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Hurricane Peng – A Cat 5 Challenge or just a steady drip?

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Originally posted by Harv:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Harv ... you've been absent, oh former Squire o' mine ... explain yourself sirrah!



Been busy?

Actually, I just got done that harvest type thingy so that the rest of you slackers/tossers/losers can continue eating.

Which really makes me wonder why I do it, but I digress...

Speaking of which, I must find out if there is any way to ensure that Cabdriver never eats anything produced in Canaduh. If he's forced to eat imported food (cows are happy outside of Cuba North I hear), then hopefully then he'll pick some other poor sodding country to move to and defend and finally leave us to be picked on in peace.

I'll tell you about the skunk in the wheat swath that went through the combine later maybe. I'd hate to have the Ladies afraid of what might be in the next loaf of bread they open.

Harv </font>

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OK, that's it! Dammit, I won't be stopped anymore. Now that I've seen the top of the PENG food chain and the bottom (Harv, I will grant you my attention for one brief, shining moment you tremendous, goat-lipped kiss-ass) I must retire.

It has been fun. I know you'll all miss me when I'm gone.

[ September 19, 2003, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: Cabron66 ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>Pondscum!! Be a good Kanigget and knock the dung off of my boots and hook up the car batteries to the front gate again. That's a good lad.</font>

<font size=-1>Andreas-

In the spirit of unity and the occasional reminder of how bad internet message board weirdness can really get, I offer the services of House Persiflage to you and yours. All hatchets buried, all misunderstood jokes forgotten, all dalem silliness flushed.</font>

"Play as the French, Pondscum". At least it wasn't the box...

"Hook up the car batteries to the front gate, Pondscum". That's ok, he'll forget all about it and try to go out that way...

"Support the Justicar, Pondscum". Now, wait a minut...

"Be nice to Andreas, Pondscum". NO! NO! SHAN'T! CAN'T MAKE ME!

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Okay I've decided a few things.

3) preseason hockey games are fun, even when your team lays back and spreads its legs the whole 2nd period and loses 4-2.

.) I have decided that tonight's libation for an early home on a Friday night will be beer, because I've got a holy hell of a lot clogging up the fridge.

1) One of the nicer moments of my adult life occurred yesterday when the doc walked into the exam room with my MRI's, stuck his hand out for me to shake and yelled "No knife necessary!" Instead of a torn meniscus I have a simple bursitus that can be most likely "pilled away".

4) As much as I like Harvey Keitel, I can't have him playing cabron66 in the movie because then I'd have to see his peepee again, and ye gods know we've all seen Harvey's peepee enough times already. Rather I suggest Odalys Garcia play cabron66 because she's got a nice "South of the Border" feel and I haven't seen her peepee yet.

1) cabron66 does have a bit of the multipersonality disorder that our dearly departed Gaylord Mouthbreather displayed, therefore I have a theory. Which is mine.

5) My theory is this: cabron66's groggly posts are indeed those of a frustrated, constipated, and humor-emancipated grog-type, but sometime earlier this evening he simply said "screw 'em!", or whatever y'all say up in Canucklandia and went out to a peep show, leaving his PC logged on to the BFC board. Later that night his 13 year old daughter's sleepover friends began having giggle fits as they typed in the posts we've seen in this latest incarnation of the MBT. No doubt the keyboard is littered with Diet Pepsi spills, overdone rouge detritus, bubblegum-flovored lip gloss drippings, and that sparkly stuff little girls often throw on themselves to make themselves look more... sparkly.

9) I am utterly in love with the brunette chick sitting near the penalty box who kept yelling at the opposing team's players in the box and taking their pictures with a disposable camera.

[ September 20, 2003, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

Be this the golden calf upon whose pedestal gifts of the Peng throng are laid? False idols be damned! With all the (PENG!) breath in times breast do the cosmos let blare the silvered trumpets of war (PENG!) and a NEW god is born. He who is above all things and (PENG!) in them. From nothing he comes and with malicious innocence does see what was not. For before he, there was naught but nothing to see (PENG!)...

Bah! Garbage. De Quincey does a much better job, and makes more sense.

Originally posted by Cabron66:

(Camera shifts to igloo in isolated wilderness. A shadow falls across the entrance and a bearded man with hollow eyes drags himself out into the chill air. Looking about him he turns and bolts off over the tundra. His long shanks gleaming under the light of a cruel moon. A bear skin (freshly licked by that guy named "again") coat his only protection.)

Minutes after his passing the shadows come alive and sweep across the clearing. The igloo is gone, the trees and stars follow, soon all the land will share their fate. PENG has come.

Now this is very strange! He has, probably completely inadvertantly, made the jump to the Wasteland where the Olde Ones wait! Odd. Interesting. Mind, he's still a little puddle of puppy piss, but this is an intriguing image.

It's like he's aware of the History of the Peng Challenge. It's as if he knew that nothingness called forth The Beginnings.

And, taking a negative approach, he's suggesting an image of dissolution in the wake of the Peng Challenge, rather than the image of creation (albeit a very, very strange creation) that the Peng Challenge actually entails.

It's like an anti-Dreaming. He seeks by his negative participation to uncreate, to the annoyance of the Olde Ones, what the folk have brought forth to annoy the Olde Ones.

I can't be having with that.

We're not after having any little nihilistic pissants here in the Peng Challenge Thread.

We don't mind if it's rude, as such, nor arrogant, as such, but we draw the line at those as what would unmake the rudeness and arrogance just because no one's knelt down and smooched their arse enough.

