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The Peng Challenge Thread and Minnesota's Ice Holes

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moriarty:

Of course he's right ... what'd he say?

Something about history repeating itself.

I'd prefer that Joe die bitter and disillusioned. Then, three years after his death, we can dig up the corpse and hang and decapitat it. Or maybe just use it as, I don't know, a pinata or somefink.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

I rather like the piñata idea. Three years of festerin' in the ground, eh? Get a good, hot day an' he'll be a splodey thing.


Have some consideration, I just had dinner.


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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Note to YK2: whining about percieved outerboard offences will get you little sympathy from this crowd, Lady of the Pool or no. After all, the MBT (long may we reign chaotic) is/was FOUNDED on French bashing. A mighty solid footing, if you ask me. Although your countymen do sometimes make it too easy. [smiley deleted to preserve traditions] [/QB]

*shakes head*

Remind me some day as to why!!!

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

After all, the MBT (long may we reign chaotic) is/was FOUNDED on French bashing. A mighty solid footing, if you ask me.

woot) No, our foundations are based on nong bashing.

Hello, nong!

tyler too) We didn't ask.


[ March 08, 2003, 05:57 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!

You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout

Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!

You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,

Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,

Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,

Strike flat the thick rotundity o' the world!

Crack nature's moulds, all germens spill at once

That make ingrateful man!

*sniff* better make a note with me blackest crayon...

*sniff* keep Brussel sprouts away from Gnome


Hmmm, I think I should cut down on the number of carrots I bring My Liege, he seems to be losing it!!
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{rubs backside} Message received My Liege.

It seems that the archaic concept known as loyalty is lost on most of you. Not surprising, given the machinations of the various Olde Ones with this, the MBT which they should be guiding and protecting, but instead seem intent on...err...flushing into the sewers. No matter.

Kipling. You wankers don't know Kipling. Here's a bit of Kipling for Seanachai's entertainment (and very appropo if I do say so m'self):

The young recruit is 'aughty -- 'e draf's from Gawd knows where;

They bid 'im show 'is stockin's an' lay 'is mattress square;

'E calls it bloomin' nonsense -- 'e doesn't know no more --

An' then up comes 'is Company an' kicks 'im round the floor!

The young recruit is 'ammered -- 'e takes it very 'ard;

'E 'angs 'is 'ead an' mutters -- 'e sulks about the yard;

'E talks o' "cruel tyrants" 'e'll swing for by-an'-by,

An' the others 'ears an' mocks 'im, an' the boy goes orf to cry.

The young recruit is silly -- 'e thinks o' suicide;

'E's lost 'is gutter-devil; 'e 'asn't got 'is pride;

But day by day they kicks 'im, which 'elps 'im on a bit,

Till 'e finds 'isself one mornin' with a full an' proper kit.

Gettin' clear o' dirtiness, gettin' done with mess,

Gettin' shut o' doin' things rather-more-or-less;

So there.

As far as helping The Gnome around the ice, well I'd be delighted. Of course, I don't know squat about ice, living down here in the tropics (78 degrees yesterday) but I'll gladly give it a go. I hope the Storyteller is about Gnome-weight in RL however. I'm still not carrying a lot of extra weight despite my advancing age and dare say I could boldly go where no pot-bellied, overweight, out of shape...err well, you get the idea.

'Nuff 'O that.

In other news; Hortlund has come to his senses and surrendered to my fearsome Tygers. I await his gamey riposte.

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No, no, no Seanachai this simply WON'T DO, not at all. You simply MUST decide if you wish to have a bloody foole, a goddamned foole, a damn fool or any of the other flavors of foole you've mentioned.

I have no objection to lending Vadr for a bit, but how is he to prepare if he doesn't know which variety of foole to be?

That's the trouble these days ... no definition to anything ... well, that and John Ashcroft of course as Seanachai so rightly states ... not that there's anything wrong with that.

Nice bit of Kipling Vadr lad, how about a paper on the topic "Kipling, an Early Day Seanachai or Just a Weird Resemblance."


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Twice, I attempted to raise him up to the status of Knight. Twice, he declined the honour.

And now, this.

Only once, olde "Senile tea". And that as Abbot, since our very own Shaw had abdicated his post. With the disapearance of certain royal personages, and further reconcilliations, I was unsure if it was an appointment of convenience or of merit. That which is given but not earned has no value. You, above all, should know that.

