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Peng Challenge Thread - From Barbarous to Boring

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What are you holdin in ya hand there M8?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I Told you to not post until you had something worthwhile. So what do you come up with? M8 ... wow! THAT'S never been done before, how clever of you.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Snot Rag? Tampon? Dunny paper? Birth Certificate? nah your too old it would of decomposed by now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>More class, less crass.

Now the attempt was better, posting the photo had the beginnings of a good idea and of course using an age reference was well within the bounds ... but then you ruined it.

Jar O'P*ss, OTOH, is showing some real promise. Pay attention Sickxx, you could learn from that one.


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Now the attempt was better, posting the photo had the beginnings of a good idea and of course using an age reference was well within the bounds ... but then you ruined it.


Who are you? <----- **Go on quote that i know you want to** the self proclaimed dictor of this evil place that canno't be named.

I must admit though you have class somethink I lack. You do carry on a bit like a drongo though but i suppose that can be expected from someone as old as you **Oh no i've referred to your age 2 posts in a row, quick slap me on the wrists quote my post and tell me once again that i'm an unworthy SSN**

Still in the Grand Scheme of things Joey boy your no great god that people get down on their hands and knees to worship. You may believe that the world revolves around your very presence on this MBT, well sorry to burst your bubble bud but it does not.

Give me all the s%!t you want for i prolly deserve it being a SSN and all but don't talk me as if you where better than me.

Or if you wish to proove that you are better than me i would take great pleasure in prooving you wrong.

The SSN from Hell Stix

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Did you say ignore? What a good idea.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Please don't take my metaphor too far. Unlike my dirty laundry, when ignored for several days you will not get done by my wife. She has seen your screen name and concurs that you are probably a boorish git with the brain functions and imagination of a fruit fly.

[ 08-20-2001: Message edited by: Buzzsaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Give me all the s%!t you want for i prolly deserve it being a SSN and all but don't talk me as if you where better than me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But ... I AM! I am a Seniour Knight of the CessPool (with Distinguished Water Wings First Class I might add were I not a modest man) and you're a filthy, disgusting, revolting (sorry, got carried away) SSN ... QED.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Or if you wish to proove that you are better than me i would take great pleasure in prooving you wrong.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah a challenge, how nice. Unfortunately (a) I don't play SSNs, (B) I have too many games going now, © I play those whom I WANT to play, not those whom I feel I am forced to play and (d) you seem to be taking this too seriously and that doesn't make for a fun game.


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Waill noo, saims tha' Joe Shaw as runnin' anterfairance fer tha raist o' us. Nice one Joe Shaw, circle back thus wah an' Ah'll throw ye a bone.

Game Oopdates

Seanachai as dwin tha heeland jig o' tha proverbial raid-haided stepcheeld. Averyteem hae turns aboot, Ah slap haim wi' mah half chewed haggis.

Iskander as complainin' cos Ah'm gwintae tear has laddies a noo wun, an' at's noo fast enough fer 'im. Ne'er meend, at's a slow boot steady trickle o' daith as bin drippin' orn hais stupid haid. (Ye knoo, sumteems Ah read tha ****e Ah type an' cannae fer tha leef o' mae understand wha Ah jus' saed).

Mace as bin killin' mah poor laddies daid. Firrst hae catches tha bleedin ' lot o' em ain a stankin' artillery barrage, thain procaids tae bayonet tha survivors. Bastaarrd. Ah'm gettin' sick o' at. Af'n hae ever returns tha last file, Ah'll prolly surrender.

Speedy as makin' good progress agin mae. Haes attackin' an' mah laddies (whas' laift) are darfendin'. Good progress indeed....a bit *too* good,widnae ye say laddie?

Berlichtingalingalingen has managed tae get thrrrough two moves ain our wee gam' an' dropped rockets all oover tha plaice lak a mad lassies poop. Musta bin a wee bat tae much fer haim, cus at's bin quiet fer a couple o' days noo.

Mensch as blunderin' aboot a City at Night wi' apprrroximately a thoosand bloody Greyhoonds an' a wee Sherman. Ah ha' approximately a thoosand panzerfausts ..... ye kin figure at oot.

Dalem as advancin ain tha vicinity o' a Sunken Rood. *snicker*

Goanna as advancin' across tha foggy moors, wi' nought tae stop haim 'cept a half-track (oops, at's daid already) an' some "other stuff". Ah'm a wee bat chastened bah mah slaughterous dafait an' tha rune abomination o' Brits ain Bocage (play at as tha Brits), but at's bain several moves noo and Ah'm ainly just noo beginnin' tae get slaughtered.

