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Now is the Challenge of our discontent, made horrid cess by this son of Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But apparently not smart enough to know that it should be "take a LEAF", not leave ... however you should feel free to LEAVE at any time.


Ah yes, well done - I wondered who of you nitwits would be the first to pick it up. Not really surprised it was you. Have a cookie.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

LUCK - here, I spell it L.U.C.K.

As in LUCKy bastard, or LUCKed out. Geddit.

Anyway, thanks to the spoilers it is now assured that noone here will want to play it. Good.


Dammit, you're right. I edited my original post. Sorry 'bout that folks.


Then again, it probably was not Berli's finest performance either ;)

BTW - liked the tent peg remark. Was that yours or did your big sister write it out for you? Careful with them Crayons.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks. Send me a setup someday and I'll do you the honor of a similar sendup, assuming I'm not getting my booty kicked.

But seriously folks, it's a funfunfun scenario, even if it's from Germanboy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Well, I'm leaving for the weekend and will not have net access. For those of you who who require turns from me in order to live... I will mourn your passing (well, I might piss on your grave anyway)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Have a good weekend Dan. Say hi to the wifey. Enjoy yourself.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

you'll note that I do YOU the honor of spelling and bolding your name (not that you deserve it but there are the forms to be observed). I note further that YOU do NOT do the same for me. May I suggest that you mend your ways lad. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, in that case I am caught in a heartrending, tragic conflict of duties. My knight, the peerless Brave Sir Marlow has enjoined me to refer to you as Jo Xia and so must it be. Knight says, Squire does, this be a binding troth. You may have noticed, however, that I do bold it for your reading convenience.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Your challenge I find to be in the improper format, correct it and I'll take your request under advisment. I find this new lack of respect unsettling.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fair enough, I can change all but the spelling of the name:

Fair Jo Xia! The reputation of your battlefield wit, verve and panache precedes you. My mailbox thirsts for the sort of turn accompanying notes which I believe that only you, Jo Xia, in the fountain of your verbal ingenuity, can devise. Slopwaggon generally writes not a whit, Panzer Leader is errant, and young Sir Lars, while promising, is still teething in the art.

Further, you Jo Xia have rightly pointed out the rather tangential nature of my vector in the MBT, and being the eager sponge and learner that I am, and left to my own devices by my absent knight, I must gather up what scraps I may from the board of my illustrious betters. Hence I asks, nicely, but DOES NOT BEGS, for a vicious match with much on- and off-board canonry. But in deference to your seniority I leave all parameters to your illustrious choosing. May we soon meet on the field in amicable hostility, and see who can let fly the loudest fart! (Cry not 'juvenile' over my reference to a foul wind coming from astern, for it is in the finest medieval tradition)

So I repeat, Sir Jo Xia I waft this challenge in your general direction, honeyed over with bathroom rose-petal spray, but masking a scent so vile you would wish to eradicate it from this our earth. May it be as it must be.

[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Just-a-car Xia:

FIRST, CM Player, you'll note that I do YOU the honor of spelling and bolding your name (not that you deserve it but there are the forms to be observed). I note further that YOU do NOT do the same for me. May I suggest that you mend your ways lad.


Jo, I know this may be hard for you to understand given the history of discipline problems you have had with your squires, and the problems you are now experiencing in you (totally inadequate) execution of the role of Justicar, but CMplayer is only obeying the first order I gave him when I took him under my wing, and that was to use your “party” name in order to remind the ‘Pool of your continuing attempts to take over control of the MBT. Sure, you always appear to defer to the Old and Incontinent ones before you attempt to usurp more power, or rewrite ‘Pool history, but I know your ways Red Jo, you are only waiting until our guard is low, and then you start the revolution.

But we are watching Jo.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Well, in that case I am caught in a heartrending, tragic conflict of duties. My knight, the peerless Brave Sir Marlow has enjoined me to refer to you as Jo Xia and so must it be. Knight says, Squire does, this be a binding troth. You may have noticed, however, that I do bold it for your reading convenience.


