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Go tell the Outerboards, Stranger,That Here Obedient to Their Laws We Challenged Peng

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Man, I go to sleep, and while I rest peacefully, Berlichtingen the Old challenges me, a FREAK invades the outerboards, and the locks start springing. Man what is the world coming to? It must be an Australia thing.

So, here be my games:

Parabgellum: I don't know who the hell this guy is. I wake up one morning and there is a quick battle lying next to me on the hard drive. Well, at least its not fat or ugly.

Kernal Slander: We are playing Valley of Trouble 2 by Rune, and it is sweet, mainly do to my opponents willingness to "take that pill-box with an Armoured charge!"

Mrsqkr: The game that would never end, Jabo(s)! I just want a nice burial for my sacrificial soldiers. Hey MrEvil did you know that most of those troops were under 15? You're sick!

jdMORSE: He sent me a set up, and I returned it promptly. Then I never heard from him again. Is there some unwritten rule in the cess "weekly turn-around'?

Damn Yankee: Has finally anf formally taken off the gauntlet and is about to send his soldiers into the Dragons claws, bum-rushing a fortified fort(??) in a 10 battle operation.

Berli: Uh, sure man, let's fight -- tee hee!

Oh, yeah, you might remember some other SSN and an attack on Juno beach. Well, let me just say that the battle was resolved and there were NO survivors on the battered strand, only smoking ruins and dead canucks. Good deal!

[ 06-02-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I bow to your wisdom Peng, while making sure that Bauhaus doesn't spot my rear, and have posted the revised post above for your consideration.

I will now adopt the Peng method of point notation at work...this will no doubt lead to the collapse of the current State Government, the rejection of the Commonwealth Government by the voters, and the end of civilisation as we know it.

But hey, that's their problem, not ours!


[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Excellent, Macey old pouf! There is hope for you and Oz yet. On second thought, naaah!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

Bloody amateur.

For me, I'm only that way when the sun goes down. Except on weekends, of course. Then it's from when the sun comes up....

Jake! A Monts please! And you'd best cut off this Geier chap... you know where to cut, do you not?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Right on, Ike! What do people who aren't drinking doing with their pathetic lives? I've never figured it out. Of course, I've been drinking more or less constantly since age 17 or 18 or one of those lower SSN IQ numbers, so the memory fades once in a while.

In honor of this epiphany, I am today changing my sig line to the famous quote of my college roommate, who once said: "I never knew you drank till I saw you sober."

It's always gratifying to have one's talents recognized during one's own lifetime.

[ 06-02-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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My game with David did end kinda funny. As my gamey Firefly and Roos were flying across th bridge to the VL there were like 15 5crews running the oppisite direction toward th bridge. I watched it trying to figure who was doing the more gamey move.

He is right about my "spearhead" ...my damn Canadian troops would turn and run at the first sign of trouble. There wre somany things on fire and knocked out that the last 4 turns all I could do was command everyone to move toward the bridge and hope that somebody made it there. It was a twisted and ugly affair and one I hope not to repeat for some time.

David has the honor of seeing the most disorganized assault I have ever had.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Heads up guys. was waiing for the new thread to post this because I did't want it to get lost in the shuffle.

This Sunday June 3rd, 2001 I would like to do a Cesspool (or anyone else for that matter) beers around the world gig. Some of you may have seen my afternoon beer drinkin session.

I would like to see if a bunch of us can get together on Sunday various cities around the world at the same time. I amthinking about 1pm EDT which I think is 5pm in London and noon in Chicago.

The name of the bar in London is the Elbow Room and in Chicago it's in the Twisted Spoke. There is also a place in Scotland in Edinburgh called EH1. Here is the link to to site : http://www.onlinevenue.com/onlinestore/stellacam/stellacam_index.asp

You can check it out and see if there is a place near you.

Sound off if you think it will work for you guys. I will email Peng, Hiram and Croda to see if they can make it in this area. In London I hope Germangirl, Cuppy and Peter (who I owe a couple rounds to) can be on. And Berli, Moriarty, baushaus ect..in Chicago. Again there are other plces so check it out. And if you aren't near one of the bars you can still watch us and buy us beers online.

