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What sort of "mouse" are you guys using??

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I have an intellimouse explorer from monkeysoft. It has a red glowy thing underneath which means I no longer have to scrape my balls clean every month biggrin.gif I don't think it's particularly good from an ergonomic point of view though.

I've also used wireless mice, which mean you can sit at pretty much any angle and make yourself as comfortable as you like - I recommend them for notcableness as much as comfort.

Finally, whoever recommended the gel-filled keyboard rest and mouse pad is right. They are the poodle's privates - although they're pretty unpleasant to hold so I suggest you just use them for their original purpose. smile.gif



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I tried the wireless mouse (Microsoft version) but the batteries in the mouse made it rather heavy. Pushing it around for a time made my fingers hurt (especially the pink, for moving it sideways).

So I am back to a mouse with tail. I am using a Logitec optical 2 button w. scroll wheel, because it is light, symetrical (I am left handed to) resonable cheap and you don't need to clean it.

I am still looking for a good ergonomical left handed one to try out though.


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Yep, I recommend also mouse pads which are gel-based, especially those include wrist pad. biggrin.gif

Gel-based is good cause it does not attract dust so it is kinda hard to get dusts into the mouse ball.



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[This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 03-27-2001).]

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Posted by Bullethead:

"I've never agreed with that. First, the aforementioned competition said otherwise IIRC. Second, all kinds of military equipment and video arcade games that came out about that time and somewhat before used trackballs and nobody had trouble with them. Remember "Missile Command"?"

Oh yes, missile command, that was a great game, but I dont think they put a trackball in the game over a mouse becouse it was easir to use. They probably put it in there becouse it was part of the hardware and less likely to be stolen like a corded mouse.

As for trackballs and mice, its a matter of taste. I have always liked the mouse and never liked the trackball. I use a apple puck mouse but have been meaning to change to a two button 3rd party mouse.

Anyways...I never did like missle command in the arcades becouse of the trackball...The damn thing always clipped my fingers when I used it. Ouch! and it was always a pain. I didnt like trackballs after that.

(note: I now rock at missle command in mame becouse becouse of the mouse)


[This message has been edited by Freak (edited 03-27-2001).]

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Guest Heinz 25th PzReg

Logitech Ifeel Optical Mouseman

This mouse has built in force feedback, hehe. It vibrates in games when you shoot, its extremely irritating. I have turned the feedback feature off now, better off without it. The optical feature is great though.



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Personally I do not like a trackball, tho many swear by them. I use a basic 3 button Logitech Optical Mouse so I don't have to worry about it picking up cat hair and dorito crumbs. I do, however use a Gel wrist pad for both my KB and my Mouse.

The consensus of all the smart people I know, including Bullethead wink.gif is that Logitech makes a damn nice trackball. I also noticed at my electronics Boutique that they were carrying a mouse similar to the "Dr Mouse" we have discussed in the past.

Of course it's not listed anymore, but here is a link to 3M's Website on the mouse.



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I remember seeing a television program on early computers and the evolution of the pointing device and they pointed out that air traffic controllers have always used large trackballs.

I had switched over to trackballs when Logitech first started making them and learned to love them. However, I went thru two of them pretty quickly and ended up switching back to (cheap) mice ever since.

I really like the scroll wheel on a mouse now. I hate to use another computer at work that does not have the scroll function.

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Originally posted by GriffinCheng+:

I have been using optical mouse for years (except the current IBM mouse) which uses special pad. MS IntelliEye is great for no pad is needed but the 5-buttons version is kinda large for me and it uses 2 LED to track movement.

I got the MS Intellimouse optical, and also thought it was too large.

The thing is probably 33% larger than any other mouse I have ever used.

But I hate using anything else now. I have big hands, and the Intellimouse just seems to fit my hand perfectly.

It tracks extremely well, and you never have to worry about cleaning your mouse's balls.

Jeff Heidman

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Logitech Trackman Marble. All the way. Once you go Track you'll never go back.


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[This message has been edited by joeski (edited 03-27-2001).]

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I rather like the force feedback with the Ifeel mouse. Guess you either love it or hate it. Kind of like getting a hand massage. Mmmm.. that sounds a bit kinky doesnt it?

Originally posted by Heinz 25th PzReg:

Logitech Ifeel Optical Mouseman

This mouse has built in force feedback, hehe. It vibrates in games when you shoot, its extremely irritating. I have turned the feedback feature off now, better off without it. The optical feature is great though.


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Another vote here for the Logitech Trackball.

My step-dad got me started on the trackball. Adjusting was difficult, but now I am hooked. I even bought another to have as a back up when this one finally dies(been about 4 years so far). Cleaning the gunk is the only downfall.

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My beloved MouseMan classic died from a coffee spill a couple months ago, and I've been unable to quite find a satisfactory replacement. All the mice these days seem to be too large, or a bad shape, or both.