The other was in private discussion, and was mutually agreed to be far too soon. As are most recent elevations to kaniggit, in my not-at-all-humble opinion. Make 'em a knight, give 'em a shiny new banner, and off they go into the wild blue ether. Many to never be heard from again. Not that that's a bad thing in some cases...

We shall settle this amongst ourselves, like men of honour. Granted, that may be a bit difficult, considering the parties involved. But I'll try to stoop to your level, as hard as that may be on my back. Now, get off the ice, and check your e-mail. Damn manic-depressives can be so trying.

Originally posted by Mace:

woot) No, our foundations are based on nong bashing. Hello, nong!

Yes, pot, well met. This is kettle. Nice to make your aquantance. Bloody pommie.

Originally posted by YK2:

Remind me some day as to why!!!

Because this very place was founded by the lazy. Always looking for the easy cheap-shot. Being a WWII forum, your collective past haunts you still.
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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by R_Leete:

Note to YK2: whining about percieved outerboard offences will get you little sympathy from this crowd, Lady of the Pool or no. After all, the MBT (long may we reign chaotic) is/was FOUNDED on French bashing. A mighty solid footing, if you ask me. Although your countymen do sometimes make it too easy. [smiley deleted to preserve traditions]

*shakes head*

Remind me some day as to why!!! [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Yeknodathon!!, wid ye noo saind ye proper Kannniget Athkatla oot tae taunt an' challainge...

Shut your haggis hole, you skirt wearing pole tosser. If you can't be man enough to pose the challenge yourself, I'll think all the less of you. Which is very difficult to do.

And get a real assult rifle, like a good Ami should. Bolt action is for lame third world countries. Like Scottland.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

If you can't be man enough to pose the challenge yourself, I'll think all the less of you. Which is very difficult to do.

Ah didnae think enuff o' ye tae challainge ye diraictly laddie. Af'n Ah foond ye on mah shoe, at'd bae a toss whether tae scrape ye off or just toss tha shoes awah.

An' regardin' tha bolt action rifle, jus' cos there's an' old wee dog barkin' at tha gate at didnae mean there's noo big bastarrrd waitin' aroond tha back o' tha hoose.

Wha didnae ye saind Athkatla a setoop? Thain hae could ignore ye at hais leisure.

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I just wanted to take the time to remind you all who may have forgotten, that R_Leete is a gamey, gamey bastiche who makes goobers like AJ look like real pikers. Why do I say this? Because he employs uber stealth technology in an anachronistic fashion to knock out my poor, innocent T-34s.

And while I'm thinking about it, I would greatly appreciate it if Seanachai would take time out from his diminutive Yeti impersonating Eliza crossing the ice flow, to send me a turn.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Yeknodathon!!, wid ye noo saind ye proper Kannniget Athkatla oot tae taunt an' challainge thas steamin' pile "R-leete"?? Af'n tha appropriate offices o' tha MBT widnae tak care o' their ain business, tha Clan OGSF will sort tha bastarrrd oot, eh?

Eh? Oh, right... ummm


... [whisper] he might be experiencing some.. err chafing... *sniff* yer know... er... rubbing... I mean, see, well... oh, dear, the other one looks serious...

Ahem, where's me Quire?


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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Twice, I attempted to raise him up to the status of Knight. Twice, he declined the honour.

And now, this.

Only once, olde "Senile tea". And that as Abbot...</font>
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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Always looking for the easy cheap-shot. Being a WWII forum, your collective past haunts you still.

Er, Roger, you are aware, aren't you, that YK2, aka The Fair Emma, is Scottish, aren't you?

Black Watch, William Wallace, Jacobite Rebellions, all that sort of thing? Bannockburn. Claymores. Cattle thieving.

For some strange reason, you seem to be under the impression she's French. She is, in fact, a Glasgow lass, and I believe she even knows what goes into a haggis (shudder).

We'll all whistle a bit of a tune and study the landscape while you try and readjust your thinking.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No, no, no Seanachai this simply WON'T DO, not at all. You simply MUST decide if you wish to have a bloody foole, a goddamned foole, a damn fool or any of the other flavors of foole you've mentioned.

I have no objection to lending Vadr for a bit, but how is he to prepare if he doesn't know which variety of foole to be?


No problem, Joe. He'll do nicely as is, as all I need him to do is be Seanachai's Foole for the crossing the ice, bit.