Stuka an Ah are aimbroiled ain a wee berli/Mensch/Germangiblet 10 turn truffle o' a map. Hae's suppoosed tae bae ambushin' mah Sherman's ain bocage. 'cept mah brave laddies are shootin' tha bladder juice oot o' hais ambushers.

Moriarty as a furrrtive flankin' fellow. Ah am writin' mah name an' tha snoo wheel Ah wait fer hais lads tae wander aintae view.

An' tha's tha'.

Soo Joe Shaw, wha didnye pick a better monicker than tha? At's nae too inspired as at? Ne'er meend, just keep them stankin' SSNs' occupeed fer us.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

On the Outerboards someone is talking about an 8000 point game. 8000 points. 8000 points.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yah they're nothing but Amateurs, I've got one going with 10000 points per side...pushing the limits of the game engine, the capabilities of our respective PCs, the internet (as multi-megabyte files are exchanged), and our respective life spans (bets are we'll expire before we finish this).


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Mace as bin killin' mah poor laddies daid. Firrst hae catches tha bleedin ' lot o' em ain a stankin' artillery barrage, thain procaids tae bayonet tha survivors. Bastaarrd. Ah'm gettin' sick o' at. Af'n hae ever returns tha last file, Ah'll prolly surrender.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bugger! I owe you a turn?

And I thought I had broken Sir NameofsomeWelshtownwhichisreallylongandunpronouncable morale to such an extent that he had stopped sending the files.

I humbly apologise for this oversight, and I will send the next file in the sequence (Yes, Elvis, I number and am proud of it) on my return to home.

Don't thank me, It's the least I can do, especially if it means the eventual humiliation of Sir AsfathonableastheDeoxyribonucleicacidsequence!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>OGSF said ... at least I THINK he said: Soo Joe Shaw, wha didnye pick a better monicker than tha? At's nae too

inspired as at? Ne'er meend, just keep them stankin' SSNs' occupeed fer us.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well ... OGSF was taken ... thank Gawd. And mine inspires me every day ... at least on those days when I remember it, at my age ...

It's the least I could do as Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True Cesspool ... say ... that accent of yours ... it's not ... Australian by any chance?

Oh and speaking of that I hereby proclaim that by order of the Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True Cesspool, any reference to the nation of France, (to include French, Franco and Frank and I don't care if your NAME is Frank damnit, it's guilt by association) shall be italicized because they are such Goobers.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Yah they're nothing but Amateurs, I've got one going with 10000 points per side...Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're kidding right? 10,000 points? I made one 7500 points per side, took 4 months to finish. And what did I get? A freakin draw. 4 months of my life wasted on a guy who bought 25 hetzers and Jadpanzer IVs only to get a draw! He was a gamey one that lot!

Anyway, I tried to make it bigger, but no amount of color nudi...erm, prodding...no, that's not it either. I tried to make it larger...now hold on just a damn minute. I did not say IT, I said it, as in the 7500 point game. OK, thank you for your attention. I could not get more than 7500 points per side. Now admittedly, I started with 1.05, so did they up the limit in 1.12?

Anyone here want to try 10,000 points? We should finish by next Easter. Serious.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

You're kidding right? 10,000 points? I made one 7500 points per side, took 4 months to finish


Nope not kidding. I'm currently playing a 9,000pt game vs mace and another 10,000pt game vs the same bloke Mace is playing.

It can be a pain in the butt sending 1-1.5Mb files from a 56K modem but you can do it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ah a challenge, how nice.... Unfortunately you seem to be taking this too seriously and that doesn't make for a fun game.


Their you go again. You've got no idea what i'm like do ya?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMPlayer:

Wait! I got a game with Stixx...he's an

Aussie, and he's an SSN I believe, and

he is really good about sending back

turns. Thing is, he seems an alright bloke

and I wouldn't want to put him down....

erggh...that's not the right attitude

to have around here is it...

So to be accepted I gotta say nasty things

about STixx? the only guy who was ever

nice to me?????



Poor Joey boy still has a few screws loose i think.

[ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Stixx ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stixx:

Nope not kidding. I'm currently playing a 9,000pt game vs mace and another 10,000pt game vs the same bloke Mace is playing.

It can be a pain in the butt sending 1-1.5Mb files from a 56K modem but you can do it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I stand corrected then. I thought common sense would limit games to battalion, maybe regiment-sized and be done with it.

