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Bill Paxton as patron saint of the Peng Challenge Thread

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Oh yes, Sir Shaw, I seem to have stepped in a particularly nasty puddle of slime named Bumsquaw or some such. Seeing as how you have a squire worthy of the title, would you mind sending Lars over to see if he can clean it off my boot? I hate to waste my time trying when there is a perfectly good squire capable of the job.

I even have a couple of cleansers, let me see, I have a pretty full bottle of Crodaburg and a half-full bottle of Jabos! he can use, if you are out.

I'll send him home with some fried okra for your troubles.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh yes, Sir Shaw, I seem to have stepped in a particularly nasty puddle of slime named Bumsquaw or some such. Seeing as how you have a squire worthy of the title, would you mind sending Lars over to see if he

can clean it off my boot? I hate to waste my time trying when there is a perfectly good squire capable of the job.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, yes, but ... dash it all Sir MrSpkr the lad IS busy you know. Now obviously ... OBVIOUSLY ... your former Knight and Liege didn't require as strenuous a program as I maintain for MY squires and so perhaps HIS squires could simply fly hither and yon at will. Lars, on the other hand, is busy with a paper right now ("The Old Ones, Cracked or Not All They're Cracked Up To Be?").

However, I will put it to him and see if he has the time to engage this miserable SSN.

Lars, what say you?


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I'm back. I'm sure I didn't miss much, and I'm sure no one missed me. Turns out soon.

The chicks in Minneapolis are a durn-sight purtier than the chicks here in Ann Arbor. I think I'll move there.

Turns out soon.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

I'm back. I'm sure I didn't miss much, and I'm sure no one missed me.

There's some truth in here.

The chicks in Minneapolis are a durn-sight purtier than the chicks here in Ann Arbor. I think I'll move there.


Won't work. If you move there, the chicks will move on, so don't bother.


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Leo's stopped dropping 155mm on his own troops and we will now begin the fighting in earnest. He refuses in a most gamey way to remove two Jumbo Shermans from the hilltop that dominates the VF's. I can only cower and wait, I'm used to this you gamey bastich so don't think I'll lose patience!

Agua Perdido has taken refuge from our game by leaving for a three week vacation. He moaned something about a CD ROM drive not working on a laptop before he left so I assume I will here no more from him until a couple of weeks after he returns.

Speedy or is it Speedbump? I'm not sure which of these two I've started a game with but it won't matter in the end. The first turn showed his troops running pel-mel through wooded terrain attempting to gain an early foot hold on the objectives. Keep coming oh fleet of foot, Obi Wan has a lesson for you.


This ones still in the bumble around until we find each other stage. After his last defeat he's keeping well hidden at the outset. How’s winter down under mate?

[serious] I wish to apologize to Mr. Shaw for my SUCK campaign. I have come to understand I overstepped the boundaries of good PENGian behavior (now THATS an oxymoron) and I stand abashed with a sizable amount of shame for this. I was NOT trying to be vindictive nor flat out mean but that is how it came across. Despite having my sphincter wrapped around my neck from time to time I do endeavor to be a reasonable person.[/serious]

That being said I wish the rest of you a hearty bugger off!

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

The chicks in Minneapolis are a durn-sight purtier than the chicks here in Ann Arbor.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fool. Drive the hour up to East Lansing. You picked the school where deodorant, leg-shaving, and eating meat are considered capitalist oppression. At MSU, your Visa counts for a lot more than your IQ or GPA, and you will find it the Happy Hunting Ground of legend, at least until YOU get there, as Lindan has wisely observed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>[serious] I wish to apologize to Mr. Shaw for my SUCK campaign. ...much snivelling and whining in an OBVIOUS attempt to curry my favor like a lickspittle toady ... rather made my day in fact. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Now THAT'S just about enough of THAT laddy. To suggest, even while labelling it as an oxymoron, that there's such a thing as ACCEPTABLE Poolian behavior (or behaviour for Sir David among others) goes ... well it goes beyond acceptable Poolian behavior. We'll have no more of THAT nonsense.

[serious]No problem, email and net communication is problematical at best and intentions aren't always easy to determine. When you add the nature of this thread it gets even more difficult. Everyone makes mistakes ...[/serious] look at Lawyer.


[ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Pshaw:

Well, yes, but ... dash it all Sir MrSpkr the lad IS busy you know.


Speaking of Lard, that hunchback cretin hasn't been keeping up his end of Jabo. He must be afraid I'm going to win as the Germans.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

... And I know that, since Meeks fled to cope with Asian women, mongrel cousins, and the sweet mystery that is life, there has been a position gone unfulfilled on the Peng Challenge Thread.


