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Maple Leaf Up!! The PENG THREAD goes North!!!

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Nobody ever understands what the hell Kitty is mewling on about with her one-liners.

It seems that at least one person understood it, and can't you think up anything original or is reciting Peng's whimpers the best you can do?

Originally posted by Elvis:


You're right Lizardboy..she is an idiot isn't she?

Oh my! Scathingly witty and original. I am pierced to my very soul. You remind me of the the little mutt that followed around the bulldog in a Warner Bros. cartoon I recall seeing a few years ago, ""Yeah, yeah, what he said! Good one, boss! Good one!"




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What's that I hear?

Somebody forget to put the damn cat out again?

Shouldn't you be working on a KT skin instead of wasting time here:

(a) stating the bleeding obvious - hell even Elvis himself knows that he is an utter boob, just ask him and he'll tell you.

(B) trying to engage in a verbal shootout that you have neither the arsenal or the ordnance to compete in with the likes of the King Lizard

Now finish your bowl of sour milk and get back to work or I shall have to add you to my list of supplicants as Meeks has yet to respond.

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Naturally you're taking a break before sending me your surrender.

Lorak, please scribe thusly that Mensch has surrendered to Croda, though he will not send the fecking file. He stands with 1 Immobilized Tiger and no infantry against a slightly wounded company of stalwart American Glider Troops. Note also that he is taking his parachute and jumping before issuing a proper surrender. Thus,

Mensch - Tremendous Topplement of Crodarific Proportions.

Croda - Slaughtering the Mentally Insane since 2000.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I have been to a hell that most of you will never see. I am attempting to read and post to the Thread through a public library text/web interface. Hiram...Lorak...help me. I am still without internet service...I thought it would be a rest, but this is horrible. Isn't that Berli I see before me? To all my opponents...some turns tomorrow. I don't know how long I can hold out like this. Better, perhaps, to end it all. Perhaps on Valentine's Day.

I understand completely. I went through that before in Ohio. I would suggest this first:

Create a new email address at a POP3 mail server like Yahoo, Excite, or Hotmail. That way you are guaranteed email. Example: SneakyChoo@yahoo.com.

You could also give a general idea of what is wrong with your Macintosh and perhaps your secret society bretheren will help you through your difficulties.

My email is still in my profile if you need help. Please know you can't call the 800 number for my work place because the bastards fired me the other day. I have to go back to my career as a gigalo once more. They called it being "layed off" but I didn't feel very layed or laid or lade.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Magic Decrypt -- Security Clearance Bigot -- Destroy After Reading

(Note: Translated from German to Japanese to English. Some vagaries may have resulted -- Hut 3)

Originally posted by Mark IV:

The esteemed Hakko Ichiu-sama and I entered into a state of hostilities on or about Septemer 10, 2000 (the actual declaration was received shortly after, after his usual practice). This war has now been concluded.

Once again, humbly submit myself to the Judgement of Heaven:


This unworthy one could not, despite multitudinous gamey advantages including the dedicated support of Corp level artillery and more infantry than a belly-drumming badger has fleas, achieve better than an ignominious draw against the outnumbered, outgunned but not outgeneraled retainers of the esteemed Hakko Ichiu.

I hang my head in shame and will, after a period of quiet contemplation, commit seppuku in the light of the first rays of the rising sun. I pledge all my estate without reservation to Hakko Ichiu in token to his manifest superiority.

I humbly pray that before that time, the Radiant One whose wisdom shines down like the mercy of Kwannon Bosatsu from the Western Heaven, Hakko Ichiu, will condescend to grace this unworthy one once more with instruction.

The wise student invests in loss. The master does not seek the Void, but finds it and becomes one with it. What is to be thrown down is first raised up, what is to be withdrawn if first bestowed.

You want another piece of me? Come get some.

[This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 02-07-2001).]

