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An update: Meeks, after having a passionate interlude with his "Cantonese girlfriend" (stop tittering! We all know she is a fiction, but let's not embarrass the boy any more than he brings upon himself, {I happen to call my right hand "Sally." and pretend it is of hispanic origin sometimes, so let's allow meeks his little asian fantasy shall we?})

where was I? Oh yes, after his little manual love fest he wiped up and returned to the game. AND I TROUNCED HIM! Doubtless he has crept off to some dank little opium pit to lick his wounds (and since he is such a dog, probably his balls as well), and be daunted all by himself.

Meeks is not the sort who can admit that he is or has been daunted, and will most likely deny with his last breath that the awesome power of my onslaught was in any way shape or form daunting in the least; but we know better. We who know meeks know that deep down his inner croda is a bundle of jangled nerves, and were it not for the brick and the occasional ride through polar bear interiors he would be a gibbering loon.

I'm sorry. He is a gibbering loon.

Anyway, my point is that despite fairly significant losses on my part, due to two extremely unfair and probably illgotten jabos, meeks wreaked havoc on my TCs, and two well placed Shermies that also had their way with the StugH42s I brought along for the purpose of blowin up buildings. I mangaged to eke out a 72 to 28 victory. Fortunately I husbanded my 3 Mark IVs (no relation to the BBS Mark IV, whom I shall insult at some other time) and brought them to bear on his seemingly ridiculous number of MGs. Which brings us to the question of Meeks' stability.

He bought a Heavy Wepons Coy instead of an infantry Coy, which seems like a bit of an odd choice, but it gets even better. Just prior to cravenly surrendering to my superior intellect, charm and wit, he confessed this fact and when I asked why he didn't ask for a restart in the very beginning instead of playing the game out he replied "I didn't think it would matter."

It is so sad when a mind finally reaches the end of its useful life and just clings to the world like a leech on a face. let go meeks, your time here is over.



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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All right now you listen here, you rat bastard. I'll take my lumps when I deserve 'em but not like that. Who among us doesn't naturally assume that a bunch of great big Ma Deuces aren't better than those pea-shooters the RI have? Eh?! All right, everyone who just raised their hands are grogs and should be ashamed of perusing the Pool. Don't give me any of that **** about firepower and concentration of something or another. It's simple, in the great Rock-Paper-Scissors of life, great big honkin gun beats little peashooter. It's not my fault if CM is not realistic.

And give me back my nipples, you bastard.


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Pawbroon's topplement has been engineered by mine own hands. Oh yes, his limeys were no match for my superior if mish-mashed German arms and armor. Chalk it up, Lorak! Major Victory for the conquerer and resplendent emperor of the Pool over the pitiful Frenchie type.


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Well, I've just got back and I must say I'm totally disgusted!!!!

Not only do I have to read 2 pages of mindless drivel since I left, but some of these are damned too complicated for someone like me who still thinks John & Betty is hard reading.

Hiram sends me some cyptic message over ICQ which mentions something about mounting grumpy old men.

And what's worse is that those damned North Victorian Sheep just wouldn't keep still, and at 36 degrees celsius it was way too damned hot to be running after them.

I'm now misereable and grumpy and I've decided to go get drunk!

Sod you all!


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In a bout of sheer lunacy here is a quick study concerning the Elijahs of France.

Please note that it appears ONLY 75 times in a whole century making it a pretty rare occurence in here.

Ranking as the 3946th christian name while us Marcels are 6th but then I had no doubt whatsoever about that...

The Elijahs are known to kick the Marcels 86 to 14 here and there.

Here is a chart depicting that:


All of this is based of French Stats (INSEE) making it useless for you foreigners.

Mind you I'd have a better night knowing Elijah is a rare occurence.

Now drop dead will you?!


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Will some one give Pawbroon something to do, ferchristsake!

A bored Pawbroon is a dangerous thing. Next he will be calculating the Standard Deviation of the occurance of the name Maurice...and we don't want that do we?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Would you guys like a picture page at the cesspool site to post an on-line picture of yourself? If so I'd be happy to do it.

2) a general picture area. Sort of like a year book with the picture and your text.


Not a bad idea Herr Lorak, I'm up for it.

It will of course take away some of the mystique surrounding our identities.

I've always pictured Seanaechi as a young Richard Nixon, how sad will I be to see that he bears a resemblence to the Elephant man with a hangover.