Let me know guys.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Excellent idea. What is the name of the bar in Philadelphia so I can meet you there? I'll be the gentleman with the Phillies Hat on.

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The Philly bar is O'Neals on 3rd street (about the same spot on 3rd street that Players' is on 2nd street).

Peter has requested a 4pm GMT meeting time (12:00 noon Philly time). I will be there as close to that as I can but I suspect it will be closer to 12:30 for me. I am dropping my wife off at a party at between noon and 12:15 and it is only a few blocks from the bar...which is only one block from where I live.

The Chicago crew seems to be coming up weak. Berli tells me there is no way in hell he will b in Chicago Sunday afternoon (something about the local cops looking for him or something).

Apparently the London bar is very close to where Peter lives.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Hello son.

Dinner isn't ready yet. Go back and play in the traffic, there's a good boy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Better yet, MrSpkr & I have a lovely little hotel that we'd really like to see you in... there are already lots of guests, and they're just falling all over themselves having a good time....

Damn Berli to... well, back home I guess... this is a nasty one.

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Hey Senor Lorak, guess what?

WhirliBerli (frog in bucket): Loss

dalem (fat boy wi' baseball bat): Win

Who'd-a-thunk it?

Oh, and Pengalina smacked me down the other night, can't remember if you got that one already - Him Tarzan (win), me Jane (loss).

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Well noo, Lorak ye turgid cup o' milky brown bath water - ye may recorrrrd tha followin' dramatic slaughter ain tha tome o' indignity -


Speedy Loss

Ain four bloody moves - count em - FOUR!! Score 90 / 10, bein' a Total, kackin' hais spotty arrrse, Victory.

Ah had that road, an' he didnae.


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Meeks is alive!

I have it on good authourity that he has liberated his computer from his hippy cousin HardStooler.

Now there is no excuse for the gamey bastage to not send the turn he owes me from about 6 weeks ago.

Come to think of it, another bastage is PeterSnoozealander, who is also behind in turns.

Get your finger out you bloodnut boofhead!

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Alas it is true the MacOgre has stomped me 90 to 10.

Two things lost the game for me ( numbering done for the benefit of Peng and other numerically challenged Pods )

v7. He had a road into town and I didn't.

e. My Stug couldn't shoot straight and his TD couldn't miss.

That is all.

[ 06-02-2001: Message edited by: Speedy ]

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All right, all of you bouncy, trouncy, flouncy KKaaaaannniggits!!! Listen up. OOOoo, I've been a bad freakin' simian for playing slap the knuckles with a damned SSN by the name of..., oh friiken fishbuckets, Thermo-treeburp something or other. Fact is, I'd had a bad day at the office, and I felt like a little slap sparring with a 'Cess-fricken Pool wannabe. All Well and good. Fed the troll, got a little Freudian release and some aggression therapy. Oh, so then, Some exchanges with the Scurm-vaccuming faux-cess-wannabe causes the whole pool to rethink and evaluate it's purpose in this paltry cyber-life of joy we all gain such satisfaction from. And the ability to play whack-a-round with some interloper from the boards more outer than ours, why that is a right guaranteed in the Non-Existent, Non-Tome of Non-Rules. So there, piss off the lot of you. Beside, Scotch..blah…blah…blah, you boys ain’t been livin’ unless you’ve graced your gullet with some Malt Liquor. Yep. Cheap, Quick, and effective (unlike the fricken’ cyber warriors I have to send to their demise nearly every fricken time). So, as I was saying (or was I not saying? Methinks to wonder which from me they’ll prefer), I wanted to play bad cop with some SSN who thought they could do adrive by. It suited my mood, and SOD OFF if you don’t like it.

Oh, and I was posting a little too short. Terribly sorry. Let me post the label from the beer that I got from the general store , about 2.5 miles away along a gravel road (in god’s good green northwest (and I know I should b paying attention to capitalization and spelling and all that other dreck that I most continually do at work, and shame on you if you give a flying-ferengi!) in which I live(pay attention to them damn parentheses now))).


