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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Christ Jesus what a crybaby. Andreas, if I didn't know any better, I'd nominate you for Pool Wench. You're one of those old fogies what likes to say, "In my day, harumph, the Pool was something special." Go suck on an exhaust pipe. Now challenge someone for a lordship and join in the fun, you sissy.


Err, ever seen an English Lord? Nothing to aspire to really. I think that history took a turn for the worse when feudalism replaced the random killing, pillage and destruction of the dark ages, which was based on the fact that those strangers could not defend themselves, with the random killing and destruction that was based on class, brown-nosing and killing foreigners because they speak with funny accents. Nothing I want to be associated with. The Peng thread to me stays a place of lovely arnachy, where the tactically and tauntingly superior (i.e. me) have a go at the dim-witted and criminally inept who can not defend themselves without resorting to political correctness or cries for the referee. And let's not even talk about these female manifestations or Prof.Hamster X here. Who is probably leading a recount somewhere.

If you want to be a Lord, go ahead. Just always remember that I toppled Sauron himself.

Now get lost.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-16-2000).]

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Update ... regretably my friends (and Andreas) things have not been going well at Casa Shaw and posting to the 'pool hasn't been much of a priority lately. And I'm afraid that no real improvement will be forthcoming anytime soon. In the meantime I'm trying to clear up the 'pool games so my buddies can get on with things. In view of that, I offer my congratulations to Mark IV for his win against me in a tough and well played game. Have fun guys, I'll try to drop by again if things improve, but it takes a certain mindset to get "into" the 'pool and sometimes that just isn't possible.


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Guest MrHappy

somewhere in a grim garret our hero tapped incessantly at a keyboard. he typed at the rate of a thousand monkeys. he typed with the fervor of a born again christian praying for jesus to save his dammned soul. everything he typed disappears into a cyber void. the zeros and ones transmogrify and course through his veins as if they were his very blood. but the blood is draining out of him. it is draining like great effluent filled rivers ooze into greasy swamps. his life's blood is draining away through useless finger tips.

the disconnected nature of hand and mind has finally caught up with him. corporeal sense and meaning have fled before the blink of a mocking cursor. typing code helps to numb the pain of the mental constipation. but it is not enough. alcohol hasn't worked. sleep deprivation has only made him tired and cranky. and the pills...the pills.

what did he do when pornography isn't titillating? how did he behave when a coworker's presence inspired intrusive homicidal thoughts, rather than the usual banalities? where did he go when everywhere he went reminded him that he would rather be at home, and when home gave him heartburn?

monkeys typing. monks scribing, scribbling five year olds mocking their old dad. the crt burns hot images of black courier new ten point on the inside back of his skull. it bypasses the retina and goes for the kill. it hits the mother load. it burns its way into the back of his head and leaves his optic nerve for the carrion crowes. there is nothing left in his life but the game.

he operates on 3 hours of sleep. maximun nap time, man. he drifts to the couch when he is insensate from cheap canadian whiskey or american sour mash bourbon. or both. he stumbles there trying not to wake the wife and children who have huddled together in the bed in fear of the rage they have heard in the computer room. goddam the tiger goddam the tiger that ****ing tiger killed my hellcat. a three a.m. rant. an early morning rave. that good old feeling of helpless, monsterous madness when he loses an afv to the ai.

the game consumes him and it ate his brain first. he plots against his neighbor. he thinks threatening thoughts of high explosive pilliage and murder. he scouts sniper perches. there was a time when he had an interest in things unrelated to war and death. that was over a year ago. there was a time when he thought he might use his powers for good. the game ended that. it has made him powerless. it has usurped his will. where once a vital man stood with a family and a purpose and a life, a wispy, hollowed-out wraith now hovers over the monitor in a jittery, gibbering state of non-entity.

the blood is all gone now. the game lapped it up as it drained out of his withering fingers. the monkeys stopped typing. the monks have accepted beelzebub as their personal savior. the children grew up with out knowing their father. they know him only as that strange, unpleasant feeling they get when they sit down in front of the computer - the one that mommy wont touch anymore.


MrHappy sez, "C'MON GET HAPPY!"

[This message has been edited by MrHappy (edited 11-16-2000).]

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ok.. Another busy night in hell... so a quick comment.

Pages is updated as follows.

Berli gains a topplement over Kitty.

Speedy gains a topplement over OGSF.

Mark IV gains a topplement over Shaw.

In other news:

Joe Shaw,

Hope everything works itself out. I know thier aren't suppose to be feelings in the pool... but you are missed. Take care.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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What makes Mr Happy so happy?

