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Bill Paxton as patron saint of the Peng Challenge Thread

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Barticus:

Ah yes, Bill Paxton.


From memory, bar scene in Near Dark:

"Finger-lickin good!"

"It's a kick ain't it?"

"I hate it when they ain't bin shaved."


"What the #*¤ are we gonna do now man! #*¤ing game over man!"

"How do I get out of this chickn**** outfit?"

"When she heard aliens she signed up cause she thought they meant illegal aliens."

He also died ca 2 minutes into Terminator and almost possibly maybe died in One False Move. I used to force my friends to go and see all films he was in too. No wonder I don't have any left.

I am also glad that we've managed to stay on topic so far.

The timing was too good to be a fluke. I nominate Bill Paxton as our new patron saint. Every home should have one.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by the bewildered and insecure Stuka:

Wheres the rules?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Taken from the Dark Ages before Da Thread had a patron saint. Bill (or Peng) takes no responsibility for these rules and frankly (Frank, that is) does not care one iota if they aren't followed by persons who have been posting to Da Thread for a time longer than 500 years. From the keyboard of the Bard here it is:


The Rules of the Peng Challenge Thread are quite straightforward, really. Astonishingly simple, in fact, in a complex world.

First off, no one here likes you, has any desire to know you, and, in fact, the entire sodding Universe doesn't give a stuff what you want or have to say. Go Away.

Should you remain on despite the first rule, we next wish you to know that coming in, striking a pose, and challenging everyone in the Thread to a match will cause the wastelands to echo with laughter, and you will look like the stupid pillock you are. You will then be told to Go Away, more forcibly, and people will really begin to mean it. Pick someone out, preferably something as newly arrived and worthless as yourself, taunt and challenge it, and you might get a game.

Next, you should sound off as though your wit, courage, and intelligence were not in question. In the vulgate, Sound Off As Though You've Got a Pair! I believe it is. Oh, and more than half a brain, please. If you sound off well, wittily, and with great force of person and humour, you may be accorded a measure of respect here, perhaps for the first time in your doubtless tawdry little life. It's something to look forward to.

Finally, while sounding off, we'd like you to remember that this is the Peng Challenge Thread, not your local boozer where every vulgarity, expletive, and prejudicial slur are met by howls of laughter from halfwits who are only 15 minutes and 3 drinks away from spending the night in Detox. We have standards here, whether you can follow the concept or not, and if you ignore or trample them, you will not only be told to Go Away, you will Go Away, both from here, and hopefully the Forum in general.

And a word from our sponsor:


[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I say, we make the Ozzie bastard a Knight. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Blimey, he's at it AGAIN! After we went to all the trouble and expense of a trial over his giving out AUTOMATIC Knighthoods to any old outerboarder that happened to strike his fancy Seanachai is proposing that we grant Knighthood to Simonized Floss.

Well it's just NOT ON! Did we fight the good fight against the outerboard scum just to allow some smooth talking grog to jump in and be elevated above his peers (they being SSNs just as he is)? Now granted the lad showed some promise and some moxie but WE WILL NOT ABANDON TRADITION! Let him be taken to squire, let him fight the fights and then I'll welcome him with open ... no, wait, that's Bauhuaus's job isn't it.

I tell you it's not easy being the ever vigilant Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Finally I note with a degree of approval that my loyal and trusty squire Lars has been paying attention:Lord Shaw, I believe we might be looking at a case of judicial misconduct

here. It would explain Seanachai's rather light sentence. At the very least, looking into it would up your billable hours.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmmm, interesting, however I'm afraid that actions taken OUTSIDE of the CessPool that do not directly affect the CessPool are outside of our jurisdiction. The case of Seanachai was clearly different in that he posted HERE as well and disregarded standing CessPool rules. I'm as disgusted by Lorak's TONE as any in here, but there's really nothing to be done ... this time. Furthermore I must remind you that as Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool we are simple civil servants and work for a paltry amount unlike the pampered peacocks of Seanachai's former defense.

Good thinking, though, lad. Now ... my hip waders have been depressingly dull lately, I think a good cleaning would do them a world of good so get to it lad. No, no, no, not with just a rag, I'm thinking of the spit shines that Agua Perdido used to give them. A good high gloss now, don't forget. And, oh, I'll need a full report, with screen shots on "Seanachai and the Outer Board" ... never can be TOO prepared you know.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

Busssaw, you owe me five dollars, or what else they take for money in the sinkhole you live in.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I’ll keep my wampum to myself, thank you. You should be paying me royalties for posting my work in the web. I have done you one favor, however, and listed Lindan’s Wargasm on several porn link web pages. Enjoy the new traffic.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Wonderful job of research you did there... too bad you haven't a clue. Feel free to contact me when you get one<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Although that page is a little hard to follow, it seems clear that if it were a ladder, your rung would be at the bottom, completely buried in ****e. When I contact you, it will be with high velocity shells against the sides of your AFVs. You mother was a cave newt and your father smelt of pickled dung beetle larvae.

