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Udates From the Front continued......

Leutnant Hogwash : Although he posts regular drivel, is an object of hatred on the General Forum, and cannot find a woman who wants to be "more than a friend" (those are his good points) HE CANNOT FIND THE TIME TO RETURN A FILE. Better for him, since he is losing badly.

sgtgoody : As a good squire should, he rushes across open ground into the waiting sights of my MG-34s, ah loyalty.

Speedy: Once again displays his lack of tactical ability and wit, as my Russian airborne units surround him in an embrace of death, he tells old Boo_Radley stories of all things.

Mace: Is brave, in a girly sort of way, (not a bad thing really), but like the rest his troops are doomed.

lenakonrad: : Has once again slipped off the face of the earth, and has not sent a turn. I dont blame him really, he is losing badly.

Seanachai: Yes the Gnome himself, and I are rushing headlong at each other, into a meeting that he will dearly regret.

must go again....will do more later....

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Unfortunate Updates:

Well, as MSN was giving me fits, I decided to switch to Earthlink. HOWEVER! As my webmail doesn't 'see' incoming mails, and OE won't let me SEND outgoing mails, you will continue to sit on your hands and bite your lower lip awaiting my sending of turns.

I will have to wait for Hiram to get here to fix whatever it is that is causing this before I can send what I've processed.

Not that it matters really...

I'm still advancing along a vast plain in my game with Konrad. It will yet be a few turns before he can start mowing down my troops and knocking out my tanks. But perhaps the snail's pace at which my games have been progressing lately will have at least allowed some time for him to forget exactly what I have on my side since we've played this one before each taking the other side. Hopefully, but I'm not holding my breath.

I'm still dying in droves against MrSpkr because he's a gamey little bastiche and had me play the side that is hideously outgunned. Was I even consulted on which side I wished to be? And if so, was I given a chance to look over the scenario before deciding??? *hmph*

Lurkur is still knocking out pretty much every tank as soon as I move one tiny bit in that hideous incarnation of a scenario by my Leige, Rune, may his eyes rot out of his head so that he can never make another nefarious scenario - meant in all due respect and humility of course.

The only real disappointment is that things FINALLY got interesting with Boo as we finally 'found' each other out there in that great darkness in which we've been stumbling. (now THAT sentence hurts the head, but I can't be bothered to make it 'flow' better right now, so deal with it).

And Elvis knows good and well why he's not getting turns from me for now. Game is on hold until the 1.03 patch is no longer in Beta. He already upgraded, and I refused to do so for now. But see, Elvis, there are now, what, THREE 1.03 versions available now? I'm not gonna keep upgrading all my games...and KEEP upgrading all my games. So you just sit with your thumb up your arse until the patch is completed. I'll get back to you in a bit.

Did I cover everything? Probably not. Never fear, I'll work up a real head of steam and let someone else have it soon enough.

Oh...and one more thing: Leeo, I thoroughly enjoyed your poem. So there. Don't anyone expect anything else nice from me, that was my quota for the decade.

Now piss off.

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Originally posted by Noba:

Posted by the clueless one: in an outerboard thread.... about CMAK.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />If it's going to have the new engine, 2004.

Really Cmplayer , don't go traipsing around the outerboards showing all your ignorance in one line.


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{Hey, that's kinda fun dalem.}

Anyhow, Leeo, that gamey swine, has somehow hacked the CMBB code to force it to grant a ceasefire when he's losing.

And just when I was going to grind the remains of his uberFinns under the treads of my T-34.

I won, but I was robbed.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Clean your fingernails at the dinner table.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

--make the mindless drivel spewed in here look like literature, or in the case of Lars, Thrice Spurner of My Challenges, Inept Thread Namer, and General Pillock, like poetry.

Ah yes, I had quite forgotten about you.

{sneer} Imagine that {/sneer}.

Send a setup. Something more amusing than your posts will be fine.

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Originally posted by Noba:

Anyway, welcome back to your real home Malajusted ... did the local authorities take the bribe monies without a murmur? You were "required" to move due to "unsavoury" public acts that required much covering up, I assume. Why else would you go to all that trouble to buy a new identity as well.

The local authorities were no trouble after I went door to door to tell the neighbors about--well, never mind about that. All in the past, I say.

Expect a setup shortly.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malakovski:

<font size=-1>In the time which it took Seanachai to get sick and return one PBEM turn, I had time to give three weeks notice, quit my job, pack up all my belongings, load them into a moving truck, drive 2,400 miles, unload said truck, and start a small business.</font>

You're sharing Boo's corner? That's so sweet. </font>
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Where have all the Olde Ones gone?

Long time passing.

Where have Three Pariahs gone?

Long time ago.

Where have all the Olde Ones gone?

Gone to Outer Boards, everyone.

When will they next return?

When will they next, return?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Yes, I have the Hurdy Gurdy and he's the one wearing the little matching hat and vest.

