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If I Said You Had a Beautiful Peng Challenge Would You Hold It Against Me?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Ye Pow‚rs wah mak mankind your care,

An' dish them out their bill o‚ fare,

Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware

That jaups in luggies;

But, if ye wish her gratefu‚ pray'r

Gie her a Haggis!

- Mr Robert Burns


There, that's done the trick. Now, I believe it is in second grade where they teach how to put spaces between words, so Flossie, be sure to pay attention next year

[ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Is it just me, or is everyone else waiting for the Justicar and the Grand and completely insane Inquisitor to meet?<hr></blockquote>Oh Berli, Meeks and I are old ... acquaintances. It was I,in an early preview of my role as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, who led the crusade against the apostasy of Meeks when he attempted to hijack the MBT for his own nefarious (and probably deviant) purposes.

I was among those who advocated his expulsion in disgrace after MadMatt quashed the rebellion like a grape. And I remind the CessPool NOW that a Meeks absent is the best kind of Meeks and that's where he's been through some of the greatest challenges to the CessPool.

So yes, Berli I know Meeks ... and I'm not impressed.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I was among those who advocated his expulsion in disgrace after MadMatt quashed the rebellion like a grape.<hr></blockquote>

One of your poorer ideas... luckily sanity prevailed and we just whacked him up side the head with a brick (Btw, who has the brick now that he's back?)

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>And I remind the CessPool NOW that a Meeks absent is the best kind of Meeks<hr></blockquote>

I must disagree. A Cesspool without Meeks lacks a certain quality (raving lunacy)... that, and he is far better than SOME officials at dealing with SSNs (see, Peng, the drains still aren't working)

[edited to squash stray UBB vermin... little bastards just won't die]

[ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I must disagree. A Cesspool without Meeks lacks a certain quality (raving lunacy)... that, and he is far better than SOME officials at dealing with SSNs (see, Peng, the drains still aren't working)

[edited to squash stray UBB vermin]

[ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]<hr></blockquote>

No Berli, in point of fact I fear that NO ONE would be able to rid us of the recent fungal growth between our collective toes known as FlossyJeff ... that boy is as dense as a brick ... hmmmm ... the BRICK!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Meeks ye wet wedgey sniffin' toothless hump on a ricket riddled weasel-stuffer! Mah wee span'l jus' sicked oop on mah stankin' shoe cos o' ye fetid pile of furry poo coated jabberin's. Af'n mah wee span'l cam aintae mah hoose wi' tha leeks o' yoo ain her soft an' gentle mooth, Ah'd jam ye doon her gullet wi' a dirty stick, roll her oop ain' mah imitation Persian rug, nail tha aind o' at tae tha floor an' twist tha other aind roond an' roond 'tll ye cudnae sae tha bump ain tha middle! Thain Ah'd feed tha whole stankin' lot aintae tha insinkerator WHILE AT WERE RUNNIN' - boot noo afore Ah'd dug mae a wee access hole tae tha main sewer fraim mah hoose tae tha local Cess an' plugged tha dank an' misty pipes wi' forrrty two an' a half poonds o' drain cleaner an' set tha hose tae trickle on at. An whan tha last o' ye span'l / Persian rug wrapped carcass ha' disappearrred doon tha electrac greender, Ah'd tak a wee dump doon at after ye, an' case ye tried tae make a run fer at. Bastarrrd.

Bastables ye bladder on a stick. Welcome back an' are ye oop tae hav'n ye spotty arrrse kicked all aboot some poxy map, JIMMAH??

An' af'n tha rest o' ye are waitin' fer a stankin' turrrn fraim mae - Ah just finished mah finals (wi' tha expaicted brilliant result)an' Ah'm enjoyin' mah feckin' sailf fer a change. Ah'll sae yoo Thurrsday, mon!



Edited tae ge' tha span'l sick off mah shoes!

[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]<hr></blockquote>

This spam had my name in it some where, guess i'll have to send the fool a set up.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

that boy is as dense as a brick ... hmmmm ... the BRICK! <hr></blockquote>

Are... you implying... that... [gag]FloppyJeff[/gah]... is the Holy BRICK of Hamsters? Now, I must admit that I'm rather fond of sacrilege, but Joe, I didn't think you had it in ya

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

All we need is Croda and Kitty<hr></blockquote>

Hehe, you said Kitty *IQ drops as blood rushes from brain*

What an uber-top-shiela she is! :D

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bastables:

Hah Foolieo, your arch Kiwi enemy has returned to the field of battle. To wit I challange you government employee to the field of conflict. Send your setup if you dare!<hr></blockquote>

And talking about uber-top-shielas, the not-quite-so-uber-top-shiela, Bastables, has returned to our bosom (hiyuk).

He, as you all know, when given some R&R decides to taunt us into sending him a set-up, and then goes and gets posted again, so that our setups languish on his hard drive and never gets processed.