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Lorak, your setup is in your inbox you miserable twit.

I have also subjected myself again to Berli's evil ways with a setup off to him. Us GI's just don't learn our lessons I suppose.

Also, Lorak, upon reviewing your glamourous site, I've noticed you have not properly updated GI Tom's scores as of yet. I know you loathe everyone, but why must you insist on taking it out me just a little bit more??

Now listen up, here's the deal.

GI Tom vs Chup: GI Tom

GI Tom vs JD: GI Tom

GI Tom vs JD: JD

GI Tom vs Berli: GI Tom

GI Tom vs Berli: Berli

GI Tom vs Joe Shaw: GI Tom

GI Tom vs Joe Shaw: GI Tom

So, please move a few more balls (down Bauhaus) on your loathing abacus in my direction.

I have publicly posted them here so you will see that no one refutes them. I'm a stand up guy like that. Plus, it shows my superiority over everyone, as it should.

::Pats Lorak on the cheek twice:: Now, get back down into your hole and move em' out!

As for the rest of you, may your day be filled with thoughts of the face of Peng.

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of weird sandwich.

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Here is a thought for all of you to chew on.

The Pool being a community with its own Myths & Gimmicks, we discussed with Berlichtingen the possibility to do a Pool MOD concerning some or all of the WAV files.

What we envision here is the Ultimate Non Grog PoolMOD on par with Kitty’s famed Hamsters…

After a brief chat, we came up with this.

Between Poolers we cover pretty much every nation in CM and we can thus do some dubbing.

For the Poles we can still use some of Senility best quotes for they are most of the times not making sense at all.

Some tentative quotes to be said either by the actual Pooler quoted or by those doing the dubbing are:

> Damn you Mensch, I pee on your ancestors!! (Anyone)

> Sod off Newbie!! (JDMorse)

> Die a Lot!! (Peng)

> Baguette, croissant, auto-surrender!! (PawBroon)

> Brick Shelling!! (Seanachai)

> Sit down Bauhaus!! (Everybody)

> Don’t shoot the sheep!! (Mace)

> You suck Moriarty!! (Everybody)

> I put the Padlock on ye!! (Surrendering WAV file by MadMatt)

> That glacis was at 60° do somefinks!! (Any Grog from the Forum when an AFV is destroyed)

> Don’t rape the civilians!! (Emma & Kitty)

> You killed my Inner Croda!! (Anyone bored by the “Oww my leg”)

Anyway you get the idea.

The purpose of this aside from the sheer fun of it is the immersion factor.

We mostly play between ourselves and a batch file to swap regular WAVs to PoolWAVs would help us enjoy the fact that we are indeed firing on a Pooler and not on a regular Grog/Nerd/Geek/Whatever…

So please keep me posted on who’s in and what sort of WAVs to put in that MOD.

Having the complete 5 Threads so far, I’d do a search about the compulsory ones which makes us Poolers.

If you have any ideas or suggestions shoot them my way.

Yours wretchedly…


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Meeks you worthless cretin!!!! How do you have time to play all these games with people but no time to send my a file from our game. Or are you picking and chosing which games you continue and which you don't.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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You schmucks. Yes, I mean ALL of you. I go away for two days and you add four pages of filth to this fetid place. I will have to keep a closer watch in the future.

Mace, I will send you a setup momentarily. I believe you have no choice but to accept or retire from public cesspool life as a disgraced coward.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Spectacular, spectacular idea, except it has no direct quotes from the wittiest Pooler of them all. No not Bauhaus!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pawbroon, that is a pectacular, spectacular idea, except it has no direct quotes from the wittiest Pooler of them all, me. I mean, Christ Jesus man, I've produced some epic stuff. Really. Guys?

And Elvis, I'll have you know I'm enamored with TCP/IP play, I promise to let you slaughter me unmercifully as soon as I get over this amazing TCP/IP thing. (Berli and I played a full game in, roughly, 27 seconds!)


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

I claim the right to force JarJarHead into a newbie battle against the annoying newbie git of our choosing on the glorious field of battle known as 'Crodaburg.' So shall it be written, so shall it be done.


I accept the decree, from the self appointed person who offers decrees. I prefer Allies.

Now you hyena's with your foul breath, and filth hanging from the stringy hair of your back sides. Have at it.

