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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Ok, I found a bit of time for important things. I sent out all the turns today... except to Bauhaus... who really doesn't matter anyway... not that any of you do either

Have a pleasant day, and please remember to die<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

'cept me. I matter. =) So does Mace. Also, ro, Fionn, Bil, Morearty, L.J. Tankersly, jd, Stuka, Bastables, Lorak, Babs, Seimerst . . . even Rune (even though he thinks he's pure evil and really isn't). =)



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

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Herr Lorak!

As much as Celtic pride prevents me from profiteering from the demise of an opponent, I hereby wish to guffaw loudly and expectorate at the foot of my pissweak foe, the girly-squat they call OGSF.

Let it be marked in the great book of learnings, that this day the PMS sticken, modern dance exponents, of OGSF's attack have washed helplessly upon the solid shore of a Stuken defense. Results are as follows:


Casualties (77) KIA (18)

35 Men captured

6 vehicles KO'd

Men OK 0

Score: 18

Stuka (The Legend)

Casualties (49) KIA (11)

3 Guns destroyed

men OK 61

Score 82

Please rack up a ferk'in great Major Victory for the superbly commanded forces of the Stukmeister.

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Joe Shaw wrote:

> Can we, for Pete's sake (we all know how sensitive Pete is), drop the 2000 US Election?

Bah, I wasn't talking about your election! No matter how big it seems to you lot, it is of no interest to me. For the past couple of years all we've heard is "gosh, look at the size of the US's election!", and Bush and Gore have taken turns to be on top, and then at the last minute they got into trouble for liking it too much, but ultimately the election went floppy for Gore and Bush kept a firm hold of it, so now Bush is going to be permanently elect for the next few years while Gore looks elsewhere to have his drooping ego massaged.

And thanks to Bill Clinton we all know the difficulties of being elect, especially with all those interns running around.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Joe Shaw wrote:

> Can we, for Pete's sake (we all know how sensitive Pete is), drop the 2000 US Election?

Bah, I wasn't talking about your election! No matter how big it seems to you lot, it is of no interest to me. For the past couple of years all we've heard is "gosh, look at the size of the US's election!", and Bush and Gore have taken turns to be on top, and then at the last minute they got into trouble for liking it too much, but ultimately the election went floppy for Gore and Bush kept a firm hold of it, so now Bush is going to be permanently elect for the next few years while Gore looks elsewhere to have his drooping ego massaged.

And thanks to Bill Clinton we all know the difficulties of being elect, especially with all those interns running around.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yuck ...... the mental picture I got of either of the candidates is too nasty


There was a long silence of rememberance for the dead, to which I added these names:

Ernst Neubach, Lensen, Wiener, Wesreidau, Prinz, Solma, Hoth, Olensheim, Sperlovski, Smellens, Dunde, Kellerman, Freivitch, Ballers, Frosch, Woortenbeck, Siemenlies...

I refuse to add Paula to that list, and I shall never forget the names of Hals, or Lindberg, or Pferham, or Wollers. Their memory lves within me.

There is another man, whom I must forget. He was called Guy Sajer.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by retarded_keydet:

Yuck ...... the mental picture I got of either of the candidates is too nasty


Who give a hairy crap what you think? You are more than welcome to get the hell out.

Have a nice day....elsewhere.

PS. If had really cared what your "mental picture" was I would have asked you. But I did not ask.

PPS The rest of the cesspoolers are much smarter than I, so you can expect better insults from them. I was beat up for my insolence at an early age and did not receive the education that the other cesspoolers boast about. Therefore, my rants are more of a primal nature and tend to remind one of an ape beating his breast. I would apologize for this post, but not today. Definately not today.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by retarded_keydet:

Yuck ...... the mental picture I got of either of the candidates is too nasty


Sod off, ye putrid clump o' diaper trash. And tak ye "Forgotten Soldier" spoiler sig. wi' ye. Ye got the whole stankin' forum tae post ye dribble ain, sae keep at oot there wi' tha rest o' tha rrrrubbish.

Ah knoo ye noo tae the board, but tha One Muther Beautiful Peng Thread as noo place fer the laks o' yoo, Jimmy.

Yer cam ain here an' at's painfully obvious yer hav'nae idea where ye are or why. Sae sod off.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

even Rune (even though he thinks he's pure evil and really isn't). =)



RUNE ISN'T EVIL?!!!! eek.gif

Suddenly, my life has no meaning anymore!

Hey, wait a minute, I don't have a life!

Umm, OK then.

Nothing to see here. Move along! Move along!

Mace (this episode of "Days of our Cesspool" kindly brought to you by [insert sponsor here])

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by retarded_keydet:

Yuck ...... the mental picture I got of either of the candidates is too nasty


Sorry, the cesspool isn't equipped to admit people with a disability!

And being you would be a major disability, wouldn't it?


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lol I feel more confused than insulted


There was a long silence of rememberance for the dead, to which I added these names:

Ernst Neubach, Lensen, Wiener, Wesreidau, Prinz, Solma, Hoth, Olensheim, Sperlovski, Smellens, Dunde, Kellerman, Freivitch, Ballers, Frosch, Woortenbeck, Siemenlies...

