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Time to Lock the Forum and Concentrate on Peng Thread

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SS_bootlicker.....I am always up for teaching someone how this game is played.

Send me a set up...any type game any side..hell, you can even give me all conscript Polish infantry against vetern German armor and I can win...I've done it before.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Steve's lockup message caught my eye.

OK, I am closing this one up. I refuse to let this thread become the one that is the first go reach the 200 mark, so better to nip this one in the bud.

Plus, I think our server will crash if there are any more smilies put into a single thread

Does anyone find it ironic that Steve was at one time worried about the Peng thread reaching 200 posts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The gods must be crazy.

That really was a crack-up on reading this AM in 2001; remember, it was before the Night of the Refreshing Monkeys, and long before the first P2K.

Then there was alt.panzers.booze....

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Ahh ElYeastinfection...I seem to recall our last endeavor you waving your white knickers and begging not to be spanked any further. You know I dont play that crawling Pbem stuff ... I will only trounce you in person ... I also seem to recall you asking to be taken down a notch in our last meeting.. I see your head has swelled again to guiness proportions... quick get me a phone you'll be a celebrity tongue.gif

The guantlet is thrown man!



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Guest Wildman


You wish it were a default. The file was sent to my work, and as I am at home, finding balance to my pathetic CM crazed life.

You will get the damn file when I am good and ready, you twit


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman:


You wish it were a default. The file was sent to my work, and as I am at home, finding balance to my pathetic CM crazed life.

You will get the damn file when I am good and ready, you twit


Considerin' they're both crawling worms an a sick dog's intestinal tract, Ah thank they are showin' some promise. Nae a lot o' promise, but some.

Sae Steve-tha-rabbit-shagger, have ye noo tae say tae tha bellowing Wildebeest an response? Ye noo gwintae sit back an' let him by wi' tha' are ye?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman:

You will get the damn file when I am good and ready, you twit


Now thats a little more like it.

You pair must hate each other with a burning fire in your eye. You must hate with a fury as intense as that which your parents showed to the midwife when she refused to perform the abortion 3 minutes after your births.

Remember, "There can be only one".

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Lorak, you loathesome creature, it pains me terribly to ask you to chalk up a victory for Peter"sheep, mmmm"NZer, and a loss for me. He's a cheating little bastard though-- letting the computer pick, and it gave me 4 churchills with max speeds of about 16 mph, plus a couple of Sherman Vs to his Panther platoon, with some StuGs and a MkIV as support. This calls for a rematch, without letting the evil computer choose the forces.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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I'm just wondering if Mr. Peng ever wanders out of the stinking pits of threads that bear his name. I haven't read anything by him for ages in the "normal" part of this forum and a quick scan in even this thread doesn't turn up his presence. Is he still alive?!?

I'm only asking because I have a bucketful of fugitive smilies who want to know if the coast is clear yet.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peterk:

I'm just wondering if Mr. Peng ever wanders out of the stinking pits of threads that bear his name.


he's locked in a cell padded room like me after stalking hours. Only difference is my padded room looks nicer.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by some uncatergorized freak of nature:


You wish it were a default...

You will get the damn file when I am good and ready, if that's OK with you, Sir


Mouldmoan, you wirehaired, stoat-fisting FREAK. Get the f'ing file over here NOW, or I'll come over there and wrench it from your peanut sized, air filled skull, you yellow backed piece of f'ing pondlife.

Is that clear?


StevetheRat 1:0 Wildman

[This message has been edited by stevetherat (edited 01-15-2001).]

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Don't have much time to waste on you pathetic ameoba excretia so this will be brief, like Croda's memory and Germanboy's leiderhossen. *shudder*


As stated he lost. He lost REALLL GUUUOOD as they say down in the southern USA. All of it died in a might 88:12 victory to me. All sorts of pretty booms and crashes. I think one panther racked up about 5 vehicle kills, a Tiger and pzIV enjoyed a shooting gallery of Shermans, Kangaroo's and assorted other dead things. Boy o Boy, that was fun.


Yeah, he lost bad. Maybe it was the PC's fault? Perhaps it was the weather? Perhaps Chris just stunk? I know what I think. And I agree, a rematch is in order!

As for the rest?

Well against someone who i think is nijis, (it's hard to tell when the mail comes from 'Sanna and Steve N', does your wife hold your hand when you play?) things are going bad. I think the close proximity to Germantrouser and Chupagit pre-christmas warped my mind, because upon checking my turns in the new year with the benefit of being more than 100 miles away from either of them over the break, I discover that my unit choices are insane and my tactics appalling. I scream as my panthers die. I expect he will enjoy the pleasures of a surrender soon.