[This message has been edited by Jarhead (edited 01-20-2001).]

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Now that I have your attention, it is clear to me that anything subtle like satire, metaphor, innuendo, simile, litotes, or nudge-nudge wink-wink periphrasis are beyond the capacity of your New Age-addled mind. Since you couldn't figure it out the first time, I'll put it in language that you can understand using words of one syllable only (proper nouns excluded):

Please add this to the tome: Hakko Ichiu win/Chupacabra loss.

There, that wasn't so difficult was it? Let's see if you, in future, you can evolve to a point where you no longer have to get your information through Mommy's breast.

There's a good elf.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Battle update

This is gonna be a short one because I only have two (and a half?) battles going.

My duel with a non-Pooler, Mr. Hankey, goeth extremely well. We're on the thirteenth turn of Last Defense (the "real" version) and I, as the attacker, am grinding him into submission. My infantry platoons, three of them, have taken a total of twelve casualties. He has scored three point-blank bazooka hits, one on a half-track, with a total of no damage inflicted. His three reinforcing M18s, coming on turn 10, were quickly dispatched, although they managed to B.U. my Tiger. I've dislodged him from his front-line foxholes and occupied them myself. Now, in his own words, it's all over but the sobbin'.

Meanwhile, my battle with our favorite ambulance chaser is still in its opening stages (turn 4). He has fired close to 100 rounds of 81mm, by my estimation, and managed to knock out two trucks and scare one squad. We will have to see how the fight unfolds.

Here comes the half. Mace has disgracefully failed to return my setup. That's all there is to it, at this point.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

My duel with a non-Pooler, Mr. Hankey,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Didn't your parents teach you not to play with your fecal matter? And we don't want to hear about what you're doing with non-poolers anyway. Just go away. Your previous post was even stupider.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

You schmucks. Yes, I mean ALL of you. I go away for two days and you add four pages of filth to this fetid place. I will have to keep a closer watch in the future.


Croda Here is the other newbie git for Crodaburg. UpChuckie6 vs. JarHead.


This message brought to you by

Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service,

Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool

formerly The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

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Meeks you coward!!!! How do I find you online? What is your AIM name or ICQ #...I am happy to finish this via TCP/IP and this is the perfect weekend to do it.

It's swine like you that give swine like me a bad name.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Meeks you coward!!!! How do I find you online? What is your AIM name or ICQ #...I am happy to finish this via TCP/IP and this is the perfect weekend to do it.

It's swine like you that give swine like me a bad name.


You know, Elvis. Guys like you make guys like me hate guys like you. My ICQ is on my verdamnt profile, you dirty rotten son of a bitch.


"My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!"


"Send him to CM2."


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Guest Madmatt


In all seriousness we are starting to wonder about the validity of the continuance of the Cesspool.

In recent days I seen multiple leaks and many nonsense posts which can be directly attributable to either this thread itself or people that post here.

I want to start seeing some self moderation on all of your parts or I will close this down and any subsequent "Cesslike" thread.

You may stay here and belittle and insult each other and generally have a good time all you want, but when you start to take it into the main body of the forum it makes my job difficult and generally upsets the majority of our customers who have every right to enjoy the Discussion Forum as much as the next guy.

So, tighten up around here or the Cess will be a thing of the past...

Thank you,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

Are you saying I should play Jarhead? It would be my pleasure.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Check6, pool whore? Plays with anyone?

btw, Lorak rack up a draw between Meeks and Mace. The battle of Uber Ms started well, with Macey equipped with a Sexton, two platoons of Polish troops, and numerous 2" mortars. Meeks was equipped with SMG toting Nazi pig dogs, an 81mm mortar and 2 251s and a rocket firing FO.

the Sexton removed one 251, and introduced new parking lots in the small village (which was the location of the one VL), a well placed handgrenade removed the other. the sexton was later removed via death by 81mm.

The rockets didn't do much but annoy both sides and forced the local populace to move somewhere else a lot more peaceful. Meeks summarilily had the FO killed by (Polish) firing squad

Let's say with the Armour removed, the battle was reduced to infantry fire fights, and when the ammo ran out, name calling and finger pointing!

Final score was Meeks 37, Mace 32.

The game obviously took a liking to me and my rugged good looks, and declared a draw. So, must suck to be Meeks! wink.gif


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