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One Peng to Pool Them All, And In the Challenge Malign Them

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Aren't we all just as pleased as punch to see Berli back from MinnieSoda ... no? Oh well: You are, in fact, wrong. The title is... Competent players achieve a draw. This no doubt is why Shaw is having some much trouble with it.<hr></blockquote> Bah! How did you playtest that little gem anyway? Let me guess, you were the Germans, the A.I. was Allied and FOW was OFF right? And since you managed to pull out a draw once in the four times you tried it you figured it was balanced right? Now granted CM Player isn't THAT much more of a challenge than the A.I., but with this piece of garbage even Peng could win. I'm convinced that you somehow rigged it so that I would choose that scenario and that side. True Evil has it's ways.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>And then Turkeyish chimes in AGAIN: Mr. Shaw, what part of "I ACCEPT THE CLOWN'S CHALLENGE." didn't you understand?<hr></blockquote> Hmmm, I wonder what part of my post HE didn't understand. Lars, Did I suggest that he didn't accept the challenge? NO! Thanks, Lars, I didn't think so. It was Slapdragon as I recall that made THAT statement. I suggested that the FORM of his acceptance was WAY below standard ... as indeed it was. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Would you like a middle school level reading comrehension book to accompany you when you read the posts of others?<hr></blockquote> You know MrSpkr, while I've no doubt that he has any NUMBER of middle school level books readily available due to the number of times he's attempted to pass on to High School, perhaps he should follow his own advice since he apparently can't tell who posted what. Oh ... as to your turn MrSpkr ... I looked at it but found myself unsatisfied with the outcome. Do it again and IF it meets with my approval THIS time I'll return it. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I'm sure Haans would fetch you one, being the good lad that he is. You know, Haans is about to fetch me something too, another WIN.<hr></blockquote>How many times, fellow CessPudlians, must we explain to SSNs that WINS don't matter here? I tell you it's like swimming upstream.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

How many times, fellow CessPudlians, must we explain to SSNs that WINS don't matter here? I tell you it's like swimming upstream.


Joe, I think if you quit ejaculating on eggs in the produce section of your supermarket, people would stop treating you like a salmon.

By the way, you may want to keep a sharp eye out for bears.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

Please resend the last turn.


I haven't mailed a message to YOU Lars...so there's nothing to resend. I have to go to the work of DOING the turn first. But with Slappy it's another story. His hot throbbing bandwidth may be nice to brag about, but it doesn't seem to cut the mustard in real life.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

How many times, fellow CessPudlians, must we explain to SSNs that WINS don't matter here?


The guys who keep saying that are the ones who can't play. Besides, if the TAUNTING is the point, what is it you're supposed to taunt about? The progress of a game perhaps? Winning and losing perhaps? Sorry, but there's no escaping the pissing contest however much you, Jo Xia may try to redefine the discursive environment around here. The MBT is a ladder, period. A gorified one perhaps, but a ladder all the same. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go beat my chest now.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>The MBT is a ladder, period. A gorified one perhaps, but a ladder all the same. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go beat my chest now.<hr></blockquote> {GASP!} HERESY ALERT ... HERESY ALERT ... HERESY ALERT ...

Quick, Lars ... oh DAMN, Lars isn't my Squire anymore, MrSpkr can you assist, we have a LOT to do, the coals have to be stoked, the windlass on the rack needs oiling, those bloodstains will NOT come out of my robe ... there's just not enough hours in the day ... a Justicar's work is NEVER done.

Mind you it's an open and shut case, we have precedent aplenty and sworn testimony by the Olde Ones, but an EXAMPLE MUST BE MADE before this contagion spreads.

{grumble ... grumble ... a ladder he says ... by GAWD he may be dropped to Serf for this ... a ladder indeed ... as if the records have been updated in the last sixteen months ... ladder ... hmmmpppffff}


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

How many times, fellow CessPudlians, must we explain to SSNs that WINS don't matter here? I tell you it's like swimming upstream.



That is because you suck.

If you had plumage worth showing off you'd be crooning like some yak in heat but unfortunately your battlefield prowess is about as notable as a waterslide at Camp Snoopy. The ride is too short and extremely under whelming.


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(stiff faced and with monotonous voice) I hereby retract my earlier statement and affirm that I in no way whatsoever consider the MBT to be a ladder. I say this of my own free *OW!* where was I? I say this of my own free will and *AHHH!*. It makes no difference who wins or loses it's all in how you *AY!* how you...taunt and all that. May I have a drink of water now?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

... The MBT is a ladder, period. A gorified one perhaps, but a ladder all the same. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go beat my chest now.<hr></blockquote>

* In a far corner of the Cespool *

Herr Oberst: "Oh good one there, CMplayer. Boyo, did you get him just right. Mr. Xia can be such a trial at times... Nice to see that you have passed the final test, and seen the truth."

* HerrOberst tosses CMplayer a towel *

Herr Oberst: "We'll just have to get you cleaned up for your inaguration into the Inner Sanctum."

CMplayer: "Is that anything like an Inner Croda?"

Herr Oberst: "Oh, heavens no. You hadn't heard of it before?"

* CMplayer shakes his head *

Herr Oberst: "No, of course you hadn't. Silly me. Word of it's existence is only spoken of in the midst of members. All the Old Ones are members."

