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Why can't someone real start the Peng Challenge Thread?

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Joe, as moving as that was i'd like to add an amendment, i propose the Joe Shaw i just need a hug rule. what does this rule entail do you ask? well it goes as this...

Joe Shaw Rules

Rule 1)- always be kind to Joe, after all he just wants a hug

Rule 2)- when Joe becomes rude and unruly, just give him a hug, he is just frustrated that the electrical charges in his brain misfire painfuly and often

Rule 3)- let Joe think he has some rank in what ever crazed parody of a monarchy system you are working here

Rule 4)- once a day, don't forget to tell Joe that he is goo enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it....people like him(place bag over your head if need be to shield laughter, half wqts who prefer paper to plastic, dont forget to poke holes in it)

Rule 5)- though the name Jow Shaw may be synonymous with inadequecy, please refrain from hitting him with large sticks claiming your trying to get the prizes inside, though he may be a mindless slob, he is after all human.....he is Joe Shaw

Rule 6)- when Joe is being more annoying then usual, keep in mind the danger of telling him to simply go play in traffic

Rule 7)- if the measures of rule 6 fail, keep in mind to tell Joe to look both ways before crossing, and or playing

Rule 8)- when Joe fumbles his way thru a stream of tripped up garbled attempts at wit, simply smile and clap, this makes Joe feel important

Rule 9)- when Joe wants to eat a crayon, be kind and offer him a bread stick

Rule 10)- if ge continues with the crayon, offer him 2 to 3 bread sticks( say Scooby Snacks, it makes it sound more apealing to him)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

Complete misunderstanding of the way things work<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK, This is a new thing for me, responding TWICE in the same 24 hours to an SSN, but I feel it is my duty and CHALLENGE to do so, since PShaw! dropped the ball with the rules (Joe you fat bastard, where ihn your incoherent gibbering mess does it say to challenge an individual?) NOWHERE!

So rule: #$%5.x3~/r Challenge an INDIVIDUAL.

Also, in case it didn't quite sink in, this isn't yo mama's ladder laddy. It is true that there is nothing more horrid or humiliating than to have the assterkiss of shame next to your name which denotes a LOSS TO PENG, but really, the game is the thing, playing it well is, well not quite as important as bragging about how much more cool stuff you have read that has nothing to do with armor penetration probabilities, than the other guy has read, and just exactly how dumb he is for thinking what he thinks is cool is cool. UNDERSTAND? No one here does either, but we are here for a reason, and someday one of us just might figure out what that reason is but it is more likely that this room full of chimps will type the formula for cold fusion before that answer gets answered.

No you cannot have a game against me. Yes I have wasted far too much of my precious time that I could have been drinking typing instead. No not everyone one here is a drunken bastard. Yes everyone here is a bastard. Yes I am drunk. No you cannot have any of my booze. No PShaw is not an impportant person we just gave him a title and let him muck around - yes he is mostly harmless.

Here is a reading list for you no it is not complete and YES the rest of you should ADD to it so the poor lad has a chance in hell....

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (HST)

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Train 1972 (HST)

The Proud Highway(HST)

A Confederacy of Dunces (John Kennedy Toole)

The MonkeyWrench Gang (Edward Abbey)

Anything by Mark Twain

Anything By Shakespeare and Not the CLIFFS NOTES

The Bible

The Torah

The Qaran (sp?)

The Tibeten Book of the Dead

The Mismeasure of Man (S J Gould)

The Diveristy of Life (E O Wilson)

The Sun Also Rises (Hemmingway)

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom (T E Lawrence)


Anything by Douglas Adams but Especially the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Return of the Native (T Hardy (A smashing Strong Ale named after him too) "A Saturday afternoon in November was approaching the time of twilight and the vast tract of unenclosed wild known as Eagdon Heath embrowned itself moment by moment" OH! AND THAT AFTER ONLY 4 HOURS OF WRITING!

Jude the Obsure (T Hardy - prepare to commit suicide while reading)

Look Homeward Angel (T Wolfe - not that awful Tom Wolfe)

Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (G Maguire)

Pickwick Papers, Barnaby Rudge, Bleak House, and almost anything else the old bastard wrote (Darles Chickens)

The FountainHead, Atlas Shrugged, We the Living (A Rand)

You should be well versed in Current World events (not just your local pissant tinpot podunk current events) World History and - here is an exceptionally important bit -


There are too many more for my whiskey soaked brain to remember at this point in the day.

