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Go tell the Outerboards, Stranger,That Here Obedient to Their Laws We Challenged Peng

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Dang it Fleee-oh! - first Phillie's Phool and now you. If you feed the trolls, like some psycho chick you said hi to at a party, they'll expect you to call them and keep in touch and talk to them and be their friend and . . . .



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Let's face it, you're a non-entity here. You didn't manage to make the list of old-timers, and you're being spat on by a newbie like me, so you really should be re-examining whether or not you'er fit for the cess pool!!


Stalin you annoying pissant.

Leeo is a registered Squire of the 'pool and a damn fine one at that.

You on the other hand are nothing, you are less than nothing.

May the sound of 'ignore' pervade your future postings.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Stalin you annoying pissant.

Leeo is a registered Squire of the 'pool and a damn fine one at that..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let your standards down then have you?


You on the other hand are nothing, you are less than nothing.

May the sound of 'ignore' pervade your future postings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I look forward to it!

Alas, however, I fear that there is insufficient wit and intelligence here for that happy event to come to pass!

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Phillies you phlipping phailure. It's all your phault these phreaking phools phell into our phine thread. You phorgot and phed the trolls, you phungus. Now we are phorced to listen to these phecal phreeloading pheatherbrained buphphoons phlirt like some sort oph phemale phreshman at her phirst phraternity phling!

Phorget my challenge to Dame Shaw phor the moment. I challenge you, you ephpheminate bottom pheeder. Your overinphlated opinion oph yourselph needs to be taken down a bit, you phreakish phop. Send me a setup posthaste!

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Does anyone here know what happened to Foobar?? Our Squire challenge from Heck was actually starting to approach the finish when he disappeared. I got a post asking who's turn it was a few weeks back, promptly re-sent the last turn, and haven't heard a thing since. I also have a game just starting with Meeks slightly less insane cousin, but he has houdini'ed also. It's getting to the point that I may have to start soliciting pbem's from non-poolers again, just to feed the habit.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

We now return you to our regularly scheduled program program, 101 Ways to Torture People in the Snow, starring <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Berli as, well, himself

and featuring... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

...the avenging angel of a Wrathful Gawd, who is eye-popping purple-turning vein-popping WROTH over the turn this hallowed slice of bandwidth has taken!!!

That's right, little unicellular gits, I'm talkin' bout your little Itchy and Scratchy Show, which is a disservice to a fine cartoon, but disservice is what we're all about. MrNoVwls and Pleader were bad enough, but at least they've pissed off StoutPeeEl, and memorized the rules in the process.

Whatever Thermotwaddle's been keeping warm seems to be what Stalin's organ wants to stir and they should just get a friggin' room where they can get a group rate. Y'all are not our sort. Tit-for-tat is one thing, but quid pro quo is quite another, and who's got a tat to spare anyway? Find the chat room near YOU and post your SSNs and credit card numbers, before Hiram, a formally knaggited knaggit, has to break the antenna off his Cromwell (which he'll not be using anymore, anyway) and chase you off your little corner.

Gotcha last, gotcha last, neener neener. We haven't had such scum since, well, MrSpkr and Panzerleeder. Yeeccch. This is enough to bring the literacy test and the poll tax back into vogue.

I can't believe I have to register a handgun but these dolts can walk in off the street and buy a computer.

jd advances. What is the thing like sausage we hate to see made?

chrisl, the breaker of good things. Too soon to say, but one of us is the lion's jaws and the other, the idiot's head. Meeaow. Who said that?

Peng in a tiny meeting engagement in what appear to be the Swiss Alps. Switzerland is a neutral country, go away. We are all shooting at everyone to maintain our neutrality. Present your irrevocable letter of credit and you may pass. No? Die, pfenniglos scum...

OFSG isn't necessarily a scottish twit, maybe his spell-checker is onza fritz. GET IT? Nein, du Esel, he can spell "VT" well enough, feckin hachnarbaraouckgh. I remember the good old days when trees were cover and scots were for tempering swords.