I feel like I'm at a carnival. Some freak with one eyebrow and too much chest hair squinting at me saying 'go on laddie take your best shot!' while I line up to win a giant cuddly teddy-bear by shooting a target with an airgun, and after 6 shots I find the sodding site is sodding misslined, so I grab the gun and smash the butt into his face repeatedly screaming 'you bastard you cheated me, damn carnies die the lot of you!'

OK, enough about my past, in essence that's what's happening in our game. My tanks couldn't hit Rossane Arnold's ass from 5 paces whereas his can. I still think I'll win because i am superior in all regards. And I don't have a uni-brow.


Send me a turn, git. If you were responsible and read all the posts you'd know i lost all my files. I want to finish you off, 1.1 style.


About as regular as an incontinent moose, which is what I think he has been bothering himself with since I HAVE RECEIVED NO FILE!


Another bloody yank. Seems he can't send the file since we're having version issues, i dunno. Well how about sending it to some other person and asking them to save it up to the latest version?

Herriam Loosing

About to surrender to me i believe. Still, no surprise there. Surprised he hasn't macroed the button yet. VoT2 is a mess of burning Yanky tanks and my men are having a bew-up while the rest of his forces race to be the first to leave the battlefield.

Anyone else of importance?

Well of course not.



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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Whats this? Meeks the new keeper of the Mutha Beautiful Thread? Oh well, lets just hope you do a better job than those damn Aussies did. All that G'day sheila and sheep talk was about as exciting as watching paint dry. Still you sure have made a good start Meeks, what with Seanachiacoochiecoo, and the Great Peng christining your thread not to mention that great poet OGSF (Rabbie Burns eat your heart out) well how can you go wrong? Yep, tis nice to see Sean and Peng posting again, So glad your now on the mend Peng, I for one truly missed you. So get your god damn ass out of that bed and do some more posting before I come over there and claim back my red negligee......

Crodaaaaaaaaaa where are you? and Germanboy whats with the (I'm not posting on this thread routine?) you sulking or what? The pool isn't the pool without you lot of sad excuses for men adding your little pieces of gibberish occasionaly, so c'mon crawl out from beneath whatever slimy place you are all hiding and get posting cos the nights are longgggggg and cold and I need entertaining. Are you reading this PawBroon? if so then Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. rolleyes.gif

P.S Almost lost the thread to the second page. * nods head in disbelief *

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Anyone else of importance?

Well of course not.


Well, Lord of the Dance, I don't know whether to be relieved or insulted that you didn't mention our game, so I'll choose indifference. I know that, being descended from sound prison stock, you are tough and stringy, but are you fleet of mind and spirit? I don't think so. And even though my empty sig space (and I still think sigs are for the weak) is at stake here, I'll give you a hint.

Leave the battlefield now, and no one else gets hurt.

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Okay, I have tried to post earlier but if it isn't my password that is hosed its the micro-shaft browser that keeps f'ing up. In hope that it works this time.....


LORAK! I have an update for you, oh Lord of the Tome

Chup-pa-dupe LOST to me 84-16 or somefink like that. He claims it was a gamey move that planted the shiv between his ribs but I protested that there was a road. I was JUST driving down it. Sheeesh.



JSHANDORF - WIN (Yeeeeaaah!)

Crud-da: His Mr.Ass is getting to know my Mr.Foot really well.

Gerbil-boy: After that initial flurry he has decided to let me come to him. It should be interesting. It's time for my patented HUMAN-WAVE ATTACK!!. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! CHARGE!!!!

Herr-Obutt: If you would get turns back to me more than once every 3 days it wouldn't REALLY take me this long to kick your ass. Now hurry up and die!

The Dalem: Ya know.. I think he actually believes he is winning. [Chuckle] You see, Dalem, when your men turn and run away and then refuse to take your orders... that's baaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Marlow: After THIS battle you won't be able to stare at yourself in the mirror let alone your kids.

Boriarty: POW! POW! Yeeeeeeeeeah, boy! He's takin' a dirt nap! [street talk off] (translation) He is losing. Badly.

BTW Didn't I TELL you guys that the vikings would choke like some cheap 2 dollar hooker working the bus stop? Hmmmmm! Didn't I! Flippin' Vike-queeens.



I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rodent Boy Meeks:

I still have a massive amount of personal crap to take care of, including ... going to the AFC Championship Game (MUhahaha!!!)


Did you have a good time Meeksy?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> originally posted by Hiram in the "get your questions answered here" thread

Which amounts to: I should be able to kick each and every one of your butts in PBEM.

Refute my conclusion if you dare.


Hey hiram, you've been notably scarce in this incarnation, but I'm running low on games and would be happy to refute your conclusion, so send me a file.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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Alright Hiram. I've owed you a reaming for a while now. Time to bend over and face your maker.

Send me a setup, Eagle-boy, scenario or QB, I don't care, preferably 2000 pts. or less. I'll leave the boring details up to you, just try not to pansy it up too much.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Ye of the extreme wussiness (if there is any question - this definitely means YOU!)

