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A Thousand Points of Peng, A Kindler, More Gentler Cess

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G'day to my antipodian friends: Stuka, Speedy, Goanna, OGABCD, and Mace and any other closet Aussies, have at it, enjoy yourselves, and get those turns out!

Hey let's throw something on the barbie!



If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:I don't meant to get off on a rant here, but...

Lucky us. Dennis Miller joined the forum and decided to grace us with his presence. Dennis, don't you have a mass audience to annoy with your veiled references to nothing anyone cares about?

Let me give you a hint: Read some of Seanachai's longer posts. See how bored you get? Now quintuple that and you'll get a vague sense of yourself.

You're boring, longwinded, and you're mentioning me somewhere in the middle of it all. Now run along and pester the deaf man on the corner before one of us decides to make you Hombre Perdido.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

[bI'm grinding his bones to make my bread. (figure that one out Seanachai)

Wall Ah'm noo Seanachai, (Ah kin hardly spell at), but tha' literary reference starts off as:

"Fi Fy Fo Fum,

I smell the blood of an Englishman,

Be he live or be he dead,


Hoos tha', Jack?


"I love a sunburnt country,

A land of sweeping plains,

Of rugged mountain ranges,

Of drought and flooding rains.

I love her far horizons,

I love her jewelled sea,

Her beauty and her terror,

This wide brown land for me."

Happy Australia Day!



You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Agua Perdido wrote:

> Why are my brains in my lap?

In your case, that's where God put them. As such you will find reproduction a similar experience to that of insects – usually fatal for the male. However I doubt the unlucky female involved will be inclined to devour you afterwards. Therefore you should abstain from any kind of sexual activity, lest the word should be afflicted with any baby Perdidos... I mean, lest you should sustain brain damage.

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Guest Wildman

Who...who...who let the Aussie's out...who..who...who let the Aussie's out.

Right, read the drivel. I cried, I laughed...Ok, I really just went to the next page in the Mutha Beutiful Thread.

Quick update before class starts:

Steevietheratboy continues to use Revolutionary War era tactics. Fix bayonets and charge the guns. On my right flank I've got a Greyhound scared so bad it popped smoke in a 360 and just sat there. His initial rush has been stopped and I greatly enjoyed his destroying a building in the crossroads that one of his squads was about to enter. RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY! Its too bad Marlow gave Steevie the entire 4th Armored Division in this scenario or I'd have him stopped cold. As it is Ratboy has committed his reserve to the relatively quiet left flank hoping to find a weak spot. Bring those four halftracks a liiiitttlleee closer!

GITom smoked my Puma after it killed the Dailmer. That will teach me to leave it exposed, laughing at it latest kill. He is also the luckiest bastard around. His ONE spotting round immobilized my second Puma. I mean how gamey is that, a spotting round for Ceerists sakes!

Crodapile now realizes I'm in the town. This was announced by arty raining down on his side of our little villa by the sea. I see that armor sound contact Croda, come out and plaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!

Marlow just sent the setup, and already something smells gamey. I'm the intrepid hamstertruppen defending against a brutal 1500pt attack. No 75 or 76 rule. I expect several British Crocs to be rumbling over me under clear skies, and dry ground.


* Disclaimer...all opponents ranked it order of loathing, from least to most. Marlow, I loath for giving me floss to defend myself against that cretin s.t.r.

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Originally posted by mensch:

right since this is our first game (official) with me I ask the Pooler Thread (seanachoo this is your cue)

<h5>whats my name! SAY IT!</h5>


Hiram, this means the lunatic is about to drop VW microbuses filled with explosives all over the map. He calls them 'rockets'. In all fairness, he doesn't seem to care much what they hit, your troops, his troops, it doesn't matter as long as the noise is horrendous, the explosions are loud, and everything dies. He will undoubtedly do it again later in the game. The effect will be exactly the same.

On the good side, it keeps him from buying more troops.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Umm.. It is aussie day, my e-mail is down, and the pool is starting to take on a sweet smell...

Guess it is time for Berli to try on those new Ice Skates he got for the holidays.

Tome update:


Herr Oberst-win

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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Oy! Here's the first of several thousand top Aussie links I'll be flooding the poopile with (that's Aussie for cesspool in case any of you deadsh*ts didn't know).

The Top Aussie Guide

Spunk Rat


Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

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We'll need some music to celebrate Aussie day. Let's see . . . an Aussie band . . . who could we get to play? ACDC is a top Aussie. Australia invented heavy metal. That means that ACDC is THE BEST BLOODY METAL BAND IN THE UNIVERSE!! ACDC is a top Aussie.