The AntiPodeans will surely have more and divers offerings, as will them whot got more readin done than me in the last few months and years.

So, MrIRON. Piss off till next week. Better yet, just PISS OFF


Edited because that goddam rat bastard UBB code PISSES ME OFF!!!

[ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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What lackwit hath stirred forth such a roiling ****storm upon the turbid waters of the Cesspool?

It's........... CopperChiefShiitake!! Upon reflection it is my belief that if your Ginzu knife is as dull as your wit than seppukku is strongly suggested. Nice slow sawing motions, that's a boy. If however said Ginzu knife is sharper than your wit (a ballbearing is likely more sharp than your wit no doubts) then circumcision starting at the 3rd vertabrae by a shaky handed Alzheimer patient ( Seanachai come to mind but that's redundant isn't it?) is most preferred by all here. Perhaps if ignored long enough this git will reach puberty and discover the joys of cross dressing, gerbils and dead fish with large, inviting lips. Maybe he'll fall into a canal or somefink and attempt to argue with it thus saving us from his inane ramblings.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Here is a reading list for you no it is not complete and YES the rest of you should ADD to it so the poor lad has a chance in hell....


In that case, let not the lad forget to write essays on the following:

Boswell The Life of Samuel Johnson

(a witty bastard if ever there was one)

Whitman Leaves of Grass

(ranter par excellence)

Tolkien The Lord of the Rings

(had the right idea about how to treat orcs)

Bede The Ecclesiastical History of the English People

(The early English Kings may have been nominally Christian, but you couldn't guess it from how they lived)

Conrad Typhoon and other Stories

(The whole collection, but especially 'Falk--a Reminiscence')

Herr Prof Doktor von Schmissenschmassen Das Komische

(the definitive tome on humor)

Hear that SSN's? Get some kulcher or get packin!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


(ii) This is now and forever will be (at least until it dies and the next is recreated like a Phoenix risen from the ashes) the PENG CHALLENGE THREAD, the Mutha Beautiful Thread and the CessPool. If you know not of these things you are an interloper and are NOT welcome ... SOD OFF!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you're gonna get all official sounding, at least get it right. The correct title (in all its glory) is:

The Mutha Beautiful Thread And It Will Always Be There

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tin Troll Sucky:

I have no clue at all. I have as much clue as a pithed frog. In fact, a pith helmet is a much better clue than I am*.

*Col. Mustard, in the Library, with a Panzergraniteabwehrkanonehamandjamandspamalot 40.23/74, model 1882.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's nice to have a troll come by now and then to get everyone in a lather (especially since Bauhaus stopped spraying AFFF in the 'Pool). No one could be that stupid unless it was on purpose. I mean, if he were really that stupid, how'd he get on the Internet? He'd have to dictate his post or something while his mother dialed up the ISP for him, like stevetherat's does.

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

[QB]Just a cross post from a game I am wailing on Grog Dorosh in. This Pak40 gets the iron cross.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>How is it possible for a human player to loose 4 tanks to one and the same tank?!?! And then people complain about the AI!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rollstoy:

How is it possible for a human player to loose 4 tanks to one and the same tank?!?! And then people complain about the AI!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is a Pak40 AT gun and it killed 5 Fireflies, a Halftrack, and a Bren. Actually, it is possible because it was really well sighted, and since it ambushed Dorosh's Firefly detachment he had no HE or smoke to fight back with. Just a combination of good set up and luck of the draw.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>SSNs ... isn't there a bounty on them?: Joe, as moving as that was i'd like to add an amendment<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> An amendment? An amendment from AN SSN! The only amendment that will be added to acommodate an SSN is the addition of yet another ... SOD OFF!