Hiram is so dead that Buffy couldn't wake him, even if she (DELETED, and he doesn't go for that sort of thing anyway, though he's fond of artistes and mimes). I'll just pick Buffy up on my way off the map edge.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Phillies you phlipping phailure. It's all your phault these phreaking phools phell into our phine thread. You phorgot and phed the trolls, you phungus. Now we are phorced to listen to these phecal phreeloading pheatherbrained buphphoons phlirt like some sort oph phemale phreshman at her phirst phraternity phling!

Phorget my challenge to Dame Shaw phor the moment. I challenge you, you ephpheminate bottom pheeder. Your overinphlated opinion oph yourselph needs to be taken down a bit, you phreakish phop. Send me a setup posthaste!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

MisterSprinkler, I'm glad that you are Seanachai's squire. I was also his squire a while ago. He taught me nothing. I see he is teaching you nothing too. Its bad form to challenge me and also demand a setup. If you want a game, then you send the setup.

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Speaking of Seanachai, it is my dismal duty to report on the current status of our game.

Turn 14 of 30 and my Uber sneeeky flanking attack has been blunted by the late arrival of the covering smokescreen which resulted in the loss of a german H/T and the squad it was carrying. Another H/T accompanying it went all Lenins organy when the AI took over and I fear it too will be lost in the opening seconds of the next movie.

The security of my right flank rests in a duel between my ****tank and Seanies Churchill VIII which are both hull down, I feel I may get the next shot in but it had better count or else I shall have no option other than to round up the crew's families to detention centres.

Action on the other parts of the front is limited to Snoochyian harassing arty and the odd bit of sniping, both sides content to hold back until the question of the right flank has been resolved.

Pray for me, 'poolers.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Dame Kitty!


Your hamsters made print in the latest issue of Computer Gaming World

Under the picture is the following caption...

One mod maker took a dare too far in creating furry faces for the soldiers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hehehe, no they din't. They did? Really?? `=D


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So, Philly, let's see if I've got this right?

Kay-nig-it's don't teach their squires anything....and squires can be as cheeky as they like to kay-nig-its when they get challenged.

did I miss anything?

Gosh it's a regular little cess pit of actual game related info her tonight.

Why were y'all posting all that crap earlier on then?

Shouldn't you be playing CM if you've got spare time on your hands?????

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I'v noticed a few things in the past half year, real cess'ers are leaving for other things, be it the bought a new sex toy which they are totaly taken up with or they have also realized something I have noticed.

The cess has become more then a small school yard where the little boys can say "neener neener neener" and pull on the one girls hair, while she kicks them in the leg in the chance to prove her manhood but in a girls way (since she was banned, kicking the boys in the "glocken", and the boys were banned in pulling her training bra).

what ever happened to the witty long writings? where is the sharp tounges of insults that would make a novelist proud? Even the quite funny and humorus description of a battle once it was finished are lost to the fast food way of

"Lorak, rack'm up Mace (looser) Me (winner)"

how droll, how dry. I must admit that Peng comes in off and on and writes up some of his classic long rants or insane thoughts, Senachai also but I regret he is falling to the wayside to de-evolving to the short natter which has been comming out of the pool. This "did not!" "did to!" arguments are as exciting and funny as watching condensation form on a nuka cola bottle in a humid groggy summer.

Other "vets" of the Cess are gone because of this fact, some are visiting less and less, and in the end, fade away.

Why? becuase the interest and the challange to out wit or outsmart the fellow pooler with the charm of a playwright is gone.

Maybe thats the evelution of the cess, more the fast food responces, the fill the tank 1/10ths full and drive to the next tank station. Sure the new guys maybe don't have the time or thier fingers hurt after typing "did to!!", before the poolers would spend at the looks of it a good 30 minutes to write practicaly a small short story which brought the joy of reading and then wiping the tear from your eye, laughing. now one spends the 30 minutes flipping through four pages in hopes something worth reading is there.