Cabron66, you're going to have to do better. I can't be having with a 'mortal enemy' who would return to the emptiness of the Void.

If you're not creating something, lad, you're just another gelding waiting for the butcher.

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Christ on a crutch, go off drinking and watching movies for a couple of hours and look what your have made of the place. This annoying tramp has an all to familiar ring. The POS theory is out but I would venture one closer to home, one with more at stake and more venom for the MBT...it is...








...wait for it.....








Col. Mustard in the study with a candle-stick.

Damnit, wrong theory. No it must be Gaywhore Talksmore. Who else has such a homo-erotic love/ hate relationship with Micheal Dorosh? Who else can, and will, post mindless drivel like its going out of style? Who else has been repeatedly berated by Seanachai? Ok, that last one doesn't really help narrow the field at all but you get my drift.

Now is the time for the unveiling of Barroom42. Step forward and announce thyself, twit.

BTW, if you are Gaywhore, send me my feckin turn and stop trying to blow Seanachai's skirt up. You know how excitable he gets with human attention.

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

Hell, do you think someone who obsesses this much sleeps?

[peers over the paddock gate...]

See, Seany-babe's asleep. Fresh, soft, *quiver* vulnerable Seany-babe.... just how yer like it... yum... now's yer chance, son, go get some Seany-babe!


[ September 20, 2003, 05:31 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Of course, this forum and its format offer you the freedom to be a jackass with relative impunity so I must simply grit my teeth and resist the temptation to respond in kind. Doing so would be to insult your country and a great many people in it who would (and probably do)find you as repulsive as I do. CabronSS

It is important to note that, as a jackass, you have the freedom to choose from an arsenal of tactics I and the rest of my kind have not had access to since we stopped rooting the insects out of each others fur. CabronSS

If your aim is to understand and get along with people then you must be willing to admit your mistakes and learn from them. CabronSS

O Canada!

Cabron's home and native land!

The gloves are off and stalking is at hand.

With gritted teeth he resists the lure.

And begins his yammering of what is good and pure.

From far and wide,

A jackass he claims to see,

O Canada, he stands on guard for thee.

God understand I tried so hard,

But in the end, fell victim to the Bard .

O Canada, he stands on guard for thee.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

See, Seany-babe's asleep. Fresh, soft, *quiver* vulnerable Seany-babe.... just how yer like it... yum... now's yer chance, son, go get some Seany-babe!


Do you mi..*choke*..nd?!

I was having a cup of *gack* *choke* tea and toast but *choke* I've suddenly *choke* lost my appetite *gack*!


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My Lord, look at all the dis-array ****scans, the Cesspool and shakes head in dis-belief****. Did Isabel do all this damage?

Seems like the tidal surge rolled in all kinds unwanted debris. Looks like they are all alsleep now....good time to get the hell out...bye!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

My oh my oh my. Where to begin? in medias res seems apropos of nothing and nothing is what this is all aboot. A boot to the groin or a knuckle to the head. It doesn't make a hoot bit of an owl's knockers to me. So Seana-Chachi loves Ritchie has hisself a Mordant Emily? P-funkadelic Allstars brotherman and I mean that like I mean just about everything to do with Jehova's Witlesses Self abusing self afreebasing Pryorian flaming headed runnin down the street fan-boy attaboy where's the mescaline preaching sundogs. This Cabron feller makes a stinging nettle condom seem like a dip in the internet pornoramathonathong humdingery dowop a dilly. If I had a hammer I'd rather be a tissue than a snot. Or is that the other side up? Can't seem to figger it out. Lets dig a bit deeper uncle Festering Mexinadian chappy got the thingy onthe brain and the strap in the crack aboot his supine suppereatin supporatin wounded knee. Long about this time last year he was crossin both borders at once buyin books and frightenin the middleclass middleaged middleamerikkkaners with his mapleleaf rag and his ground a-maizing tortillaflathead. Couldn't find hisself a bleedin clue fitwas on a all female clue college campus on the 28th of the month.

Bob Dylan, right? </font>
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Two sock monkeys owe turns: Larsaka The Loser Who Will Fail Whilst Attacking in a Rune Scenario, and Jim Boggs aka The Twit That Will Fail Whilst Attacking in a Quick Battle of His Own Choosing.

Now having slept on this on Cabron66 thing, you really CAN think better once the ill effects of ooze wears off, I must change my opinion on the twit behind the twit.

First, this whole ethnicity thing rings of another, one quite glib when writing but an absolute dunce when reading other peoples posts. Second, who is known to have spats of coherency puncuated by moments of "Mommy make them stop making fun of me"? Then there is both the obsession with Michael Dorosh and Seanachai. The fascination with der Uber-Gnome I can see. That whole suave Gnome-about-town with the slick pointy red velvet hat. Who can resist? Women want him and men want to beat him. But come now, mortal enemy? Stalking? Puuuleeeezzzee. Any cheap hoor can be a stalker and I think the lad lacks the steal to be a true Mortal Enemy. Just another blow-hard in an government issued set of jammies. That's right. I propose that Cabron66 is none other that the King of all Sock Monkeys....Rommel22.

I amaze me sometimes, I really do.

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Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

Now having slept on this on Cabron66 thing, you really CAN think better once the ill effects of ooze wears off, I must change my opinion on the twit behind the twit.

Serves you right for overindulging in "ooze", you fey pants grabber.

Any cheap hoor can be a stalker

Out this month on the Bantam Books label, subtitled "My Life on Ooze", by Mike the Whinger.

I amaze me sometimes, I really do.

Fess, up. Sparky. Shoe strings amaze you.
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