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BTS- What is wrong with the tanks???

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Hey guys,

I am noticing VERY strange behavior displayed by my tanks.

The problem is they shoot smoke rounds when I have them target infantry in buildings.

I have movie here where I have 2 STuHs and 1 Panther that fire a combined total of 10 smoke rounds at the infantry they are targeting when they have 15+ rounds of HE each.

Eventually they MIGHT fire a HE round but most of the time they stop targeting cause they obviously obscure the target in smoke.

I could understand when they are getting 5 rounds or lower in HE ammo but not when they have 15-20 rounds of HE each.


[This message has been edited by Shandorf (edited 12-02-2000).]

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I saw the same behavior playing "Singling Shootout." I targeted infantry in buildings with tanks and got smoke everywhere. Next turn the tanks were showing white target lines.



When the game is over, the kings and pawns go in the same box. - Old Italian Saying

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by USGrant:

I saw the same behavior playing "Singling Shootout." I targeted infantry in buildings with tanks and got smoke everywhere. Next turn the tanks were showing white target lines.



Has anyone else seen this or tested this?

Does it happen with tanks from all countries?

I have not seen it, but I have not played v1.1 as extensively as I would really like to.

-tom w

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I also noticed alot of smoke in singling. Also, a platoon of shermans marched, in formation, buttoned up, towards me .. backwards. Kind of funny though. Maybe they percieved a threat from the flank and responded to it by heading backwards towards some cover. I dunno. It was just wierd to see. They were heading towards known infantry too.

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I had the same thing happen today. I had a m36 beside a sherman jumbo and they m36 got targeted by a panther. Both tanks targeted the panther but the jumbo targeted with smoke rounds. First time i have ever seen that but this is the first game i have played with 1.1

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I have also seen this. Tanks firing smoke at MG positions, that pose no real threat to them at all. There were no AT assets within a 1000m of the MG position. In fact, there were no AT assets left on the map.

I am also starting to notice something else that strikes me as weird. My units seem to break and run too quickly. Veteran units break and run long before they go panicked or broken. Is anyone else seeing units break and run when they should still be fighting?

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Guest Madmatt

If this all in V1.1 then rest assured that I have been giving Charles a mouthfull about this smoke issue all night long! wink.gif


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 12-03-2000).]

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I consider it to early to say for sure... but I am also seeing more unexpected smoke and for no apparently good reason, than before. My opponent in a QB had Infantry leave houses as soon as they came under fire. Last turn I had Veteran unit with good morale retreat from house during the turn when it came under fire. Actually it is the same house the other fellow retreated from so maybe there is something inside it that no one can stand....but that may be another story smile.gif

This is the 1.1Beta patch. Again these are only the first instances of said events and I ordinarily would have put them down to random fuzziness....until I saw this thread of messages.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

If this all in V1.1 then rest assured that I have been giving Charles a mouthfull about this smoke issue all night long! ;)


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 12-03-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

AAaaAaaAaa! No! I like it this way! =(



ICQ 8273286


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I don't think this is a 1.1 issue. I've seen this behavior since 1.05. Drove me NUTS, and it's still going on.

Posted a thread about it just a couple weeks ago that no one really took notice of. I had a King Tiger firing smoke at infantry at over 900 meters. NINE HUNDRED!!!!!!

This is while he had a full load of HE and AP available. There was NO anti-armor units where it fired smoke at either. I really find it hard to believe that a KT was worried about a few Garands at that range! smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 12-03-2000).]

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Unfortunately, I cannot qoute the specific circumstance, but I'm in the middle of an SP game right now, and I know there is a hell of a lot more smoke on the board than I am used to seeing.

Also, I could not get a platoon of regular airborne troops out of some woods for ANTHING. I was trying to move them to some sparse trees, and a rag tag squad of conscripts would take a shot at one of them, and all squads would flee back to the woods. They were under command all the time... and the HQ has all 4 skills at max level.

