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Originally posted by rune:

Olde Ones,

Per the rules and regulations of the MBT , I submit the following:

Lady Sedai has taunted, has completed three battles with aars, annoys Joe, and gives grief to Hiram. More then enough reason to be awarded her knighthood for the House of Rune.

No Good Cavscout, altho missing in this thread, has met the required three AARs and battles, annoys Joe to no end, taunts with the best of them, and has been ignored by me long enough. Advance him to Knight of the House of Rune also.

Now I must go back to creating evil.. It just seems right to create scenarios allowing the Aussies to team up with the Pommies. Losers leading the losers...


Many Thanks my Liege.

Current status regarding the game, currently waiting for Lady Sedai's troops to stop scurrying around in the woods and COME GET THEIR WHOOPING.

for the game with Nidan, Currently gazing fondly at the columns of smoke from his burning AFV's, and remembering a similar scene after a sound thrashing of the Sweatish Champion, SuRREal.

In Real Life, Eagerly awaiting the birth of our twins, now confirmed to be both girls, and (as of now) to be named Anna Beverly, and Olivia Grace.

Waiting for the final Yea or Nay from two Police Departments here in the holy land, also known as Wisconsin, just ask Seanachia-Pet about it, all the other Minnestroneanes seem to regard our hallowed fields, meadows, and lakes as their second home, since, apparently, their own burrows, pens, and warrens are too crowded.

(I often wonder why denizens of state that boasts "Land of 10,000 lakes" feel the need to haul their spotty carcasses across the, [unfortunately not mined] interstate border and wallow in our lakes, rivers, and septic tanks.) Since all his fellow voters for a wrestler as governor seem to like it here, I am sure he has trundled his action figure like self across the border as well, if for no other reason than to gaze longingly at our own examples of the gnomish race, some of who top FOUR FEET IN STATURE.

So, that is it. Just a reminder to all of you.... people, you smell funny.

(ladies excluded of course)

My deepest apologies for the lack of postings, but in the past week, I have driven 1,300 miles going to various job tests, interviews, doctor's appointments, and visits to the in-law's.

[ September 01, 2003, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

here in the holy land, also known as Wisconsin, just ask Seanachia-Pet about it, all the other Minnestroneanes seem to regard our hallowed fields, meadows, and lakes as their second home, since, apparently, their own burrows, pens, and warrens are too crowded.

Don't be ridiculous, we don't vacation there. The place is full of Illinoisans. Taking the children to Wisconsin would be like visiting a rat farm with poor enclosure integrity.

The large numbers of Minnesotans visiting Wisconsin are, in fact, missionaries, uplift workers, and social scientists doing field studies.

Oh, and a number of our young men visit there in the attempt to give the local genetic pool some depth through a hands on, socially responsible breeding program.

It is our hope that our efforts will some day lift you Wiscos out of the mire and bring you up to our level. You are a happy and friendly, if primitive, people, and it would be a shame to leave you in the mud with the Michiganites and Iowans.

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THREE WHOLE GAMES! Wowie Zowie, where DID they find the time? Bah! In MY day we required Squires to complete FIVE CessPool games before they were made Knight, and they were grateful for it let me tell you!

Might as well pass out Knighthoods with their bloody forum passwords.

{sigh} ... Oh well, fine, be it known to all and sundry that the Lady Sedai is hereby and whall shall be considered a full fledged Lady of the CessPool and is to be addressed as either Lady Sedai or Dame Sedai.

NG_CavScout, having completed the course of study (such as it was, likely reading Bazooka Bubble Gum Wrappers to his liege) is now and shall henceforth be acknoledged as and given full rights and privleges of a Knight of the CessPool and shall be addressed ... pretty much as you choose since hes a guy.

So let it be written, so let it be done ... more or less.


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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

Fffpt!!! Weak. That didn't leave even the beginnings of a mark. You really said stuff like that in first grade?

What part of me tying you to an ineffectual comeback did you not get? I suspect the idea went in one of your bleary eyes, bounced around in the echoing cavern of your head for awhile, and then died of loneliness.

