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A Peng Challenge Thread Coronation: Film of the Rioting at 11

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Leeo, if you take on a game against Boo, Make sure you get Tigers. Boo just loves to go up against Tigers.

His Tigers will serve him well in the dark, thick, fog.

That is where the Cabbages rule!

All hail His Grace, OGSF, ruler of the dark moist places (and Cabbages)!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Don't call my faithful squire a Fluffy, you bug infested piece of semi-edible ground cover! You want to get smote by both of us? Huh? Do ya? Then bring it on you prey of rabbits!

Ok. Sorry to cause you such perplexitude.

We all understand that you are the Duke of Fluffys.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Just making an appearance. So will that Outlaw Justicar ever put up a fight for his honor or is he too busy luting his fluffy?

Is that the divine light of his Major Sty I see oozing through the fog?

All hail his Drippiness!

I had thought that Joe had made it clear enough that even His Inbred Drainage, Major Sty, would understand that the Fluffy Oultlaw Justicar was away on business for the next week or so.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Hmm, time to organize the posse...

Pay of 1 shilling a day plus eats supplied by the Crown.

You guessed it, it's cabbage. But you're not hunting down that mangy dog for the food, are ya?</font>
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Remember well, you royal offal, for I am the Cabbage, and I will make your nights a hell of methane effluence. I'm forced to swear you my sword, but I'll not bend my knee as long as the Fluffy Outlaw Justicar is kept in the outer hall (which means I'll have an awkward hitch in my git-along).

You, Major Sty, may be king by decree, but not king by deed. You are the once Tree of Rats and future box of scat. May you eat, drink, and be merry, for on the morrow you will be Cabbage stuffing.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Just making an appearance. So will that Outlaw Justicar ever put up a fight for his honor or is he too busy luting his fluffy?

Hmmm, let's see ... on the one side (the one headed, if you can call it that), by that bizzare little man who WOULD be king if only he could recall where he'd put his brain today, Meeks (nb). With Meeks (nb) we have the full weight and power of the Olde Ones, the office of the Inquisitor General, the office of the Pretender Justicar, many of the more weak willed and lily livered Knights and heaven only knows what kind of funds looted from the CessPool treasure. On the other hand (mine, not to put too fine a point on it) we have ... ME!

Hmmm, shall we engage in Open Battle then? The ONE of ME arrayed in ranks and columns of ONE each against the massed formations, mostly unwilling but frightened, of the Official and Illegitimate CessPool? Or shall I, that is to say ME, continue with the guerrilla warfare that seems to be annoying them so much that they are forming posses to track me down?

Golly, what a poser that is.

If I fight them as they ask I acknowledge their right to exist, I acknowledge the validity of the reign of that idiot Meeks (nb) and I acknowledge the office of the Pretend Justicar ... I think not.

It does make one wonder doesn't it ... why are THEY so afraid to fight it out HERE, in the Sacred CessPool, in the manner of Knights of the CessPool. Could it be ... they know when they're being beaten?

It is ever the call of "coward" that falls so easily from the lips of the conventional forces when faced with the unconventional. I consider the source ... and dismiss it with a sneer.

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, Hit 'n Run Today,

Justicar, Justicar, He'll make the false king pay,

True to his word, 'cause ... uh ... he's ... not a nerd!*

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar



p.s. Seanachai ... the whole world isn't for sale you know, some people have a concept called HONOR. Mind you I can understand how you might THINK the whole world would be for sale considering where YOU live.

I hope ... it was worth it my friend.

*HEY, you try to write lyrics at night atop a bloody great horse and see how well YOU do.

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originally posted by Hamsters

Just making an appearance. So will that Outlaw Justicar ever put up a fight for his honor or is he too busy luting his fluffy?

Me first, your royal heinous. Its 10:59, and I am calling you out. Two things that would help.

1) Actually reading the posts- I called you names and challenged you to fight.

2) Listing an email address in your profile that is CURRENT. Tosser....

Whilst I wait for your cowardly response, I will tune in to my prescribed programming...

Fantasy Open House

Spend a half-hour touring the kinds of homes that are almost never open to public sightseeing. This show opens the doors to million-dollar-plus mansions and welcomes viewers to explore inside. Enjoy the fantasy tours filled with design information, peek into closets, check out the decor and peruse the fixtures and appointments of millionaires' homes. This series of half-hour shows visits large, pricey houses for sale across the country. The hosts are Claire Berger (100s-400s) and Laurie Hibberd (500s and up).

This is going to be good

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

p.s. Seanachai ... the whole world isn't for sale you know, some people have a concept called HONOR. Mind you I can understand how you might THINK the whole world would be for sale considering where YOU live.

I hope ... it was worth it my friend.


You impugn me, Shaw? ME?! That has always stood by the side of the Justicar, and supported him, even when his raging bluster made 'Leer in the Storm' sound sane? You question my Honour, spit upon my duty, when you are so lost to your own that you make a virtue of pride, and false pride, at that?

See, all, how he struts and preens upon the stage of his own devising! How he first denies the needs of the Cesspool, then offers up his mock heroic opposition as a sign of valour, turning what any true servant of the Cess would approach with solemn reverance, or at least from up wind, into a circus of his own broad gestures and leers, arched brows, and poses!