Ordering a whole Division around a map down the individual squad and tank?

Yer mad, I tells ya, MAD!!!

And I too will put in a vote and a half for the 'byte-sized' scenarios plopping out of the hind end of Der Kessel. You don't get much of a chance to correct a mistake in a ten turn game, but I guess that's the point, ain't it? Currently I'm not losing in one against Berli, and getting the living snot kicked out of me by Panzer Leader in another. I see now that there is a way to win as the U.S. in the one against PL, but it sure as hell ain't the way I tried!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Berlichtingalingalingen has managed tae get thrrrough two moves ain our wee gam' an' dropped rockets all oover tha plaice lak a mad lassies poop. Musta bin a wee bat tae much fer haim, cus at's bin quiet fer a couple o' days noo. [/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perhaps I never explained how this works. If you want a file from me, you have to send a file to me. As you mention rockets landing all over the place (an event I have yet to see), it indicates to me that you have yet to send that file.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Their you go again. You've got no idea what i'm like do ya?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I do too, you're ... Australian.

Mace this is your doing isn't it? Flooding the Pool with Australian SSNs as part of THE Conspiracy eh, well you won't get away with it pal. Your little plan has been foiled again ... Bwahahahaha.

The Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool NEVER RESTS!


{edited to add emphasis to evil laugh}

[ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Mace this is your doing isn't it? Flooding the Pool with Australian SSNs as part of THE Conspiracy eh, well you won't get away with it pal. Your little plan has been foiled again ... Bwahahahaha<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's not as simple as that...wheels within wheels within wheels!!!!


....*Cough* *Sputter*


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And yes Mace I also noticed the offense, but let's remember ... he's French! However, perhaps Pawbroon could edit his post so that we stay within BTS guidelines?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


After all, it's better to brown bag it and pretend F**K is less offensive than *UC*.

I'm glad you noticed I fond time to post while simultaneously drunk and away.

Now Shaw, for hinting I wasn't playing under the Rules of Marquis de Whatisname, you owe me a turn.

For all BTS founders, co-founders, co-opters or stock-optioners and up & foremost, bouncer, SORRY me said somefink graphical in nature while not providing pics to substantiate the nature of said offense.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now Shaw, for hinting I wasn't playing under the Rules of Marquis de Whatisname, you owe me a turn.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whose turn would you like? I have turns for Mace, MrSpkr, Seanachai, Berli and a few others. But since I'M NOT PLAYING YOU RIGHT NOW I'll have to rely on those you French goober.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Whose turn would you like? I have turns for Mace, MrSpkr, Seanachai, Berli and a few others. But since I'M NOT PLAYING YOU RIGHT NOW I'll have to rely on those you French goober.


Time stamp 3.09am!

Joe Shaw, I'm impressed by your staying power!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

you seem to be taking this too seriously and that doesn't make for a fun game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I'll vouch for Stixx, he's not a bad player and a *shudder* nice guy for a SSN.

The only character fault he has is his aversion for anyone older than he is. I think that will subside once he's weaned from the bottle, gets out of the bassinet and is finally potty trained!


PS. Stixx, deposit that $50 in my account tomorrow will ya?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stixx:

Still in the Grand Scheme of things Joey boy your no great god that people get down on their hands and knees to worship. You may believe that the world revolves around your very presence on this MBT, well sorry to burst your bubble bud but it does not.

Give me all the s%!t you want for i prolly deserve it being a SSN and all but don't talk me as if you where better than me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

SIR Joe is a useless idiot, but he is still (and probably will always be) your (or any other SSN) better.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The SSN from Hell<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The Hell you are. We have standards

[ Edited because it is 6 in the morning and I have been at work all night]

[ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Actually, I'll vouch for Stixx, he's not a bad player and a *shudder* nice guy for a SSN.


PS. Stixx, deposit that $50 in my account tomorrow will ya?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah no worries mate she was great!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

SIR Joe is a useless idiot, but he is still (and probably will always be) your (or any other SSN) better.


Well i asked him to prove it but he let out a few dull whimpers, babbled like a Gallah, tuck tailed and ran.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Gentles All!

Our little village here needs an idiot, and Mensch seems well qualified. What say you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I recommended Pee El for the job weeks ago, but had no takers.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

I recommended Pee El for the job weeks ago, but had no takers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because he might actually think we want him to stay around. Please don't give the lad any illusions he should put down roots.

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