I'd offer you a challenge, but I'm not sure you've any resources left for the struggle after each morning's conundrum of placing your shoes on the proper feet. </font>

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My humblest thanks for the continued support of my liege. And let me point out to Mr. Man there whining about only completing three games...I'm still in the midst of four others and have two on indefinite hold. So it's not like I'm just resting on my laurels now, is it??

A big ole' lady-like *thbppt* to you, Mr. Shaw, for being such a curmudgeon. Here, have a scone and some lovely tea with the rest of the ladies and myself and you'll feel much better. And don't worry...we won't tell anyone of the lovely Sunday dress you've put on for the occasion...

[ September 01, 2003, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

My humblest thanks for the continued support of my liege. And let me point out to Mr. Man there whining about only completing three games...I'm still in the midst of four others and have two on indefinite hold. So it's not like I'm just resting on my laurels now, is it??

A big ole' lady-like *thbppt* to you, Mr. Shaw, for being such a curmudgeon. Here, have a scone and some lovely tea with the rest of the ladies and myself and you'll feel much better. And don't worry...we won't tell anyone of the lovely Sunday dress you've put on for the occasion...

Tea ... TEA ... what the hell is this TEA crap? If it ain't alcoholic then it DAMNED well better be coffee ... black no sugar ... and none of this damned latte crap either ... if it ain't Folgers it ain't coffee, and what the hell is is with all these damned foofee reality shows? Give me a reality show with guns and the military, like Mail Call or Conquest, I could give a crap if some idiot's bedroom get's made over in fushcia ... whatever.


p.s. And I'm NOT a curmudgeon damnit!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If it ain't alcoholic then it DAMNED well better be coffee ... black no sugar ... and none of this damned latte crap either ... if it ain't Folgers it ain't coffee, and what the hell is is with all these damned foofee reality shows? Give me a reality show with guns and the military, like Mail Call or Conquest, I could give a crap if some idiot's bedroom get's made over in fushcia ... whatever.


p.s. And I'm NOT a curmudgeon damnit! [/QB]

I think the great and powerful Joe Shaw is just upset that he didn't get to meet the "fab five" from Queer Eye on their last trip to the DustBowl, AKA Utah. I think if he writes to them, they will come visit, just like the time he wrote to N'Sync. Hey Joe Here is another pic for you to paste in your scrap book.


After all, as Joe's favorite star says


So go for it Joe, buy that Oscar De La Hoya life size cut-out for your bedroom, if it makes you happy, go ahead. We know how you like those hard-bodies.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Bah! In MY day we required Squires to complete FIVE CessPool games before they were made Knight, and they were grateful for it let me tell you!


In your day, Joe, we still took the Squires out and dumped them in a wilderness area with nothing but a pocket knife, some fishing line, and a box of matches.

But after that unfortunate incident with...well, least said, soonest mended, you know.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Bah! In MY day we required Squires to complete FIVE CessPool games before they were made Knight, and they were grateful for it let me tell you!


In your day, Joe, we still took the Squires out and dumped them in a wilderness area with nothing but a pocket knife, some fishing line, and a box of matches.

But after that unfortunate incident with...well, least said, soonest mended, you know. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I mean I know the court order said no more wilderness areas but...couldn't we? Hell we could even toss in some clothes for him this time!

Besides it's NG_CavScout ... I mean ... who would care?


You're right, Joe. I say we ducktape the suckers wrists and ankles together, toss him in the trunk and head for Chequamegon.

Hey, Lars! Road trip!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Tea ... TEA ... what the hell is this TEA crap? If it ain't alcoholic then it DAMNED well better be coffee ... black no sugar ... and none of this damned latte crap either ... if it ain't Folgers it ain't coffee, and what the hell is is with all these damned foofee reality shows? Give me a reality show with guns and the military, like Mail Call or Conquest, I could give a crap if some idiot's bedroom get's made over in fushcia ... whatever.

*sniff* Damn, Joe, that was almost poetic. There ain't a damned thing in there I can argue with... 'cept maybe the Folgers bit, but I figure at your age you can't handle strong coffee anymore
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

The fixation with Panties needs to be adressed.

Let's, shall we? I mentioned "panties" once and your eyes lit up like Barney Fife's at a jaywalkers convention.

Say no more. Say no more. SAY NO MORE! </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

In your day, Joe, we still took the Squires out and dumped them in a wilderness area with nothing but a pocket knife, some fishing line, and a box of matches.

