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Well, aside from correcting Horrid Sadboy's biological classification mistakes, I also do tricks with CM:

Cromag has been brave enough to start another game with me, even after the severe whomping he bestowed upon me. Very good of him to work through his fear like that.

Marlowbrow is obviously the worst protoplasmic dumping point to ever slither out from a cosmic dumpster ever. He cheats somehow, he blows up my stuff, he convinces me to stand for more punishment, he's nice about it, and most horrifying of all, he's lucky! We hates him, we hates him forever.

Jshandjob has angered me and I am smiting him with British correctness.

nijistic is no doubt creeping along furtively on this giant map he generated, just like I am. It sure is a purty map, though.

PeterBeaterNZedEater has his new computer, but I haven't received a turn yet. Hmmmm. I hate him anyway.

Although I'm not pummeling Rickitty on a CM battlefield, I am enjoying her insults and punishments. She is wittier and more insulting than the whole rest of you sorry lot. I still hate her too, though.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:







*All off the top of my head

*Please see Germanboy for the "All off the top of my head quotes". He may be publishing his new book of rememberences this spring.



Species: Hiram Sedai

Description: A peculiar omnivore in its own right. The Hiram Sedai roams the African Seringetti in search of prophylactics and stray cats. Its diet consists of cold pizza and stale, flat MGD but any cheap beer will suffice.

Hirams have been known to attack humans on sight but because of their enormous girth and sloth like speed they present no real danger.



I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:


Species: Hiram Sedai

Description: A peculiar omnivore in its own right. The Hiram Sedai roams the African Seringetti in search of prophylactics and stray cats. Its diet consists of cold pizza and stale, flat MGD but any cheap beer will suffice.

Hirams have been known to attack humans on sight but because of their enormous girth and sloth like speed they present no real danger.



That would be Genus and Species, and it should be underlined or italicized, with the specific epithet in all lower case:

Hiram sedai

You could also put in a parenthetical common name ("Loseto<font color="blue">Giants</font>Boy")


This message brought to you by

Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service,

Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool

aka The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 01-09-2001).]

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(knock knock)

Hello! Hello? Anyone in?

Damn! Never mind, I'll let myself in anyway. They won't mind, I'm sure.

Oh, hello. Who's porrige is this then? And what is a fully functional carousel doing in the dining room? I think I'll have a go...

Oh, that was fun! I haven't done that for millennia. While I'm here, and nobody else is, I think I'll make myself comfortable.

Oh! What's this? 'Brandy, Special Reserve 1944. Property of Peng' Must be worth a bit. I think I'll have a glass or two. Oh no, it tastes like vinegar (spit).

This chair is uncomfortable. I'll rearrange the cushions a bit. There... no, still no good. I don't like the chair anyway - coincidentally, I would like to evacuate my bowel. And this, supposedly, comfy chair looks like just the spot.

Oh, what a stinker! I'm going to have to move to the next room.

Wow! a games room! I like games. Looks like they play a lot here. I wonder if they're any good? I think not. From all those candy wrappers, games magazines and smutty playing cards, I'm guessing they're just children.

I'll just rearrange the pieces on the board. That'll throw them! (hee hee)

Pitty nobody was in. Well, never mind. I'll come back soon and see if anyone wants to play. I better not tell them I've been here before - they'll go mad!

Oh no, I can hear someone coming! There's a back window. I can make it if I'm quick...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by some dip**** who hasn't an amusing bone in his god-forsaken body: Hey look here, I'm an idiot! Eveybody notice me! I think I'll ramble a bit for you all. ramble, ramble, ramble. Lord I was born a rabling man...

Rambling is fun. so is eating a snickers bar through your nose. sometimes the nuts get stuck though, and that hurts. Let me run around a a bit. run, run, run. Baby we were Born to Run...

Did I tell everyone that I'm cracking myself up? I am really funny. And the best part anout it is that I'm venturing into the Peng Thread! Who says that only witty people are allowed to post in here? I'm proving you all wrong right now! prove, prove, prove

Well, that was a hoot. You can all feel free to insult me a lot now, but in the meantime, I'm heading back to listen to my Debbie Gibson cassettes. Shake your love, I just can't shake your love...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What a fecking moron.

I have no game updates because I owe everyone but Hiram a turn. So if our resident geneticist could get his ass out of the laboratory where he's trying hard to cross-bread humans and felines, and send me a flipping turn, perhaps I could update that game as well.

Also, new games being begun with Herr Ovaries, silly dalem, Jean Harlow, and that Wildman character. Seems as if I'm the designated Wal-Mart greeter. 'Hi there, welcome to the Cesspool, can I field your challenge please?' I'll have to beat them down like Hiram does to the cat when he scratches.

And Miss Kitty, if you cannot remove the unauthorized pictures of my family from your website, I shall have to be destructive and mean and get rid of them in my own manner. I don't think you want me to get rough with you...





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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What? don't any of you east coaster types post from work!! This post is about (or aboot, for fellow Canadians) to fall off the board. I guess it's up to me. There, that's better now.

