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Hypothetically: How much would you pay for an upgraded and modernized CMBO?

Guest BigAlMoho

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Guest BigAlMoho

I know I would pay as much as $100.00...

It is becoming obvious that no new game is going to approach the level of interest to be gotten from the CM1 series and I have always been willing to pay more to get more...

I always hoped that CM would become a kind of definitive model of WWII, an interactive history, even more than a game...

I know, I know, this is just another meaningless expression of my wishful thinking...

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It will be about 3 years, about $60 dollars to get started with the first cm2 version, Then mod and new mission & theater areas coming out about every 6 months to a year at $30 dollars a pop until they sell you all of world war II for about $400 to $500 dollars or more.

That is if we are lucky, first if they do not go out of bussiness, second if they can keep enough interest in the product.

It will be like advance Squad leader was back when,they will get CM2 to pay for itself by giving us small portions instead of all of the west front or east front in one game as they did before.

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I would pay over $100.00 for another "better" version of CM. I would want buildings with much more variety and towns that look ALOT more realistic with closer buildings and such.

I DO NOT want to control individuals but I still want to see individuals. Kinda like CC I guess.

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  • 1 month later...

I was only just thinking about this and came to post about it. My thoughts were not about a CMBO2 (which is a long way off), but how plausible would it be to upgrade CMBO to the updated CMBB/CMAK engine. I know the engine is the same, but those games had many improvements, including the ability to include far larger unit selections in scenarios, amongst many other improvements, which IMO made them better games (although I hated the NA theatre)

I know I would re-buy a CMBO-"gold" version.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Si32:

I was only just thinking about this and came to post about it. My thoughts were not about a CMBO2 (which is a long way off), but how plausible would it be to upgrade CMBO to the updated CMBB/CMAK engine. I know the engine is the same, but those games had many improvements, including the ability to include far larger unit selections in scenarios, amongst many other improvements, which IMO made them better games (although I hated the NA theatre)

I know I would re-buy a CMBO-"gold" version.

You certainly can use the CMAK engine to play many of the CMBO battles... same countries involved, same terrain, etc. Not an exact match, but quite close, and you get all the upgraded realism features, i.e. no more walking a company of infantry straight at an MG42 across an open field and pulling it off without a bloodbath or instant rout like in CMBB or CMAK.
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Originally posted by KG_Jag:

If Battlefront plans to issue no more games using the CM x 1 engine, I wish that they would grant (sell) licenses to selected others so more fronts can be covered with the CMBB/CMAK versions of that engine.

Now, that's what I call a good idea. ;)

By the way, I would easily and gladly pay 60 to 70 dollars for it.

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by Si32:

I was only just thinking about this and came to post about it. My thoughts were not about a CMBO2 (which is a long way off), but how plausible would it be to upgrade CMBO to the updated CMBB/CMAK engine. I know the engine is the same, but those games had many improvements, including the ability to include far larger unit selections in scenarios, amongst many other improvements, which IMO made them better games (although I hated the NA theatre)

I know I would re-buy a CMBO-"gold" version.

I'd pay 75 bucks for a simple CMBO gold version. I'd pay 100 or more for an expanded CMBO gold version (i.e. all CMBB and CMAK features like factories, King Tigers, etc.) with additional features - say portagable boats, church steeples, etc.

You know - the whole point of the CMX2 engine was to save them coding time, so once they get the bugs worked out, it is possible they might be able to do something for CMX1 in this way - a final gold version with CMBO/CMAK/CMBB rolled into one with all terrain and modelling features in the same package. I'd gladly pay money for that. AND perhaps it could then make CM:C appliable to all three fronts - not just the Russian Front.

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Guest BigAlMoho
Originally posted by Earl Grey:

We only have to wait for the CM:SF WW2 module - and pray it's really Western Front! Or make our own game... ;)

Did you intentionally miss the point?
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Guest BigAlMoho
Originally posted by Sequoia:

Every thing they've said about the second game is that it'll be France Summer 44 starting with US vs Wehrmacht. No D-day landings though.

It seems that the point went by you too...
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Guest BigAlMoho
Originally posted by BigAlMoho:

It is becoming obvious that no new game is going to approach the level of interest to be gotten from the CM1 series and I have always been willing to pay more to get more...

Any new game is going to have a smaller focus with much less shelf life by design as stated by the developers so they can sell more games more often... Still many of us would have given more money to see the original finished rather than abandoned cold-heartedly...

Originally posted by BigAlMoho:

I always hoped that CM would become a kind of definitive model of WWII, an interactive history, even more than a game...