Go ahead. I beat the instructors time with thirty minutes in the cross-country navigation examinations. I'll be sitting in your favorite chair, drinking your Laphroaig and entertaining your wife when you pull up on your driveway clapping yourself on your backs and congratulating yourselves on a job well done.

If you hurry home, there might be some Laphroaig left for you to console yourself with. Or there might not be. You do have a bottle at home, don't you?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Tea ... TEA ... what the hell is this TEA crap?

Tea is what you drink when there's no alcohol available. In fact, tea is what you drink supplemental to alcohol.

In fact, if the poms did do one decent thing, it was introduce the cuppa to the Commonwealth.

Of course, you cultural philistines (impressive hey? I used words of more than 2 syllables) wouldn't know a good thing if it bit you on the bum.

You bloody lot tipped a whole lot of it into Boston Harbour (forgetting to first bring the water to the boil, and letting the tea draw sufficiently before serving...bad, very bad). You could have at least stolen it and sold it on the black market.


But I digress, I'll have mine white, with two sugars.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Tea ... TEA ... what the hell is this TEA crap?

Tea is what you drink when there's no alcohol available. In fact, tea is what you drink supplemental to alcohol.

In fact, if the poms did do one decent thing, it was introduce the cuppa to the Commonwealth.

Of course, you cultural philistines (impressive hey? I used words of more than 2 syllables) wouldn't know a good thing if it bit you on the bum.

You bloody lot tipped a whole lot of it into Boston Harbour (forgetting to first bring the water to the boil, and letting the tea draw sufficiently before serving...bad, very bad). You could have at least stolen it and sold it on the black market.


But I digress, I'll have mine white, with two sugars.

Mace </font>

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No Good Nagkraut, congratulations on the elevation to knighthood. We all knew that Rune sets his standards low, and that you would eventually bribe him enough to be honored like this. Excellent buttock-cleaning, NG!

This does not change the fact that I will forever hate and despise the gamey Tiger-abusing bastiche that you are. Your last "victory" (I use the term loosely, since we all know that the AI would have won that game as the germans) was an exemplary discourse in "how to win as a gamey bastiche".

You will of course deny this, claiming that your superior tactical skill (i.e, consistently hitting the GO button while not drooling too much on the keyboard) was instrumental in achieving the end result. I can't dispute that, since I know just how much tactical skill was needed to win that particular battle (i.e, consistently hitting the GO button while not drooling too much on the keyboard). It was, simply put, the perfect setup to match your skills.

It's time for you to take a step up now, squishypants. Yes, you didn't know I had managed to drudge up that little nickname of yours from highschool, did you? Well, squishypants, you've shown us that you can avoid backing Tigers off your own map edge, now you'll need to show that you can stay alive in a fair fight!

1500 pts, meeting engagement, no armour or armoured vehicles, both sides equal in fitness and experience, you'll be Nicht Gut Shagkraut, I'll be Surrealovich. The rest are insignificat details and best left to you as a warm-up excercise.


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Boo_Radley suggested:

No. You're the "Codger of the MBT".

And we'll never forget it, either.

Quite right Boo ... you damned young whippersnapper!

And then Berli replied to my earlier:

*sniff* Damn, Joe, that was almost poetic. There ain't a damned thing in there I can argue with... 'cept maybe the Folgers bit, but I figure at your age you can't handle strong coffee anymore.
Berli while we have, at times, disagreed on issues (mostly whether Seanachai is the bigger bloody fool or Boo_Radley) I've always believed that on the BIG issues, the ones with real world impact and import, we are in agreement! We agree, for example, that Seanachai and Boo_Radley are born , bloody fools.

Followed by my true and faithful Squire SirReal:

Go ahead. I beat the instructors time with thirty minutes in the cross-country navigation examinations. I'll be sitting in your favorite chair, drinking your Laphroaig and entertaining your wife when you pull up on your driveway clapping yourself on your backs and congratulating yourselves on a job well done.

If you hurry home, there might be some Laphroaig left for you to console yourself with. Or there might not be. You do have a bottle at home, don't you?