That's a good lad. I'll spare the boot today.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Fair enough, I can change all but the spelling of the name:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What am I to do? YOU find yourself caught 'twixt wind and wave? Thus also am I. However, the duty of a Squire to a Knight overcomes all, it's not YOUR fault that you are pledged to a foul and visionless creature who spurns tradition and knows not of common decency. It's not YOUR fault that Marlow is so lacking in the everyday niceties that bind a society together that he passes gas in public, sniffs and says out loud "Ah ... liver and onions if I'm not mistaken, it was a GOOD dinner." No, good Squire CM Player (for you see I am a Knight of my word, it's a pity you must be obligated to such a swine ... and I don't mean a pig, no for a PIG is a small and relatively inoffensive animal. I'm talking about a SWINE ... like the SWINE in "Hannibal". Great, ugly, ill bred beasts that grunt and wallow. Still, it's not YOUR fault and I commend your loyalty.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Fair Jo Xia! The reputation of your battlefield wit, verve and panache precedes you. My mailbox thirsts for the sort of turn accompanying notes which I believe that only you, Jo Xia, in the fountain of your verbal

ingenuity, can devise. Slopwaggon generally writes not a whit, Panzer Leader is errant, and young Sir Lars, while promising, is still teething in the art. Further, you Jo Xia have rightly pointed out the rather tangential nature of my vector in the MBT, and being the eager sponge and learner that I am, and left to my own devices by my absent knight, I must gather up what scraps I may from the board of my illustrious betters. Hence I asks, nicely, but DOES NOT BEGS, for a vicious match with much on and off board canonry. But in deference to your seniority I leave all paramaters to your illustrious choosing. May we soon meet on the field in amicable hostility, and see who can let fly the loudest farts! (Cry not 'juvenile' over my reference to foul winds coming from astern, for it is in the finest medieval tradition)

So I repeat, Sir Jo Xia I waft this challenge in your general direction, honeyed over with bathroom rose-petal spray, but masking a scent so vile you would wish to eradicate it from this our earth. May it be as it must be. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now by George you can't ask for fairer than that. I may have misjudged you, young CM Player, so I may have. Barring the unfortunate reference to flatulence (only to be expected for one who squats by the table of Marlow) it was as fair a challenge as I've seen. OGSF could learn from it. WELL DONE INDEED LAD.

But I've got too many games going, sorry.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But I've got too many games going, sorry.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just kidding, I wanted to see Marlow go all purple like that ... it was worth it. A setup will be coming but you must give me some time. I really DO have too many games going and have to shoehorn one in to accomodate you.

BUT NO MORE DAMNIT, the rest of you young guns will have to find some other gunslinger to make your reputation on.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

drivelus delutus

But I've got too many games going, sorry.


Plus poor ole Shaw is shakin in his books, or screens as it may be. Me to you gamey bastard with endless artillery and a +100% force balance.

I would have just said, "Joe, you malordous, toffey-nosed, sallow-cheeked pervert. Quit humping the cat and send me a set-up." Much simpler, no long words for the geek to stumble on, and saves some wear and tear on the local feline.

Now for Peng or Sean, it would be longer, more flowerly, and have endless obscure literary references. For Marlow it would be just a fart joke followed by a challenge, and for Perdido it would be a scientific discussion of the downfall of the dry martini.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Me to you gamey bastard with endless artillery and a +100% force balance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You see lads, it's another Pawbroon ... but at least in the case of Pawbroon he has an excuse ... he's French. I DO wonder what SlopDraggin' had in mind for that sentence ... must have meant SOMETHING don't you think.

Any thoughts?


p.s. Oh ... you might want to check the timestamp on my second reply there SlopDraggin'.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

I would have just said, "Joe, you malordous, toffey-nosed, sallow-cheeked pervert. Quit humping the cat and send me a set-up." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's exactly what I was thinking when I challenged you, Slaps, but I toned it down in case someone's kid was reading.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

A setup will be coming but you must give me some time. I really DO have too many games going and have to shoehorn one in to accomodate you.


At your convenience, of course. I'm looking forward to our little round of Whack a Mole.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You see lads, it's another Pawbroon ... but at least in the case of Pawbroon he has an excuse ... he's French. I DO wonder what SlopDraggin' had in mind for that sentence ... must have meant SOMETHING don't you think.

