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HO HO HO! Here comes Peng with his bag full of Challenges!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Ponder that, Sir Seniour Knigget,


He's an Olde Oneyou two bit convict. Never dishonor an Olde Onewith such a lowly title. And making excuses before you play? Why not just surrender now and save yourself the humiliation?

Coffee......it's such good food.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The setup is in the mail, unfortunately I chose, without looking too carefully, some abortion slapped together by Andreas. Hell, we may be fighting Nazgul together for all I know.


A setup from Andreas? We are royally screwing the pooch. And let me remind you, the game in which you won was a gamey little setup from the Evil One. I stand little chance in winning to begin with, but when the Evil One decides to put in one snow covered road and give me Tigers to boot. Tigers that decide to immobilise on the one and only road I can cross on......gamey bastich! You are a lowly excuse for a Senior Kannnnniget.

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Merry ****ing Christmas!!

I heard there is no Christmas,

In the silly Middle East.

No Trees, no Snow, no Santa Claus,

They have Different Religious beliefs.

They Believe in Muhammad,

And not in our Holiday.

And so every December,

I go to the Middle East and say.

Hey there Mr Muslim, Merry ****ing Christmas

Put down that book 'The Koran'

and hear some holiday wishes

Incase you haven't noticed,

it's Jesus's Birthday

So get off you heathen Muslim Ass

And ****ing celebrate.

There is no holiday season in india,

i've heard.

They don't hang up their stockings,

and that is just absurd..

They've never read a Christmas Story,

They Don't know what Rudolph is about.

And that's why in December,

I'll go to india and shout.

Hey there Mr Hinduist, Merry ****ing Christmas

Dring some 'nog, and eat some Beef

and pass it to the Missus

Incase you haven't noticed,

It's Jesus's Birthday

So get off your heathen hindu ass,

And ****ing celebrate.

Now I heard that in Japan,

Everyone just lives in sin.

They pray to several gods,

And put needles in their skin.

On December twenty-fifth,

all they do is eat a cake.

and that is why i'll go to Japan,

and walk around and say.

Hey there Mr Shintoist, Merry ****ing Christmas

God is gonna kick your ass You infidelic pagan scum.

Incase you haven't noticed,

There's festive things to do

So lets all rejoice for Jesus

and Merry ****ing Christmas to you.

On Christmas Day, I travel round the world and say.

Taoists, Korishnas, Buddists

and all you atheists too.

Merry ****ing Christmas to you.

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Aye, a setup by your's truly. So, I wondered what could ever be so bad about it, until I realised that it has little to do with me designing the marvellous piece, getting the last bit of potential performance out of the stupendous piece of software that is CMBO, but more with Joe's mental capacities, and his incessant whinging, like a bloody Pommy.

I can already see the picture, when his kids have to tell his toddler-age grandchildren to please be gentle to the Father Jack impression in the corner, and let him win at Memory once in a while, even though he can not remember where the other pink elephant in a ballerina's dress card he picked up a mere three seconds ago is now situated. It must be a tough life if a game of stone/rock/scissors is a mental challenge of the highest order. Please everyone remind me to make some 'special', Joe-size games in the future. I.e. easy ones, preferably without troops he can lead astray, or maybe just without troops.

Apart from that I am having a miserable time because I can not watch the damage that various of you nitwits inflict on each other while playtesting my forthcoming works of glory. Being at home and without CMBO is a real try. Well, at least I have the intelligent conversation of my 5-month old nephew, and that is more than I could expect of the lot of you.

I hope you all have a rotten Christmas and that your prime gifts will be felt slippers.

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Bauhaus, they were mostly KTs, not Tigers and while some few were immobilized due to snow there were also some few OTHERS that were immobilized in the sense of smoking, smouldering, destroyed HULKS immobilized AS WELL. And let's not even mention the utter disaster on your right flank where every time anything with wheels or tracks stuck it's little nose around the treeline it got potted by my 76mm ATG.

