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How The Peng Challenge Was Won And Where It Got Us

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David...I liked the REM reference before I even clicked to come into our new thread...and I had forgotten about the Shoes. They were good. If Napster wasn't immoral I would go now and pull up some of their songs.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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"OGSF has fallen. After commiting one of the silliest wastes of a platoon that I have ever seen he then when on to fight me with more skill than most 5 year olds. A near perfect assault by me was too much for this young man. - Elvis"

Wha' a tosser! At behooves mae tae point oot, tha' by tha time tha gamey AI decided tae auto surrender, Ah was aboot tae launch mae wicked counter-attack and crush tha mewling bog dweller lak a frog ain a bucket!

Tha numbers taell tha story, ye gimpy Jimmy humper....

Axis (bloody mae): 147 casualties, 30 killed, 21 captured, 9 ok - total 177 heroes

Allies (feckin haim): 140 casualties, 43 killed, 112 okay - 252 wankers

An' tha gamey A.I., which hea has obviously managed tae recode, gives haim a "tactical victory".

Ah were runnin' aboot tha place wi' mae vaunted Hetzer, blowin' tha snot oot o' any an' every than' he owned (when Oberfarter McGoo cud aim straight).

Ah wuz robbed by a fat boy wi' a baseball bat!!

Mensch ya useless streak o' lukewarm ferret poo, mah email tae yoo keeps failin'. Ah'll keep tryin'.

Rest o' ye bastards turns comin' slowly - school started again last night.


Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD

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Macey's update (as if you care anyhow):

Elvis: I admire this Knight’s spirit, bereft of most of his armour and serfs he continues to fight on regardless while yelling “it is only a mere flesh wound”. This is a man of great bravery (or stupidity) and of reading his last post, excellent musical taste, and I for one will be proud to hang his head from a prime viewing location in the Den.

Stuka: This is an unofficial game that will not be counted (fortunately for Stuka). A mixed lot of Mace/Kitty Waffen SS rifle and Pioneer troops supported by 251s, Armoured Cars, and PzKpfw IVs, storm entrenched positions and pull on Stuka’s Red Devil ears.

As a result, Stuka and his forces are now running home yelling “mummy, mummy….they are being meeeeaaaaannnnn!” owing to certain sensitivities about large listening flaps.

Speedy: “We have only just begun…”. Karen Carpenter once sang these immortal words. She’s dead now and hopefully soon, so will he be (lots)!

Btw did I mention this is one of Rune’s pieces of diabolical evilness?

jd: What can I say, this Knight is gaminess incarnate for his victories! I refuse to play him any longer until we start another game.

Joe Shaw: I must admit, this very small game being viewed from ground level only is very interesting. It’s a shame though that my opponent isn’t as interesting!

Sir OGSF: I worry about this Knight, it seems he fancies himself as a bit of a scout leader, grouping his pack of Scouts into a tight little bunch and marching them hither and yon through the country side admiring the scenery and learning about field craft.

Yeh, right! He wears a kilt/dress and he wants to lead scouts! Why does this suggest “Sicko” or “Perv”?

Peng: This blood hamster will be finished one day…but not within the next 20 years given the frequency of turnaround! I look forward to celebrating the release of CM-Virtual Reality V937989.6 with a victory against Peng.

Chucky6: mongrel makes me march across a gigantic map then does a runner from the pool and stops sending me turns! I demand a victory against him for my effort.

Now some of you low-lives owe me setups (ahem Lorak, Dorkfunnel), and some of you low-lives don’t.

What’s the difference? Nothing, you’re still all low-lives.


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Guest *Captain Foobar*

What! another new Peng? Swell-tastic!!Piss off, all of you. More news at 11.

Oh, and Joe, you're a no-good dumbo nothing.

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Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

What! another new Peng? Swell-tastic!!Piss off, all of you. More news at 11.

Oh, and Joe, you're a no-good dumbo nothing.

Stop your giddam singing and send me a setup, Foo(l)!

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STUKA--Aww, did I offend your delicate widdle sensiblities? Po' 'iddle baby, let me try again.