Well yes ... but they DID give you map and compass I presume? You see that's where the Outdoor Adventures of Seanachai and Joe Shaw differ from the norm. We keep you blindfolded and fly around for hours in circles before dropping you off ... in the wilds of Ohio! Drastic, yes, but we have to do SOMETHING to bring you to your senses and stop this rebellious talking back to librarians ... ya wild kid ya!

Btw, where are YOU in the number of CessPool matches COMPLETED (I didn't even bother with Lady Sedai's silly claim of so many ONGOING matches, as if THEY are worth anything)? Yes, NG_CavScout will have been made Knight before you ... BUT YOU'LL BE THE BETTER KNIGHT! Why I bet he can't even name the two defendants who were the subject of my epic poem, "The Justicar At The Bar!" There's nothing like a classical education lad.

Mace, of course, had to interject this:

In fact, if the poms did do one decent thing, it was introduce the cuppa to the Commonwealth.
Well actually the ONE decent thing they did was to ship your ancestors down there ... else they might have ended up here! But really Mace ... TEA! Pommies TALK like ladies of course, but I had no idea that Aussies DRANK like ladies.

NG_CavScout mumbled something but he's such a newly minted Knight that one can't really take notice of him ... HOWEVER ... I must take my good and noble Squire SirReal to task for one small item. Here in the Shavian House we properly spell and bold the names of Squires and above. Now once you're a Knight, out on your own, you may choose to follow that path or not, but whilst you're a Squire of MINE I do ask that you follow the procedure. Remember lad, we honor the RANK, not the man ... or in this case the rough facsimile of a man.

Mind you ...

(i.e, consistently hitting the GO button while not drooling too much on the keyboard)
... was a PARTICULARLY good line ... and only too true one suspects.

There ... I'm all caught up and it only took HALF A BLOODY HOUR! HALF AN HOUR OUT OF MY LIFE to respond to you nitwits!


[ September 02, 2003, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

Tea is what you drink when there's no alcohol available. In fact, tea is what you drink supplemental to alcohol.

In fact, if the poms did do one decent thing, it was introduce the cuppa to the Commonwealth.

Of course, you cultural philistines (impressive hey? I used words of more than 2 syllables) wouldn't know a good thing if it bit you on the bum.

You bloody lot tipped a whole lot of it into Boston Harbour (forgetting to first bring the water to the boil, and letting the tea draw sufficiently before serving...bad, very bad). You could have at least stolen it and sold it on the black market.


But I digress, I'll have mine white, with two sugars.


Tea is nasty. Coffee is nasty. They are both awful and I refuse to be near them.
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Originally posted by SirReal:

No Good Nagkraut, congratulations on the elevation to knighthood. We all knew that Rune sets his standards low, and that you would eventually bribe him enough to be honored like this. Excellent buttock-cleaning, NG!

Lord Rune always has had a soft spot for us Wisconsinites, especially for our women, (you would expect a hard spot, but....) I must speak with the local militia and strengthen the border guards holding the barricades against Seanachia-Pet, Lord Rune is one thing, but an infusion of Minnestroneanne genetic material would be just too much to assimilate.

This does not change the fact that I will forever hate and despise the gamey Tiger-abusing bastiche that you are. Your last "victory" (I use the term loosely, since we all know that the AI would have won that game as the germans) was an exemplary discourse in "how to win as a gamey bastiche".

Of course, that was alright when your KV's were grinding their way forward in 1941. Gamey Schamey,

serious/[actually, as I told you, I was unaware of the invulnerability of the Tigers, and will refrain from such tactics in the future]/serious

1500 pts, meeting engagement, no armour or armoured vehicles, both sides equal in fitness and experience, you'll be Nicht Gut Shagkraut, I'll be Surrealovich. The rest are insignificat details and best left to you as a warm-up excercise.


My favorite Sweatish Meatball, I would love to test wits against you again, oops, sorry, I forgot that the entire concept of "wits" was a sore spot for you. I will try and fit you into my busy schedule. Setup on the way.

[ September 02, 2003, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Btw, where are YOU in the number of CessPool matches COMPLETED (I didn't even bother with Lady Sedai's silly claim of so many ONGOING matches, as if THEY are worth anything)?

Last time I checked, it was nine completed.

As to misspelling NG's name, well, mistakes happen so easily. Just look at what happened when his parents met. {Horrid shudder}


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