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Little Gems of ideas for CM2 thread

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On the techno-geek side:

Hardware transform and lighting

Full Screen Anti-Aliasing

(edit: Upon further review, I don't believe FSAA needs to be supported per se, but imagine the detail available with hardware T&L!)

On the QB side:

I'd like to be able to make a map in the scenario editor, and then use it with the QB generator. (If you can already do this last, please tell me how)

[This message has been edited by CaSCa (edited 10-17-2000).]

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One thing that hasnt been mentioned yet:

I would like more objectives apart from taking victory flags, and exiting units.

I would like scenarios where you could have goals such as:

- have more infantry on top of the hill than the enemy

- destroy all enemy tanks

- clear heavy buildings from enemy infantry

and other ones as seen in ASL scenarios.


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Guest J Pender

Hello all,

Its been a long time since I have seen a post worth replying to.

1. Vehicles providing cover to INF units.

2. Hunt comand for APC's and INF.

3. FO's/INF able to spot/fire from vehicles.

4. Multi room buildings, interior walls.

Take care

John Pender

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Besides many of the things already mentioned,I would like to have bridges that can actually be moved under,etc.I'm sure that's probably in the works,but there it is anyway.

I would second some attempt at sewer movement,but I think it would be difficult to program.

Oh-also a major request for some sort of neat-o rubble graphic/effects.Again,I'm sure that's in the works.

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

I would like to see Re-inforcements arrive by Parachute instead of just turn up at the beginning of a turn......that would be cool.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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All of the above hehe

Bridges/rivers to be randomly put in quick battles for a bit of fun.

German motorbikes!!!!!!!!!!!

Plane recon, instead of planes attacking they can fly around and recon.

Random chance of seeing things, maybe add camo neting option to AT guns etc that arnt moving and are emplaced.

Means flak would be used more often maybe.

Compatibility to CM 1 maybe, the ability to move CM1 german tank mods to CM 2 german tanks.

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All of these have said before,but I'd like 2nd them:3d rubble,sewers,more and bigger buildings,trenches,FOs and INF to fire while mounted and the ability to man weapons left behind by dead or routed crewman,i.e. machine guns,panzerschrecks et al.

Thanks for the chance to sound off PeterNZer!

[This message has been edited by Splinty (edited 10-17-2000).]

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One thing I would really like to see is a ranged scenario end; i.e. 20-25 turn battles instead of just 20 or 25 turn battles. On quite a few occasions I have left a unit in an unteniable position knowing that it was teniable until the final buzzer.


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Yes, great fun thread this eh? smile.gif

I love the idea of building a map now and setting it up so you can use it in a QB.

Also like the idea of random game turn ending, as mentioned just above.

Another idea: More varied mission objectives.

How about 'destroy X building' or hmm i dunno. Then you could have small skirmish style battles with perhaps a larger force trying to stop the other side.

I don't know enough history of unit actions to propose this in detail.


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More engineering obstacles, Ie, AT Ditches, tank obstacles, to allow channeling, covered positions, as in camouflaged roofs over foxholes etc, Ie, Soviet Infantry used reverse faced covered positions with overhead covering then allowed German inf to pass through them before opening up on the German troops from the rear.

Pre established fire lanes through wooded areas etc, Ie, Inf deployed outside the woodline on the defensive, with cut cleared fire lanes through the woods etc. And ambush markers for Infantry units, Ie, HMGs etc so we can set up all arms kill zones etc.

Regards, John Waters


"We've got the finest tanks in the world. We just love to see the

German Royal Tiger come up on the field".

Lt.Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. Febuary 1945.

[This message has been edited by PzKpfw 1 (edited 10-18-2000).]

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good ideas. Trenchworks would be good.. so you can move back from a defensive position more safely. At hte moment, if you have a platoon forward at an ambush point, once they are discovered and have killed some folks, they are bassically toast since you can't recover them other than getting them to leave their foxholes.. would be nice if trenchworks led into, say, the forest, from where they could belt it back to the MLR.


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I'd like to have the ability to get the full unit info on the purchase screen. As long as you don't know every unit in the game inside out, this would really speed up the decision what to purchase for a quick battle.

Of course, I'd like to have this feature in CM1 too (shouldn't be that hard to implement).



Erst hat man kein Glück, und dann kommt auch noch Pech dazu.

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I was thinking this just last night while playing: what about being able to LOS during gthe action phase? Or is this not in the realm of how turn-based games go? I am pretty new to the turn based style, with only a bit of Panzer General under my belt so I most likely am not in the know. The reason I thought of this is becouse for me, I have trouble at estimating LOS for tactical set-up. Sometimes I will be setting up a tank, or a StugIII in this case, and I scan the terrian. After scanning, I figure at a guess or estimate of where to position the Stug for good cover and/or LOS, and I sometimes cant tell if one particular place is better then the other. Of course tthese positions become different when talking about one tactic or another. But for me I sometimes feel there just isnt enough time to really check out LOS's for set up. Sure I try to "eye" it but we all know that in this game most times its not the "eyeing" that does the work. Something that would come in handy would be being able to LOS at any given moment during the playback "action phase". This way it is possible to see certain LOS's while driving and be able record (on paper if one wished) or remember them for later turns in the game. I figure this would be useful and realistic addition to the gameplay. I dont see how being able to see LOS while "on the move" could hurt gameplay. What do you think? Any ideas?