You seem like the type of anal-retentive poi-for-brains mucker who stays at home stuffing envelopes for a living while you gripe to your mum about the declining quality of the programing on daytime network television.

My rapier wit has diced up more brave men than you could count up on ten abaci...brillient men who could have predicted the moment of your final postal implosion down to the exact nano-second.

Take some Ex-lax before all of your feces backs up into your cranial cavity and sends you careening down the road in an orgiastic fit of blind, querulous wailing. Your sad commentaries fade into dust beside my viperine vituperations.

Get out in the sun and get a bit of excercise before you ossify, Mac. I can smell your brain atrophying from over here. It's the flagitious fragrance of the brain-dead.

You would surely wilt before tasting the mettle of my most sanguine rant. My sublime soliloquy of enmity would only zoom past your tiny two-watt transistor of a brain. I could leave you gasping for rejoinder like a toad in a bucket struck by a fat man with a baseball bat. Pick on an entity with a wattage close to your own...like a chronically inbred brontasaurus whelp.

Churlish knave! you are not worhty of the skewer of Ahab's shish-kabab. You would assuredly go down faster than a pint of warm Guiness in the hand of a Kiwi rugger prop.

If you grow tired of hitting home-runs in the tee-ball league, I may deign to school you in the manly arts. You won't last too long in fast-pitch, son. Molten pixelated lead shells are hard to field, especially by puss-dribbling, feltch-sucking, donkey-shagging wankers like yourself.

Take up the gauntlet or suffer the ignominy of knowing your true place in the new pecking order, Private.


"So be cheery, my lads, let your hearts never fail,

While the bold harpooner is striking the whale!" -Nantucket Song

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I know, I know, I spelled brilliant wrong...laugh if you must

I gotta stop posting at 2:00AM...I'm going to get myself into trouble like this.



"So be cheery, my lads, let your hearts never fail,

While the bold harpooner is striking the whale!" -Nantucket Song

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well well.. challange huh? looking at the roster of knigits.. I see the sorry arsed MATT has not even played a game.. I challange his baldness to a battle... but I expect him not to accept. Why well two reasons

1) he's bald.. and bald people are just plain funny to laugh at so I'll be laughing at him anyway.

2) if he could not update a website in 3 days I don't expect him to be able to set up his troops in that time.

C) he stinks like a 1000 year old hackiesac stored in the underwear of a over worked sumo wrestler.

IV) he's a coward and plays with his little sisters Ken doll, dressing him up in that "summer S&M collection" he has been bragging about for the last four days

yup the challange is out to MOOT MATT, the pimple on Steves Butt... come on boy you scared of a little pain.. no wait you like S&M hmmm.. you my "SIR" are nothing but a Pengthread lurker whos has nothing better to do then pick on newbies who say "buttmuncher". Pick up thy trusty CMBO CD and place it in the CD Drive prepare for the worse you Nitt!

Feh! he most likely will not see this since he only comes in here when some one says "tittle your titties" or "wank my wanger".. or to lock it up... feh! I say! FEH!


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

"So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!"


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you are a mewling puss-spewing flagellant tosser if you don't email me an ME setup!

BWa-ha-ha Bwa-ha-ha...I have the renowned and feared Meeks kibitzing (interfering actually) over my shoulder. You are doomed! DOOMED! I say! Bwa-ha-ha Bwa-ha-ha Bwa-ha-ha-ha!



[This message has been edited by harpooner (edited 04-04-2001).]

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Originally posted by harpooner:


deal.. you keep the scoopy snacks.. and just send act photos of your girlfriend if you loose to me!! nothing less. no artistic stuff just plain smut photos. your challange has been accepted.. for our moderator I choose that fat bastard OGSF to make the setup map for both of us... why? well he can't speak english which is good, he has at least four teeth in his mouth that are still good but black'n every day... and hes a nut.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

"So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!"


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Challenge accepted, Mensch. And I will deliver your reward if you win. Make all the neccesary arrangements.

I'll play on a mud-swamp island archipelago in the snow and fog. I know no fear. I am THE HARPOONER1 (AKA Meeks' cousin. I am not him, in fact I hate hamsters.)