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(MrSpkr and MrsSpkr sit at the morning breakfast table. The children are obviously off doing whatever it is they do during the day, and the Spkrs are enjoying a moment of quiet. MrSpkr is perusing morning newspaper, The Cesspudlian Republican-Gazette. MrsSpkr is enjoying a breakfast pastry with some tea)

MrsSpkr: "So what do you think, dear?"

MrSpkr: "Hmm, about what?"

MrsSpkr: (slightly exasperated) "A cruise, dear. What we've been talking about for the past twenty minutes. I swear you sometimes seem like you're in another world."

MrSpkr: "Sorry. Well, I'm not sure we can afford it right now, that's the thing. . . (turns page in paper) Oh my word. Is that the best they can come up with?"

MrsSpkr: (absently sipping tea) "What's that dear?"

MrSpkr: "Some trash about a second rate B-movie actor as the patron of the new Peng Challenge thread?"

MrsSpkr: "Who?"

MrSpkr: "Bill Paxton."

MrsSpkr: "Who?"

MrSpkr: (louder) "Bill Paxton!"

MrsSpkr: "Never heard of him. Who came up with the thread, anyway, dear?"

MrSpkr: "Geier."

MrsSpkr: "The Swede? There's you're problem, then. Never trust a Swede to do ANYTHING right, darling."

MrSpkr: "You're right, dear. You're always right . . . (turning page in newspaper) Hello, what's this?"

MrsSpkr: "What's what, dear?"

MrSpkr: (reading from paper) "Seanachai was then quoted as saying, 'I say, we make the Ozzie bastard a Knight. Another prominent knight, Berlichtingen, agreed, stating, 'Let the punishment fit the crime."

MrsSpkr: "Make who a knight, dear?"

MrSpkr: "Some Aussie-sissy named Simone Fox or somesuch."

MrsSpkr: "Has he met the requirements, five games, enduring the requisite amount of personal abuse, and such?"

MrSpkr: "No, not at all. Just seems to have dropped in and made some personal attacks on Joe Shaw and David Aitken."

MrsSpkr: "Those nasty little men? Serves them right, I say."

MrSpkr: "Yes, quite, but that still doesn't give Seanachai the right to propose instant knighthood on this Simon chap."

MrsSpkr[: (in a disappointed voice) "I suppose that means more litigation, doesn't it? More time away from home?"

MrSpkr: "Yes, I'm afraid it does, but . . . well . . . hmm . . . here now, look at it this way -- more litigation means more billable hours; and possibly, if they go after Berlichtingen as well, two clients instead of one . . . which means double the additional billable hours . . . and that means a cruise is now WELL within our budget."

MrsSpkr: "You mean it? Oh honey, you're the best." (rushing to his side)

MrSpkr: "I know."

(the couple begin kissing)

fade to black

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Madmatt wrote:

Can anyone tell me what parts he played in Commando and The Terminitor?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I didn't notice him in either. But then I didn't know who he was when I saw those films. I did notice that Arnie was able to run with a heavy machinegun in Commando, though, and take on a small South American army single-handed. I think BTS has it all wrong. Fix or do somefink!

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Due to the high level of flame wars, newbie bating, and just plain old nastiness on the Forum, I have decided to set a shining example by only posting nice and polite messages from here on out. By golly, if you can't say something nice about a person, don't say anything at all. With this new shiny happy philosophy in place, I give you Updates:

Wildman I take full responsibility for the actions of the crew of the Mark IV that destroyed those three Shermans. You can be rest assured that they will be severely reprimanded for that unbecoming display of gunnery skill. I am quite devastated over the potential harm done to the self-esteem of the surviving members of those tank crews.

JShandorf Oh, dear me. My men seem to be overrunning your positions. Sorry about that. I'll try to do a better job of running into your defensive fire this turn.

MrSpkr I most humbly apologize for the actions of my men that may have frightened your poor Company mascot.

Lawyer I feel very badly about beating the snot out of one of such noble standing in the community. I would really like to surrender the game to you now in order to spare you the humiliation of yet another defeat; however, I know that your sense of honor would not permit you to accept such a gesture.

OGSF The final turn was sent last night. I am downright giddy in anticipation over the results of our gentlemanly duel. I hope that the outcome is to your satisfaction. Sorry about killing all your armor (or armour so as not to be Americanocentric).

jd I am so glad that you are pleased with the utter destruction of my force. Glad to be of service.

Nijis If I were not a gentleman, I would have to laugh at the ongoing destruction of your mechanized forces, but I am, so I won't.

Speedy I knew you were worried about that Cromwell that was in a gun duel with my 251/9s. I can most happily report that I have ordered my men to only fire dud rounds at your tank, resulting in multiple hits and penetrations, but no actual damage to your fine fighting machine.

SteveTheRat and PeterNZer I most eagerly anticipate the resumption of our contests so that I may witness your display of military prowness.

If I have forgotten anyone, I most humbly apologize. Please do not feel that the omission is in any way a reflection of my esteem for you, but rather consider it to be due to my obviously defective memory.

