either. *insert wink here*


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btw, right here is an ideal place to wish lady Persephone many happy returns for her birthday yesterday.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy Birthday lady Persephone

Happy 'do you think you'd keep this secret when you have someone like me around' birthday to you!


[ January 04, 2003, 03:19 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

And now for a quick Gamey Update --

The legal Hordes have obtained the fastest CM victory on record from dalem's unterfascist swarm -- a surrender in the setup phase.

It seem dalem got a bit agoraphobic in this one.

He's demanded a rematch -- this time, I wonder whether his computer will talk him into quitting before he even opens the setup?


I didn't surrender you ambulance chaser! The map you sent was almost perfectly flat and had exactly one blade of grass on it. That map was unworthy of my skills as a battlemaster.
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Originally posted by Mace:

btw, right here is an ideal place to wish lady Persephone many happy returns for her birthday yesterday.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy Birthday lady Persephone

Happy 'do you think you'd keep this secret when you have someone like me around' birthday to you!


Thank you Mace

...you Nong!


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And since when has the elevation of an SSN to Serfdom been a popularity contest? Had THAT been the issue, then any number of current Knights of the CessPool would have to turn in their waders ... not that that would be a BAD thing mind you.

No Seanachai and Berli, the rules are quite clear and explicit. ANY Knight of the CessPool can elevate an SSN to Serfdom for any reason or no reason. I choose to do so because Vadr (spelt but not bolded) amuses ME ... that he doesn't amuse Seanachai is yet more proof (as if more were needed) that ManySoda is a vile place at the best of times and worse ... MUCH worse, in the winter. This makes Seanachai cranky and off his feed. Furthermore and as I think on it Seanachai, what the HELL do you mean by suggesting that ANYPLACE is worse than Australia ... have you forsaken your crusade?

Berli I'll have you know that I too have deplored the recent influx of insects and I too blame dalem ... though the blush is a bit off the rose on that one ... it's so easy to blame him after all. I've given the back of my hand to not a few of them as unworthy supplicants to the MBT. But we must remember that not ALL SSNs are quite as worthless as would first appear. You yourself took pity upon Yeknodathon over my strenous objections and had him made Knight. The fact that I was proven right in the end is immaterial ... I mean after all ... he IS an ass isn't he?

Also the stables are quite horrible and I'M certainly not going to muck them out.

As to his eventual placement, a Serf is made Squire only after a period of reflection and soul searching. The elevation to Squiredom is NOT automatic nor is it allowed at all if the Olde Ones should stand against it ... granted a bottle of cheap rotgut in the mail will change their minds about virtually anything but it is the THOUGHT that counts.

Finally (and the crowd goes wild), I'll be sending turns today. Unfortunately I'll be out of town for TWO WEEKS starting Sunday and will not be able to send further turns.


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Sheesh... Stay away half a day, and all sorts of untoward events take place, not only do we have to listen to the "down under" contingent boasting about the warm weather and "Crikey" on that desolate (bereft of any significant life forms) of all continents, but now we have an SSN from the "Sunshine State", better known as "heavens waiting room", babbling about "going to the beach, and working on his tan", how tiring...might have been more significant had Miami lived up to its hype and beaten the seed pods, oh well, too much sun and fun saps your strength. However, since Joe has accepted him perhaps he will invite all of us down for cocktails and dinner. Y2K can bring a special wine if she likes.

Edited to say: Vadr can send me a setup, and after slapping him around with a dead fish, I'll toss him aside, and the rest of you can have at him.

[ January 04, 2003, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Typical of fat Hermann. Neither he, nor MvR, ever commanded JG2, only JG1 (and Jastas 18 {or was it 27?}and 11 respectively). So why on gods green earth did they name JG2 Richthofen? At one point they even put old Josef Mai (that lovable old kanone of Jasta 5 who had over 30 kills but still didn't get the Pour le Merite because they stopped having a war before the paperwork was done) in charge. 1932 I believe it was.

And why hasn't Moriarty sent me a turn? Off riding a new bike I suppose? Oh well, I'll simply do a setup and send it to The Bard then.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Dearest Persephone,










I don't know which annual 29th birthday this is (and I shant ask, for I'm a gentleman), but I wish you many, many more.

Happy belated B-day, Patch

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /><font size=-1>How much fox pee should I pack?</font>

<font size=-1>Depends. Are you coming to the Twin Cities? If so, don't pack any, and we'll have Lars piss on you directly.

If you insist on being peed on by a fox, we can always contact Hanns and see who he has available.</font></font>

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Originally posted by Vadr:

Yeah? Which one was that? It's quite difficult to tell one from the other in this fetid environment. Regardless, if I have offered offense to a Lady of the Cess' then I submit my most humble apologies.

If you can't tell the bloody difference, then shut the hell up until you can

Bah! You should try that yourself., and not depend on the Knight Champion of the MBT to do the dirty work for you...Coward.
Why would I soil my hands on you when there is a lowly knight to do it for me?
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OhmiGawd ... I can only fall on the excuse of too much work, too much worry about my impending trip and too much ... well okay I HAVE no excuse.

Kind Dame Persephone, my dear old friend Patch ... allow me to wish you the Best Wishes on Your Day of Days and ask that you forgive a wayward soul his transgression.


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I am not posting gamey updates because too many of you feckless, gap-toothed namby-pambies owe me moves.

Seanachai, quit contemplating that Hobbit-hole you call a navel and send me a move.

R_Leete, you promised me a move over a week ago. You lied. Send me a move.

Panzer Leader, sabbatical be damned! Unless fair Delaney has come to her senses and relegated you to the dung heap, send me a move.

Hiram, I realize that you are cowering in the face of my massive armor attack, but show a little backbone and send me a move.

Noba, you taunt me and then preen like a peacock with an overimaginative self concept and yet, you do not send me a move. You are like a man who eats too much cabbage who spends his days in crowded elevators. In other words, you are a stinky man who annoys those around you. Send me a move.

Edited because I wanted to.

[ January 04, 2003, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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