By all the gods, man, I approach you now not as one of the Olde Ones! We shall set aside that semi-mythological standing that raises me above the chittering of little rodent conjurers, waving their forepaws about like some sort of wizard of the vermin class, and which also, I'll have you know, makes the women go all swoony and more than willing to overlook the whole 'height' issue, and I stand now before you, toe to toe, as a simple Knight of the Cesspool.

Well, not very simple, actually; for 'truly simple' we have our very own and, I'm sure, somehow, beloved Gaylord Focker. What I mean is, 'uncomplicated by lenghty and well deserved titles and accolades that would normally crush a simple sot like Shaw into the mire'.

For, see you, Shaw, that as an Olde One, I must stand ever above the to-and-fro inanity of the MBT, a figure of dark judgement and final recourse, although, of course, not nearly so dark as Berli, but with a much better repetoire of songs, in any case.

So, Shaw, who styles himself 'the Outlaw Justicar', look now upon 'The Bard of the Peng Challenge Thread', and take this! slap, and this Slap!, and my defiance! rather nasty and unexpected boot to the privy parts

You convoke the Honourable conflict of the 'Pool, which fools, of course, take to be a challenge to a QB, or some sordid Rune scenario, still dripping with the screams of the last silly little fools that assayed it.

But you and I know what that truly means, Shaw.

Have at you, sirrah!

[ January 21, 2003, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Roight, and before anyone should assume that I've broadly and cruelly dismissed young Gaylord Focker, I hereby give him an official standing:

A salute to Gaylord Focker, the Official Tamoguchi of the Peng Challenge Thread!

The horror, I was not even aware he was ill.

My sincere feelings of something to his survivors.

May whatever it was he had, be remembered by those who new.
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Egads. I spend two days in the desert and on the beach and miss all this dribble.

Sigh. An Inquisitor General's job is never done.

Lady Roxanne, you would have done much better in court had you not insisted on trying to pass the judge $20.00 bills during the trial. I told you -- fifties and hundreds work much better, but would you listen to me?

As for you, young Malapropism, do not get to comfortable in thy new office. The Inquisitor General is ever watchful for abuses of power.

Don't make me send you to the Grue, lad, particularly not dressed in yon sheepskin outfit with woolen accessories.

Turns out tomorrow if I feel like it.


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Oh great.

We now have the twin spectacles of "OJ Rides The Range", "Crusader Cabbage", "Daffy Dalem's Dailly Ditties" AND a ruddy <U>MARRIED</U> Archbishop to BOOT! HERESY I say!

Hell's Bell's - is this worth it lads??

*drags tarnished sword across <STRIKE>m</STRIKE>yarble floor and sits next to a cleft-browed Sir Noba atop a hot pink picket fence*.

"Wot ho, noble NOBBIT. Wherefore doth thy tendencies leaneth? Art thee to partake of Royal lewdery and frippery or dost thee chose the chaste existence of OJ...?"

"Hmmm .... on reflexione, passeth me yon yard tankard brimming with merry ale and let us swig mightily!! Let us sit and watch the cavalcade of chaos pass by the by....."


Weldmesh Fencing Champion '69

[ January 22, 2003, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

As for you, young Malapropism, do not get to comfortable in thy new office. The Inquisitor General is ever watchful for abuses of power.

I am wounded by the very suggestion that I might abuse the powers I have reluctantly taken on due to the ignominious flight of the prior officeholder.

And further I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here.

Your winnings, sir.

Oh, thank you! Very much.

Now where was I? Oh yes, oh yes, I was reluctantly taking on powers, for the good of the pool, and out of a pure, unadulterated love of law and order, especially in these trying times of upheaval.

That and ruthlessly hunting down the outlaw Justicar so as to haul him up to the gibbet, so that he may "dance a fine jig 'tween Heaven and Hell" as the verse goes.

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I'm back from yet another trip to Detroit and thought I would post to annoy you all. It's good to see the Meeks is back, but it's also good to see that he's already gotten bored with the thread and is cutting back on his posting. I flipped through the past couple incarnations, and there were a few pages that were almost sounding like there was some action. Unfortunately it's already gone back to drivel that I flip through as quickly as possible to avoid damaging my eyes.

Leeo is being grilled on a spit in some scenario or other designed by Andreas "Brandstifter" Germanboy. My Russians at setup consisted of about 30 flamethrowers and a couple of platoon hqs. Later on I got some reinforcements that were carrying all sorts of bricks and sacks of concrete and have to walk a hundred miles to get to the action. Leeo has been very accomodating though-- he drove most of his halftracks right up next to the flamethrowers and parked them there so I could burn them. Maybe he got confused and thought I was just going to strip the paint so he could apply some mods or somefink. He did manage to brew up a building, but not before the little flamethrower guy burned up one of his tracks.

Pondscum is MIA in our Italians vs. Russians scenario. He's probably not really MIA-- he's probably just freezing his naughty bits off with Miss Mankato. It was pretty chilly in Detroit this past weekend, which means that it was even colder in Mankato, and Pondscum is most likely frozen over and we can skate on him.

And Meeks-- your cousin still owes me a file from a CMBO game. Why don't you go find him and bash him with a brick or something.

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