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Ungrateful Slackass PosterBoys

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Comments most often overheard while travelling the byways of the internet...

1-Where's the 1.03 patch? I really can't enjoy the game until I get it, and it had better have *****. What type of customer support is this anyway?

2-When is CM2 coming out? How come the whole war wasn't included?

3-I can't believe the ***** isn't in the game!

4-The ***** feature is 'broke' . No, I'm not doing anything wrong.

5-How come the SS aren't the supermen like I see from watching...

6-This is ludicrous, it really needs to be fixed. Sources? Huh??

7-There's no way this should happen. I just know...

8-No I haven't read the manual yet.

9-I searched already but didn't find anything. Why can't you just answer my question?

10-***** is an arrogant jerk(dick). What does he know anyway?



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Guest Germanboy

So many memories...

11. I don't know why it doesn't run on my computer, games should work without me having to look at the Readme file.



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The above is too true, and I hope all the BTS crew is not even bothering to come to the bbs until they are well rested from their post release holiday.

The problem with customer feedback in my experience is that it is always predominantly negative. When i ask my customers if they are satisfied (or even happy) with my services, they often say, "Well I payed your bill didn't I?"

When I got my copy of CM, you didn't hear a thing from me here for basically two weeks while I just caught up with my US comrades in playtime. The silent majority is still, hopefully, voting with their checkbooks and CM will need several more reproduction runs. Then the boys can sit down and distill some of the very good criticisms of their work that have shown up, and incorporate them where possible in later versions.


desert rat wannabe

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Onya Ron,

Now I realise why our games were hard fought draws smile.gif

How about

12. The ***** are no bloody good when I use them to ****** they get killed by *****, that shouldn't happen.....2 days later.....oh um I didn't see that there, I guess that explains it.

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I want to add something that REALLY annoys me, and this goes mainly to a lot of new posters who appeared on this board after the game was released. The quality of this board is declining. This is due to people who:<ul>

<LI>behave as if they own this board

<LI>do not search before posting crap that has been answered a zillion times before

<LI>behaving rude towards regulars who have proven time and again that they know their stuff when it comes to military topics

<LI><font color=red>DEMANDING</font> things from BTS!! They did their best to be responsive to their customers, you do not own them.

In short: Try to show a bit of sense and modesty in your postings. It's a privilege to post on this board, I don't think there is a better one on the web.


visit lindan.panzershark.com

member of the Combat Mision webring

[This message has been edited by Lindan (edited 07-19-2000).]

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I just checked my CM mail folder. I became a beta tester on the 4th of November -99 (second wave). The folder now contains 4003 posts. This is only the beta list, I'm not counting private email conversations with other testers.

I just want to reinforce what Los said above.

The issues that crop up here have often already been discussed on the beta list. And if they haven't you can rest assured that they will immediately be picked up by someone.



Keep your whisky on the rocks and your tanks on the roll.

[This message has been edited by Sten (edited 07-19-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

In short: Try to show a bit of sense and modesty in your postings. It's a privilege to post on this board, I don't think there is a better one on the web.


Hear hear Lindan. BTW, what happened to that Brag&Taunt page of yours? I want to diss Berli...



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Oh my favourite threads are where people say things like " I think weapon X is not represented properly" and in which all responses posted by people who have gone to libraries and done primary research on actual German and Allied defensive plans and trials and officer debriefs are told that they're lying and making these things up wink.gif.

I really identify with Ron's 6th, 7th and 10th comments wink.gif. I've come up against them time and again on this forum.

Oh another favourite is when people come on and say things like "I can't believe the testers missed this. They don't know anything." wink.gif

Oh how I'd love to be able to force the bigmouths to do my quizes on CMHQ. I'll note that not a single person I'd classify as a bigmouth has even gotten ONE answer right so far wink.gif. Methinks that says it all.

Nicest comments to hear are:

"Is there anyone I can PBEM against?"

That shows the person digs the game and is having fun ( which is what this is all supposed to be about anyways.).

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"Slackass PosterBoys," and © by Doug Beman, at some time in the past.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'll note that not a single person I'd classify as a bigmouth has even gotten ONE answer right so far. Methinks that says it all<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I haven't even TRIED any of the quizzes. What does that say about me?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ron:

Comments most often overheard while travelling the byways of the internet...


13. Can you beleive that Ungrateful Slackass PosterBoy didn't bother to do a search, read the manual and etc...

14. Hey you Ungrateful Slackass PosterBoy, we know all and see all, so you're wrong.

Comments like these are fictitious, any resemblance to person(s) past, present or future is entirely coincidental.

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13- Why no Force feedback support in Cm, that would be grat to feel recoil and or, arty shells falling on the heads of my grunts. wink.gif

Well (for the trigger-happy flamres, that was a joke). I enjoyed ready your posts gentlemen since June 1999 and followed closely history in the making and showing faith by ordering before beta.

I really hope that you all keep posting on this forum and add value to this incredible game.