Hey Hiram, what the h*** happened to your bald buzzards, (although the Gigants weren't much better, they could only score on defence). I usually don't watch 'murican footsball, but your bleating inspired me to take a peek. I'm cured now, I will stick to Canadian from now on, at least the games are interesting to watch.

Just to justify this post, me and fubar are still attempting to play that stupid "welcome to hell" squire challenge. Between foosbar screwing up his upgrade to B24 and loosing the game files, and me forgetting to play it, due to extreme time between posts, this one is shaping up to beat the last squire game in total time required, and will be measured in geological epochs. Am also playing speedy, although I suspect he has been playing possum, and I am about to get flattened. I thought I was holding my own (don't bother, it's too easy), until I ventured onto the CMBO ladder section and saw his rating. ...come to mention it, foobar's pretty high on it too, I am in BIG trouble.

Well, the boss is glaring at me, so time to pretend to work again.

TTFN, and any other appropriate acronym (just a thought, why doesn't acronym have an acronym?)


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Either way I like corners. They remind me of my youth. I spent a lot of time in corners, ya know....


Was that you who used to wear a nice tight pink skirt, and try to stop all the cars for ..err.. a business transaction?


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-09-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Was that you who used to wear a nice tight pink skirt, and try to stop all the cars for ..err.. a business discussion?



He was Shandorf the Ho

How did I know? Cause he told me so.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat:

Oh no, I can hear someone coming! There's a back window. I can make it if I'm quick...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Croda: Who’s been messing with our bread?

Shandorf: Who’s been sh**ting in the chair?

mensch: Dunno, but he musn’t have been very big, ‘cause I found THESE on the rusty nail we forgot to fix on the back window.

(Throws mangled but obviously insignificant gonads on the counter.)

Bauhaus (throwing the mess in a frying pan): Bet these’d be good with some Cajun spice…

Hiram: Well, if he comes back, try not to laugh just cause you know he’s d**kless.

Kitty (indignantly): What’s so wrong with that?

M. Bates (in a very high voice): Not a darn thing!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Forgot Family.


My mother berates me for that exact thing on a monthly basis.

It would seem that you forgot you already replied to that post at 11:10 this morning, Dale.

Get with it, Dalem.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

My mother bathes me for something on a monthly basis. I like the soap smell, and she has soft...uhhh hands.


figures.. the only sod in this whole pool that smells like dove soap.. and we find out it Hariam Soodie is a mamas boy... me finks he's worse.. a Quakers Mamas boy!!! You got to watch those quakers....

make cereals and stuff..

and.. it seems there are some strange family secrets comming out too!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Miss Kitty, I don't think you want me to get rough with you...


Sit down everyone! Please ignore the weak-ass attempt at sexual innuendo, move along, nothing to see here.

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For the non-too-bright, (ie. Dalem) I haven't got a new PC but a formatted one, this results in me having NO pbem files to return. If I haven't sent one then you need to send me your last file and make sure it's b1.24 while you're at it



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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Guest Wildman

Damn Croda,

If your the WalMart greeter then they obviously had to fulfill their handicapped quote. I mean it tough to screw up "Hello", but I have every confidence in you.

By the way, where is my kids yellow smiley face they get when we go to WalMart, huh? huh? HUH?


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Umm, Tomb update.



Ahh game updates

Eagles vs. Giants.... this was suppose to be a game?

Pittsburgh Penguins vs anyone.. Penguins win.

Lorak vs Berli... Getting my arse kicked.

Lorak vs. Germanboy... This scenario is just sad.

Lorak vs. OGSF.... OGSF made the mistake of buying vets. They cost more, die just the same.

By the way, If any of you gents *snicker* checked out the WWII radio site I found. It is pretty damn cool. The original address seems like it might change. So you might want to just go to the site:


and start it from there.

In other news... I am really ashamed at the whole lot of you. It seems that none of you have been man enough or foolish enough to taunt Fionn into a game yet.

Speedy's attempt feel way short. Hell that attempt wouldn't even get a game from me. But he at least he had the gonads to try.

Keeping the thread alive

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Umm, Tomb update.

Go Flyers!! Woo Hoo


Sir Lorak, I am dissapointed. I thought you were above it all. Why would you defame the name of the Eagles? Peer Pressure. Lorak the omniscient is a weak willed individual after all. I am saddened to see this and would love to know why. I always thought of Lorak as the Rock of the Cesspool. He declared himself Lord of the Cesspool because of the apathy of others. See his website and cross yourself three times. Who would challenge him to become Lord of the Cesspool? Who would dare? I heretell that some gentleman with letters for a name has beaten this mighty NC inhabitant. He can be toppled.

Think on this, brothers of the cesspool and rail against the apathy that is so pervasive these days. Wake up and smell the bumpkin.

As for the Fionn taunting, I am incapable of taunting a little girl with an ice cream cone. Fionn is out of my range. I am so low that whale dung looks like fleecy white clouds above me.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

[This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 01-09-2001).]

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Poor Hiram,

Go ahead and wail against the dying of the light. I am truly sorry that you are unlucky enough to live on the wrong side of Penn.

But to lash out at your better simple because you do not have the intestinal fortitude to pack up your car and leave is wrong.