Any thoughts?


p.s. Oh ... you might want to check the timestamp on my second reply there SlopDraggin'.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think it is a result of his glue huffing habit. He actually thinks that a Knight of the Pool would lower himself to battle with a SSN! Quite frankly Jo, I am surprised that you even spoke to him. As you of all people should well know, the proper mode of address for such 'Pool dippers is a gob of spit on the top of his pointy head.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Quite frankly Jo, I am surprised that you even spoke to him. As you of all people should well know, the proper mode of address for such 'Pool dippers is a gob of spit on the top of his pointy head.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, but as a defacto squire of the pool (although Ronin) and soon a defacto knight, I must be faced. Also, look at the fine work I did setting up an alternative to the Peng thread to drain away the Grogs.

By the way, I will bold your names when I attain knight hood.

(Just a thought, I could invite all the friendly punters from the Antithecess Thread over here for a week to ease our ruptured feelings about having a competitor, would everyone like that? Then we could have regular get togethers, perhaps combining the two groups into one at some future date!!!! Boy, I would sure be willing to do this if it would make youse guys happy, really I would.)

[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Yes, but as a defacto squire of the pool (although Ronin) and soon a defacto knight, I must be faced. Also, look at the fine work I did setting up an alternative to the Peng thread to drain away the Grogs.

By the way, I will bold your names when I attain knight hood.

(Just a thought, I could invite all the friendly punters from the Antithecess Thread over here for a week to ease our ruptured feelings about have a competitor, would everyone like that? Then we could have regular get togethers, perhaps combining the two groups into one at some future date!!!! Boy, I would sure be willing to do this if it would make youse guys happy, really I would.)



Don't you realise that there are enough people to hate in the world already, without your putting in so much effort to give us another?


Grasp your ears firmly and pull, you might just be able to remove your head from you a**.




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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Yes, I guess that would qualify as a miracle. Jolly good, then.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As would any win at all by the English cricket team!


PS You set yourself up for this one, didn't you? *te he*.. shame you're not a pom.

[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Look! He did a flip!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Indeed he did MrSpkr and now we just have to wait for the judges to score it. I don't know that we've ever seen a full gainer in the layout position done quite that way before but he certainly executed it with authority. He didn't quite stick the landing though and all that brown stuff dripping off his ears couldn't have helped his scores. Okay here we go ... OH TOO BAD ... the former East German judge gave him a 7.5 ... that should end his chances tonight.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Isn't it Friday night over your way?

Why aren't you people in the pub drunk?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because I'm quite sensible enough to do that sort of thing at home. That way, the booze is better and cheaper, and I know the only louts I have to deal with are all of you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Isn't it Friday night over your way?

Why aren't you people in the pub drunk?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm just home from the Sarah Street Grill where I have had my fill of Sam Adams Octoberfest and Gelnfiddichth or however they spell the damn thing.

Fortunately I did not run into a Dragoonsplatter type who likes to beat up drunk people and pods or I would be in shackles with an asp up my ass...or something. God damn the pusher and god damn the man, and god damn the pusher man. Don't step on the grass, Sam. All will pay who disagree with me! Please give up we already lost the fight alright.



the aofp regrest to infomer you all that the thing known as Shaggy has escaped the dreaded askertisk by beating us into a bloody pulp and generating this hated and horrific score - made all the more terrible because it has taken a long time to get here -

AofP 46

Shaggy 45


Oh and it was a bloodbath too. more casualties than you could shake a stick at, although i'm lead to believe that the more severe casualties take no notice whatsoever of sticks being shaken at them.

In other news, Not one of you rat pugs has sent a turn for over three days - now I am notorious for slow play, wrong turns sending, and general idiocy during PBEM play, but here it is, and there you are an here I am and I have no turns to play. eh?

Peng tipsy but still sort of upright but not for long

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Isn't it Friday night over your way?

Why aren't you people in the pub drunk?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Drunk? You mean to tell me there's an alternative state of being?


[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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