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This Peng's not Challenged, He's Bleeding Demised!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Damnation, so that's who he is!!!

I drove past this OGSF character just the other day, as he was standing on the street corner.

He was wearing a funny little skirt if I remember correctly (yes I could have been more succinct with IIRC, but it would have gone over the heads of more than half the Cesspoolers).

Oh, and he had this live cat slung under his arm, and he was squeezing the poor animal so hard that it wailed with a sound so horrible I had to close my windows and turn up the Techno CD I was listening to.

Last I saw, the National Park Police were chasing him across the Reflecting Pool down in front of the Lincoln Memorial...<hr></blockquote>

Now, this has moved me to relate a True Story™, a life experience of a friend of mine (most of you pillocks couldn't handle one of my more bizarre life experiences...except, perhaps for Hanns. His life experiences leave me rather bemused).

One fine day, one, in fact, very fine summer day in the Chicago metro-land 'Forest Preserves' (dumping ground of unwanted bodies for over three decades), my friend (we shall call him 'Bob') took Acid, and went for a long walk-about. It was his very first 'real' time with hallucinogens, and he had many the merry moment walking about, smelling the sunshine, feeling the wind, and tasting the flowers (actually, this isn't poetic license, he told me later that he ate several blossoms that simply looked too beautiful to ignore). After several hours of communion with the Goddess on an unbelievably visceral level, he told me that as he was walking, he began to have the auditory hallucination that he could hear music. He began to follow it, realizing that it might lead him into one of the hills of the Sidhe.

He followed many a false lead, doubled back, and struck up the thread of sound again and again, until he had it clear and followed it straight to its source. When he found it, it was a clearing in the middle of nowhere, a clearing miles from anywhere in the woods.

In the middle of it was a man in kilts, playing the bagpipes. Bob sat down on the edge of the hidden glade, in plain sight of the piper, and listened completely enraptured for 45 minutes.

When the piper finally finished playing, they exchanged greetings, and my friend said to him: "That was beautiful. What the hell are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?"

And the other replied, "Och, mon, practicing the bagpipes isn't somethin' you do in a one bedroom apartment. What are you doing out here?"

And Bob said: "Well, I'm tripping on Acid."

And the piper replied: "Aye. I'd guess that's the next best thing after being able to play the pipes well. Aren't the woods after being a lovely place, then?"

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by the 'orrible nick chameleon © Andreas:

I am using the correct German spelling. You should have caught me on that other mistake, before it was too late (as it now is).

No licence fee either. If you want any money, I am going to pay you between Christmas and New Year, in person, at the main exit of Waterloo Station.

Why don't you go and edit some of your posts? Would employ you more gainfully.<hr></blockquote>Too late you say? Not too late to go back and edit your last several hundred posts for that nasty flaw. Their imperfection must be really grating on you. You were planning on doing that weren't you? While your about it you might like to fix up that "constirpated rethoric" (sic) of yours.

No doubt some editing of my own posts wouldn't go astray but not having proclaimed their perfection, I don't see the need.

I take it that this new nick indicates that you are no longer a 'boy' and have at long last persuaded (via 10 pints of lager most likely) some cockney bint to bonk you in a dreary London alleyway. I guess 'Germanman' just didn't have the same ring to it?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Damnation, so that's who he is!!!

I drove past this OGSF character just the other day, as he was standing on the street corner.

He was wearing a funny little skirt if I remember correctly (yes I could have been more succinct with IIRC, but it would have gone over the heads of more than half the Cesspoolers).

Oh, and he had this live cat slung under his arm, and he was squeezing the poor animal so hard that it wailed with a sound so horrible I had to close my windows and turn up the Techno CD I was listening to.

Last I saw, the National Park Police were chasing him across the Reflecting Pool down in front of the Lincoln Memorial...<hr></blockquote>

He tends to kick his wee Spaniel, too.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JonS:

Just thought I'd pop in here to point out that Nick Anglophile managed to mis-spell 'the', rendering it 'teh', in one of his posts today.

That is all. Move along.



Been cleaning your ears with a pen knife again and jammed it all the way through I see. Feck you nancy boy.


Teh TEH Teh teh!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Too late you say? Not too late to go back and edit your last several hundred posts for that nasty flaw. Their imperfection must be really grating on you. You were planning on doing that weren't you? While your about it you might like to fix up that "constirpated rethoric" (sic) of yours.

No doubt some editing of my own posts wouldn't go astray but not having proclaimed their perfection, I don't see the need.

I take it that this new nick indicates that you are no longer a 'boy' and have at long last persuaded (via 10 pints of lager most likely) some cockney bint to bonk you in a dreary London alleyway. I guess 'Germanman' just didn't have the same ring to it?<hr></blockquote>

I would not date any woman willing to go out with me.