* Herr Oberst spots a puzzled look on CMplayers face *

Herr Oberst: "Yes, that means you are already in. The ceremony is a formality, but a necessary one. Please follow me."

* HerrOberst leads CMplayer down a dark hallway *

HerrOberst: "As I was saying, we are all really closet-grogs, and only a few have dared to mention even the slightest groggy statement, but there have been a few slip-ups."

* Herr Oberst stops at a doorway *

Herr Oberst: "Please go inside and get cleaned up for later this afternoon."

* As CMplayer heads inside, Herr Oberst closes and locks a large iron door behind him. *

Herr Oberst: "There's a good lad. The showers are straight ahead, and don't pay any attention to the scratch marks on the ceiling. I know it's a bit chilly on all that concrete, but we have a nice warm, toasty room for you after your shower is done..."

* Herr Oberst turns to walk back down the hallway *

Herr Oberst: * muttering * "Ladder my ass!"

Hearing a rustle in the darkness of the corridor, Herr Oberst glances quickly to one side...

Herr Oberst: "Oh for Pete's sake, SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!"

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Just kidding. (not only is this a ladder but most of the people here are closet grogs. It's sickening, really)

[ 10-26-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]<hr></blockquote>

At the average of 8.75 square feet of floor space, the capability to hold large amounts of miltary camo gear on hangers, and with a front glacis of 1.5” thick solid oak, I feel that the closet is seriously undermodeled in CM.

BTS, fix or do somfink.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf:


That is because you suck.

If you had plumage worth showing off you'd be crooning like some yak in heat but unfortunately your battlefield prowess is about as notable as a waterslide at Camp Snoopy. The ride is too short and extremely under whelming.

Jeff<hr></blockquote>jshandorf ... may I call you Idiot ... the only thing that's underwhelming around here is your INABILITY to put a taunt together. You preen and boast of your ability at CM AS THOUGH IT MATTERS but neglect the most important aspect of it all ... THE TAUNTING!

How WELL I recall our PBEM game. I was so bored that I was thrilled to lose just to get out of it. Your turns came with ... NOTHING ... not a word but just the turn attached. At least young CMplayer has a BIT of wit about him (obviously it's deserted him NOW but he did send entertaining emails). And you call yourself a taunter ... go discuss Bertinelli hardness with some Grog (mind you Valerie had that effect on me at one time but lately she's just not quite there).

And don't get me started on your mixed metaphors.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


How WELL I recall our PBEM game. I was so bored that I was thrilled to lose just to get out of it. Your turns came with ... NOTHING ... not a word but just the turn attached.


Wait a minute.. you mean you actually expect me to waste valuable minutes of my life thinking up some witty reponse to tag along with the file of your doom, just so that you can get a few chuckles. You know what I say to that?

Screw you.

I got better things to do with my time than to make sure you are thoroughly entertained for an evening. If you need to laugh so much stand in front of a mirror naked.


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Hmmm, winning isn't everything, but if I didn't care about winning or losing, I'd be just like the rest of you, and that's just too nauseating to thing about right now. Still waiting for Haans to send me the file, I guess he's working out with Fraans and is too busy for a good old fashioned drubbing.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Wait a minute.. you mean you actually expect me to waste valuable minutes of my life thinking up some witty reponse to tag along with the file of your doom, just so that you can get a few chuckles. You know what I say to that?

Screw you.

I got better things to do with my time than to make sure you are thoroughly entertained for an evening. If you need to laugh so much stand in front of a mirror naked.

Jeff<hr></blockquote>See what I mean guys, it's really too bad but what can you do.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Frankly, I thought the mirror crack wasn't bad.


Of course I worry about Shandorf and his fixation for Joe naked. The very thought makes me want to hurl my Korean Beef and Egg dinner plate right onto my broken flat screen.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Frankly, I thought the mirror crack wasn't bad.

Speedbump<hr></blockquote>I expected a BIT more support from a former Squire.


{grumble ... grumble ... work my fingers to the bone ... okay technically work HIS fingers to the bone but I had to supervise ... thanks I get ... let him play Jabo! against me ... no damn gratitude ... Squires these days ... never WAS quite up to Agua Perdido's standard}

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedbump:

You know, I thought all of this Mace stuff was just a prank, but then I found the following link:

Sheep Porn<hr></blockquote>

We'd all love to know why Spudslump actually went and hunted for a sheep site, and yes we can wait all day for an explanation!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Bah! How did you playtest that little gem anyway? Let me guess, you were the Germans, the A.I. was Allied and FOW was OFF right? And since you managed to pull out a draw once in the four times you tried it you figured it was balanced right?<hr></blockquote>

Actually, you'll have to ask Germanboy as he was the German commander in the playtest. Of course, he wasn't laboring under your lack of tactical skill

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

The MBT is a ladder, period. A gorified one perhaps, but a ladder all the same. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go beat my chest now.<hr></blockquote>

Never has a post screamed, "I just don't get it"

like this one does. As Peng stated:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>we heartily agreed that the generic CMPlayer with his generic name, generic posting habits and patheticness on all fronts is completely useless and should be vigorously prosocuted by the Justicar and vigorously ignored by everyone else.<hr></blockquote>

I heartily agree

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