Pawbroon ... cute, but I'm afraid that one is a bit beyond the pale. May we ask that you delete it on account of how MadMatt won't like the language or the religious references? Sorry pal.

Andreas, no need to be snippy about it. I'm sure that some of your scenarios are wonderfully balanced and fair creations that do honor to your skill and knowledge ... I've yet to find one but I'm sure there are SOME!

Oh ... Merry Christmas my friend, we see too little of you here.


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Pawbroon that was a little frightening. Since when did you start caring about souls you soulless sin-merchant?

You are a proven heathen interested only in the joys of flesh, and on top of that (and worse in my book) you're FRENCH! Sorry bud, you got a one way ticket to Berli's house for X-mas, and he'll prolly let you crash on the "love-seat" till the new year rolls in.

Hope you like Persephone's (boldened 'cause I heard she's HOT) cookin'!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

This Olde one can rip through stralians like semi-digested habanero peppers through a virgin<hr></blockquote>

I made you fight quite hard for your victory, so I like to think I was more a slight bowel obstruction rather than a runny motion.


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Be it known to one and all Serfs, Squires, Knights, Seniour Knights and Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread that the SSN known as Iron Chef Sakai has been Sent To COVENTRY!.

The requisite ruling having been established by the Olde Ones met in conclave and published by the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and ratified by the membership by virtue of no dissent after a 24 hour period, it is hereby adjudged and ruled that NO member of the CessPool shall respond in any way to any future post of said SSN made within the confines of the CessPool.

By order of the Olde Ones and the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread

So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Noba:

We will be victorious ! We shall overcome the foreign stench of the 'pool. To be "Champions of the Pool" by RIGHT, and of course by naturalness too ! Perhaps an, 'UBER LEVEL' above all others in the pool will be ours. All others will be as SSN's to our lofty gaze. We, the young, brave AUSTRALIANS, will RULE.

There is no-one in the 'pool that can stand up to us. I call upon you all to join our crusade. To end the dribble of foreigners who dare slight our hard fought and won reputation as the Best in the world.<hr></blockquote>

What an utter load of tripe! Goanna is the only Ozzie to show any talent to date (and he's an import). Keep yapping boy-o and I may have to take up Seanachai's failed crusade

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[QBPawbroon ... cute, but I'm afraid that one is a bit beyond the pale. May we ask that you delete it on account of how MadMatt won't like the language or the religious references? Sorry pal.[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

Not mine.

Tis from South Park and was sung by Mr Garrison.

It being from that cute little anime thingie, don't expect much in the way of lyrics.

The song is very catchy BTW.

It's all about bigotery Joe.

I'm surprised that even South Park is beyond your ball park...

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Holy Crap Mr. Garrison! Something nasty crawled in PawBroon and got him all riled up! You bastard! You killed IronsClothes****aake!

BTW booger, err... slobber, no that's not it. Umm... nobber, yeah that's it. Here's a little piece of belated death winging it's way 'cross the ether. I had better things (young and female) to attend to last night. The pressure in your skull isn't a migraine it's your sense of impending doom. Suck it up boy and try not to soil yourself if you have enough backbone to die on your feet.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lawyer I find you to be an affront to good and decent CessPoolers everywhere, in fact I find you to be an affront to the rest of the CessPoolers and obviously that's a MUCH larger portion of the Hole. I take it upon myself to humble you sir, to teach you some manners and to bring you down a notch or two.

In short sir, I challenge you to meet me upon the field of honor, or (as you're likely to be hard pressed to get a pass there given your reputation) some other place as shall be specified by our seconds.

I shall ask and require my good and faithful collegue in Ker Dessel*, MrSpkr to act for me in this matter. No doubt you'll be obliged to PAY someone to act for you but that will be acceptable to us. I'll brook no further conversation with you save through our seconds.


*Ker Dessel - When You Want to Play CM in the Worst Way<hr></blockquote>

Holy ****e, Batman! It looks like the faulty regulator on Joe Blow's canister of helium finally gave out, and now poor Joe's gasbag has inflated his ego beyond control.