On your choosing to live in Philly, All I have to say is this:

Sufference is equal to consent.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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Upon noticing some particulars of mine were missing, I decided to return to the house in the dead of night.

The window still wasn't locked so I slipped in, just as it started to rain. The metaphoroligists said the going in some parts of the world would be wet. They were right!

I was halfway through when a small rodent type animal started barking on the hearthrug. It was a Crodarite. They're harmless, but they pump themselves to appear bigger than they really are. I ignored it and, surely enough, it crept back to its lonely hole.

I hadn't noticed before, but all the windows and doors were covered in thorns. No wonder I lost my particulars! They certainly don't want anyone coming in here! Especially the sociably curious.

Looking round further, I noticed a certain amount of chairs. And a certain amount of goblets, and a certain amount of pieces on the board. Obviously, there is no room for a guest here.

I think I will cut my losses and try another house. This one is SO unfriendly!

I left another of my aromatic deposits on the floor and left through the window. Again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Poor Hiram,

Go ahead and wail against the dying of the light. I am truly sorry that you are unlucky enough to live on the wrong side of Penn.

But to lash out at your better simple because you do not have the intestinal fortitude to pack up your car and leave is wrong.

On your choosing to live in Philly, All I have to say is this:

Sufference is equal to consent.

Lorak the loathed


To the permanant inhabitant of the Waffle House, I say this: Denny's is much better.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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You poor ignorant sot.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by idiot:

To the permanant inhabitant of the Waffle House, I say this: Denny's is much better. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My man, Who says I actualy eat there?! Nay I go to the waffle house for three reasons.

1) They are open 24 hours.

2) The coffee is ok.

3) They really don't seem to mind when some wargamer shows up at midnight with a stack of books, maps, and reference mataerial. Then proceeds to hang out and read and/or study for 2 or 3 hours, all while spending a total of about 2 or 3 bucks.

Now while I grant that such a scenario in Philly would go over like a fart on a wooden pew. Down here hospitality is hospitality. (that or the fact that they are amazed that people have actualy learned the art of reading.)

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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Don't just go away...Go away MAD!

Then maybe when you return you can actualy type somefink vile enough to get you noticed.

You see, Here in the pool HATE is not just the soup du jour... but also the soup of the day!

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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Oh had someone actually dropped by? Pity, didn't notice, didn't care.


Have you been injured? Has your PBEM opponent won a game through the use of tank crew human waves? Are you offended by ahistorical tactics? Has that gamey recon jeep been keeping you awake at night? Well your troubles are over. Just call me, jd Esq. and I and my crack team of legal weasels will get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Remember, I'm in your corner. (that is unless you don't pay your bills, in which case, I'll sue you for every last penny) - Marlow & Associates Advertising Agency

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The door to the 'pool swings open, in stumbles Stuka,Mace and Mensch, bottles still clutched in unsteady, swaying arms.

Accoutrements of merriment hang from them in the form of streamers, funny hats and those hilarious Marx brothers glass's/nose/cigar combos.

Mace still has small tufts of wool clinging to the front of his trousers but those could have come from anywhere and are not indicative of what may have occurred during the 3 minutes he disappeared earlier in the evening.

Mensch has unsightly brown stains on his size 14 Doc Martins from the kicking he gave a 'newbie' who approached him in an inappropriate manner in the Gent toilets.

*Sniff Sniff* "What is that stench?" remarks Stuka in the lofty air of a man firmly in control of his destiny.

"It smells like Stevethetwat has been in here dragging his arse on the carpet again" giggles Mensch, while simultaneously throwing up over Maces back. Mace doesn't notice the warm ooze dripping into the belt-line of his tartan flares as he collapses face first onto peng's sofa in a cloud of wool fibres.

"Arrgh!" screams a voice from the sofa.

"Why, its little Croda" booms Stuka in his awe inspiring resonent tone.

"Wasuuuup 'lil Croda" burps Mensch, staggering backwards into the hat-stand and back-flipping ungainly into Colin's litter tray.

Croda squeels "I was here alone going through OGSF's underwear draw when I heard an arse being dragged on the carpet, I saw who it was and was afeared that he was back looking for his wedding tackle and seeing as Bauhaus fried them up this morning I thought he might...(begins to cry)....take mine"

I'm getting sick of this, let me tell you a little story young Croda, a tale of the 'pool as it used to be, a time when Knights and squires lived in splendor in a vast stone castle, where newbies and wannabees would flail their fists weakly on the walls in attempts to gain admittence. A time of granduer, pomp, and ceremony.

Now here we are in this grotty, 2 bedroom council flat, where riff-raff can come in as they please, flounder around a bit and frighten the dachshund before we can chase them out.

I hereby call for the council to reconvene the old fuedal order and hark back to the days of old where cesspoolers were cesspoolers and newbies bloody well knew it!

Mensch giggles again from the confines of the litter tray and Mace farts a tuft of wool into the air as he snores into the stained cushions. Croda curls up contended at the feet of Stuka while a large searchlight beams an image of a Morman wife up into the clouds, summoning kniggets and squires to council.

Dark clouds gather.......

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