Well, I at least will send you a setup, because I enjoy having my turns languish on someone elses HDD, if only because it wastes their valuable HDD space!

Now, I mustn't keep 25% of the entire NZ army from his tasks...Get back to work, ya slacker!!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Elijah Meeks, in a caffinated flurry, stuttered:

...all I can do is see poor little confused smilie and his friends...<hr></blockquote>

They're called Graemlins you dweeb and they comprise a portrait gallery of some of the current and past posters on this thread:

Agua Perdido: :eek:

Jo Xia: :mad:

Berli: ;)

Lars: :cool:

Aussie Jeff: redface.gif

Mace: tongue.gif

Panzer Leader: :(


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Greetings one and all. I’m visiting to say hello and to share some of my rage. Life is a steaming pile of feces left on the pavement to be stepped upon by passersby. I just found out that I have to go through a procedure that will not be alleviated by playing Combat Mission. I do hate drinking Barium. I also hate the robe I have to wear while laying down for the CAT scan. On another topic regarding a loved one, I hate the “c” word and the impact it has on a family. Shaving the head only shares in a small part of the experience. Hair grows back while brain cells do not.

I’d visit more often in the thread of threads, but what would be the point? Can I possibly say something that hasn’t already been said? Do I have an invective to share that hasn’t already been hurled at a newbie? I could bemoan my game play but that would be old hat. I can post without mentioning anyone’s name though.

Let me finish my inane blathering with my good wishes for your holiday. Whether or not you celebrate the holiday, I wish you and yours a happy one. May you receive all the WWII books and DVD’s that you desire and may you be healthy and happy.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:


I hate you<hr></blockquote>

I empathize with your disappointment that I couldn't find an instant smilie to fit you. We might be able to find something suitable in one of the outside collections. Stay tuned.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Are... you implying... that... [gag]FloppyJeff[/gah]... is the Holy BRICK of Hamsters? Now, I must admit that I'm rather fond of sacrilege, but Joe, I didn't think you had it in ya<hr></blockquote>Good Heavens no (opps, sorry Berli, didn't mean to be profane)! I'll admit the lad is DENSE as a brick adn would be far better utilized AS a brick and would likely gain a far greater acceptance here if he WERE a brick but I fear me it's just not on.

The Holy BRICK of Hamsters is, hello, HOLY and though we've wished for and, likely, even tried to arrange for extra holes in the lad it appears that he has no holes beyond those provided by nature.

The Holy BRICK of Hamsters has been used for such a long time to batter the brains of miscreants that it's collected quite a few brain cells ... the comparison is obvious and not in the favor of FlossyJeff.

Finally and most telling, the Holy BRICK of Hamsters is a fixture of the CessPool, the MBT, the Peng Challenge Thread. FlossyJeff is a slimy and rank SSN and should HE become a fixture I fear for the CessPool.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

FlossyJeff is a slimy and rank SSN and should HE become a fixture I fear for the CessPool.



FlossyJeff can't even qualify as an SSN. That is a title too high for him to hold. FlossyJeff's title is: Idiot! You should thank him Joe, you no longer hold that title........for now.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

I hate him too....not as much as I hate LEEON but close.<hr></blockquote>

Aw shucks, I <big>HATE</big> you too, Elvis!

{Edited because you would've done so}

[ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:


FlossyJeff can't even qualify as an SSN. That is a title too high for him to hold. FlossyJeff's title is: Idiot! You should thank him Joe, you no longer hold that title........for now.<hr></blockquote> Now, now Bauhaus, we MUST conform to tradition you know. Why without tradition we would be ... traditionless.

While I certainly agree that there are SSNs and then there are SSNs, we have no technical category lower than SSN ... except for the outerboarders of course and try as we might we can't seem to get him to return to THAT category. Golly, I wonder if there might be a REASON (more likely REASONS) that he's not been proposed as Serf?

Btw, Bauhaus I noted with interest that the IL-2 Forum has a character named JG27 - Bauhaus. Now this JG27 outfit is currently whining and crying about the flight model of the BF-109 in a manner that would make Losername or Heidman look like reasoned and calm scholars and they seem to have put the entire board up in arms against them just on general principle so I wondered ... any relation?


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Coming soon from Ker Dessel - when you want to play CM in the WORST way:

Grog meets Gamey, a fun little scenario involving an Allied attack against a rather, err, GAMEY German defense.

Gamey is as Gamey Does, a sequal to "Grog Meets Gamey", in which the Allies decide to be a little gamey themselves.

Should be available by the end of the weekend.

Carry on.

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But isn't Bauhausrahter odd to begin with? Isn't this like calling an Aussie a Pom, rather redundant?


<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Odd you should mention that... Bauhaus has been regailing us with tales of IL-2 lately<hr></blockquote>

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