AC/DC Website

Top Shiela


Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

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Originally posted by Kitty:

We'll need some music to celebrate Aussie day. Let's see . . . an Aussie band . . . who could we get to play? ACDC is a top Aussie. Australia invented heavy metal. That means that ACDC is THE BEST BLOODY METAL BAND IN THE UNIVERSE!! ACDC is a top Aussie.

AC/DC Website

Top Shiela

Roight!! As the Top Sheila of the Dingeredoo's we can only hope and pray that a cat mod is in the works. What say you, mates? Shall we tie the kangaroo down, sport?

I'd like to shout out a G'day Mates to all of my homeys in Pennnsylvania.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Aussie, Aussie, Aussie

Oy, Oy, Oy

I have to work today, life sucks.

Ahhh bugger it, it's Australia day. I will just have to follow the great Australian tradition of having a sickie so I can go down to the beach with me eskie full of beer.

Ahhhhhh, aint life sweet.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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Originally posted by Speedy:

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie

Oy, Oy, Oy

I have to work today, life sucks.

Crikey! That's barbaric, that is! Time for a new job, mate! tongue.gif

Ahhh bugger it, it's Australia day. I will just have to follow the great Australian tradition of having a sickie so I can go down to the beach with me eskie full of beer.

bugger the beach, just give me eskie full of beer!

And now, in recognition of the greatest Aussie band as pointed out by that top-aussie shiela above.

"It's a long way to the shop,

If you want a sausage roll"


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Originally posted by Mace:

[b "It's a long way to the shop,

If you want a sausage roll"


and what, praytell is a "sausage roll" Are you working with inuendos that are meant to get into the trousers that Kitty wears? Are you sending those Australian subliminal messages to the west coast of the U.S. to make Kitty yearn for your Australian lovin?

Does she care that I am shining up the hood of my Saturn so that your carcass would look really good displayed upon it? Hmmm?

We here in the U.S are practicing our kicking. Just so ya know. (Some FYI for you)


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

I didn't know I was called "Dennis." You could just call me "Man."

Agua Perdido

We could also call you "Sucky Stupid Guy"

How about that?


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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A little song for the aussies on thier special day.


"Forgotten Years"

Few of the sins of the father

Are visited upon the son

Hearts have been hard

Hands have been clenched into fists too long

Our sons need never be soldiers

Our daughters will never need guns

These are the years between

These are the years that were hard fought and won

Contracts torn at the edges

Old signatures stained with tears

Seasons of war and grace

These should not be forgotten years

Still it aches like tetanus

It reeks of politics

How many dreams remain?

This is a feeling too strong to contain


The hardest years, the darkest years

The roarin' years, the fallen years

These should not be forgotten years

The hardest years, the wildest years

The desperate and divided years

We will remember

These should not be forgotten years

Our shoreline was never invaded

Our country was never in flames

This is the calm we breathe

This is a feeling too strong to contain

Still it aches like tetanus

It reeks of politics

Signatures stained with tears

Who can remember, we've got to remember

The hardest years, the darkest years

Forsaking aching breaking years

The time 'n' tested heaeartbreak years

These should not be forgotten years

The blinded years, the binded years

The desperate and divided years

These should not be forgotten years



Just another of Lorak's memory leaks.

Lorak the loathed.


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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For some reason I feel compelled to talk to you lot and even accept emails from you for an upcoming project.

It's not like i even have to or anything since I'm in so few PBEMs right now (can the game then eh Geier? And meeks? Can i kill you some more please?)

I've been toying with COCAT


And for some bizzare reason I want to run a kind of mini CMMC, mostly just with the COCAT tool to see how things work when people and stuff run things on a real army level. Not even sure if it would have CM battles in it.

So if you want to, in a communal way, toy with this program and the whole campaign idea, let me know, ok.

Now die some more like Marlow is, thanks.



"Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

"Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

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Having seen AC/DC live and in person in Virginia in August, I will now celebrate National Aussie Day. They kicked more ass than me playing against a dalem. More ass than Crocodile Dundee in New York. More ass than CavScout at a Jeff Heidman convention.

Let's here it for the Aussies!!!!

Now ladies, I'm sure you know what women traditionally do when AC/DC plays "The Jack"? So let's have it.

Oh, and by the way, I beat the living crap (yes, it actually was living crap. Really wierd to see) out of some guy named engy who posts on the main board. Naturally, he couldn't stand the heat of playing a certified (certifiable) CessPooligan, and surrendered when he felt the hammer blow a-coming. So, engy, I send to you an official Peng Thread "Nanny-Nanny Boo-Boo!"





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

I've been toying with COCAT


Hey Peter,


you downloaded 1.02 yet? It is pretty neat to be able to draw arrows on the map. I also believe from the read me, that you will be able to import your own maps later.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Mace:

Hiram, kicking practice?

You do ballet or something?


Roight...some of the juniors here have been practicing their kicking in anticipation of the "Kicking of the Carcass" competition. Poor memory won't affect us in any way.