Lads, we must remember the recent campaign "Friends don't let friends drive drunk". Now admittedly NONE of us are actually "friends" here but we do have some responsibilities to each other so I would propose a NEW campaign to be entitled "Friends don't let friends POST drunk." I am moved to this suggestion by the remarks of Peng that claimed that my posting of the rules didn't specify that INDIVIDUALS were to be challenged. Oh Contrary mon enemy (and Pawbroon thinks HE has all the French ... Hah!). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>so perhaps you might consider actually CHALLENGING someone to a game of CM ... You MIGHT be able to challenge a Serf I suppose and we don't care HOW many SSNs you challenge.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Note the word SOMEONE, singular though unidentified. Note the words "A Serf", as in a singular serf. Yes I DID post many SSNs, BECAUSE WE DON'T CARE.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Berli dropped in as well, wasn't that nice of him: If you're gonna get all official sounding, at least get it right. The correct title (in all its glory) is: The Mutha Beautiful Thread And It Will Always Be There <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First, you clod, I didn't see YOU anywhere around here attempting to rectify the situation (sit down Bauhaus ... and send a turn ... you're worse than Peng). NOOOOoooo, you just drop in and criticize the works of others. But in any case ... YOU'RE WRONG ... I've NEVER seen the M.B.T. referred to in that way.

Finally, Slopdraggin', if you're going to post pics here, try not to make them so ... groggly! All this talk of Pax 44's and Lightningbug tanks ... it's ... it's unseemly.


{edited to be ... editorial}

[ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rollstoy:

How is it possible for a human player to loose 4 tanks to one and the same tank?!?!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It happened in real life, so why shouldn't it be able to happen in the game? At Beda Fomm, in 1941, about 9 or 10 British tanks KOd close to eighty Italian tanks. In that fight it was a combination of advantages that together were decisive: the Brits had weaker armor on their tanks but superior situational awareness, speed, positioning and balls.

In Slappy's case the feat should probably be attributed to plain and simple luck, though.

(edited to apologize to Jo in case this was groggly and unseemly)

[ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MrPeng, in a fit of drunken apoplexy, spewed:

Here is a reading list for you no it is not complete and YES the rest of you should ADD to it so the poor lad has a chance in hell....

Anything by Douglas Adams but Especially the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Umm, how do I put this . . .NO. Adams' The Meaning of Liff is a rambling list of wierd names and the interpretations Adams placed on each one night in a fit of whiskey-induced Angst. The text is suitable only if one wishes to drive the reader completely insane . . . OH, I see . . .

Never mind.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally blathered by Joe Shaw:

...I would propose a NEW campaign to be entitled "Friends don't let friends POST drunk." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh my. Really Shaw, of all the worthless, self-aggrandizing, bloated and over-officious posts you hunt and peck into the MBT, surely this is the most aggregious and offensive polyp of an idea *(shudder)* that has ever burst from your bloated head. Sheesh.

I guess it's a good thing none of us are friends, eh?

Drink and post away!

{edited because I wish I were as cool a melon-head as Andreas}

[ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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This version of the MBT makes me feel dirty, used ...trashy.

And not in a good way.

But I would like to take the opportunity to thank whoever came up with the idea of me working permanantly from home, remoting into a satellite office. Oh wait, that was me!

Mmmmmmmmm, I like the 21st century so far.

And on a more serious note, the forces of evil and bad naughtiness are silly to think they can take down a nation that produces Fiddle Faddle, Crunch 'n Munch and Screaming Yellow Zonkers.

I mean, what are they thinking? (rhetorical of course)

[ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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To all my opponents,

I will be gone this weekend Grouse/Pheasant/Duck/Deer Hunting.

If it’s brown, it’s down, if it flies, it dies.

And now a groggy question for the rest of the Pool.

If a twelve point buck equals a Old One,

And a fawn in spots equals a Pissboy,

What range do I sight in a .30-06 at to put a SSN like the Iron Wok in the pot?

Or do I just leave the gun in the case and stay in the VFW drinking?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What range do I sight in a .30-06 at to put a SSN like the Iron Wok in the pot? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's my understanding that SSNs are pretty gamey so maybe just gut shoot him and leave him to rot ... THEN go to the VFW.


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Originally posted by CMplayer:

You want any meat left on the carcass? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not really.


Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It's my understanding that SSNs are pretty gamey so maybe just gut shoot him and leave him to rot ... THEN go to the VFW. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

See, CMplayer, that’s the kind of advice I was looking for.

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