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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

you can be forgiven a lack of knowledge of the finer points of fruit products that one puts on toast in the morning. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Forgive me, Cristinel for I was traumatized as a child by the evil Ernie & Bert on 'Sesame street', who appeared to live on the Amuuuurkin staple diet of "peanut butter and jelly sandwiches"

I remember thinking (as an 8 yr old child), "what kind of sick society puts jello and peanut butter together in a sandwich?"

And I've hated Amurikans ever since.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Josie and the Shawcats apparently thinks that a bunch of unfunny words strung together to make an unwitty remark are the same as actually sending me a turn.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now see, that's just rude. I thought it was very funny, I was giggling for hours over it, but fine, if you're going to be a stick-in-the-mud I'll send you a turn ... now stop pouting and go back to losing our game like a good lad.

I have been neglecting my turns, it's true, but it was SO nice to be away from the inane emails I get from you clowns that I wanted to hold on to the pleasure for just a bit longer.

Oh, and Pawbroon, stick-in-the-mud is not what you think it is ... not that I have any idea WHAT you might think it is, but based on your posting history it's best not to take any chances or we might get stuck with four pages of indecipherable drivel.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Hey I owe Lawdog a setup and I'm getting sick of QBs.

1. Does anyone have a good medium-sized scenario they want to try out on us, and

2. Is that acceptable to you, Lawdog?



Dalem, you idjit! Accepting a challenge from you is more work than issuing one myself. So to make it EASY for you, I will send you a nice snow job from "Der Kessel". Do I get a Satanic Kiss, Berli?

As Consigliori to the Pool, I have asked Don Shaw to include you in song as part of his "in character" portrayal of Nicole Kidman as he prances about his Utah love nest in his best sequined outfit.

This pleasure will permit Joe to grant you a stay of execution for your continued stupidity. But I must say, you are trying the patience of us all.

You obviously have no brain, heart, or courage, Toto. No wonder you have no ears...

[ 05-27-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Joe, thank you for using my proper name. It is an interesting scenario, Jabo! is, and that one I am playing with Mrspkr, however it was Jabos! I am playing (or was that is) with Speedbump. Or maybe I had that in reverse -- who cares? Besides the name, there is one other similarity:

They have been able to completely turn a fun game into one of utter discontent.

Really great scenarios, guys, thanks for picking them out. In one scenario, my entire strategy focuses on making sure every unit has a Fast Move line extending off the map each turn. The only joy in the movie is to see how many simultaneous yellow lines my tiger can attract.

In the other one, I have the wonderful chance to watch a nice long line of gigantic guns get slowly decimated by aircraft for 15 turns before a few cowardly brit with some shermans creep forward to inspect the carnage. The fun in this scenario is intelectual: "Just how many guns CAN a single bomb destroy?" I think I saw one bomb take out an entire divisional battery. Oh joy...

Oh and as far as Jabos!(or the other one -- who cares?) goes, it is also interesting to watch someone as inept as Mrspkr make enough mistakes that I am beginning to suspect I might gain a victory, phyrric though it may be

So, really, what I am trying to say is, does anyone with skill, or at least a modicum of joy in playing a good game, want to try a balanced, and perhaps refreshingly interesting scenario?

[ 05-27-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

[ 05-27-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

AMEN, Panzer Leader. I grow as weary of the crapfest chrisl laughingly sent to us as you are. I am determined to see it through to the end, as unsatisfying as it is. I have a line on a couple of nice, balanced, company-sized battles that will suit your fancy.

I knew we were in trouble as soon as I saw those roads out to the beach stop in the middle of nowhere. chrisl, you may want to look at a picture or two someday of the Normandy coast - not only is the terrain wrong for Juno - it is wrong for every beach from Able Red to Zebra Green!

But historical fidelity isn't my big concern - it is playability; and game that takes five minutes to process a single turn has something wrong with it!

We keep reading about massive body counts in this thread, but no one seems to brag about finesse...I think maybe I know why

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

You obviously have no brain, heart, or courage, Toto. No wonder you have no ears...


Hmm. Well, you must have a pretty big boyfriend to go slinging such rancorous incitements around. No matter, I'll still whup ya.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Other people may get to see Chrisl soon, as I have his photo and I am not affraid to use it.


Should've finished you off when I had the chance.

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It is with a heavy heart and much embarrassment that I post this.

I have just completed a game with Hiram, one which we began a week ago via tcp, {(from which he fled after a little bitty disconnect and crash) but I saved the autosave in another folder so it would not be overwrit} and forced him to finish the thing out tonight.