So, Sir Shaw, in a move that bares no resemblance to a patronage position handed out to sway opponents to getting on board over a matter of policy, how would you feel about accepting the position of 'Inquisitor General'?


Good idea, oh senile one, then he can take over the care and feeding of those neurotic, rabid hamsters too. I am sick of cleaning up after the little bastards, and since Meeks has disappeared, whoever holds his former title should have the "responsibility" of caring for the ceremonial "Interrogation Facilitators" also. Besides, he will just stick his squire with the duty anyway.

Also a good idea, as once Meeks hears of this, the spittle and diatribe will definitely be flying, should be most entertaining.

Finally, to justify this post as a challenge thread, the squire challege between me and Foobar, (no bold, but italics as a sign of grudging respect) staggers to a close. With one turn left, I marshall my forces for the traditional gamey endgame flag rush (of which he holds all four, however, as I never worry about the flags, preferring to hunt down the enemy units, this is irrelevant). I managed to pick off another Sherman, since his commander couldn't hit the broadside of the building he was right beside. My crew however, didn't miss. To top it off, the crew bailed out in front of the now dead tank, and became trapped between the two burning buildings on either side of the roadway. My crew amused themselves playing shooting gallery with the MG, picking off the dwindling remnants of the crew as they ran back and forth in the roadway.

With one turn left, there is an outside, faint, slight, remote, slightly less than infinitesimal chance that this horrible game will be over sometime in late August. This should provide a side benefit, in that my scores in my other games will likely improve, as I will not be continually forgetting to TURN THE DAMM SMOKE BACK ON!!!

The rest of my games are with non poolers (unless they are playing in disguise), and help to pass the time, much like small children pass the time pulling the wings off flies, until I can become a full fledged, wet behind the ears, dewy eyed, freshly minted knight type person. Until then, may you all urinate with a full bladder into a strong headwind. :D (special for PENG).

Edited just because I felt like it)

[ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Roborat ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Fool. Drive the hour up to East Lansing. You picked the school where deodorant, leg-shaving, and eating meat are considered capitalist oppression. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Truer words were never typed. The real kicker is that after escaping once from this hippie-crap haven, I moved back and stayed. On purpose.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

[QB[serious] I wish to apologize to Mr. Shaw for my SUCK campaign. [/serious]


Please, Deke, when groveling at least get the name right. It's Mr. Tickles now that Joe Shaw has been properly identified.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

Alright you Pengian Cesspooligans, I've got a belly full of malt liquor, and require, Nay, Demand some INFOTAINMENT!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I knew I could count on youse guys.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

I have every hope to rectify (that one´s for you St bauhaus, you'd be pleased to know that I listened to Bela Lugosi is dead yesterday) all the awful difficulties involved with running W2K on a AMD system with a GeForce card on an AGP slot with a VIA bus... blablabla. Simply not on.


At least someone with some musical taste.And what a beautiful ballad it is.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now Seanachai is correct in ONE thing, there are classes of Knights and I hereby acknowledge my mistake (see what sort of man I am, that acknowledges his mistakes ... I am constantly amazed at my humanity) in equating Old Ones, a.k.a. Elders with Seniour Knights of which I am one.


What exactly makes a SR. Knight? Is it the color of the grey in his hair? Or is it an age thing? I think None of us are old enough to be considered Seniors, though there are days where my walk resembles that of a senior.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

From henceforth, Joe Shaw shall be known as Mr. Tinkles ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Please, Deke, when groveling at least get the name right. It's Mr. Tickles now that Joe Shaw has been properly identified.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Alright, alright, which it? Mr. Tinkles or Mr. Tickles?

I understand this is all made up as we go along, and that this is a morass of inhumanity, but really, one would hope a Washington-Lawyer-Type could at least dot the proper I's and cross the proper T's. This is the whole reason our country, and this board as a loose, hallucinogenic, and distorted reflection of such, has gone into the crapper. Where is the constancy? Where is the uniformity? More importantly, where are the girls and alcohol?

You've got some 'splainin' to do, Lawyer-Boy, as you represent that incompetent class of barristers that have manifested themselves upon the MBT!

Kill the Lawyers!

Kill the Lawyers!

Kill the Lawyers!

Kill the Lawyers!

Now, to you specifically (and to lawyers in general), piss off and get your briefs in order (down bauhaus)!

[ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Horror of horrors !

