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A Thousand Points of Peng, A Kindler, More Gentler Cess

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Here lies the the Unknown Hunter: Please water the flowers standin'. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you sir!

Would it be too much trouble to ask for faux flowers? They last much longer.


"'S muladach ma theid ar sgaoileadh..." -Duncan Ban Macintyre

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Der Unbekannte Jäger:

. . . stufffff. . .

I ask for a game here because you poolers IMHO have by far the most experience in multiplay and I figure that I can learn greatly from a defeat from such experienced hands such as one of your number.

If you would be willing to grace my humble personage with a game I will be eternally grateful. My email address in in my profile.

Thank you for your time. smile.gif


What!!, I finally get my AC/DC posters to stay up on the walls and am just about to do my first shift on towel duty, why I had my best codpiece and everything. It was the woman's shower, of course, Blousehouse paid me to give him the men's shower duty. (buy the way, I am considered incredibly good looking, so stop drooling over those overpaid, overweight, overage hacks, you two), when we have to move again. I might as well put my furniture in storage and live out of a suitcase.

Carefull, I think a grog is trying to sneak in to the pool. Look at him trying to fool us with that loose to the AI bit. Come on, one of you knights smash him, that's your job isn't it. By the way ubie-chugger, I see by your profile that you are domiciled somewhere in my neck of the woods, how about some more details so I can throw some rocks at your house, or shave your cat. Note, matt, that I didn't say pussy, ... oops, I just did, gosh darn it, note the kinder, friendlies expletives, for those weak hearted thread surfers, who can't handle real mans talk, (and that includes Kitty and YK2, who are more manly than most of the men in here).


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm the nice one, I am.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Seanachai

Bah Humbug! You can maintain that pretence all you like. Probably quite successfully in this place where the shallow rantings of the intellectually challenged masquerade as pithy insults. It is hardly suprising that you're seen as innocuous when a string of playground squawks or reference to deviant practises of an ovine variety is seen as the pinnacle of vitriol. No, nothing exceeds the unpleasantness of being subject to your turgid prose and bombastic digressions. Certainly not the inconsequential bleating of the likes of Mewler and Cruder.


Muddying the waters as usual.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Kinder? GENTLER?! BAH! FEH! I won't have it in the house. Bugger off, you lot. I'm going to hone my hatred in quiet, irritated solitude and you can reach me by mail or carrier pigeon if you must. Kinder gentler thread indeed. Phooey.



Peng, it was only a matter of time before we had to acknowledge the useless rhetoric of a failed political travesty, and it's in the service of making the Thread a better place to be that we were giving it the nod. I mean, you try standing there, laddie, with this great, bald-headed, intimidating lunatic staring deep into your eyes and hypnoticaly telling you how the future will be, and attempt to deny him. I mean, I felt like Peter just before the cock-crowed (sit Down! Bauhaus...here, that still works).

And, here now, you lot, just a point I'm compelled to make. We've been given one of the most amazing places to play and do our thing (please note, not 'thingies'), and with it comes the knowledge, as I have before times pointed out, that Liberty does not imply License. In the interest of taking the load off the Mad One, the Rabid Dog, the Steve, the Charles; we shall have to be after policing ourselves. Besides making these gentleman's jobs easier, their Board less vulgar, and their product as marketable as it deserves, it makes the Peng Challenge Thread a better place to be.

So, when folk get out of line, I shall apply gentle persuassion. I wish to see the Peng Challenge Thread continued; and that with as little rein as possible. But as I began it, I must take some responsibility for it, and free up the Mad One and minions to deal with 'xxxyy is an fxxing whanker, who deserves to die' and 'zzzyyy should stuff his head up his own arse, because I know that xxxx'. All these are true, and perfectly applicable. But we are beyond this newbie ****e. We are the Peng Challenge Thread. We might lose the extremes of language. We might mitigate our language, without moderating our views. And we might practice a little more reality, and a little less intolerance. Got someone you want to have a bit of a go at? Why not approach them as one opponent to another, mock them, revile them, but not necessarily insult innocent bystanders in the process? Do we need all these homophobic references? Must we make endless references to the act of defecation? Shouldn't people's Mothers not have to deal with any more shame than having given birth to them? Okay, as long as it's done tastefully, we can cope with the sheep. They are, after all, such lovely animals, and are great grilled, and served with mint sauce. After all, BTS is still selling a product, here, lads and lassies. And I do not seek dominion. But I might nudge folks in the way that they should go, so that we might all continue to enjoy this wonderful amusement park that is the Peng Challenge Thread, that has been granted to us by BTS. And if ya' don't like it, ya useless bastards, then email me specific, and give me yer grievances, and explain why I shouldn't set me dogs on you (and I have really, really, nice dogs. They belong to friends of mine, and their names are Siguna and Freya. I'd have dogs meself, but I'm allergic. That's one of the gods's cruelest jokes; that you'ld love a pet, and be allergic to it.)


