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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Crodawhothinksheisimportant:


Well it is a good thing you don't have any say in it then, isn't it?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by a man with a big mouth, and small genitalia:

Gosh I'm dumb and unattractive, and have the wit of a German Boy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

When the pool speaks, it must be heard! And if you know what's good for you, you'll listen to my suggestion. You're just mad that you didn't think of it yourself.

And Mess, that wasn't the trick that she sent me, though I'll admit it is much more devious (and interresting) than the ones she shared with me. I can't blame you for losing now...well, yes actually I still can, but I got all of my anger out on German Prepubescent. Send that turn back to me so I can go about beating you in ways that don't include the use of my scrap heap Tiger.

and Stuka-boy, send me that file back. If we can get a few more turns in here soon, our men may see battle before Christmas.



[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-13-2000).]

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Ahh, yes, flaming and booming and tanking doom will be your fate my little Herr Oberst.

I think I shall try and see just how much I can make you little girls scream and run. I reckon they are up for a bit more dashing from building to building squealing, don't you?

As for the rest? Well Elvis is slowly and surely taking the Sherbrook Fusiliers, pulling off their limbs and jumping up and down on them. Where the hell are my reinforcements! The only light in the tunnel was watching some 4 piats fire at one tank last turn 'sprroo spproo ooinngg sproiing'.. and one hit and knocked out a nasty german can.. well done lads, now I fear you'll die to the 4 or 5 tanks backing that first one up redface.gif


He's evil. I think he's Germangirls little evil sister trailing at the Hun's peticoats learning from his smacks and feeding off discarded titbits. A platoon of hamsters, sneaking down a hill, got killed by two of his tanks.. which spotted my hamsters first! redface.gif My hamsters didn't even see the damn tanks till they took casulaties and then ran for it.. I think they must be planning to use the panzerfausts to light the BBQ or something.. because they certainly didn't use it to fire at his bloody tanks!


Sent a file, no reply. Damn swedes.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Geier: Sent a file, no reply. Damn swedes.


Oh my. So sorry for working and having a life. I'll quit this instant and send you my reply later tonight.

Now sod off and enjoy your last moments.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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And bloody sorry you should be! Couldn't take 5 minutes out of your busy moose-fondling comitments to open a file and send it back? Goodness me! Leave the damn beast alone! Not only does it have to put up with being herded, shot and generally stuffed around by the Swedish locals, they have to put up with a sicko pervert like Geier walking up and checking the weight of their dangly bits.

On top of that, the Swedes are just dull, dull dull! Look at this link for evidence


I mean, if the French fondled moose, at least they would be proud and exclaim to the world. The Swedes prefer to keep their putrid tastes hidden in science.

As for this battle, i'm not scared of your troops and their evil master. I'm more worried that at every copse of trees you're going to have your boys search around for any wandering herbivours and have them brought to your command post, again, leave them alone and get on with the battle!

Just admit it! You're from a sick, crazed country where moose are more important than PBEM CM turns and be done with it, no more excuses!


[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-13-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Petersheepshagger:

Blablabla - more drivel [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-13-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So where are the games you wanted? Bullying poor Johan... Wait a minute, you can go on doing that... And not sending the stuff out yourself.



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My old german friend, (Shouldn't Germanpensioner or Germanoldfart be better names?), some of us have work to do, (yes, real work, not that playing with the environment mumbo-jumbo) and that work entails having to stay here till bloody late and being tired and going to bed early.

Hence the games you mentioned are generated, just they are sitting on my PC at home. Yes, before work I did even try to send them to you but my abortion of an ISP wasn't working right.

This evening I shall send said files to you and things shall proceed as planned.


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Damn Peter I was wondering what took that out. I watched it like 5 times. Nice shot. I have stepped up the pace of my assault so that I might have you crushed before you get any help. Start drinking now so that by the time I get home and send you a file you will be numb to the pain.

The person I really want to attack is that mammas boy Hiram. What is this crap email I got from him saying he would only be able to send turns on weekends and if we didn't like it he would surrender. Sounds like someone is being punished by mommy because he couldn't do his homework and isn't allowed to play computer games during the week until he gets his act together.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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No words today from the Meek one. Perhaps he's ashamed and won't show his ugly self back in here unless he beats old SeeN'Say. The board is noticeably more tranquil without him. Could be that it becomes "the reflecting pool" if the ugliness doesn't pick up.



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Okay... I am only tip toeing up to the edge of your pool to put the word out that I want Senior Meeks to send me my damn turn.

It appears that once he perceives himself on the losing side of a battle his zeal for sending turns appreciably dissipates.

SO, if you see that whiny mama's boy tell him to send me MY TURN! Grrr...


Damn! The floor is sticky in here...yuck!

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Ok, I think there really isn't enough talk about how Hamsters/Meeks(!) has gone and LOST TO PENG!

What is wrong with you people? Do you think that the losing to me is enough humilation? Of course it is the nadir of anyone's gaming career to lose to me, and it pretty much is the dry rot that will eat away at one's own self esteem until it is like the crud at the bottom of a pit of old vomit, but why should that stop you lot from piling on the shame and hatred? Shouldn't that squad or ravening rodents be subjected to a bit more pee in their cornflakes?

Just asking.


[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 10-13-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Shouldn't that squad or ravening rodents be subjected to a bit more pee in their cornflakes?


Wait, wait!

You mean in your part of the world it's not the way you actually serve it?


Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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I don't know...just a little bit of pee in someone's cornflakes is a tough road to hoe. But then to lose to someone from Scranton? Yuk! He's obviously sulking himself to sleep somewhere, he lost his thread, his match to Peng, and now he's staring down the barrel of Sneezyachai. He's probably playing QBs against the AI, 5,000 pts for him and 300 for the AI, so tha the can inflict lots of animated pain and try to shuffle his own inadequacies under the carpet. Or maybe he got hit by a car? Who knows? Anyway, we're all Very Proud of your teensy-weensy victory over Grand Master Meeks. Happy now?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

its not praise for me I want!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Peng, the humble. Let it ring from the mountains that from this day forward, Peng has asked for no more praise! Therefore, let him have none! Let the praise go to daring and courageous men who strive valiantly against worthwhile opponents. Mister Peng, I salute you for your Meekness!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

dammit croda! its not praise for me I want! Its scorn for Hamsters/Meeks(!).



*knock knock*


Hamsters: "Er, it's me. Well, since BTS closed my Cesspool thread, can I come back here..."


Hamsters: "What?"



The Thread: "Welcome back."

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I'm pleased to announce that our little friend Ethan, aka...Hakko Itchthis, has been humiliated by my vastly superior American forces 65-35. Now I know the shame that he must be feeling by losing to a lowly opponent such as myself (you hear that Penileitch?). The shame.

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Ladies and Gentleworms of the Cesspool,

The people intend to show that the guilty bastard, I mean the defendant, jdmorse, is guilty of assorted barratry, shysterism, and generally being a lawyer. Herewith, Exhibit A, the set-up, whereby we will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that morse is an evil, squamous, chittering minion of Yog-Sottoth who has learned to walk when he should not even crawl. Subsequent to Exhibit A, my brave, red-blooded American public defenders will lay some police brutality upside his head.

Thank you,




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

PS - Hey, Blowmonkey, want to send me the AAR file before I reply to your weak little pseudo-taunt.

[This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 10-13-2000).]

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Ethan Rasiel wrote:


Am in receipt of your below cited missive of the 12th instant. It is with great

regret that I am at this time unable to reciprocate owing to a breach of service

committed by Messrs. Earthlink/Mindspring, Satan & Co. in the matter of my electronic postal system. Any further action on my part in the matter of The Forces of Good and all Hamsterdom vs. Morse must await a satisfactory resolution of my dispute with the aforementioned alleged perpetrators, preferably with compensatory damages plus triple damages for pain and suffering plus reasonable and customary attorney, accounting, actuarial, aeronautic, areopagitic, and

amphibious fees.

I will exert all possible good faith efforts to return your setup at the earliest moment possible, subject to the judicial calendar, the lunar calendar,my wife's menstrual calendar, and the Newgate calendar.

I remain,

Yours faithfully,

Ethan M. Rasiel

PS -- In future correspondences, please use the following e-mail address,

[expletive deleted], as deja.com doesn't handle attachments well or, in

technical terms, it sucks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I am in receipt of your electronic communication of this date. I wish to memorialize our understanding vis a vis the pending martial (not marital) obligations that you are undertaking, to wit:

1. You are obviously in the throes of buyer's remorse, however, I regret to inform that the statutory waiting period has elapsed and as such will be fully and completely enforced.

2. Casting aspersions as to one's ISP as a way of avoiding said obligations smacks of the most debased and petulant behavior, akin to a major personality disorder and as such will not be tolerated.

3. Be warned that any attempt to breach your obligations shall ipso facto result in full prosecution of any and all remedies

available to us.

4. I shall consider your email change to constitute notice as to your blatant attempt to flee the reach of a competent court

exercising jurisdiction in this matter

5. I draw your attention that Satan & Co. and our profession have the utmost respect and close ties. Your insinuations come

patently close to defamation and as such maybe actionable.

6. If this sort of obfuscation and delay continues I shall be forced to seek sanctions against you and request the appointment of a special master, Seanachai "Torquemada" Lost-To-Peng to investigate and if necessary pierce the corporate veil (or any other appropriate body part).

I remain,

JDMorse, Esquire


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Also in Cesspool news. I've added 3 new squires to our midst.



Cpt.Foobar (just because I know he didn't want it)

Lorak the loathed


Well would you look at that, I have been raised from the common peasantry. Now the fires of my ambition have been fueled I challenge any squire to a duel for knighthood, how about you Mace? speak up lad!

Oh thats right we are supposed to have sponsor ship from the haloed ranks of kniggets. Let's see anyone want to sponsor little old me? Hey Berli I know you, would you like to sponsor me? What's that, oh thats right, sorry, you wouldn't want to have a squire thats already given you a thrashing would you.

OK then, Oi, Pope Peng how about it then? Surely you would be willing to sponsor a poor penniless squire. Especially one who hasn't beaten you yet ( mainly because we havn't played each other yet ).

I am not fussy I will accept the sponsorship of any knigget. ( as can be seen above )



Work is the curse of the drinking class.

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well..I see Steve took a little time out of chopping firewood to level a blow on Meeks thread.

peng/meeks game recorded.

bauhaus/Haiko game recorded.

To my PBEM foes: Wife is making me take her to the mts. this weekend. Should get turns sent of tonight, and on sunday, but saturday is a no-go.

In my latest news.

All Games... I'm getting my arse kicked.

Seems the only victories I can get are outside of the pool....and they don't mean crap!

Cpt. Foomanchu, Damn I got so many games going on now I can hardly see straight. But what is another loss among fnord brothers.

If you like feel free to send me a fnord setup.

Damn I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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