Quite apart from that, I must say it is a welcome sign to see some decent posts going on here. Will wonders ever cease? Carry on.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Looks like the resident orzytrayleannes are a bunch of pussies, so how about it Lardo - you stopped sulkin' 'cos of that last whipping I gave you yet?<hr></blockquote>

Stalin, I agree with you about the latest crop of Antipods, however, the older ones are more like pansies, or daffodils, or maybe even daisies.

Now for the whuppin. Are you refering to the QB that came down to a draw or “Jabo” or “Crodaburg”? Must be “Crodaburg”. You’ll be happy to know that Buzzsaw has finally managed to break the ring on turn 48 of 50. Of course, it might be going better for him if he would quit shelling his own troops.

As there was no sign of an actual “Challenge” in your post, you may go to the Scenario Depot, write reviews on every one of Andreas’s scenarios, and then come back with a suitable setup.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Oh bother, what a crap-ass title, and who is this wierdo anyhooo? He dances in here every third moon and spouts out some english-as-a-second language, obviously flaunting his low beta-era member number, then dnaces away again.


Who am I? Very good question. 10 points for Hufflepuff.

I'm someone who's been around in this thread a lot longer than you, although I'm fortunate enough not to be an Olde One. I'm also someone who only posts when he has something worth saying, unlike you, you prognathous, microphallic sniffer of public urinals. I'm someone who's contributed more to the general welfare with one (1) of my posts than you could by donating your body to science. I'm someone who doesn't have to play the grogabee, unlike you, who couldn't produce a paragraph of Grog Porn™ with a Panzerfaust 100 inserted rectally -- not that you haven't tried, I'm sure. In short, I am I, which makes me so much better than you that one must measure the difference in astronomical units.

{edited for all the right reasons}

[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Hakko Ichiu ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Joe Shaw, you top honourary Aussie, send me a turn.<hr></blockquote> AAarrrghhhhh, Stuka if there's one thing I can't stand ... it's YOU, well you and Mace, okay the TWO things I can't stand are You and Mace ... and Goanna, right then, the THREE ... I'll go out and come back again.

And after all my hard work in bringing you up to speed on stereo photography and free-viewing 3D photos of stuff. But fine, your turn is electronically winging it's digital way to you ... Oh ... apropos of nothing at all, can a Stuart kill a Tiger from behind?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, this has moved me to relate a True Story™, a life experience of a friend of mine.


Oh, the tired old friend ploy.

I suppose it was your friend who did the hit of acid. It was your friend who walked about smelling and feeling thingies. Stop the charade, and let me edit this post to show the truth...

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>More stuff posted by Seanachai:

I began to follow it, realizing that it might lead me into one of the hills of the Sidhe.


Harumph! This reads more like a Far Sidhe cartoon than any True Story™...

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>More stuff Seanachai is too ashamed to post:

In the middle of it was a man in kilts, playing the cat. I sat down on the edge of the hidden glade, in plain sight of the pie-eyed piper, and listened completely enraptured as he tortured the cat and butchered the English language for 45 minutes.

When the piper finally succeeded in killing the cat, and effectively finishing his playing, we exchanged greetings, and I said to him: "That was beautiful. Who the hell are you, and what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?"

And the other replied, "Och, mon, I'm OGSF, and practicing the tortured cat isn't somethin' you do in a one bedroom apartment. I'm preparing to audition for the next Altan album. What are you doing out here?"

And I said: "Well, I'm just looking for men in skirts..."


[edited 'cause UBB bytes]

[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

some whining about how he didn't feel challenged by my email -- or at least, no more challenged the he NORMALLY feels about life in general<hr></blockquote>

Panzer Leader you idiot . . .

Hey, that sounds good -- it sings . . .

Panzer Leader you idiot . . .

(side note: Joe, perhaps Panzer Leader is related to Snappy in drag . . .)

Anyway, Panzer Leader you idiot . . . (I can't get over how "correct" that sounds), do you remember (okay, okay, get both of those brain cells out and rub 'em together - this might be a little difficult); now, do you remember all the way back to when you posted the following:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Mrspkr Ha, a laugh that this girl among women should be named, but alas, it is two-fold that I wave the supple glove of battle. 1.) We were squires together once, ahh in those heady days, and 2.) You have been long absent from these murky depths<hr></blockquote>

Yes, I know its been two and a half days, and I know that is a long time, and I certainly understand how one might read the aforementioned excerpt and think, "If you put a monkey in a room with a typewriter . . ." but REALLY -- as limpwristed and pathetic a taunt as that was, YOU did make the challenge, Panzer Leader you idiot (sorry, I just can't help it).