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Lizardchild is correct I do know what a boob I am. A babbling egocentric fool. I rarely take the time read every post since the last time I come in and should not be expected to waste the small amount of brainpower I have on remembering anything about posts from page 14 let alone notice that someone is referring to it. Please make all future taunts one syllable and requiring no use of my memory (most of my short term memory was revaged in the late 70s/early 80s.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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I had a bout of stomach flu yesterday.

I need hardly belabor the obvious parallels between the 'Pool and a nasty intestinal virus. However, while hunched desparately over the porcelain throne, the noisome swirls of my own sick reminded me of Berlichtengen's hair. I am sure he was in some way responsible (and he probably also paid the airfare for that Ebola carrier who touched down in Canada the other day--beware playing host-country to the 'Pool!).

stevetherat: You lookin' for some hurt, you rodent-self-naming, lower-case-personal-reference-using stater-of-the-obvious? Put your shaved lab-mice and rubber tubing aside and come get some!

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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POOL Announcment

We are approching Page 20.

The Bald one ask us to Fill in the pit and dig another one at the point from now on.

So We have one page to go in this one.

Just reminding everyone.



[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 02-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Umm.. I am so happy..to see everyone so hatefull.

Quick Tome update:







Meeks- 2 wins

Lorak- 2 loses


Lorak the loathed

Ya know.. Thanks be to god I actually go back and read the past posts otherwise I would have missed this.

Lorak! Pull your lantern jaw OUT of your waffels and fix this or do somefink!


Moriarty DID!

So, the correction is:

jshandorf - WIN!

Moriarty - LOSS!



First of all, David, you stupid sot, if names were meant to be descriptive, everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itself." -Meeks.

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Originally posted by Iskander:

Taking this tripe in reverse order...

It must be because you live in the Socialist Republic of DC that you forget that those of us in Flyover Country have guns... LOTS of guns... and the "missus" is actually a much better shot that I am, so just watch your "spill-over taunts," there, slick.

Now, on to the meat of the act. What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is'a goin' on here?!? First that insufferable Rattrap starts chattering like a tickertape in October of '29, then an offhand allusion to some Shyster calls down the Death of a Million Chihuahua Nips! I'm not even a bleary Squire, for Bog's sake! Admittedly, I have a better grasp of AE (that's American English, not a reference to an AE .50 hollowpoint round that would in fact leave your head intact whilst blowing your body "clean off," as it's said) than most here, but get a friggin' grip!

StevietheWonderMouse slipped back into his own filth with nary a ripple on my counter-taunt, and then this look-at-me-with-my-new-red-sportscar-and-shiny-new-blonde-wife-never-mind-ditching-my-kids-'cause-I-had-a-mid-life-crisis-and-need-to-get-in-touch-with-my-manhood-or-at-least-my-in ner-Croda skank comes shooting his mouth off ON MY DIME! Well I'm sorry if I took you away from the Annual Marion Barry DC Snort-Off, but I'd sooner dip my ass in kerosene after a date with Mace before I -- A MERE 'POOL NONENTITY, MIND YOU -- would stoop to send you a setup!

Now go wax your red car and reflect upon all the years you've wasted... after you've had a good cry and filled up your Depends, try a second time and we'll see....

Ya' leech.

I'm surprised you could scrape enough boogers off your frontal slope forehead to see well enough to type such pale crapola. You're just lucky God created gravity so your brackish drool doesn't drown you by flowing up your snout.

First, let's get it straight that nobody, I mean NOBODY, is better armed and trained in urban warfare than the homeboys in DC. Your redneck pals may own some mega-caliber weapons, but they don't practice on actual human targets nearly as much as the DC crowd. We got the body count to prove it.

Being in the midst of a powerful Bud dream when I replied to your piss-ass taunt last night, I forgot that you are indeed lower than a worm's fecal matter. The only way you can find your way home is by sniffing the shiny trail that follows you wherever you go. You are not a fit morsel for The Legal King.

So go tie yourself to a tree and play out that scene from Deliverance again. Put your butt hull down upon the admiring face of Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel, and don't bother me again with your preposterous pap.