I'll tell ya'll. Its the damned evisceration, dissection, eradication and general topplement of a once proud Stukan armoured force..and from there things started to get really bad!...

Bleh! Gak! and Erkle!


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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MrHappy wrote:

> somewhere in a grim garret [...] that mommy wont touch anymore.

Someone tell MrPeng he can't just wander in here and spew like that – he's got to acknowledge the presence of others, and deride them accordingly. And take away his keyboard, or confiscate one of his daughters.

David (resident non-resident non-artistic artist)


War is about killing people. You give orders which will help to end the war, not orders which will save your men, because your men will only stop dying when the war is over. – D.A.

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Ever wonders what happens to your dead Hamstertruppen?

According to the Department's News Clippings:


Fur flies over new suit

US animal lovers are downright fur-ious at Gucci for designing a trendy new men’s suit made of hamster fur. The new outfit consists of $1400 pants, a $1200 jacket and a $3800 overcoat. They are described in Gucci’s catalogue as made from “wild rabbit fur”. But the unusual outfit - which is orange, black and white - is actually made from hundreds of hamster pelts, London’s Sunday Mirror says.


I say increase the slaughter and take no prisoners! There's money to be made in hamster fur!!!! biggrin.gif


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Miss Macey Gray, I don't see any setup in my inbox from you......

Got the jitters already have we?

Gone a little bit poopy in the pants department have we?

Or are you off to Gucci's to try and sell your own worthless, flea-bitten pelt?


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 11-17-2000).]

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Yes, yes, the names have been changed to protect the culpable...

It is von Shrad who is mixing up greenies with me, not puka-stuka.

Jeff, lots of clanking going on, and did that M4 crew change their underwear this turn???

Crawdad, ditto. Muwahaha.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Aha your not getting away that easily OGSF, I just saw your surrender file. Now I will publish it so that the entire pool can know your shame.


As that the best ye kin doo? D'ye call that "taunting"? Ya beat one o' the best players in tha Pool, and all ye kin do is post the surrender stats? If Ah weren't aboot tai keeck ye spotty white arrrse all over a frrresh PBEM, ah'd keeck ya spotty white arrrse all over a frrresh PBEM! Have ye noo grrist mon? Wha aboot handin' me a proper tauntin' instaid o' nancyin' aboot lak some skinny wee sailor oot on his farrrst date wi' a cheap whore?

Wha's his bloody sponsor? Some daft bugger needs tae tak this wee sporran stain in hand!


Edited cos I cannae spell ma ain name!

[This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 11-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

As that the best ye kin doo? D'ye call that "taunting"? [This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 11-17-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah but laddy with that scoreline I don't need to taunt.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Or are you off to Gucci's to try and sell your own worthless, flea-bitten pelt?


I have managed to get a good exchange rate with Gucci on bullet ridden opponent hamstertruppen. However those dismembered by artillery or frizled by flamethrowers are unacceptable! frown.gif


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my medication is wearing off and thought...Hey - think about this:

2001 is the biblical new millenium, right? Isn't that when all that crazy antichrist stuff and armageddon and all that is supposed to happen?

I think it is. Most religious people risk having their faith yanked out from under them if nothing happens. I mean, the bible's always right, right? It's God's word, right? So, if nothing happened, that would kind of cause a problem for Christians, don't you think?

Here's a whacky scenario for ya:

Nothing is going to happen. So a few hardcore Christians or Christian organizations are going to make damn sure that something *does* happen. Like some big nasty blowin' up kind of ****. Otherwise, their religion will be a joke, Right?

The other scenario is that the Christian Apocalypse and all that walking-dead, rivers of blood stuff is going to happen. Which might be scarier. Or really cool for like five minutes. Then eternal damnation.

how is this going to effect my CM playing time???

ok back to the doctor...


Der Kessel Home of ãDie SturmgruppeÒ; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Ah but laddy with that scoreline I don't need to taunt.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oooooh! Will somebody nae hold mai? I feel soo, soo..."taunted"! Here...poot this haggis on ye haid and Ah'll see aff Ah kin hit it wi' this caber! Ah set fire tae the ainly cover available tae me, then charge ye entranched soldiers wi' mai ain troops, an' ye think the score is relevant? Wha aboot mai stupidity? Kin ye noo say anything aboot that?


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yeah. well good.

Come on, we just need more people to post stupid jokes or links to boring junk and we'll be as dull as the great morass of net users passing the same tired email jokes round and round and round, "10 reasons why smearing crap on toast and building roads out of it is better than banging women", or "20 excuses to get off work when your bowels explode".

