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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

*peeks from out from the mask of shame*

so.. uh.. kitty how long am I supposed to wear this thing? its heavy.. such a burden... maybe I have to carry this burden for all Poolers... B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well I was going to say, "Go ahead and take it off until I noticed that you didn't capitalize "MASK OF SHAME!" Until you learn to show the respect for THE MASK <tm> you must cintinue to wear your hideous burden!!



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

And Miss Kitty, if you cannot remove the unauthorized pictures of my family from your website, I shall have to be destructive and mean and get rid of them in my own manner. I don't think you want me to get rough with you...


*Brandishes the hideous MASK OF SHAME<tm> and glowers at Croda. Makes small motions with THE MASK as if she were placing it upon Croda's head*



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

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Yes, it's time for some lame, er, game updates:

Crawdad: Just getting started to show him how really low someone in the pool can get. His green frenchies are all about to be martyred.

Stuka: Yes, the other one. Trying to get my green Gerbiljaegers to beat up on his green Amis. Slow going since it takes 33 seconds to convince them to move their arses, but we should be chasing the rabble out of town directly.

Shandorque: Pity my last, immobilized StuH that still wants to finish out this sick rendition of Survivor. A 'zook team (or half thereof), while out for a afternoon walk, strolled into the path of the remote MG and found itself toes up in the green grass wondering "WTF happened?"

Stuka: Yes, that one. I still owe a first turn. So many units and so little time.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Oh it's worse than you think. There's a new sheriff in town and you'd better lock up your womenfolk and hide the liquor, because you kids have had full rein for too long.

I'm an arrogant sonofabitch who knows what it's like to piss in a frozen bottle of frozen piss but I know that I'm not the only sonofabitch here who could institute order. Unfortuneately, Berli doesn't think mere mortals are worth the time, Seanachai (Whom I've named a character after in my book) is either emasculated, dead or involved with another woman, Peng is, where the hell is Peng?!?! and the whole MarkIV/Hakko/Germanboy/EtCetera crew doesn't have the emotional detachment to tell it like it is.

Stuka: Get in line you sorry whore.

Croda: Get rid of that damn sig. That damn, dirty, slut PeterNZer isn't worth being on the sole of your shoe, much less the ass of your post. I don't care about no steenking bets or honor or crap.

Shandorf, Oberst & Roborat: I love you guys, you remind me of Raider fans.

Lorak: Keep it up.

The rest of you, I either don't know you or I've forgotten you or I remember you but I just don't give a flying fig, so make yourself useful and answer these questions:

What the hell is a dalem?

Who is this moron with his Evil-Dead-2-pretending-he's-Ash-but-no-mortal-is-as-cool-as-Brucecampbell-ass and what the hell kind of story is he telling?

What's the patch I should have?

Come on, gimme a kiss. The topplements will ensue, give me a few days to get in order.


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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Hey Kitty, I like weird grog-porn, hamstertruppen-porn, Croda-Beard-Bee porn and all other types of porn as much as the next guy but must you insist on posting so many posts of so little value? For the love of god, woman, don't you know there's a simple edit button that would allow you to correct your mistake? Don't you realize everyone saw your post in the main forum? Must you insist on cluttering a perfectly good thread meant for taunting with mundane blather? Granted, it's better than some of the boring, crap-ass, horse**** that's been posted (And I've had to wade through, when was the last time Seanachai posted here, anyway?) but come on, who the hell cares? And who the hell (Roborat and Slapdragon) post follow-ups to that?

Where's the Frenchie, anyway?


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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Its late, I'm bored; question answered.

And yes, Meeksies, I am glad you survived your little walkaboot, and apparently in fine humour too. Now go steal some kids dolly, or kick a dog, or croda, or do something else mean and petty to something equally small and insignificant. If it wasn't for these meanless posts, the pool would have fallen off the first page a few times today. At least it is more interesting reading than "bump", nest pas?


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat:

Blah blah blah.


At some point here I fell asleep due to the astoundingly boring post. I woke up to read:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat:

If it wasn't for these meanless posts, the pool would have fallen off the first page a few times today. At least it is more interesting reading than "bump", nest pas?


No, at least "bump" has some coherence. At least it is useful and simple and in that, attractive. It's like saying, "Hey, sure I came over and **** all over your carpet but if I hadn't, the cat would've been lonely." You don't have to **** on my carpet just to visit my cat, Roborat, get it through your 1.2dm skull.