I am not your performing monkey, foul Ohioan, but, quite the opposite, now reside in the fair lands of Dixie.

Which reminds me, I owe you a setup...from October, I think.

What battle shall we re-create? Fort Sumter? Chickamauga?

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Where have all the Olde Ones gone?

Long time passing.

Where have Three Pariahs gone?

Long time ago.

Where have all the Olde Ones gone?

Gone to Outer Boards, everyone.

When will they next return?

When will they next, return?

I passed a little gas awhile ago.... no bigee. I suspect the same applies to the Olde Ones.

[ April 24, 2003, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Yes, I have the Hurdy Gurdy and he's the one wearing the little matching hat and vest.

I am not your performing monkey, foul Ohioan, but, quite the opposite, now reside in the fair lands of Dixie.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

You mean Civil War stuff? Don't you think that's pretty much just a study in foregone conclusions?

Death is the foregone conclusion of life, but we are not less alive for it.

Just so the few and valiant fight the faceless horde.

As Ohioans are a horde-like people, I think you should play the Russians.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

You mean Civil War stuff? Don't you think that's pretty much just a study in foregone conclusions?

Death is the foregone conclusion of life, but we are not less alive for it.

Just so the few and valiant fight the faceless horde.

As Ohioans are a horde-like people, I think you should play the Russians. </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

You mean Civil War stuff? Don't you think that's pretty much just a study in foregone conclusions?

Death is the foregone conclusion of life, but we are not less alive for it.

Just so the few and valiant fight the faceless horde.

As Ohioans are a horde-like people, I think you should play the Russians. </font>

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Hello, Hello..... Boo Boo anybody home in there, I said unarmed not onearmed , geez, I dont think you'd be capable of pouring water from a boot if the instructions were written on the heel, how's that?

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Gamy Updates!

Boo whines a lot and is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

Iskander, having suffered a total defeat at the hands of my Comradetruppen, has asked for a rematch using the aptly named 'Into the Void'. He is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

Lars lost badly at the hands of my armored cars. Now he faces my conscript Finns. He is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

Moraine is moaning about how badly she plays. She takes advice from Hiram, 'nuff said. She is losing badly. She also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

Hakko hasn't sent a turn in a while, not since encountering my 'Panzers of One Shot Death +5 Vorpal Turrets.' He is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

OGSF's offensive has stalled, much like his mind. He is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

Hortlund mocks historical accuracy by buying a German ground-support aircraft in April, 1945. It hasn't made a difference. He is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

Noba launched a pre-emptive assault on my Comradetanken. It failed. Now, he is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

RLeete has retreated back to the ghettoes of Warsaw. He is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

Seanachai spent a third of our current game trying to figure out whether I was actually in the city he is attacking. Now he is 'probing' with scouts (ewwww). It hasn't mattered. He is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

Leeo is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

Speedbump launched an assault. It stalled. I shot lots of splodey things at him. Now, he is losing badly. He also owes me a turn. So what else is new?

The rest of you can sod off.


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Ah....Lady Moraine...

Hideous? Hideous? You have not seen hideous....

I have a new scenario, in testing...what makes it hideous?


Defensive Line [stalin Line]


A River called the Dniester


Russkies in defensive positions

and Romanians....

Now, I would like an AAR of one of your battles so far. Will even let you pick any of the losers you are playing against....except Hiram, as even I can only stomach so much.

Once I get some AARs, you might even become the Lady Moraine, Kniggitt, of the House of Rune.


Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Unfortunate Updates:

Lurkur is still knocking out pretty much every tank as soon as I move one tiny bit in that hideous incarnation of a scenario by my Leige, Rune, may his eyes rot out of his head so that he can never make another nefarious scenario - meant in all due respect and humility of course.

Now piss off.

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Dear Ms. Sedai,

I feel it is my duty as a long time CM player (check the member number) to assit BFC any way that I can in advancing their product and its development. They have called upon the CM community to help them shake out any bugs in the newest (and probably last) patch so that they can move forward and work on getting new products into our hands sooner. If that means I have to update PBEM files from time to time then that is a price I am happy to pay.



P.S. Where's me fookin file.

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Nidan1 posted:

some drivel
I am currently teaching the Pillock not to get into long-range duels with Panthers and Tigers (just as I taught lenawhatsits). He is losing badly.

edited because satellite sux

[ April 24, 2003, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

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Gamey Updates

Nidan1 - bores me with his static panther defense of a tree lined road i'm forced to travel down....expecting a trafic jam soon. Probably some gay ass scenario MrSpkr designed no less.

Lars - needs to tell his T-34's to stop, drop, and roll.

Boo - continues to march to the meat grinder....while telling me how many games he used to win back in the olden days.

lenapenquad - has'nt sent a turn in awhile, his gamy artillary will only delay his inevitable defeat.

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