Now, while I normally would not be caught DEAD reading one of your posts, I made a couple of exceptions because (alef) your posts are now much fewer and shorter, making it harder to detect and evade your nauseating tripe; (row row) I'm really bored at work; and (87x) I'm really bored at work. I accepted your challenge to correct a past error.

Ah yes, I remember it well . . . you cowering off in some dank recess of the One True Pool, alone, abused, ignored and neglected, attacked by Knights and Damsels (a tip of the hat to Dame YK2) alike. I would have killed you then, but Pity stayed my hand. I remember thinking, "Its a pity I don't have more bullets."

Now this so-called taunt. If you had bothered READING the dang article, you would have noticed that the article names some fellow called "Stephen 'Mrspkr' Himes," obviously some doppleganger, Panzer Leader you nitwit (nope, doesn't have the same ring to it as Panzer Leader you idiot, not at all). If you had read further (or asked someone to read it for you, Panzer Leader you idiot -- are you sure you aren't SlapMr.HappyinDrag's love child from some backwoods union a la Deliverance or somefink?), you would have noted that whomever the story was referring to was caught with his pants down while urinating ON the LBJ statue, a fine and meritorious action IMHO.

Panzer Leader you idiot (I sure am glad Joe didn't copyright that phrase before it got into the public domain, what with all the lawyers and regulations and injunctions and suits and countersuits and . . .oh yes, excuse me) . . .

Panzer Leader you idiot, you made the challenge, I merely accepted in a manner I thought your tiny seed-tick brain could comprehend. Of course, one should never make such assumptions about you, Panzer Leader you idiot (gosh I like that phrase).

{edited for no reason other than to annoy the Teutonic Lad}

[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Panzer Leader you idiot (gosh I like that phrase).<hr></blockquote> Now MrSpkr, as an aspiring attorney (or even an aspirated attorney ... expired attorney ... yep that's the ticket) you should know that copyright laws specifically state that the mere creation of the work is sufficient to create the copyright in and of itself. Therefore MY usage of Slapdragon you idiot takes legal precedence over Panzer Leader you idiot (by George that IS good isn't it, wonder if it doesn't activate some pleasure center in the brain or something). Panzer Leader you idiot ... hehe ... whoa dude ... Panzer Leader you idiot ... here man you take a hit! Where was I? Anybody got any munchies? Panzer Leader you idiot ... like ... WOW!


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News Flash!


A rare Giant Peng Sloth (Pengus lagavulinus) was spotted in a tree in Minneapolis. This species was thought to have been extinct for over 16 years. It has also been sighted recently in trees in Philadelphia. It doesn't seem to be a threat to humans but has been known to crawl through windows and steal the Scotch out of liquor cabinets. If you find one in your home, just give it a bottle of Scotch and it will quietly be on its way...

[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Patch ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch:

News Flash!

A rare Giant Peng Sloth (Pengus lagavulinus) was spotted in a tree in Minneapolis<hr></blockquote>

I think this may very well start a lobby group dedicated to the extinction of a specific animal species.


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Wanted, One scenario!

Must be suitable to bash Joe Shaw about the ears with, and must not include any copious quantities of that white, cold stuff!

Please submit any submissions either to Joe Shaw or myself.

Each submission will be reviewed for suitability, weight and sexual preference.

Must also be available immediately (unlike that scenario Mensch is building for Sir WXYZ and myself...it's been what, 3 weeks, and still nary a sight of it...sheesh...I swear, I'm convinced that Mensch is really a government employee!...and if he's not, HE SHOULD BE, he's so good at it!!! *rants*)



PS. I've noticed a few Cesspoolers I have yet to have the misfortune to actually play a PBEM against....LUCKY ME!!!!!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

The file was returned to you on 11/24 and when no response was received it was resent on 11/26. <hr></blockquote>

This is getting tiresome, a lovely Andreasian scenario, lots of smoke and 'splodey things and our turns are gett'in all fecked up because of......stuff.

*Glowing light bulb appears above head*

How about.......we keep track of which turn is which by.....oh, I don't know.......say, numbering the turns?

Do you think we might be better able to keep track of who sent what to whom?

Well do ya, punk?

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Dear Stuka,

I have no idea how numbering would help in the situation. Had I sent you a numbered file that you did not respond to I would still be sitting here saying "hhhmmm Stuka hasn't sent back the fil yet". The only difference is instead of one fil for our game in my PBEM folder there would e 10.

It appears that you may be having problems with your email account or something. Are the turns numbered in your JoeShaw game? If so then why does he seem to be also missing turns from you over the same period of time. It seems like it is worth checking out my good newlywed friend.

Love and kisses,


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