Finally, I've noticed (in the SAME battle) a LOT of my troops AREA targeting on their own... and leaving it that way for turns at a time, when no enemy is left in the area.

I've not reported any bugs, because this is the first time I've witnessed all this, and simply do not know what is and isn't supposed to be happening.

EDIT (Update)- I just played more of the scenario, and everything seems to be working OK. In fact some of my plans seem to be working better than they usually do... wink.gif

So far no more needless area targeting problems, and the smoke has dissipated and not returned. My guys still seem to be breaking more than normal. (Not from buildings, but from any area where they come under fire.) Fortunately, the same seems true for the enemy.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 12-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

If this all in V1.1 then rest assured that I have been giving Charles a mouthfull about this smoke issue all night long! wink.gif


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 12-03-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Yeah this is the 1.1 version. I don't know about all the other complaints going on but I do have a movie you can check out to show what I am talking about.

Other than the anomaly I pointed out I have seen nothing else to "displease" me about the 1.1 patch.


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There's a serious problem with damaged buildings occupied by infantry. I had two squads break and run from a * damage building. They got slaughtered.

While playing live this evening I spotted a single * damaged building with two enemy platoons. My sherman, being low on HE rounds, auto-fire smoke. Guess what? The infantry inside the building broke and ran from a SMOKE round. I was stunned.

Later against a different opponent I targeted a piat at single * building with an enemy platoon. It, too, broke and ran.

I like the idea behind infantry breaking and running from damaged building. However, infantry just became a LOT more fragile. Anything and everything that can fire "shells" can force infantry into the open (for slaughtering).

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Have noticed the same problems.

All units seem more willing to pop smoke, and I got to see it work real well when some 60mm mortars took it upon themselves to cover an infantry assault in a village.

Have also seen the switch from HE to Smoke on targets I had plotted my AFVs to strike.

Playing the AI in a QB, I had a dominant Building I put 3 MGs and a spotter in. The AI had bought itself quite a few guns, and 2 of them, a 150 (or 105) Inf Gun and a FlaK88 targeted it, and proceeded to lay a heavy barrage of SMOKE on it. Only when they ran out of smoke did they use HE, and that was some 10 turns into the game (I did present other targets to them that shifted there attention). In concert, those two guns could of demolished the building quickly.

Also noticed in the same game an increased willingness of Gun Tanks using Heat more often. I swear in earlier versions, the HE round was weapon of choice. Same QB, my little M8 GMC took out a Stug III and a 234/1 on the first shot, both times as HEAT rounds to a pretty good range of 500 meters or more.

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I too have seen the tanks firing smoke at infantry thing a lot in 1.1. Even cancelling the target and retargeting with "use main gun" won't stop them once they start.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

Also, a platoon of shermans marched, in formation, buttoned up, towards me .. backwards. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Although I've yet to see this in 1.1 I saw it many times in 1.05. Stugs driving around everywhere ass backwards as if all the forward gears had been stripped out. It's like once they start backing up the AI forgets it can still go forward. Weird.


You mean my Java coded Real Time Bar Fight Simulator Madmatt Mission: Beyond BiteMe ISN'T going to be published?!?


[This message has been edited by Vanir (edited 12-03-2000).]

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I've noticed that too.

I currently have, in one game, Shermans engaging at extreme range infantry located in buildings.

Rather than supress the infantry with HE, the Shermans are firing smoke.

Note that at this range the opposing infantry's AT capability against the Shermans would be nil.

I can see the need to fire smoke against AT guns, but question the need to do it in the situation above!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lacky:

There's a serious problem with damaged buildings occupied by infantry. I had two squads break and run from a * damage building. They got slaughtered.


are you sure one extra shell didn't hit it and turn it to **damaged? i was watching my squads in a bombarded building and saw it go from * to **, and the squads booked instantly. too bad the nashorn hitting the building was able to see them run out =(


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

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[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 12-04-2000).]

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