I am not doing much reading of the bbs as I am primarily engaged in dealing firey death in my voluminous load of PBEMs.

So if you think I owe you a turn (Moriarty), you are on crack. Keep those turns coming, losers, as i have quite a jones to work off here in the next two weeks.

Kudos go to most of the NWHeraldites who fire off turns like well oiled gattling guns and his esquireness for supplying not only turns but good info on mods.

So to reiterate, I want a lot more dying a lot now, and a lot more later.

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Croda asked if I could post this for him: "An Open Letter to the CessPool:

By this letter I hope to convey two things to everyone:

1. I despise each and every one of you (except for Emma).

2. My net connection at work is jacked up like one Peter's sheep after he's been hitting the bottle.

Basically, I do all of my postings from work. Little do they know that they are paying me to tell each of you that your respective levels of hygiene and intelliegence make moot all attempts at disguising the fact that you were all raised in the wild by particularly ill-mannered raccoons. But the issue here is not your vile odors, or the sniffing of trash cans that you so verily enjoy, the issue is my inablity to get to Battlefront.com, and thereby my home-away-from-home, the Muthabeautiful Peng Challenge Thread. It is not only disappointing to miss out on your horrid visages every morning, but it is absurdly unsettling to contemplate that I will now have to fill all 8 hours of my work day with work, lest I decide to see if I can read font-size 1 in Word with the naked eye. There is no joy in Mudville.

I shall post no game updates in this letter, as they are all depressing save one or two, which are not depressing, but go far beyond that state and into a realm known

best as 'self-mutilating.' Therefore, no updates here. I do however want to ensure everyone that my absence is in no way of a PawBroon-esque hiatus from the 'Pool,

nor a Mensch-esque hiatus from reality, nor a Meeksian claim to be travelling to the Marianas where I shall dive to depths unimaginable and look for glowing fish and

the aliens from 'The Abyss.' I am still a living, breathing member of this forum and especially this thread (if not it's lifeblood). I remain your Inner Croda, your

Outer Whipping Boy, and your All Around Nuisance.

I will essai to post from home, but unfortunately Battlefront's speed is terrible at best from my house. Posting a message has all the quickness of the damned Polar Bear who we payed to chase down and devour old Elijah. I will continue to play my games as poorly as in the past, and will hold onto dalem's dog's ears as they comfort me when I am lonely for the 'Pool. Now, I am sure that my detractors will see fit to taunt me heretically in my absence, as the yellow cowards that they

continue to be, however I say to them: 'Stop it!' and I highly suggest they listen.

I would also like to put before the 'Pool that the next two ridiculously annoying newcomers who venture in with an eye towards settling down be forced to play each other for the 'Pool's collective enjoyment on a sadistic map known best as 'Crodaburg.' It is similar to the epic battle of the Hornburg, except for the fact that everything about it is entirely different and the names have been changed to protect the innocent, none of which were present.

So until such point as things clear up here (could be tommorrow or never), my contractor ass gets shipped elsewhere, or I convince my wife that more bandwidth =faster shopping, I am screwed. I will continue to check in on you however, so feel free to despise me in my absence, and I will make valiant and heroic attempts at hating you from home on occasion.



And how 'bout them Raidahs!"

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Does anyone else think that the board has seen a revival in actual, useful, historical discussions? Seems all the dOoDz have got fed up and are playing Rogue Spear (sit down bauhaus!) while they wait for CM2, leaving the board for people who have something worthwhile to say.

Or maybe I just think all the threads are useful because I haven't had much sleep recently and I'm not going to get it anytime soon.

Inner Croda: Get back to work, you moron!

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Guest Lord General MB


Dave make good point. Ogg here damand rocks....and BTW the Cesspool sucks!



Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

Croda asked if I could post this for him:

"I am a worthless peice of crap and this is the best excuse I could come up with for running away from all the cesspool beatings that I am receiving.

Especially the Squires challenge against that master tactician, the Guderian of the cesspool, Stuka. Who thoroughly deserves his kniggethood after whipping my worthless arse into a soggy pile of pustulence, we are at turn 35 of 50 and I have'nt a snowball's chance in hell of beating him so I'm just gonna run away and hide and hope that Lorak forgets and makes me a knigget anyway."


You see folks?, by reading between the lines it is possible to establish the true intentions of a Crodan post. For further interpreting services, please do not hesitate to contact my goodself. I am fluent in several Crodan dialects and can converse well with the 'Street talk' of the Inner Croda. Word.

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 01-15-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

I am not doing much reading of the bbs as I am primarily engaged in dealing firey death in my voluminous load of PBEMs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm, the only firey death I've seen so far are your burning Shermans. So many burning Shermans that I have long since stopped counting. I believe you had at least a company of them to start with, but I can only see 6 remaining.

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