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I have seen a few posts referring to 'new guys' and how people are disrespecting the game or the designers etc. These posts typically include stuff about how these topics have been addressed already and that there is nothing else to add. The implication here is that if you haven't been a member of this board for a long time you don't have any knowledge worthy of including on 'our' discussion board. I suppose if Ian Hogg himself (well respected author and noted weapons expert) decided to start a thread on infantry weapons in the 20th century he would be ridiculed and told to do a search because the topic had been discussed already.

The point here is that knowledge of the weapons and tactics of ww2 are not the exclusive domain of the 'old timers' on this board. That viewpoint is extremely chauvanistic. I would recommend that you read posts by 'new' individuals and judge them on their merits, not on the 'newness' of the person posting. If you have something relevent to add to a discussion then make your point, if you don't then don't respond. You don't know the backgrounds of these 'new' people and it might be possible that some of us have access to just as much knowledge (or maybe even more) as some of the 'old timers' on this board.

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Guest Germanboy

ASL veteran, I think it is not that there is afeeling that people new to the board can not add something, quite to the contrary.

Having said that, a lot of stuff has been discussed, and the only thing I hope for people to do is to use the search function, locate the discussion, read it, and if they then feel that something in there has not been addressed, add to the discussion. I am sure nobody here has a problem with that.

The problem is when someone notices something in the game, and then barges into the board, making very judgmental statements about the game quality/research/design/testing, without being aware of these discussions. That IMO shows a lack of respect for other people's time and knowledge.

And I am 100% sure that if Ian Hogg decided to open a thread here on infantry weapons, there would be a good bit of discussion and he would not be dissed for it. Although if he had an issue with something that was abstracted, someone might just point him to the search function, or to a thread where the reasoning has been explained.

Just my £0.02 on this matter.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ron:

Comments most often overheard while travelling the byways of the internet...


14. Hey you Ungrateful Slackass Posterboy, I wasn't flaming you a new ass hole, it was just a joke, didn't you see the smiley face I added

Comments like these are fictitious, any resemblance to person(s) past, present or future is entirely coincidental.

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Here is a hint to all of you who have been here, done that.

When some peasant newbie posts a message about something that the CM grognards have already figured out and written into stone, and this gets your blood boiling that someone could have the audacity of questioning anything, just ignore it.

There is no rule stating that you msut respond if you think the question was unworthy of your time. Let someone else field it.

What is the point of this board if the response people get to questions is invariably "it is perfect the way it is ,and I have 54678 posts to prove it!"

CM is turning into a sacred cow on this board. My recent question about exposure proves it. I poked a tiny amount of fun at a design decision, and asked a very simple question. The self-designated Defender of All Things CM jumped all over me, just about everyone else posting in the thread defended me, and then the moderator came along and said everyone (with an implied "but Fionn") had bad attitudes and he was shutting the thread down. That was nice. notice there was no ANSWER from either of these people who had the time to tell me I was an idiot, but not the time to simply answer the question.

Shrug. I think CM is just about the best game to be released since, oh, I can't think of something that I have liked more. But get some perspective. It is just a game. Frankly, there are more than enough people heaping praise on the game. There is certainly no lack of that. So quit taking it as some kind of persoanl affront when someone questions something.

Jeff Heidman

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Guest Mirage2k

Okay SK Fish, we get your point.

I just don't see the problem with searching the forum before asking a question. It's worked for me many times.

While I haven't been around nearly as long as some of the people on here, I can see where they might get annoyed if a new forum-goer came on and started touting their knowledge without providing evidence. For an example, see the posts of PraetorianXXI. But, if you come on the board with a polite, friendly attitude and can carry on an intelligent discussion, you shouldn't have any problems.



Throw me a frickin' smiley people!

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I find it hard to believe that anything would written in stone. As more people play (and replay) the scenarios, there could actually be new ways of looking at things or perhaps a new tactic or two. I can cite an example in the Civilization 2 forum where, even though the game has been played millions of times over the past 5 years, there are new strategies being discussed even now.

I agree with the point that, in any intelligent game forums, newbies should come in being polite, respectful and get a feel for the nature of discussions before jumping in.

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ASL Veteran,

your point is a valid one. Newcomers shouldn't feel "dissed" and all of us have to be careful with how we express ourselves.

I have on numerous occasions asked people to use the search function. I don't think this is a worthless answer at all. I am telling the person who asked that I KNOW the truth is out there. (Dana? Fox!) smile.gif The person who asked the question now knows that there is a point in searching, something he didn't know before.

If someone searches and takes part of what have been said but STILL feels that something needs to be changed, then he'd be more than welcome. The game got to be what it is today by people doing just that.


if you read some of the posts that replied to your question in that thread (no. 4 and 5, for example) there were some good answers there. Someone even quoted the manual for you. It also contained a good answer to your question.

You might also want to be a little more careful when you "poke a tiny amount of fun" at something. Being accused of conciously hiding the truth CAN be interpreted as something other than fun.



Keep your whisky on the rocks and your tanks on the roll.

[This message has been edited by Sten (edited 07-19-2000).]

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