[This message has been edited by Freak (edited 10-19-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Freak (edited 10-19-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Freak (edited 10-19-2000).]

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Just a few QB options:

-actual allotment of purchase points for each category and side

-option for pre-designed total unit purchases that could be chosen and plugged into the QB's via drag down menu. For example, if one wanted a historically accurate unit composition for a given time period, it could just be chosen off the menu

- Adding to that, the ability for those designers to make these oob's where they could be added to a list for selection

- use of designed maps for QB's

- control of victory obectives for QB's, especially with an option for making QB's with no objective flags.

-option for setting end games at prearranged victory conditions

- option for reinforcements and/or parachute drops

- more options for terrain used in QB'c (bocage,mud,water, etc)

save option prior to purchase so battle could be distributed to an number of players for tournament play.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest AussieJeff


Some excellent ideas are floating around in this post. I wonder if BTS is taking notes!!!

For my two cents worth......

(1) I would like to have an optional button that could select a faster movie replay speed than the existing 1x. I have often felt a bit frustrated with the fixed 1x movie replay speed - especially so on larger maps where you find yourself at times moving up reinforcements /reserves etc from for quite a distance while lying low near the front line. Sometimes this can take 3-4 replay turns to accomplish with little or no activity occuring on the map.

As someone who (sadly frown.gif ) does not have endless hours to while away on this game but has to spend 30mins here and there as best I can, I would really appreciate being able to select say 1.5x or 2x movie replay speed when I want. You could have it so that each turn the default is always 1x, but the extra option button would let you select a faster speed for that particular movie segment only - if you so wished.

(2) I presume that the orders delay function that stops any action from occuring in the movie replay for between 5-10seconds (if the unit is fully functional that is) is a relative constant for both sides in a game. If so, why not reduce the orders delay for both sides to a minimum?? For instance, I played an armored QB (tank slugfest - you know the drill!! smile.gif )today against the AI and I noted that a delay of up to 10 secs can elapse in the movie replay before any of the units began to move.

Given that the QB was set for 20 turns - ie representing 20mins of realtime battle - losing up to 10secs per turn on orders delays is way too much and not realistic IMHO. That adds up to 200secs out of 1200secs replay time or 16.6% of the whole movie time just sitting there waiting for something to happen! frown.gif .

I really like this game, but for me fixing these two points alone would make me a much more happy chappy !!! smile.gif



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1) You can fast forward through the movies if nothing's happening.

2) Command delay is based on the experience level of a unit, whether or not it's in command, and the command bonus of the HQ unit.

I find it quite realistic. In fact, I'd be happy if the command delay was longer. Consider this - you order A Company's commander to take a ridgeline with his company. A Company's commander then has to tell his 4 Plt. leaders specifically what to do to carry out Batallion's orders. The platoon leaders then have to interpret those orders on an even smaller scale and tell his squad leaders what to do. The squad leaders then have to disseminate this information to the soldiers.

In CM, however, this process is relatively instantaneous, with only a 10 second time delay between you giving the order and the men carrying it out. Seems pretty generous to me.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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All good points smile.gif

I'd ike the option to import user designed maps into a QB. I'd really like this.

I'd also really like to be able to get full unit info in the unit selection screen (ideally complete with pictures).

Fires that spread (don't think they do that now)

Have all vehicles block LOS.

Full movie playback (this is a must), and ideally the ability to export the movie in a 3rd party format (AVI, MPEG, Quicktime etc).

An option to allow unrealistic battles (ie Yanks vs Brits etc) (I know this has been discussed).

The ability to import CM1 units smile.gif

Visible planes.

Browsable unit database with pictures.

Sourced dynamic lighting (could be an option), imagine night battles with tracer fire lighting up the night, and headlights piercing the darkness smile.gif .. oh and the flamethrower units.. Mmmm.

Deformable terrain.

The ability to take over abandoned vehicles (I know it's been talked about), maybe with an engineer unit or somesuch.

Mortar carriers neing able to use the commander's LOS for firing.




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Ok, here's my current list

0) Finns and northern terrains smile.gif

1) list of units.

2) ability to see which of my own units sees a spotted enemy unit

3) a map with some approximate topological information

4) full playback video with display of commands that have been given to units before each action phase, and ability to annotate the commands that you give - this would make a perfect tool for post-mortem biggrin.gif analyses

5) ability to build up complicated command sequences such as target before seeing enemy - move - fire once - move back - hide .

And - I know that this isn't the place for my final wet dream since this isn't going to happen in CM2, but... I'm fighting but I can't resist! A possibility to play the game as the commanding officer with layer one point of view and a map that is being updated based on what the officer knows.

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Please pardon my inadequacies, but...

I'd really like a LOS area shading tool. The current LOS line is wonderful, but I spend a lot of time dragging it around all over to get an idea of what I can see (esp in gun placement!)

It would be great if it were possible to just select "view" and get the map shaded to show how far he can see, or perhaps dimmed where he can't see.

I guess it'd be processor intensive, but by the time CM2 comes out we'll all be using 4GHz P5s anyway biggrin.gif

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