I think Joe Shaw actually challenged me to a game of CM. Quick, Olde Ones, has this ever happened before? I realize Joe has inverted everything since that girl in ninth grade laughed at the pimples on his cheeks. After all, Joe reasoned, a pimple is just an inverted dimple, and so it is with his rants and raves here in the Cesspool.

Of course, accepting Joe's challenge may prove to be more paper work and bureaucracy than a roomful of Pakastani mailmen figuring out the postage to Kabul. And I'm not familiar with Mr. Tinkle's Rules of Order that Joe worships in detail.

Nonetheless, this is a historic moment in the history of something or other. So the Lawyer shall take this rare opportunity to slash the frail tethers that keep Joe barely attached to this solar system, if not planet Earth itself.

As Joe apparently sees it necessary to drag in others to start a simple game, I shall nominate OGSF to be my second. I'm currently pulling out the nosehairs of his wee spaniel one-by-one, but I'm sure he would want to be part of this historic moment, having failed in multiple attempts to get a game from Joe Shaw himself.

So the Fires of Legal Hell shall be lit to blazing glory in the Pure Quest to beat Joe so badly that he'll beg to become an Mormon Australian. A more fitting end to The Evil Presence Among Us could not be ordained.

Better get used to humming "I Fought the Law, and the Law Won" Joe-Joe.

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


CHEF Get me a turn so that I can get around to killing you!

PENG Burn baby.... thought I'd buy all Tigers? Hehe.... tongue.gif <hr></blockquote>

if i could only load the game you'd be toast. does anyone know of a free zip program that could zip and unzip files?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Holy ****e, Batman! It looks like the faulty regulator on Joe Blow's canister of helium finally gave out, and now poor Joe's gasbag has inflated his ego beyond control........ So the Fires of Legal Hell shall be lit to blazing glory in the Pure Quest to beat Joe so badly that he'll beg to become an Mormon Australian. A more fitting end to The Evil Presence Among Us could not be ordained.

Better get used to humming "I Fought the Law, and the Law Won" Joe-Joe.

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]<hr></blockquote>

NO!! ...... please LAWLESS.......fergawdsake NO!!

NOT ANOTHER RUDDY MORMON!! We already have quite enough of THOSE here as 'tis, thank you very much!! Even a limp CHALLENGE from your goodself - yes ..... that would be quite OK ...... I could even entertain Xmassy Cheery type thoughts about [gasp]flogging[/gasp] your puny forces. But a resounding NAY to MOREMONS!!

[PSSSTT:: Hey, JOE - be that it may, however, another piccy of [nudge-wink]wife #13[/wink-nudge] wouldn't go astray this Yuletide!!But shhhh...... please don't tell the others I asked for that, though.....]

Proud to be a consummate CM loser and Seniour member of the ASSN. (Australian Scum-Sucking Newbies)


[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:

He's an Olde Oneyou know...


OK ALREADY!!! ........ so his title is SKOO SEANACHAI? Or should it be OOKS SEANACHAI?????

And would you mind telling me how long it will take yon SKOO and/or OOKS SEANACHAIto post me his PURCHASE OPTIONS TURN?? Ye gods - it's already been two days hence I posted MINE .....

With our Battle of the Conscripts having 25 turns to go this will take (err ...ummm.....2 posts per turn (me) x 1 day each + 2 posts per turn (him) x at least 3 days per post/per turn = .. ???)... YIKES!!! This could be MONTHS in the offing ....... sigh......

Your sage [good cooking herb, that] and terse [as always] advice would be appreciated in this mutter.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

ICS, ever heard of WINZIP? Do a search.<hr></blockquote>


It didn't take long did it?

Mere nano-seconds from the banishment of a certain non-entity to 'Coventry' and we have a (temporary now I'd wager) 'pooler responding to the aforesaid non-entity.

Sir Shaw!, I call upon you to ajudicate upon this flagrant transgression of an official cesspool operating procedure.