Arrogant Bastard Ale™

“You’re Not Worthy”[iI] ™

“This is an aggressive beer. You probably won’t like it. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth. We would suggest that you stick to safer and more familiar territory --- maybee something with a multi-million dollar add campaign aimed at convincing you it’s made in a little brewery, or one that implies that their tasteless fizzy yellow beer will give you more sex appeal. Perhaps you think multi-million dollar add campaigns make a beer taste better. Perhaps you’re mouthing your words as you read this.”

Brewed and bottled by the Stone Brewing Company, San Marcos, San Diego County, California.

I would deign to suggest that some parts (if not all) is a legitimate response to any of them Pesky Look-See Trolls that poke their sickeningly puppy-like mugs in this Cistern-of-Cess from time to incarnation to fricken time (and which I’m occasionally in the mood to play with (notice the parentheses again)).

So, now, we’re down to the meat of it. I’m really quite proud that you’ve followed along to this point. That is certainly a commitment to this, the One True Mutha-Beautiful Thread , and shows a light of wit and intelligence far beyond you and your supposed patrons. But wait, I’m digressing again. Wait. Yes. The meat of it.

Aitken, after conducting some HE-driven logging in places where I wasn’t, has then run a tide of that awful olive wave over my Sturm-boys in the woods. We hada a 1 minute movie where around five of our tanks went off (maybe six), and it was very tenseful and fun. I’m merely awaiting the end screen, and I know not the results, but obviously, The results are despite and/or due to Aitken being a gamey bastidge.

MrSpkr and I have slayed a lot a’ boys. All his tanks/afv’s have died. He holds many flags. I hold two big ones. And have an over-looking Panther O’ Doom. The end is near.

Agua is on vacation. Somebody Do Or Fix Somefink! ™

harpooner has been awol. We’re in the middle of the Cirque-de-Cess, a.k.a., Event Horizon, by chrisl. I’ve resent, but I’ll try again.

jd, in an interesting conundrum from Berli, has come on like some sort of Stock-Car driver with half-tracks of Allies, who happened to catch a few squads in the road. I see Lot’s-O-Dying happening soon. However, I’ll teach him in the end who the Pool-Boy is.

So. I think that about does it. I feel so much better, don’t you? Now, I’m just a squire with a Real-Life™ (I have to work on my foundation tomorrow), so you’ll all get turns when I get around to it. And I get around to it in plenty of time, so Sod Off, Piss Off, Jump Off, and whatever else it is you want to Off.

I’ll soon be taunting to get more opponents whom:

^)I will victimize

9)will victimize me

s)will make unwanted advances upon farm animals

$$)will not really gif a truck, but will process their turns

4)will pray for the days when my post to this paltry puddle of cess were short.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

harpooner has been awol. We’re in the middle of the Cirque-de-Cess, a.k.a., Event Horizon, by chrisl. I’ve resent, but I’ll try again.


As mentioned above (and I have also received direct word of confirmation), that scum sucking bit of penguin food Meeks has stolen his computer from my loyal squire Harpooner. For that he shall pay dearly in the electrons and photons of his little luminescent digital men should he ever return to this forum. Young Harpooner is making efforts to get his own computer from whereever it is currently residing, and will send moves when he's been successful. And then I'll bash him with a 2x4 for letting Meeks wrest the machine back from him.

You guys haven't even gotten to the good part.

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Looks like we struck a nerve with Leeo. I almost get the impression he would make a good Peng-Lite™.

I think my mail server has hijacked all the turns people owe me. You have all sent me your turns, haven't you?

I should probably do something productive.

Geez, that was scary. I almost started to think that doing something productive would be a good idea.

Losername doesn't think we're funny. Waaa!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>YK2 wrote:

I saw some guy who looked suspiciously productive in charge of a bloody huge tank at the Bathgate Pipers Competition<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They have tanks at the Bathgate Pipers' Competition?? Do the locals get that upset at the noise? :)

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I'm leaving soon to go sit in a bar with Elvis. I'll be there 12:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. I'll be the gentleman with the Red Hat with a White "P" on it. I also have tight jeans and my sneakers that make me run really fast. hehe

Here is the link if you want to buy me or Elvis a beer. http://www.onlinevenue.com/onlinestore/stellacam/stellacam_index.asp

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