Seems that my Combat mission CD got scratched. So it wouldn't let me start up Combat mission. (Have I mentioned how much I hate CD checks in the past?) Well...I hate them.

Any how. I manged to fix my CD enough to burn a copy. It didn't burn well enough for me to install with it. But it did burn well enough for me to get by the CD check.

So you should all recieve turns tonight. The suspense of watching my stuff blow up and wanting to see what of mine is next to go, is almost too much to bear!

In Cesspool site news. A special place for our Lady YK2 and our cesspool grog Simon Fox has been added.


Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thus Ruled Our Wise and Benevolent Lord Lorak: In Cesspool site news. A special place for our Lady YK2 and our cesspool grog Simon Fox has been added.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> To wit:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Lady of the pool !


Official CessPool Grog


A wise and well thought out ruling, Lord Lorak and the fact that it was MY idea merely underscores the wisdom of your ruling.

My welcome goes to Simon Fox, who, though NOT A KNIGHT, is the Official CessPool Grog and is deserving of proper spelling and bolding.

And to Dame YK2, Lady of the Pool ... we love you madly milady.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

What exactly makes a SR. Knight? Is it the color of the grey in his hair? Or is it an age thing? I think None of us are old enough to be considered Seniors, though there are days where my walk resembles that of a senior.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sadly, and most horribly, Bauhaus, you are, in fact, a Seniour Knight. As is Moriarity.

When you first showed up, we thought you were with Berli and gave you the position. My ears are still ringing over what he had to say about that mistake. Oh, not so much in your being a Seniour Knight, so much as the horrible implication that you were with him.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Sadly, and most horribly, Bauhaus, you are, in fact, a Seniour Knight. As is Moriarity.

When you first showed up, we thought you were with Berli and gave you the position. My ears are still ringing over what he had to say about that mistake. Oh, not so much in your being a Seniour Knight, so much as the horrible implication that you were with him.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ohh.. Bad form Seanachai !

I would never ever use St. Bauhaus and the phrase "gave you the position." in the same paragraph.

Oh, and when ever you get a moment for a game send a file my way. My men find the bleeched spines of your soldiers, although yellow, good for scraping the mud off their boots.

Lorak the loathed

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Lorak, you may be a lord and supposedly wise etc etc etc...but I would like to point out that Dame YK2 is now listed as both a squire (squirett?) and Dame on the official records!

Please fix or do sumfink!!!!

btw I would like to draw attention to the fact that Sir Stuka has not posted for some time... Let us all send him our thoughts (especially if they're cruel and nasty ones), and hope that his cast is itching like crazy!

[edited for annoyance value]


[ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Lorak, you may be a lord and supposedly wise etc etc etc...but I would like to point out that Dame YK2 is now listed as both a squire (squirett?) and Dame on the official records!

Please fix or do sumfink!!!!



Actualy, I would like to point out that it was not a mistake.

You see.. While I admit that that YK2 will be granted knighthood any time she ask for it. I was not sure she wanted to give up her "squireship" to Pawbroon.

Lorak the loathed

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I get back from a weekend in heaven at Oshkosh and have to read through 7 (seven) pages of this drivel to get caught up. I knew I should have swiped that B-25J, there are a few here who deserve a good strafing.

Geier, you smelly Swede, if you like old crates like Neuports, I have your photo. Do you like reeking of castor oil or does it just bring back fond childhood memories? You could of had a pic of a JU-52 signed by the pilot but each to his own I guess.

poopoowiper4/2, you complete idjit, you owe me a turn. Damn SSN.

Who is this "bucktooth" SSN that you want me to take care of Lord Shaw? I go back and read through all his post and what do I find? That's right, not a damn thing. Sigh, the job of a Squire, polish this, fetch that, find my drink, pour another, it just never stops I tell you.

So then I look at his profile and find out that he is a, shudder, RAT FARMER! And not just any rats, GIANT F*ING RATS! Who in their right mind would raise RATS? It's almost as troubling as thinking about who would buy GIANT F*ING RATS! I can hardly bear to think about life down on the ranch:

'Scuse me, honey, time to slop the RATS!

Watch out, it's a RAT stampede!

Mace, get off that RAT, they breed fast enough!

Time to milk the RATS, they're gettin ornery again!

Need to sell a few more of the RAT-faced in-laws, have to save the farm!

It's not a RAT, it's a Siberian Hamster!

"bucktooth", I only accept to this challenge because Mickey would screw it up beyond all redemption.

Send a setup, MrSpkr, and I will endevour to render satisfaction. His life is obviously already a living hell so make it something that only a rodent farmer would truly enjoy.

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