I'm not innocent either, I have done my one liners and short post, but at least I realize how dull that is, and will try to make better of my posts. some poolers have style (ie OSGF) which he writes in a strange language which I alone spend ten minutes figuring out what the heck he wrote, or at least wording the text in a scottish accent, then laugh.

some gone poolers are right, one wrote a lengthy comment or description and left, comes the next day and sees that the cess has grown only 1 page!!! but when ya opened it, it was like opening a book of wonders and wit! each post had about more then 50 lines of smartass comments and blather, now one comes in and sees the cess has expaned 4 pages and all drivel! MY god Peng could come in and make one post worth of text which now is used up in four pages, by a odd 8 poolers.

call me moldy, call me "the village idiot" if you will, but at least this idiot is realizing the village is dying. Does that mean I leave? most likely not, this idiot wishes and will try to change the pool to what it was, the old drinking hole used to be a meeting point where the lads came to jarr and listen.. now the watering hole has become a tavern filled with bar flies which blech and ask why the beer nuts taste like cigarettes?? and not realizing they are eating out of the ashtray.

disapointed, hmm maybe. upset? hmm I'm not sure. one thing I do miss is the wonderful writings which one could spend hours reading, much of the immune system the cess had was those long writings, many of the riffraff from ouside stepped in and were shocked by how many words are in the English language and left. now any kid off the street can come in and say "whazza Peng?"... ask yourself why the kid is asking that??

its because the cess is no more then a one stop leave a message at the tone, we'll call you don't call us thread. before the kid would have came in and spent the last 10 minutes reading a write up from Peng and Senachai and realized "wow, ok this is what is about"

as the emortal words of a wonderful writer and composer of text "feh".

Ich habe wirklich die Schnauze voll.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

I'v noticed a few things ..... zzzzzzzz ........

Ich habe wirklich die Schnauze voll.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry menschy I drifted off there for a while, do you mind writing a brief synopsis of a few lines?

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The bit about the sex toys got my interest, but after that my eyes glazed over, so I must agree strongly with my South Australian Collegue - a synopsis, Mensch, would be very handy.

Can you keep the sex references in though?


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I do agree with my 'colleague' (even though he is German) in his thoughts.

Sure, I am one of those dippers to which he refers and I make no dive for sympathy. I just want you to know, Munch, that I am right there by your side, holding your hand.

Here in Mighty Blighty, we have seen the same thing happen to our rural villages. Once communities, they are now mere shells of their former beauty. The local pubs have been replaced by theme bars filled to the brim with barely teens and thugs. Friendly shops that know exactly what you want have been overwhelmed by the giant out of town supermarkets that stock their shelves with generic, genetic gluten stodge. And the people themselves have been priced out of their own homes by the city slickers who crave the idyll of a country cottage for weekends.

It's what they call progress in democracy, old boy, and there's nowt we can do about it except take ourselves off to a second or third world country and start again.

Tearfully and reminicently yours,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

no takers?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would have loved to taken you up on the offer, bearing in mind the heartfelt community speech I just made, but my honey and I are off to the country for the weekend. I will join you in spirit, however, and raise a toast to the good old days.

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Mensch is a little long-wided (it comes with age, I guess) so I'll write up a brief synopsis for everyone.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Why back in my day men were men, boys were cute and women were non-existant. But did that stop us from being the best? Oh no, we were the best, and we coulda been contenders!

"Now look at the youth of today. They lack CHARACTER, that's what they lack. They never had to crank a telephone to get it started, or a car for that matter. They never had to watch a black and white TV and imagine the color -- oh no, they see the technicolor right on the screens.

"The youth of today -- they have it all and don't care. They never had an internet that was nothing but a black (or amber or green) screen with blocky type, where all you could find was some dissertation written by dodgy old academicians. Oh no! They NEVER had the good ol' days where men were in charge, the boys got spanked, and the women were meek! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You see, there comes a point in a man's life, where suddenly all the songs on the radio are crap, all the jokes you hear have been told, and all the women you see have already said "Not on your life." It is at this point where a man(sic) like Mensch, to keep his own self-worth bolstered on the false and decaying memory of a misbegotten life, must realize that "the best is behind me."

Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage rage angainst the dying of the light.

Oh yeah, and lots of sex with HOT CHICKS!

[ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Yes, Panty Wetter, you have a point in living life to the full but, my point is deeper. It's all about respect and courage, which our 'yoof' is missing.

Anyone today can go out and buy a gun to shoot our neighbour's head off, rape his daughter and steal his car. But who among us has the courage to lend him your mower or help paint his eaves? Not many, I can assure you.

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