How un-surprising that it was PL who broke the decree.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

What an utter load of tripe! Goanna is the only Ozzie to show any talent to date (and he's an import). Keep yapping boy-o and I may have to take up Seanachai's failed crusade<hr></blockquote>

At's a sad an' pathetic thing tae behold. At saims ye didnae tak tha teem tae review tha pedigree o' wun particular laddie wah kicked ye spotty raid arrrse aboot tha place lak some rhesus monkey blessed wi' tha criminal cunning o' an East End dustman. Tha's reeght, ye snot encrusted cardigan wearin' foot stool, ye've already bin beaten bah an Aussie, at least twice.

Sae wha didnye tak oop Shawnakay's crrrusade, an' mak at easier on tha raist o' tha buggers? Ye festerin', weepin' boil o' a scab nibblin' leper's limp.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

As Joe apparently sees it necessary to drag in others to start a simple game, I shall nominate OGSF to be my second. I'm currently pulling out the nosehairs of his wee spaniel one-by-one, but I'm sure he would want to be part of this historic moment, having failed in multiple attempts to get a game from Joe Shaw himself.


Och, Ah'll bae ye second ye mud clump on a Frenchman's boot - bah ainly cos ye oop tae slap tha tackkleberries o' Joe Ah cudnae plah ye just noo cos Ah farrrted an' mah haid caved ain Shaw. Wha di Ah haiftae di, mon?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

ICS, ever heard of WINZIP? Do a search.<hr></blockquote>Panzer Leader, are you naturally stupid or did you have to study to get that way? What part of <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>... it is hereby adjudged and ruled that NO member of the CessPool

shall respond in any way to any future post of said SSN made within the confines of the CessPool. <hr></blockquote> did you NOT understand? Now unless you've decided that you no longer wish to be a member of the CessPool (and in that case don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out), kindly refrain from future communication within the CessPool with that SSN. Sheesh, how hard can it be (no Bauhaus, no really, it's just another figure of speech, I REALLY, I mean I REALLY don't want to ... no, no thanks I'll take your word for it, no ... GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU CLOWN! I'LL DECK YOU I SWEAR TO GAWD!)

Pawbroon, at what point did you get the impression that South Park is acceptable within the bounds of the CessPool? Monty Python, of course, Bored of the Rings, certainly, at times Hitchhiker's Guide but South Park ... uh, uh, never been done and won't by GAWD be done on MY watch ... next thing you know the clown will be posting Beavis and Butthead or worse yet that paragon of French humor Jerry Lewis!

It's a close call Pawbroon, without attribution some might take it for YOUR freshly molded wit (it wasn't funny so THAT part would fit) but I'll leave it up to MadMatt. We do, however, need to be careful in future given our strict rules on such things and the obvious density of most of the SSNs.


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MrSpkr, my challenge apparently having been accepted by the Consigliori I shall be contacting you via email with my suggestions as to size, forces etc. Lawyer needless to say, has appointed a complete dolt for his second so you may need SEVERAL iterations of the situation before he gets it but do your best.

Obviously Lawyer, being the challenged party (in more ways than one if you get my drift), has the choice of scenario, QB parameters etc, but I trust that some negotiation will be allowed.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Pawbroon, at what point did you get the impression that South Park is acceptable within the bounds of the CessPool? Monty Python, of course, Bored of the Rings, certainly, at times Hitchhiker's Guide but South Park ... uh, uh, never been done and won't by GAWD be done on MY watch ... next thing you know the clown will be posting Beavis and Butthead or worse yet that paragon of French humor Jerry Lewis! <hr></blockquote>

Yeah, Pawbroon, respect his authoritie!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

At saims ye didnae tak tha teem tae review tha pedigree o' wun particular laddie wah kicked ye spotty raid arrrse aboot tha place lak some rhesus monkey blessed wi' tha criminal cunning o' an East End dustman.<hr></blockquote>

Oh, I am quite aware of your pedigree... (spaniel mutt).

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