Some days the sun just don't shine up a dog's behind.

-- Catfish Hunter

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Wotta day wotta crowd wotta ballgame and look what a little GrogPorn can do for you.

I liked lots of stuff on these last few pages even if Kitty still hasn't got a clue.

Look: It is a challenge thread. We challenge each other to games and then brag, taunt and insult each other. This is all done in a certain way according to some weird set of rules that no one could ever put on paper. A while back you declared your distaste for bragging. So what are you doing here then?

Telling us to stick to MarkIV's rules that all, including himself, already forgot about?

So please, just answer this with the usual one-liner and some links.

Meeks, bugger the hacky-sack recreation, no one could be bothered to create it anyway. If you want to get slapped about, fine, send me a QB (or preferably a not-too-large written scen), Attack, I'll get the Germans, you get whatever and you either attack or defend.

No more than 1500 pts, no night scen.

Hakko, payment for the latest issue will reach you in the usual manner. I liked the Swedish element in it.

Now bugger off, apparently mensch has taken control of the Thread. I wish he had taken control of himself instead.



"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Tom Waits

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right Laywer.. if you are one that is.... please hand over your papers and take only your personal belongings to Peng Germany... your ugly dog will have to stay behind, what? no no. I am sorry you may not bring your little red wagon with you until you done a driving test for it.

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I'm not sure if you're paying attention to the other Pool but:

Meeks :Draw

Hiram :Draw

Meeks:Crippling Win

Hiram:Pathetic Loss


Croda:Loser, you suck! Boo!

Mensch has all ready pointed out that he possesses my soul in a little bag that he likes to poke with a stick. I'm not one to complain but my god, if he doesn't have a little voodoo doll of me, which he pokes and gnashes and spits on, than Steve does. I'm starting to believe that CM checks for the CD and, if it doesn't find it, gives all your rolls a -10 in battle.



Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?!

No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Mensch has all ready pointed out that he possesses my soul in a little bag that he likes to poke with a stick.

thats right puppet boy... I have your strings and I'm going to cut them so you fall to the ground like a wittless Croda.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Geier:

Telling us to stick to MarkIV's rules that all, including himself, already forgot about?

They weren't rules. They were choices for Hiram, who wondered what he was still allowed to say. And I most certainly have forgotten them; that was a couple pages ago!

They don't appear to have helped him, and it is my fervent hope that they haven't helped the rest of you in any way, either.

Now please go back to injecting petrol into mensch's table fruit and offering him smokes. I'm busy.

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Originally posted by Geier:

I liked lots of stuff on these last few pages even if Kitty still hasn't got a clue.

Look: It is a challenge thread. We challenge each other to games and then brag, taunt and insult each other.

Actually, I think it's more an intellectually challenged thread, rather that a challenge thread, where we brag, taunt and insult each other regardless. wink.gif

With that in mind, Kitty is conforming much to the norm here.

Mace (standing up, but mainly sitting down, for cesspooler's rights)

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Originally posted by Geier:

We challenge each other to games and then brag, taunt and insult each other.

So according to your defintion none of the last three or four posts that were directed at me as insults were warranted, because they had nothing to do with either boasting about a game nor we're they challenges. So why are those people still here?

Originally posted by Geier:

A while back you declared your distaste for bragging. So what are you doing here then?.

That's right, I don't brag and in case you haven't noticed, I haven't been. Others can do it if they want to though but I won't. Actually Lorak told me that there are more than a few people here that feel bragging about game results isn't a requirement to be here and they also refrain from it. As far as what I'm doing here, I'm reading and writing.

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Originally posted by Elvis:

You are right Mace..which only points out that my original statement was correct: Kitty is an idiot.

Idiot: person so deficient in mind as to be permanently incapable of rational conduct.

Well, that describes the majority of the cesspoolers, you and I included. Which goes to show if Kitty's an idiot, then she has fine company! wink.gif


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