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:


LOL, locked up twice in 10 minutes kitty, even Manieri coudn't manage that feat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're too kind. Thank you, Stuka and Robert. =)


I also managed to sneak in a post AFTER the Free Site one was locked. >=)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

Yap yap yap. Look at me, like some simple primates, I too can post one and two sentence posts!!!! And I call Roborat, "Robert" which is just freaky.


More crap suitable only for an AOL chatroom.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perchance I have been too complex in my posts, you sea-urchin of a Pooler.


SHUT UP! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!! Your posts are crap! Utter, sheer, meaningless crap, suitable only to clog up the arteries of society and to waste brain cells. Shut up! Shut up! Shut... Up.


The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram.


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kerist Meeks is back. Take that frickin polar bear outside and pop a cap...failed us he did. I'd say welcome back but of course I loathe the sheer you of you. Now where were we? Oh yes I believe you were froggy glue beneath my feet ya moron.

Perhaps I should expect as much from a schiasmatic heretical lunatic as yourself. May I remind the newer poolettes that Herr mensch was only keeping the pool title of crazy warm for Meek hamsters. Well, Meeks old sod, are we up to it? Nah , who cares, better to live out our Tennesse Williams deleriction and embrace our faded glory (Stella!!) like that poor wanker Hiram and his cat, no doubt up on the roof as we speak.


Have you been injured? Has your PBEM opponent won a game through the use of tank crew human waves? Are you offended by ahistorical tactics? Has that gamey recon jeep been keeping you awake at night? Well your troubles are over. Just call me, jd Esq. and I and my crack team of legal weasels will get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Remember, I'm in your corner. (that is unless you don't pay your bills, in which case, I'll sue you for every last penny) - Marlow & Associates Advertising Agency

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

Loock, ma, I kan spel wurds.


Who the hell are you? There are two possibilities here:

1) A damn foreigner who doesn't have the time to learn the language.

2) An idiot.

Likely a combination, on second thought. Regardless, no help for number 2, except to flush yourself and if you're number 1, do what real foreigners do and use Babelfish. To whit:

The simple one does that I replied to your post sickens me and does wish me that I had followed my first craving and pull only your dog and reads your a liked one on the fire. I can hope only that you will have learned something of this post, that is as to hope that I will sleep with Diaz Cameron, it does not change nothing and it pisses me of.


The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

BTW- I am making more tank images for you, but I am waiting to see what you post.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

hopefully pics of her skimpy leather suit of pleasures!... *grin*

its ok I am wearing the MaSk Of ShAmE, it gives me no shame in saying things like that.. heck I would say that without the mask but since she straped it on me with those soft gentle hands I have a fondness for her... besides.. Mace thinks I'm his mom and I made him clean my room and wash the dishes twice!.. whadda sap... plus no balk talk from the lad.

as for that drunk intro with mace and stuka .... I dont remember that.. I think the beer mixed with my medicine...

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Oh boy, holier than thou Meeks is back. I am so chucked full of joy at this I think I will go and take a dump.





Ahhh.. That's better. Now where was I?

Oh yes, Meeks is back. Well, now that our collective IQ has takin' a hit I think it would be proper for a challenge old dear friend (Yuck, spit, gag).

No doubt you got bored eating peanuts and wanking off to National Geographic magazines, so send a setup my way and I will fill your life with self-loathing. You fuzzy misanthropic sod.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Who the hell are you? There are two possibilities here:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Both wrong, although loathed and despised is nice. It is sad, just sad to see a former paragon of the pool try to recapture the glorys of the past. Sort of like Kiss, Aerosmith or Ozzie Osborn all rolled into one. A bit more difficult squeezing into the old spandex eh meeksies? Shoot, these yung'uns are laughing at you boy. I remember the Meeks of old, when we wondered what the hell you were up too, but even those days days are gone.

Look over there, see Hiram? You remember him? Followed you out of the pool as if you were some Joseph Smith wannabe. Founding the new Jerusalem you were. Course only he went with you. Now he rocks in the corners with Eagle fixations and that old dead cat he keeps hanging on too, whispering Audrey? to anyone who passes.

So welcome back you old codger, be sure to put your teeth in the glass by your rocker and be prepared to regale the passers by with you woeful profundities


Have you been injured? Has your PBEM opponent won a game through the use of tank crew human waves? Are you offended by ahistorical tactics? Has that gamey recon jeep been keeping you awake at night? Well your troubles are over. Just call me, jd Esq. and I and my crack team of legal weasels will get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Remember, I'm in your corner. (that is unless you don't pay your bills, in which case, I'll sue you for every last penny) - Marlow & Associates Advertising Agency

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