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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This place bites!

Who put the floral curtains up, hmm?

As for the lavender carpets, BLEH!

There was nought wrong with the old digs I reckon.

I might go walkabout for a while. I entrust the rest of you to turn this thread into a dirty, steenky, festering castle by the time I get back.

And kick the tourists out, I'm sick of autographing the "I survived Castle Peng" T-shirts.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

yap yap yap yap yap yap


Alright, ya yappy dog, just shut up before I hit ya in the nose with the newspaper. You keep yap yap yappin' when you should be die die dyin'. Send me a file full of your demise.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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The sadly misinformed Meeks blurted:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>All reputable sources said they were using enriched Zinc. Christ, who thought they'd be stupid enough to use Co-59.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Several very local sources spring to mind. And never cut the red wire. Now, on to lesser and messier things...

Der Unbekannte Jäger, having volunteered as clay pigeon of the latest thread, should look for suitable tall grass in which to land, as sometimes those suckers are reusable.

Raob/1 (oh, did I spell tht wrang?) and Maximus, both in our eager greeting line, are collectively a sign that America can come together for a common cause. Frankly, this is a symbol of all that's wrong with this country, and I say, time to clamp down. George W., we know you're reading, for gawdsakes do somefink.

I am now posting from my new Gigaputer, and you're all no doubt noting the crisper edges and brighter colors, gnashing your little mandibles (GI TOM, the "g" is silent) in envy. Too bloody bad. Every time I fire this sucker up, half of northern California goes dim or dark, so I leave it on all day, even when I'm out spearing dolphins, which will always remind me of dalem.

Now some words for the True Old 'Poolers: They're useless buggers but they're all we've got. Two or three have turned out, and the rest should be turned out. They know who they are and should just file the front sight off the old pistol to prevent unsightly scarring, take a deep breath, and apply a few ounces of prevention.

Honor, lads. Not just a slogan but a lifestyle™.

Marlow: (note that you don't yet merit the coveted boldface type): Nice play-by-play, in a disappointing sort of way. Those who can, do. Those who can't....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:


Bah Humbug! You can maintain that pretence all you like. Probably quite successfully in this place where the shallow rantings of the intellectually challenged masquerade as pithy insults. No, nothing exceeds the unpleasantness of being subject to your turgid prose and bombastic digressions. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

'Cor, blimey, I've gone all tingely, I have.'

If you're good, and I mean truly good, and not at the game, mind you, but just good at words and insults, and wonderment, and such, you can get 'em to post back, who would never post here otherwise. And that's a thing, it is. All the rest of it, it's only Crodas burning...


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

Originally posted by Roborat:

By the way ubie-chugger, I see by your profile that you are domiciled somewhere in my neck of the woods, how about some more details so I can throw some rocks at your house, or shave your cat. Note, matt, that I didn't say ****......(edited for distasteful content)

I know where Leduc is.

Do you know where Istanbul is? I am nowhere near it. wink.gif

Actually I live within biking distance of Jasper.


"'S muladach ma theid ar sgaoileadh..." -Duncan Ban Macintyre

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And now what you all have been waiting for... The results of MEEKS Vs JEFE!

I crushed him. LORAK!

Meeks - LOSS

jshandorf - WIN

Yep. The score was like 74-14 or somefink like that. It was just incredible at times. I would love to elaborate but I must sleep. Tomorrow I will tell you the tale.



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Originally posted by Maximus:

Being that I never participated in the Cesspool before, let me get in on this early. smile.gif

You're all a bunch of sons of a motherless goat! LOL! tongue.giftongue.gif

Ok, now that we are to become civilized, I think a FAQ is in order, and Maximus here, has shown us how NOT to taunt.

If you're gonna stop by for the fun, try to follow one of two simple rules:

1) Conscruct a taunt that will leave the denizens of the Pool in awe... Maximus, you failed

2) Single people out... a taunt dirrected at everyone will be noticed by no one... unless you follow rule 1.

Have a nice day



One of the Old School

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Ahem, as Robbie Burns Day approaches, I thought you all might like a glimpse into what OGSF and his ilk can expect....

Tae A Fert:

Oh what a sleekit horrible beastie

Lurks in yer belly efter the feastie

Just as ye sit doon among yer kin

There sterts to stir an enormous wind.