Have a nice day.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>EarMarked wrote:

I hope this spares some young thing the terror of being confronted by a scissors-wielding scot in the future, you persecutor of artists, you grog Philistine.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well thank you MrIV for those gems of wisdom. I'm still not sure what you use the rabbit for, but feel free to spare us the details.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CMplayer wrote:

who wants to see my war face? when i was in the armmy we learn to hide in a swamp and wait for Russians. if they come close we do like this---> :mad: and throw grenades at them. well actually that was only a outdoor paintbal game. they put me on a very important ambush by myself but the enemy didnt come. i waited a long time but they were all at some ski hotel bar. :confused:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, well that's interesting – I think we may have just the job for you. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Go" button which takes you back to the main forum. You are our forum sentry. Simply sit and make sure no-one comes and steals the main forum page. This happens almost every night and BTS has to spend several hours searching the local area of the internet to catch the thieves – time which is subtracted from CM2's development. As you might guess, your responsibility is pivotal to the timely release of CM2, and everyone will be extremely grateful to you.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>you are my best peng friend Mr. Aiken. i am so glad you support me over the years. all the pengers must know what a nice scotch you are. i would give you a bear hug but i have to be careful of my tough reputation. god bless and may your lips never tuch liquer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This guy really is the Monty Python rabbit personified. He sounds all cute and fluffy, but get too close and I bet you'd be scattered over a 20-yard radius in bite-sized chunks in about ten seconds flat. What he's doing watching MrIV do his stuff remains to be explained.

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: David Aitken ]

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Just a question for those of you paranoid-schizo-psychos who are making lists (hmmm, the blustering blaggard Joe Pshaw, Persecutor of the CessPool comes to mind, as does the Johnny-come-lately in the wacko department Aitken): Are you numbering the people on these lists?

Elvis wanted to know so he could add you to his.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Heheheh..Yeah I like this title...

Oh man, we're Swiss Chesse..Game Over...Game Over...

Can anyone tell me what parts he played in Commando and The Terminitor? ;)


Commando? Bill Paxton was in Commando? Was he one of thse marines in the begining that gets wasted by the bad guys?

As for the rest of you... your Hudson quotes suck.

"Oh man, I'm short too. Thirteen more days and out. Now I'm gonna buy it on this nameless rock."

Hudson: "Oh, that's just great, man. That's just f*ckin' great! What are we gonna do now, man? Whadda we gonna do?!"

Berk: "How about we all sit around, hold hands, have a bonfire, sing some songs?"

"They shut off the power? Whaddaya mean they shut off the power? They're animals, man! How can they shut off the power?!"

"Why don't you put her in charge?!"

"F*****ck! I say we waste the rat bastard right now!"

Hudson: "F*ck that, man! I ain't goin back in there! You can count me out!"

Ripley: "Well, I guess we can just count you out of everything?"

Hudson: "F*ckin' A' right..."

And my personal favorite, non-Hudson scene from Aliens:

Berk: It was bad call, Ripley. A bad call.

Ripley: A bad call?! These people are dead, Berk!"



[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Is this really the Mutha Beautiful? It just feels...sort of... strange or something. Something is not quite right, but I just can't place it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're right, its not. Go on out there with See'emPrayer and watch the forum board for the arrival of the REAL Peng Challenge thread.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

You've all gone bloody mad...Wankers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


To all my other opponents: I'm leaving for three weeks in Hawaii on Monday, and I may or may not have email/CM access (it's a work trip, and I may or may not have to leave my laptop locked away at night). So, after this weekend, I may or may not stop sending turns until late August. I figure 3 weeks is just about enough time for Croda to respond.

Agua Perdido (or not)

[Edited while I still can.]

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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Game Report

Never mind my PBEMs, this is far more important.


Both the Germans and the AI are gamey bastards. I gave the computer a defence with eight Panthers, and took eight Cromwells, four Daimlers and four Humbers for myself. I pulled every gamey trick in the book, decoying the slow German tanks with my fast vehicles, rolling up the enemy's flank, occupying VLs with bailed crews, throwing scout cars down roads at top speed to locate enemy tanks, and even using the Quad Damage and Teleportation cheats, and the AI still ripped me a new windpipe. I got a minor victory, but only because I had crews on the VLs, since there was one Panther left when the second-last and my last Cromwell killed each other.

I think it's plainly obvious that the Germans were employing gamey übertanks with gamey superior optics and gamey thick armour in an attempt to win an underhand victory. Charles is obviously an übertank fan, as according to my experience he has programmed Allied tankers as spineless cowards who willfully abandon their comrades on sight of anything that looks vaguely like an enemy vehicle.

Or maybe I just didn't fill out my points allocation. But I should be able to win anyway, I had more tanks! Fix or do somefink!!

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As you can see, I was using BTS's stock 'pink Panther'. Evidently Steve is in on the ruse as well. Still, Tiger being Tiger, as opposed to, say, Churchill or Pershing, his mods would probably make the Germans even more über than they already are...

...which, of course, brings us back to the gamey mods debate! I may have the edge due to my low-res bitmaps, but if you use mods from an artist sympathetic to your side, you can redress the balance! It's all starting to come together!

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