I finally, after an hour or so of testing mice in the store, settled for the basic Logitech optical wheelmouse. Not the best shape, but at least it's small, and light, and the shape isn't too bad. And I've gotten to love having a wheel.

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I had pretty bad RSI (repetitive stress syndrome) when I worked for an online news site.

Anyhow, we had an ergonomics expert come in and she looked around at our setup and gave us some pointers, which I'm sure you've already heard -- sit up straight, don't put pressure down on your mousing hand, avoid lateral deviations, make sure that you are putting the mousepad in the right spot.

But the bad news that this woman delivered was that once you have damaged your tendons and the whole hand/arm apparatus, you are pretty much up the creek until it gets better.

That is to say, changing equipment is just not going to help you, once you are injured past a certain point. You need to stop using the comptuer or somehow find a way to let your body heal -- even if you have to give up playing CM for a couple weeks. [shock, horror!!]

Then, when you come back to the game, a change of equipment might help. Personally I found that using one of those pens and a tablet (made by wacom) was infinitely better than a mouse, and my employer bought me this strange and wonderful foot pedal that I could use for clicking.

That really took some of the strain off my hand, but I did have to kinda relearn some of my computer behavior.

Anyway, once you are injured let yourself heal before you try a change of equipment. New gadgets by themselves won't do the trick.



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Microsoft Intellimouse Optical here.

God I love that Mouse. The smoothest mouse on the planet. I don't understand where someone feels there's lag in an optical mouse. Not in mine or it's infintely negligeable.

A friend of mine just bought a mouse and pointer combination from Wacom Technologies http://www.wacom.com. The "mousepad" plugs into the computer and there is a cordless mouse that works on the pad in relative mode. And there is a pen that you can use on the pad in a 1:1 relationship with the screen.

It looks interesting but I have yet to use it at any length to see if I would like it or not.

Gel filled wrist pads at both work and home helped me out a great deal as well.

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I'm intrigued about these trackballs. Another question for the trackball users:

Does the trackball work for shooters? If the ball is under your thumb, it seems like your thumb wouldn't have the range of motion necessary to make large quick movements in a single stroke.

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Originally posted by Leonidas:

I'm intrigued about these trackballs. Another question for the trackball users:

Does the trackball work for shooters? If the ball is under your thumb, it seems like your thumb wouldn't have the range of motion necessary to make large quick movements in a single stroke.

I use a Logitech trackball. My thumb is used for left clicking. My index finger for scrolling the ball. You may use your middle finger for center clicking and right clicking or quickly use your index finger from the ball.

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I prefer a wireless MS wheelmouse. Yes it's a bit heavier then a mouse with tail because of the (storage) batteries, but that's no problem - I don't run around with it. And I'm already a big boy wink.gif.


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Microsoft Intellimouse here. But not so much as in the mouse but ergonmic support is a good way to reduce "mouse-fatigue". I use a pivoted arm rest where I lay my forearm in a cupped sleeve of sorts which no only keeps the strain off of my shoulder, but also reduces the cramps in the hand.


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Originally posted by GriffinCheng+:

Wolfe: I hate to mention but the keyword is "HERE" which means "Hong Kong"!

Bummer. Sorry to hear that. Hmmm Kensington does list one place in HK on their site.

Leonidas wrote:

If the ball is under your thumb ...

There are thumb-controlled trackballs, but I don't understand how that would be preferrable. A thumb just doesn't seem to me to have the range of motion to be able to control it accurately. Also seems like your thumb would get a real work-out from it. But then again, I've never tried one.

Speaking of mouse balls:

http://web.thock.com/humour/mouseballs.shtml smile.gif

- Chris

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After reading some comments I'd like to add a few more myself. Not all trackballs are created equal obviously.

The Logitech Trackman Marble+ that I use is optical. There are no rollers to get gummed up or slip. There are three tiny ball bearings inside that the ball rests on. The dust/oil from use will eventually collect on these. It literally takes all of about 10 seconds to clean these though, and that includes taking the retaining ring off and putting it back on. It's so quick and easy I've done it while playing a TCP/IP game of CM while watching the movie between orders. All you do is pop off the ring, take out the ball, and then flick the little dirt ring off of the ball bearings. I do this about once every two weeks or so. It has two buttons plus the scroll wheel in the middle can be depressed just like a button. So you really have three buttons with a wheel. My forearm rest on my desk and niether my arm nor my wrist has to move at all to use the pointing device. I've never had any discomfort from using this pointer even after using it for hours straight on a daily basis. You can set the sensitivity of the pointer and also the acceleration. Getting from one side of the screen to the other is absolutely no problem to do almost instantly. You're never going to hit the edge of the mouse pad with one of these either.

The type of pointer you prefer is obviously a individual thing. No one device will work best for everyone. That being said, I've never met someone that used a Marble for a week and went back to a mouse. Quite the opposite really. Most Marble users that I've talked to can't imagine having to go back to a mouse.



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