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Refresh My Memory...What's the Best Way To Unbog Your Tank?

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Cancel all movement orders and order the tank to reverse a short distance to a spot STRAIGHT BEHIND the tank. Make sure it doesn't have to turn before starting to move.

I haven't done any tests but I've used it so often I'm sure it yields better results then just leaving the original movement orders.

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Believe it or not it is possible in RL as well. I have seen tanks try to go through what they thought were dry puddles only to find that the mud was a lot deeper than they thought. It is real embarasing to have to call for help on a nice sunny day because you got your track stuck :rolleyes: .

While towing in combat is possible, it normally takes so long to get into position, get hooked up, and then get towed out going again that most battles would be over before you could recover a vehicle.

My prefered methode in the game is to curse a lot as well. I have found ways that reduce bogging but no sure fire way to unbog. This goes for RL as well. :D

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I’ve found that when I’ve really got a tank bogged, the only sure way that gets it outa there quick is to aim at the ground while popping off a good burst of HE shells.

Thus rocketing that baby out, a good burst of HE fired that close could you hopping anything up 7-8 inches above ground. (depending on the size of gun of course).

Its this motion and a combination of reverse action, that will have you out of there in no time.

And of course this also serves as a very good defence for any infantry taking advantage of your the situation by sneaking up on you while you’re stuck in the mud.

oh.. does not work for machine gun vehicles...

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Originally posted by Mach:

I’ve found that when I’ve really got a tank bogged, the only sure way that gets it outa there quick is to aim at the ground while popping off a good burst of HE shells.

On a related note, has anyone been able to Panzerfaust-jump up onto that ledge in the S'pht'Kr level, the one right after you encounter that mess of evil Bobs? What's up there?
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  • 1 year later...

I love the story of a KV ramming a Pz IV when they ran out of ammo.They knocked out the panzer but the crew in the KV were themselves knocked unconscious/shaken.Another PzIV came up to them and the crew jumped on the KV and attached a tow rope to bring it back to German lines.The noise of the crew on the hull roused the Russians and when the Pz IV started towing they turned on their engine and pulled back (wahey, tug of war).Being a bigger and more powerfully engined tank, the KV ended up towing the PzIV back to Russian lines (one presumes the German crew jumped ship).

Maybe BS but if it happened then quite funny (though I dont know why the Panzer didnt just put an AP round into them at point blank range)

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Madmatt has confirmed that movement orders of any kind have no effect on unbogging. The TacAI takes over once a tank is bogged, and all movement orders are null and void until the tank gets unbogged.

Whether or not the tank gets unbogged is the matter of a simple digital "die roll." If you're unlucky, it can take quite a long time. Look at it this way - at least the dice haven't come up snake eyes yet and rendered your tank immobile.

So if you really feel like giving the tank a reverse order or whatever, feel free, but it will have no more effect than tying a rabbit's foot around your mouse cord on the status of your tanks.



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