Why am I embarrassed? Because I allowed him to score 24 points. He not only scored 24 points but he killed a Stug III, an H42 and A Mark IV in the process. This was the sum total of my armor for the game. That is correct. He destroyed ALL of my armor with stinking AT guns.

So, let this be a lesson to you all, hiram is a like a wounded thing: he can lash out and bite you, even when you are about to crush out his life with a big heavy steel toed boot.

He is still worthless and weak, but before they fall out en masse his teeth can break the skin (you will prolly need some iodine and a series of painful shots afterwords too.)

Now, if there are any takers out there for some TCP?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Though I have been away for what seems like years, it is nice to see that many of the old members are still here. I wish you all well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Really? Well, you have no business here then ... SOD OFF!


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All right folks (junkies and transvestites) I know you are all waiting around to see what I am up to (like the rest of the world - at my beck and call) so I will update you henceforth.

Against michael dorosh, I continue to eliminate the Canadian army from the world with great abandon, though he has taken a bit of my hill on the flank. He was your typical edge-crawling slug about it, with its slimy trail that of blood flowing back into the english channel.

As has been discussed, I ended my battle against Speedbump with a victory -- for him big surprise, though I will always be happy that I shot down one of his planes.

Against Mrspkr I watch idly as my position slowly withers away under the strain of his GAMEY soldiers. How dare they assault a front line of broken crews?!?!

ANd, it is with pleasure that I announce, my acceptance and first turn to my own esteemed kanigget, Pawbroon, who, even though it seems like incest in a weird kinda way, accepted my general challenge. I even wrote my email to him in what scraps of French I remember from highschool so many ans ago. I picked up some random scenario from Rommel22's web-site. I'm sure it will be a blast, what with that character. I defend a number of bridges against the capitalist scourge.

And finally, I havce sent an Assault out to Parabellum. Actually, he will be the one assaulting across hilly fields of snow.

As you were.

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++Serious mode ON++

Now my story. I just recently got a new contract to do some uh.. graphics work and translations. And there is a bloody tight end date. If you all would like I can put our game on hold till about August or so, the only games I will be keeping up are my three NSSB II games which I hope to finish off with TCP / IP.

If you want I can send in a surrender file if that is your wish or we can put our game on ice till then.

Sorry, this contract that just came up is to good to be true and appears that it will be quite fun and give me more new horizons to look at.

no I'm not running off with the Gerbilboy, its just I'm all giddy like a mountain goat * you mace and all assorted Ozzies stay away*

I'll tell you all later what this contract is about when its done. =P


++Serious mode OFF++

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Mace! The challenge still stands! Though being the lazy swine that you are, I imagine you didn't bother to read all of page 9 (presumably because it would expend a bit of your ever-dwindling reserve of brain cells). You pick a setup and send it on over.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So, mensch and Germanboy are off on their honeymoon. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, but honey I'm hooome. Dass right you bastards. Expect files of death the lot of you. Since the above mentioned bastards are doing otherthings now I'm looking for someone new to hurt.

Aitken? I believe I should have killed you already.

Seanachai? It will be cruel and unnatural, and it will hurt quite a lot, just like last time.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Geier wrote:

Aitken? I believe I should have killed you already.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh go on then. Most of my opponents seem to have disappeared for the weekend, or simply not got my files, or I haven't got theirs, but it's their own bloody fault for not letting me know. Send me something, preferably of the CM Map variety. A presdesigned scenario would be nice, if you have anything to hand – I've only played a few from CM, and one Rune job, and that's it.

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All of you stand up and start applauding.. No, don't ask why, just whoop and cheer and...why yes Bauhaus a Mexican wave just be just dandy.

Its your old Uncle Stukey's 1000th post!

A coming of age, an ascent into elder statehood, a transmogrification into divine being if you will.

Thank you, thank you all.

Now leave your offerings on Peng's sofa and sod off.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Thermopylae:

Mace! The challenge still stands! Though being the lazy swine that you are, I imagine you didn't bother to read all of page 9 (presumably because it would expend a bit of your ever-dwindling reserve of brain cells). You pick a setup and send it on over.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What does everyhere think I am, easy? (Shutup, and don't answer that)

If you want a fight,poopoopile, send me a setup 'cause I'm too lazy to make the effort.

Now excuse me, I have to take care of the feline "Here, Kitty Kitty Kitty....."


[ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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