Now, just hang in there, as I do my 'Abused and Troubled Olde One Accompanied By Loyale Foole Sketch', then we can get back to the merry jesting and interactions that give the Cesspool it's piquancy.

Places, everyone! Ready, Vadr? Roight, then.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

To Seanachai's Costello.

Boo is watching my detectives...

Boo, my little Ohio muffin, I sent you a turn on Wednesday, with no return from you as yet. If you didn't get it, or sent something and I haven't seen it, let me know, as I'm still somewhat concerned about my email.

Did you use my new email at seanachaibard@msn.com?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No, no, no Seanachai this simply WON'T DO, not at all. You simply MUST decide if you wish to have a bloody foole, a goddamned foole, a damn fool or any of the other flavors of foole you've mentioned.

I have no objection to lending Vadr for a bit, but how is he to prepare if he doesn't know which variety of foole to be?


No problem, Joe. He'll do nicely as is, as all I need him to do is be Seanachai's Foole for the crossing the ice, bit.

Now, just hang in there, as I do my 'Abused and Troubled Olde One Accompanied By Loyale Foole Sketch', then we can get back to the merry jesting and interactions that give the Cesspool it's piquancy.

Places, everyone! Ready, Vadr? Roight, then. </font>

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The wind soughs across the frozen ice, hissing with driven snow particles that swirl almost like mist around the feet of two figures striding through the dark. One is short, but imposing, with whitening, wind tangled locks. The other is shuffling, arms wrapped around itself, visibly shuddering, with hissed curses counterpointing the wind.

Seanachai: Ah, it is a hard world, trusty Foole, er, Vadr, a hard world indeed! Until you have suffered its ingratitude, as I have, you will never know...here, what the hell are you doing?

Vadr: I'm freezing my arse off! This is horrible!

Seanachai: (looks around) Well, it's a bit brisk. Typical Minnesota night, actually, for this time of year. It's above 0°, after all!

Vadr: Oh, God! I'm gonna die!

Seanachai: Nonsense! This'll make a man of you. Long overdue, in my opinion. Where are you from again?

Vadr: Florida! Aaaaahhhh! I think my foot just fell off!

Seanachai: Oh, stop whining! Now, as I was saying, the World is a harsh and ungrateful place...now what are you doing?

Vadr: Trying to get my shoe out of this drift.

Seanachai: Ah. I thought you were 'capering'. Pity. I thought you were trying to get into the whole 'Loyale Foole' thing.

Vadr: whimper

Seanachai: You know, you're not doing very well at this. Remember, Shaw, your liege, said you were to go along and do the Foole thing.

Vadr: Oh, fine, then. What's a little humiliation when I'm gonna be dead in another 30 minutes anyway? Alright, Prithee, nuncle, wouldst hear a bit o' verse?

When awful darkness and silence reign

Over the great Gromboolian plain,

Through the long, long wintry nights;

When the angry breakers roar

As they beat on the rocky shore;

When Storm-clouds brood on the towering heights

Of the Hills of the Chankly Bore...

(Seanachai clouts Vadr over the ear)

Vadr: Oww! What the hell was that for?!

Seanachai: I said King Lear, dammit, not Edward!

Vadr: So I stole it! You think I'm going to come up with some original nonsense while parts of my body are turning solid and falling off?

Seanachai: Vadr, you git, you suck at this trusty Foole bit.

Vadr: Oh yeah? Well you suck, period, you obnoxious old ****e!

Seanachai: Vile puppy! Is that how you speak to an Olde One? (aims another swipe at Vadr's head)

Vadr: (dodges back) Slow old man! Stupid Gnome! (aims a punch at Seanachai. Cursing and grappling, the two fall to the ice. A sharp and resounding crack! is heard, running off in both directions from where they lie)

Vadr: What the hell was that?

Seanachai: Vadr, lie very, very still. Now, slowly roll over on your stomach (the two figures roll apart on to their fronts) Now, make like a bloody sealion thattaway!

(the two figures porpoise across the ice that is crackling and starring in all directions around them, finally making it to the snow drifted shore, where they lie panting on their backs)

Seanachai: Goddamn Ice Holes.

Vadr: Yeah.

Seanachai I still need to do my soliliquy about the ingratitude and harshness of the World, you know.

Vadr: We're going back out on the ice?!

Seanachai Sod that for a lark. I'll do it in the bar. We're going to Glueks.

Vadr: Glueks?

Seanachai: It's a nice place. You'll like the goat. Tell her Lars sent you.

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