I refuse to add Paula to that list, and I shall never forget the names of Hals, or Lindberg, or Pferham, or Wollers. Their memory lves within me.

There is another man, whom I must forget. He was called Guy Sajer.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by retarded_keydet:

lol I feel more confused than insulted<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perhaps I can help clear this up.

What the poolers are trying to convey is that you are:

1) Stupid.

2) Uninteresting.

3) Burdened with a sig which validates your nick, and as a result

4) Unwelcome.

Work on the first 3, probably in the order listed, and #4 may clear up with time.

Hope this helps! smile.gif

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Well the exiled Fionn wishes for a game does he. He shall get it and it will be a public AAR for two reasons. First it will be a warning for all CM players on what NOT to do. Second, if I win it will be a trophy to flaunt in the face of you pathetic gits that will hang over the fireplace in the cesspool for years to come. He will get his game...oh yes and I will have my day! Muwahhhhha

In other news from the front,

Herr Eggbert is spanking me like the red-headed stepchild Lorak is. Get ready to record a valiant loss, if somewhat pathetic, from Herr Oberst. He is a real Mother Flanker!

Croda continues to go to the mat with every glancing blow quicker than a Don King client. But having been in a few scrapes myself I have learned not to let my guards down and lend a helping hand. So you will continue to to be pummeled until even the best Cut Man cannot close your wounds and no reputable plastic surgeon will offer their services.

Seanamoo-moo I await your set-up with clenched teeth and itchy trigger finger. I guess you are running b24, no?

Now send me that set-up so I can put you out to pasture that you may graze until Spring.... and then off to the packing house with you.

*serious mode on*

How the hell is Peng doing? I hope the 'ol boy is up and about soon if he is not already.

*serious mode off*

Die often, die a lot'


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Ahh, as tomb keeper and messenger, I have a umm... message.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>By speedy:

" Fionn you damn thumb sucking, fish eating fenian scum. I'll take you on in a reenactment of the battle of Gabhra if you like."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now for the message..........

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by Fionn:

Well apart from the fact that I detest fish and thumb sucking Speedy's taunts are as accurate and effective as ever. Unfortunately I have a policy of not mercilessly crushing or disagreeing with the mentally unstable ( a position adopted after meeting a certain S.C. on this forum), congenitally idiotic, those suffering the neurological sequelae of tertiary syphillis or immature children.

Given these simple rules to live by it should be obvious that an immature, mentally unstable, congenitally malformed idiot child of syphillitics shouldn't expect a game. IOW Numbnuts, nice try but you still failed miserably. The only plus to this failure is that, by now, you must be almost inured to it. It is, after all, your habitual PBEM companion if reports regarding your ability are correct.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Believe My work here is done.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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hello all.

Boring update. Discovered a ram stick was dead, now have PC up and running but without all my pretty games and utils etc on it so will now endeavour to go and sort all this out and be back to playing CM with you all very soon.




"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>'cept me. I matter. =) So does Mace. Also, ro, Fionn, Bil, Morearty, L.J. Tankersly, jd, Stuka, Bastables, Lorak, Babs, Seimerst . . . even Rune (even though he thinks he's pure evil and really isn't). =)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You matter? I 'spose so. Mace? Moriarty? jd? Stuka? the others you mention? Not no your life! And Lorak! He's not Lorak the Loathed, he's Lorak the Insignificant.

Speaking of Lorak, he is currently giving lessions on how to Die-A-Lot-Now and how to whine about Tigers and heavy artillery. I can guarantee more whining to come.

Just recieved Croda's surrender. A wise move on his part as it kept the AI from doing it for him. Must admit that was the worst drubbing I've handed someone in a long time. Most enjoyable.

Oh, Lorak, that's:

Berli - won

Croda - lost

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by that adorable, attractive, and totally wonderful Kitty:

'cept me. I matter. =) So does Mace. Also, ro, Fionn, Bil, Morearty, L.J. Tankersly, jd, Stuka, Bastables, Lorak, Babs, Seimerst . . . even Rune (even though he thinks he's pure evil and really isn't). =)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Then that vile Berli person had the audacity to respond

You matter? I 'spose so. Mace? Moriarty? jd? Stuka? the others you mention? Not no your life!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh Berli, diddums get left off the list of people who matter? It must truly suck to be you! tongue.gif


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-07-2001).]

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Well, the pool seems to be wandering aimlessly between trying to be Siskel and Ebert (now we have to remember not only which one is tall and skinny, and which is short and fat, but also which one is dead. I think the short fat one is still alive) and arguing about whether people are complaining about the election. Now the thread is in danger of falling off page one.

Where is the spirit of Peng?

Fortunately, it still seems to be in his body, but its ability to express itself seems to be limited for the moment. The best thing I've seen in the last few pages (aside from my own blather about phlegm and hiram) was the most recent little bit from Hiram. He may usually be too polite, he may resemble a little bolus of snot splattered on the highway, he may have only a loss record at CM, in however many games he's played, but at least he can lash out blindly at a new pool wannabe like he means it.

Hiram, you are a festering boil on the face of humanity, but your scab heals us all.