Your topplement shall bring my greater glory Teutonic Knave.


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Originally posted by harpooner:

I am THE HARPOONER1 (AKA Meeks' cousin. I am not him, in fact I hate hamsters.)

oh.. a meeks family member.. win is given to me! whohoo... you sappy meekess make me laugh.. might as well send the pictures now and save you the trouble of loosing bad... better yet home videos of the lass would be good too.. make sure they are in PAL format.

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Originally posted by harpooner:

STUKA--Aww, did I offend your delicate widdle sensiblities?

Some sort of self exploratory, post masturbatory drivel that still won't get a game from me.

I am Meeks, hear me roar.

Nice try fat boy, but it ain't gonna work.

I yawn in your general direction.

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Stuka, as we says to Aitkenses, if you's hads any sense, you'd have resent us the last turn, as is your requirement, being as how you live in the penal (Sit down, Mace!) colony and we lives in the lands of the free and such. And make it snappy, you wanker.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Nice try fat boy, but it ain't gonna work.

I yawn in your general direction.

Stuka--You make me puke! You sniveling, bollocks-sniffing, cowardly, no-load, pea-for-brains worshipper of French military culture.

Your perdition cannot bring me much in the way of glory at this point. What glory is there in annihilating the weak and unsavvy? How can one take pleasure in the molesting of a half-wit?

You must have been still-born, or struck too hard at birth, or perhaps you are the placenta itself trying to formulate thought on the forums without the benefit of a brain? It would seem so....

It takes more than the simplistic mewlings of an inbred twit to pique my ire. I can tell already that you are not worthy of my lightest dander, but the lads must be told!

All must hear of your pathetic and shameful cowardice! I will hound you and taunt you endlessly, until blood drips out of your ears like the thin gruel we all see spread on the pages of your posts.

My little sister has bested better men than you appear to be, and she doesn't eat meat! She's a vegetarian! You should be relegated to the backwaters of gamedom for your ignorance of the ways of honor.

Maybe that's how they do it in Australia, but here in the real world (not some backwards-ass third-world country on the edge of the hinterlands of Mesopotamia) we act like manly men. We rise to challenges like warriors.

You see the sword of Damocles poised over your head, ready to lop it off, who can blame you for fleeing in terror like a base WWII Italian static troop militaman. I can! And I will!

You, my good sir, are a putz and a dweeb, and you lick Gollums feet with your sad drivel. Your juvenile retorts leave me gasping in astonishment at their simplemindedness.

Really, stop wanking, go catch a 'roo or a dingo or something and throw it on the barby. Eat something that will put some hair on your chest and make you grow some cajones. No juevos aqui, hombres.

Maybe he's a hermaphrodite or something.


"So be cheery, my lads, let your hearts never fail,

While the bold harpooner is striking the whale!" -Nantucket Song

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Quite easily, sir.

Great God in Heaven, Meeks is now debating with himself on the forum. What is the next installment of the "Seven Faces of Meeks"?


Consigliori to the Stars

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armornut wrote:

> Since when was R.E.M. any good at all?

Did anyone say they were? Or were you just looking for an excuse to offer a witless put-down?

Stuka wrote:

> Go to bed David, your Winnie the Pooh pajamas are calling you........

> Not to mention your Thomas the tank engine night cap and the Telly Tubby hot water bottle.......

How do you know about those? You've been watching me undress, haven't you?

armornut wrote:

> And the gay porn........you ever see a happy porn? Or is what the Telly Tubby hot water bottle for?

I think that belongs to Stuka...


"Compared to the European armies, Americans had a permissive view toward the authority of doctrine and considered blind obedience to doctrine a vice, not a virtue." – Michael Doubler's "Closing With The Enemy" in brief

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Originally posted by David Aitken:

"Compared to the European armies, Americans had a permissive view toward the authority of doctrine and considered blind obedience to doctrine a vice, not a virtue." – Michael Doubler's "Closing With The Enemy" in brief

"One of the serious problems in planning against American doctrine is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine." - anon. (from a Soviet military document)

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