So, G'day and Happy Australian Day, Mate.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Hey Peter,


you downloaded 1.02 yet? It is pretty neat to be able to draw arrows on the map. I also believe from the read me, that you will be able to import your own maps later.


Yes, he has downloaded Ver 1.02. We both marvel at the greatness that is Lorak and we understand that our insignificant presence upon this mortal coil will be like a breath and then we are forgotten.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Reek! You've got to help me, Reek!

Interesting how Peter Lorre always got to play the serial killer/whining pansy/guy who died, while Sydney Greenstreet always got to play the badass gangster type, yes?

You might want to come up with a better metaphor.

And so as ye shall not mess with Johnny Cash, neither shall ye mess with the Clash.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Umm, nice post Kitty.

Sadly I feel that the carnal cravings you have aroused in these digenerates, has eroded some of the Glorious Lorak's teachings.

So with out further adue:

Teachings from the Lorak

I have taught for many years now the necessity for developing our capabilities for Compassion and Forgiveness. Now, you are going to find out why…no matter what comes towards you, turn not from the Light that the Father-Mother God in you knows that it is…turn not, for the path is open now for you to create the consequence of the future reality .

We are all artists painting a divine landscape, and the canvas is clean and the palette is new. It is as if we have had, in many instances, the cataracts removed from our eyes. At first it will be slightly uncomfortable this new display of the Light…almost blinding, because we are not accustomed to looking directly into the Light. It will be, to many of us, as though the journey has changed in nature. We will start to realize that we have already arrived. Only the circumstance of our unexpected arrival or awakening are to be adjusted. And to this, expect much drama, for we are thespians all upon this stage of dreams.

Now, reality is to be intensified as well. Many of us might wake up to find that we are in fact surrounded by those who do not really wish to interact with us to our best desires. Also, we might expect to find that circumstances have shifted suddenly, and irreversibly... It is the circumstance of your chosen attitudes that are creating the magnet that has so long held you to old and no longer useful energies, patterns, habits. Now suddenly you will find yourself in circumstances where these old patterns of reality no longer apply for you….

You will see the falsity, and the hypocrisy of many people during this part of the change. Work on your compassion, and forgiveness energy...…allow and be willful, being a spiritual and Peaceful person never meant to be wishy washy…and beige…..No, quite the opposite. It is time for you to make changes, own up to it and make it your obligation to own the new dream. Just pick up your feet... "It's time to go"…as was said once long ago in a Pink Floyd song. You can change no one. It is not your right, nor your privilege. That is their own responsibility.

For many of us, we are going to become aware of a feeling as though we are on the other side of a veil. Things will appear as though they are the same, yet everything will be different. You will realize quickly that almost every detail of the picture has been worked, so to speak…..Much of this is due to the awakening to the subtle body, and the access to awareness that the merging, at least a certain degree of it, has been accomplished..... that you have arrived…and now must act in a different manner…like learning to walk all over again.

As you reach the moment of realization, and you no longer need the lesson, things will go from you; you will be released. This will, in some circumstances, happen quite suddenly, as if someone just turned on a switch. One minute you're are sitting waiting for your apple pie and in the next you will be sitting there going…"Apple Pie, I detest Apple pie. Peach!! I distinctly ordered peach"….

Understand that there is still polarity upon this plane. And that on one hand you will be experiencing and witnessing these seemingly miraculous changes, and the complete washing away of pain and conflict…whilst on the other side of the field of vision the conflict will actually be increasing. Remember the key word here "Everything" will Intensify…: You might be headed right toward an outcome and Wham!! The rug will seemingly be pulled out from under you. That is because either you were headed in the wrong direction, or your efforts were so great that you changed the outcome entirely, so the circumstances altered. Wham!! Just like that. Hang in there, and remember that this is a dream…..Don't lose your sense of direction and you will come around and reestablish your new route to the already emotionally chosen destination point you made in your heart….. Develop fluid flexibility. Expect change…..after all it is natural….

Remember you are much more than hu-man; you are a spiritual being having a Hu-man experience…..It is not the other way around…only monkeys see it that way….So fess up -- which are you? There is no fooling Mother-Father-God…and when God plays games with reality…heads up…..Master control has just been overridden. You, me, everyone on this plane has a contract. We all came in with a chosen role to play out in the Hu-man Drama. Now it is time to bring the beef to the table. Nothing can alter that; there is no avoidance…not this time. Regarding Past Karma, you are released …..but New Karma ........ You must learn to be aware of what you are doing. This is either self-taught through experience or the intensity of the experience will be turned up a bit, so for many of us the game is about to shift into advanced Dungeons and Dragons….

Ahh.. much better now. I believe I have them confused enough to forget the hooters !

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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