O, why not throw a chain letter in here as well asking you to send $5 to a little boy in Romania who was born without an anus and with your donation can look forward to flying to the US where the latest developments in anus transplant technology can give him a new anus from a deceased donor, offering him a life of pleasurable crapping and constant anti-rejection drugs lest his new anus drop off..

Or notes saying if we all click on this link Bill Gates himself will materialise infront of you and blow you till you see stars before slipping a cool million down your pants for the knowledge that yes, you have email, and yes you are extremely gulible and stupid

And for the record, no noone finds your bland scores and results at all interesting. Post some amusing annecdotes of your, or the other persons incompetence and make us smile and chorlte. This isn't sports roundup.





"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich.,

Sept. 29, 2000

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Since this page is full of pointless drivel, I thought I'd add my own. Yesterday, in a really goofy thread about taunting people in French (not the French taunter) YK2 asked if she could adopt me and told me I was a sweetie and that she would teach me how to Scottish kiss when old PawBroon wasn't looking.

That being said, when the next page of the pool starts, let's have some vigor, some vim, some tenacity, and most of all, some fraking hatred! This page could have come from the Ladies Home Journal. Now get with it, or my MF PT boat will sink your pansy asses!


I am currently beating or not losing to everyone by jdmorse. And I'm only letting him win because he's my sponsor.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I must concur with you Herr Speedy,

that rat bastard OFGS dared scoff at my "9", now who's laughing fat boy? A "6", MUHAHAUAHAHUAHAHAHHhhhaaaa....!

Stick that in your Rastafarian pipe and suck hard!


Ye cannae be serious!?!? Ah wipe ye snotty nose on mah kilt in our firrst gam, and noo I've wiped oot ye armoured attack wi mai infantry in our second gam, and ye stick ye haid oop here lak some brain daid ferret bein' goosed??

Naxt ye'll be squeakin' on aboot hoo Speedy's ye hero an' ye want tae have his wee bairns fer 'im!

Af'n ye think "9" was bad, stand by fer ye naxt scorre!


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Point of Order for the 'Pool:

Does anyone actually read OhGoshI'mAScottishFreak's crazy-ass Scottish ramblings? I can't get through them without getting Vertigo. The last post was like Adam Sandler's movie career. It was funny once, it was funny twice, it even managed to be funny the third time, but cut the ****. He's still making this crap?

Here's a suggestion for you:

Take your sorry, OnTheGroundSuckingFarts ass home to your PC, play Hiram's turn and send it back so that you two can get your challenge over with. Hiram, you go home too. Use that suggestion on how to skip work with destroyed bowels article and get the hell home. Then both of you play through to completion. Stuka and I will finish before you at the rate of 1 turn per day, and we started well after you. Now, GO!

And, OhMyGAmIAStoopidF***, stop with the Scottish!



[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 11-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Jeff, lots of clanking going on, and did that M4 crew change their underwear this turn???


What? You mean AFTER they wiped out one of your StuH-42s?

You once proud platoon of StuHs has been reduced to a mear two vehicles and I hope to reduce it to one after this turn.


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:


I am currently beating or not losing to everyone by jdmorse. And I'm only letting him win because he's my sponsor.


Thank you for that small piece of entertainment... now for the invective.

I'd like to be the first to personally inform you that 'tis time to put your little Huns to the run...

We had a bloody little battle on my left flank (that would be your right flank there Crawdad). Which is where your demon armor made it's appearance. It actually had the temerity to attack my troops!! Well, you can see what happens to the unjust, the unrighteous, the foul little vermin under your command. His number came up this past turn. It is no more, deceased, dead, departed, pipped out, no longer of this world, perished, passed away, expired, at rest. And, sorry to say, rusting hulks of armor do not control VLs. It is now a home for wayward pigeons.

In the center, (that would be where your thingie is, if you had one...) we continue to seesaw a bit, but with the demise of your PzIV, things are looking much better. I've got some 150 rounds of arty left, and I'd hate to let it go to waste.

On my right flank, (that would be your left flank Crawdad) one of my Shermans got to play "Pop-goes-the-Psw" this turn. Even the pigeons will not roost on that AFV due to the terrible stench coming from inside, undoubtedly evidence of your crew's total failure of bodily function control when the mists parted and they found themselves nose-to-nose with a Sherman.

Your Misty-Eyed Adventures are just about over Crawdad!

Beating or not losing indeed!! *snort*


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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