The neeps and tatties and mushy peas

Stert workin like a gentle breeze

But soon the puddin wi the sancie face

Will have ye blawin' all ower the place.

Nae matter whit the hell ye dae

A'body's gonnae have tae pay

Even if ye try to stifle,

It's like a bullet oot a rifle.

Hawd yer bum tight tae the chair

Tae try and stop the leakin air

Shift yersel frae cheek tae cheek

Prae tae God it doesnae reek.

But aw yer efforts go asunder

Oot it comes like a clap a thunder

Ricochets aroon the room

Michty me, a sonic boom!

God almighty it fairly reeks;

Hope I huvnae s--- ma breeks

Tae the bog I better scurry

Aw whit the hell, it's no ma worry.

A'body roon aboot me chokin,

Wan or two are nearly bokin

I'll feel better for a while

Cannae help but raise a smile.

Wis him! I shout with accusin glower,

Alas too late, he's just keeled ower

Ye dirty bugger they shout and stare

I dinnae feel welcome any mair.

Where ere ye go let yer wind gan free

Sounds like just the job for me

Whit a fuss at Rabbie's perty

Ower the sake o won wee ferty.

Happy Burns Day, everybody.


Massada Lo Tipol Shenit

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I'm going to hone my hatred in quiet, irritated solitude and you can reach me by mail or carrier pigeon if you must.


alright you git.. after you come out of the bathe room, don't forget to take your Hooters magazine with you. And while your at it Pengkomon, SEND ME MY TURN YOU GENETIC ALTERED INBRED PRANTING SHAG-EARED MANIKIN!


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Lorak:

...There are two plans - there are two agendas - going on in the world. There is a plan going on by those who wish to manipulate you, and there is a plan that is going on by the CessPool herself...(insert some rather Frankensteinian ramblings culled from back issues of National Geographic here).

What with this, and the title of the new "improved" Peng Thread, it's only a matter of time before somebody let's slip about the "New World Order" and the UN plot to pry our wargames from our cold, dead hands!

(And get those damn black helicopters away from my house --- they're keeping me awake at night!)

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gentler Cess??? GENTLER CESS!!!!!??? WTF IS THIS?

Feck that, this scheit of a political corectness is a North Fecking American Fetish to keep everyone happy. Buy Guns, take drugs say "man" not Post"person", cheat, lie! Don't be afraid to say "shut up you dolt, I'm surfing for PORN!"... damn fecking americans all thier political correctness causes more trouble then a Prostate infection!

we need a leader who has a pair! and does not submit to "ooh did I hurt your widdle feewings?" we need a leader that is so mean that instead of using deodorant he gargles disinfectant and licks his armpits, not some guy who is so innocent he thinks bollocks are young cows!

If this thread gets gentle it will be as dull as a pacifists pistol! sure sell out, take the easy why! It is easy to be brave from a safe distance...

so lets all be good boys and girls and be

Subtle as a gynaecologist wearing a gas mask

so on to further news:

there is none so go sit down shut up and be quiet... feck It is so quiet now you could hear a gnat fart

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All right, who let the gnat in??

Gosh chaps, isn't this a jolly nice new thread? Shall we have a picnic and play hotseat games? But wait, aren't those fellows shooting at each other? Ghastly! We must exchange their rifles for bunches of flowers! The war should be won by the side which can flatter its opponent most effectively!

Hey man, that Hitler dude sure is a wacky fellow!

Ja, he is qvite a character! Please pass meine best vishes on to Herr Roosevelt!

Gosh Fritz, that's an awfully smart uniform you're wearing!

Ach, you are too kind! And might I say zat I haf zer greatest respect fur ze Britische army!

Whoa man, I wish we had some of those big tanks you guys use – your technology is like totally awesome!

It is nicht really zat good – your Shermans are far more reliable!

I have to say your Luftwaffe chaps really gave us a run for our money back in '40! I do admire Göring for switching attacks from airfields to cities – it seemed like a strange tactic, but I'm sure he had good reasons!

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What better way to annoint a new Cesspool than a posting about the games going on.

Crawdad: I await a turn from his closet Frenchiness. Perhaps all this blather lately about Pawbroon and French women had addled his brain, or perhaps (mefinks this is the correct condition) his brain has been addled all along. But his latest arty strike struck nothing but empty ground as he tried to keep up with the Stug-fest that will shortly pummel his positions.