The CM1 system came so close to to being the comprehensive treatment of WWII for the computer world that ASL aspired to be for the board game world... To come so close only to throw up their hands in defeat when faced with the final battle is hugely disappointing... It is really pathetic when your heros just up and quit... It is really sickening when you realize that your heros are only in it for the money... Oh, the smallness of it all! Is this just another example of the lowering of the bar to please the lowest common denominator? No aspiring to greatness?
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BigAl, I've stolen your idea and posted in the CM:SF forum, you may want to weigh in there.

I'd advise against the angle you're taking here though. All the good intentions in the world won't put bread on the table. I don't think anyone has to agree 100 percent with the design philosophy shifts in the CM line to understand why they were made. It's easy to judge when our livelihood isn't on the line; for us, CM is just a lark and a pastime.

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Guest BigAlMoho
Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

BigAl, I've stolen your idea and posted in the CM:SF forum, you may want to weigh in there.

I'd advise against the angle you're taking here though. All the good intentions in the world won't put bread on the table. I don't think anyone has to agree 100 percent with the design philosophy shifts in the CM line to understand why they were made. It's easy to judge when our livelihood isn't on the line; for us, CM is just a lark and a pastime.


This thread was started prior to the release of CM:SF and now that this new improved CM has hit the streets and taken the world by storm I would advise you to just let this idea wander on off into the sunset... There will be no bread on the table...

CM may be just a pastime for you but for me it was the tool I used to try to understand the war that damaged my Dad and consequently the whole family... CM has damaged me, in some small but similar way and now I am left to wander on off scarred and abandoned...

I do understand what Battlefront says about their design philosophy and it seems to make alot of sense but it feels like they are putting lipstick on a pig... At least, I am not disappointed by the new direction because I never placed any hope in it anyway: trying to please too many masters is a sure way to please very few of them...

Good luck,


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Guest BigAlMoho


I hearby declare my intention to retire from the study of war... By no means do I intend this announcement to entice anyone else away from the study of war...

I now have a fair understanding of the tactical to the strategic aspects of war... War can be an evil thing:

When some offensive action against us is proven to be true, that is grounds for war, by law... Yet, I maintain that it should be written into the law that every decision to go to war should be preceeded by an assembly whose purpose is to debate the question: "Is it good to go to war in this case or is it evil to go to war in this case?"...

Anytime truth is held as a higher concept than goodness expect evil conflict yet when goodness is held as the higher concept only righteous war can result...

Thank you and,


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Originally posted by KG_Jag:

If Battlefront plans to issue no more games using the CM x 1 engine, I wish that they would grant (sell) licenses to selected others so more fronts can be covered with the CMBB/CMAK versions of that engine.

I bet there are people in here that could update and improve on that engine too. Edit - Kinda how the community made a definitive TOAW long after Kruger and the devs had left it for dead.

Imagine if you could take all three CMx1 games, put them together, improve on the code, graphics models, scenario designer, ect.

How F&^*%ing AWESOME would that be?!!!

To be honest, I think that is what the majority of us wanted with CMx2.

Oh well. We can all dream...but it ain't gonna happen. smile.gif

[ August 31, 2007, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: BeauCoupDinkyDau ]

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest BigAlMoho

At this point, I wouldn't give a dime... Even if BF.C finally admitted that they needed to finish the real Combat Mission, I wouldn't trust them to put their hearts into it... and after the position they have taken up until now who would care? (well, there are always a few suck-ups...)

Anyway, I don't believe they have the team to deliver any more than buggy and incomplete product in spite of the brilliant concept that led to the original beginning... The simple view of the world held by the stereotypical Mac person is just too small to go the distance out here in the real (and complex) world...

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I was thinking it after I read this;

Originally posted by BigAlMoho:


I hearby declare my intention to retire from the study of war... By no means do I intend this announcement to entice anyone else away from the study of war...

I now have a fair understanding of the tactical to the strategic aspects of war... War can be an evil thing:

When some offensive action against us is proven to be true, that is grounds for war, by law... Yet, I maintain that it should be written into the law that every decision to go to war should be preceeded by an assembly whose purpose is to debate the question: "Is it good to go to war in this case or is it evil to go to war in this case?"...

Anytime truth is held as a higher concept than goodness expect evil conflict yet when goodness is held as the higher concept only righteous war can result...

Thank you and,


I cried and then puked in my own mouth when I got to the end...I guess this is a case of a guy retiring from war and then getting a part time job at Burger King and whining about the lack of tanks.

Would you like to super size that Panther D?


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