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Most Dubious Briefing Statements

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We all rely on the info to be found in CM briefings, but many statements one encounters in them seem instantly dubious. Often the mere appearance of such a statement leads you to expect the opposite of what is being claimed. What are some your favorite--or least favorite--examples?

Just to get the ball rolling, I'll begin with the obvious:

"Little or no enemy armor is expected in the area."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Only light resistance expected.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You forgot to mention the stuff before you get that one line...

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Description: 120 turns, Huge

Allied and Axis forces square off in a massive 50k Meeting Engagement, which will surely destroy your processor as soon as you press Go.

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I can tell you about a briefing that isnt in a scenario but I am sure was dubious: Breifing 1st B-24 Bombgroup going to bomb ploesti: The anti-aircraft guns are manned by poorly trained Romanian volunteers who are sick of the war, the same can be expected of the Luftwaffe piltots protecting the base...turns out, the best of the best in Luftwaffe pilots, and elite, German AA gunners with radar spotting.... bet those pilots had a number on the person who briefed em.


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Just prior to the start of the batlle of the Bulge the US troops were told that German troops facing them were minimal and the artillery consisted of one horse-drawn battery.

When an entire Panzer Corps' artillery opened up the morning of the offensive, one of the soldiers was heard to comment 'they must be working that poor horse to death'

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Well, this is not really a dubious briefing statement, but it is more of the case of a completely dubious briefing.

First some background. Polish Karl Arnold Majewski had somehow ended up in the Finnish army some time in the 30s. He commanded a cavalry squadron during the Winter War and rose to the rank of Major receiving command of a batallion in the early days of the Continuation War. He was well-known for his light-hearted approach to war in general as well as for his total lack of self-preservation instincts (he was later killed by a sniper when he walked erect to the no-man's land to inspect Soviet casualties after a failed Soviet attack against a stronghold).

Anyway, in January 1942 he was ordered to organize a two-batallion raid to destroy the Soviet supply center at Maj-Guba (I think, my sources are at home) and to cut the Murmansk railway for some time. No written copy of the briefing he gave to the officers of the two batallions has survived, and probably none was ever done. One of the officers later told that the briefing went as follows:

Majewski: "We do glorious raid for Mannerheim. We go Murmansk railway, let Russkie encircle us, hold it three day, come home." (Majewski's Finnish was quite bad)

Some officer: "What about supply?"

M: "The Devil. Didn't think it." (to the supply officer): "You come with us?"

Supply officer: "Yes."

M: "Then, supply where I am."

Veterinary officer (who was young and didn't know Majewski, yet): "What position should the veterinary team hold in the advance column?"

M: "The Devil. Vet be where horses be."

Veterinary officer: "But what about wounded horses?"

M: "We kill them. We eat them. We burn the sledges."

That concluded the whole briefing. After it, Major Murole, the commander of the assisting batallion, took the company commanders of the both batallions with him and went on to produce a real plan. The attack was not particularly successful, the supply depot went up in flames and the railroad was blocked for some 10 hours, but the attackers--especially Majewski's batallion--suffered way too many frostbite casualties (over 10% severe cases), since they were not physically fit for the 5-day sleepless skiing and fighting in the forest. (Murole's border jägers were experienced patrolmen and didn't have such problems).

- Tommi

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If the roadblock gives you any trouble

at all, bypass it and take up direct fire

positions along the wooded ridge to help

Baker Co out of their tight spot, and cover

our advance later. You should come across

friendly footsloggers south of the road.

Pick up any of the Regiment's doughs you

meet on the way so they can clean out

snipers or booby traps that may be left in

the village.

Reinforcements: We'll be passing through

your positions to start the counterattack

as soon as we've opened the main road. Now

get up there fast!

[ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder:

My favorite and one I love to use when I am going to sock it to you is..."Intelligence reports indicate..."


If you ever see this in one of mine, be careful!


I KNEW you were toying with us, Wild Bill. Of course, as some of the other comments indicate, briefings in real life were probably even WORSE!

BTW--I like "Lead with armor"! LOL. I think I ran into that one in "Drive to Mortain" and fortunately, I ignored it. Never a good idea if your armor is of the Sherman variety.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTW--I like "Lead with armor"! LOL. I think I ran into that one in "Drive to Mortain" and fortunately, I ignored it. Never a good idea if your armor is of the Sherman variety.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Argh, the plot has been exposed smile.gif

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Vienna, a custom made map, had briefings that just made me laugh, note, all spelling mistakes are taken from the quote.

the German one:

General Schmid,

i'm pround to send you the best wishes of highcommand.

the totally destruction of the tankforces was a good sign of all german units.

the battle isnt over.

we can still win the war.

we made reinfocements available to you.

the revenge of the british forces is sure to come.

you order is to smash any attack in your sector.

dont even think about retreat.

gez. Bayerlein generaloberst

p.s. stay in the hills dont come back to Berlin.

and the british one:


I know you overheard the doom of tankcompanies Alpha and Bravo.


p.s. month thinks there shouldnt be to many POW's do you understand!

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