The rest of you are becoming tiresome. Now is the time in the cesspool when we dance...


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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Oh yeah, and here's an update on my pool games:

Peter "I own stock in woolite" NZer-- IIRC he's blown up all my tanks and has a bunch of panthers and other nasties that are about to run around and kill all my still-quite-healthy infantry. Other than that things are going pretty well. It's been a while since I've seen a turn, since I was on vacation for two weeks and now his computer appears to be dead. Maybe a few of the Panthers went with it.

Seen-a-choo-choo--he's done a nice job on my armor, too, but he's suffered about the same. And now the big (well, at least bigger than an 81) arty is coming down on him... This one is going to come down to hair pulling, biting, kidney punches, and spitting in eyes. Sneezy-poo will, of course, lose, despite it being in his own home snow.

Peng-- this one was going to be good-- Peng has lost nearly all his infantry, while retaining a few StuGs, while I have no armor left, but a whole bunch of grunts (and a few halftracks). I had just sent the second wave across a big empty field full of smoke when his Pengness was stricken ill by the wrath of Sean-achoo. Not only has the challenge been taken public, but it's being implemented with biological warfare. Peng appears to be recovering, but it seems that our QB will fall victim to the nefarious plot of Mr. YeahI'macheeseheadbutIwishIwereIrishoratleastfrenchlikePatBoone.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Oh Berli, diddums get left off the list of people who matter? It must truly suck to be you! :P



<Accidentally spits some phlegm in Mace's eye while clearing her throat> Berli wasn't listed because he is the maximum leader of all and evil incarnate!!! To include him on such a list would have been completely disrespectful.

Of course you know that you will have to be punished. Places the MASK OF SHAME upon Mace's head.



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

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Guest Germanboy

Alrighty, let's have some updates then... I have started playing again, so there.

Seanachai - beat me in a tactical victory I believe. Undeservedly of course, because he benefited from the old point allocation to the attacker. Will I ever forget the email he sent in the turn that saw one of his Curchill VIII, and his HT killed by Schrecks and his Wasp button up after I shot one guy in it. I don't think so. The battlefield is carnage supreme, and my SS troopers have shown his Canucks a nice day out at Carpiquet. Continue winning like that and you'll lose, they said.

Shandorf - after chomping at the leash he has now decided to never return a file to me. Bad bad Shandorf, but I assume that he is just overawed at my superior learning, beauty and my general presence. He knows one good trick how to win though. Set up the game, but don't tell your opponent whether he has to attack, defend or whether it is an ME.

Bauhaus - has found a new winning strategy. It is to have all his attacking Gerbiltroopers killed before he even reaches my defences by running them into ambushes, or leaving them out in the open under my mortar barrage, so that he can enjoy salvoe after salvoe of 210mm rickets soften up my defences (read: soften up French property without doing any damage to my troops). He is doing extremely well at implementing it.

So far our losses are:

Bauhaus - one platoon of FJs wiped in ambush. Four HTs by arty and mortars. Two Stug IV by 3" mortars.

Me - one guy felt sick at all the killing and another one sprained an ankle.

He has yet to peek through the crust of my defences.

Major Tom and I do an elaborate dance at Krewinkel that involves not shooting at each other.

Mensch does not know yet I believe, but when he comes back from the frozen wastes that are Canuckland, the next turn will spell DOOM in nice friendly letters to his side of the game.

Hiram and me suffer from some problem with none of his troops being on the map, or so he tells me. Berli investigates.

All the others I promised a game (Ethan comes to mind) - I have to deal with some stuff and will send setups reasonably soon (i.e. in this millenium)



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

<Accidentally spits some phlegm in Mace's eye while clearing her throat> Berli wasn't listed because he is the maximum leader of all and evil incarnate!!! To include him on such a list would have been completely disrespectful.

Of course you know that you will have to be punished. Places the MASK OF SHAME upon Mace's head.



<using his forearm, Mace wipes Kitty’s phlegm from his eyes>

Noooooo! Not the MASK OF SHAME!!!

IMHO the flogging you gave me is a far more suitable punishment (and enjoyable to boot)


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra:

Labatts! Ugh. "Chateau Stelco" you mean...


just kidding.. I realy like Brick Brock and Steam Whistle Beer... I just took something very canadian..like labatts 50..

give me donuts though anytime!!!!!!!!

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by Fionn:


Given these simple rules to live by it should be obvious that an immature, mentally unstable, congenitally malformed idiot child of syphillitics shouldn't expect a game. IOW Numbnuts, nice try but you still failed miserably. The only plus to this failure is that, by now, you must be almost inured to it. It is, after all, your habitual PBEM companion if reports regarding your ability are correct.


If thats the case, why are you looking for a game in the cesspool?


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Major Tom and I do an elaborate dance at Krewinkel that involves not shooting at each other.


I do believe that 'someone' stumbled accross some explosive trees though... Still, no real shooting yet, on a pretty small map, on turn 11. At least he finally stopped using Goanna's wave attacks, but, has gone to the absolute opposite, with no tide at all.

Anyone up for a 'REAL' shooting match?

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