Babra-ella: Yeah, we actually have a PBEM going on, and I have sent a turn back at him. On a map that would make Marlow's yodeling mother and a pack of dogs with full bladders ecstatically happy we really have yet to see each other, although his liberal use of artillery for tree farming is making pretty noises and fireworks.

jshandorfff: Beware the StuH of Death. After being immobilized by some extremely gamey artillery fire a bunch of turns ago, this assault gun has remained up on its ridgeline perch surveying the town below. Twice, there have been Ami AT teams sent its way, only to arrive near the crest of the hill wheezing and panting so loudly from their climb that the crew of a buttoned-up StuH hears them over the rumblings of the engine, and uses their MG cut down the AT team in its path. Nary a shot fired from either team.

The Other Stuka: Has informed me that his Amis are getting too pasted in the town to continue. After liberal artillery to soften them up, my Gerbiljaegers have advanced up either flank and started taking one building after another. One platoon actually qualifiesd as being in his rear. SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!!! AND YOU TOO MACE!!! NOT THAT KIND OF REAR

That's all for now...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Kinder? GENTLER?! BAH! FEH! I won't have it in the house. Bugger off, you lot. I'm going to hone my hatred in quiet, irritated solitude and you can reach me by mail or carrier pigeon if you must. Kinder gentler thread indeed. Phooey.


"Don't waste your breath

and I won't waste my hate on you...

I think I'll keep it for myself."



Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Yay, Hiram's back. So, just in case he missed this:

"Hiram never sent me a setup, from which I am forced to extrapolate that he is a mewling bluebird with a Boy Scout fetish who murders his neighbors' children and poses them in a lifelike manner in his basement. I imagine he then has tea parties with them."

So, how 'bout it, Rainbow Brite?


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Newer, fresher, lemon-scented? Check your hate at the door my brethren.

A few notes for all of you:

1) Thanks to YK2, shandorffffff, and Stuka for arguing over posession of my hulking frame. Makes me feel like a woman again!

2) Is it just me or does jd really look like a lawyer (and a shady one at that) and Berli really looks like the devil (and a shady one at that). Lorak looks like a Lorak. I look like a Greek god (insert your Dionysus joke here) who could kick Nicholas Cage's butt.

3) For those of you who didn't get the benefit of seeing the pics of Stuka and his ball and chain - The ball and chain is a lovely woman, and Stuka is a big dork. I always thought that there was something funny about that southern hemisphere.

4) Our peerless leader, Seanachai seems to think that I've begun to post wittily. Well, I've got news for him: I've been witty since I started. More likely is that I've gotten less witty, and you've begun to comprehend.

5) In a larger sense, I have an issue to take up with the 'Pool vets and regulars. Does anyone have a good comprehensive email list that they could forward on to me. I will weed out the people that I don't care for when I get it.

6) Those of you with games against me: fear the files you get next from me. I have particularly dastardly and venomous things coming your way. Especially if your name ends with NZer.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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Originally posted by Der Unbekannte Jäger:

I ask for a game here because you poolers IMHO have by far the most experience in multiplay and I figure that I can learn greatly from a defeat from such experienced hands such as one of your number.

It is an illusion that cesspoolers are all veterans of this forum; in fact, almost all of them are wet behind the ears newcomers none of whom appeared on this forum before the year 2000!

The list of REAL veterans who were here before the year 2000 is short, and I was surprised to find that I am part of this select and august aeropage. A cursory search has shown that other members of these old-timers are Joe Shaw, Simon fox, Berlichtingen, Wild Bill Wilder, Matt and of course Steve.

The all-time champion is no doubt Mark IV, who apparently joined this forum in the year 100,just before the decline of the Roman Empire (no wonder it declined, if they were posting on this thread...).Check it out if you don't believe me.

I was actually surprised to find that few of the well-known names, some of whom have posted many more messages than they have days (not to say hours) on the forum, were here before the millinium. The litany of canonized forum saints should therefore not include the better-known names of Senechai, Jeff Heidmann, Slapdragon, Kitty, Blackhorse, CavScout, ScoutPL, Elijah Weeks, and so on, but the true icons of durability that, in addition to yours truly, include Joe Shaw, Simon fox, Berlichtingen, Wild Bill Wilder, Matt and Steve.

Now I have certainly overlooked some old saints that fully deserved to be canonized and to be raised upon the alter of Combat Mission Saints, and I encourage them to post their names here, where the grand inquisitor of CM orthodoxy Slapdragon will check out their credentials and condemn them to the rack if they turn out to be false (not here before January 2000).


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You forget yourself, Henri. Some of us have been around that long, but began a new persona. I used to post for a year as "Big CM Tank Killer Guy." And now you would dare leave the name of Croda off of your list of CM sacred cows? I'm of a mind to crack your cheekbone with my gauntlet, you grog-obsessing ninny! Newbie, indeed!





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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