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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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41 minutes ago, The_Capt said:

So about 1.5:1 on terrain their opponent had been holding for nearly half a year before the major offensive.  No doubt they achieved much higher ratios locally, but that is still pretty impressive.  Very interested to see what the casualty ratios per side were, and the ammo expenditures. 

I'm sorry, Shoigu told about "over 30 000" of personnel

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A Grandpa greets Ukrainian soldiers entering village and tell them he [sorry for language] ****ed (stole) two granade launchers from Russians while they were stationing here.;) They also ask him where "orcs lived" and [if I understand] to beware those in civilian clothes (?).

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In Canada, on this our Remembrance Day - besides remembering the sacrifice of Canadians in various conflicts and peacekeeping missions, I am also very aware of the huge loss of life in service of the Ukrainian soldiers who fought for their homeland and their people.  I am reminded all the time.  In Manitoba, our province has a immense Ukrainian Canadian  population and I can't go anywhere without seeing Ukrainian flags everywhere.  And a lot of Ukrainian Canadians returned to Ukraine to fight for their ancestral homeland.   Some will return home to Canada some day, others will not. The sad reality of war.

So on this Remembrance Day, I raise my stein as in past Remembrance Days and intone that simple ancient Norse toast - "To Our Honored Dead!"    I include all Ukrainian soldiers who have lost their lives thus far in that toast.   They have truly earned entry into the Halls of Valhalla.

 Sláva Ukrayíni!


Edited by BlackMoria
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12 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:

I guess what matters is having RU waste time & resources on such foolishness.  UKR should be sending lots of signals that they are going to cross the river somewhere.  

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12 minutes ago, BlackMoria said:

In Canada, on this our Remembrance Day - besides remembering the sacrifice of Canadians in various conflicts and peacekeeping missions, I am also very aware of the huge loss of life in service of the Ukrainian soldiers who fought for their homeland and their people.  I am reminded all the time.  In Manitoba, our province has a immense Ukrainian Canadian  population and I can't go anywhere without seeing Ukrainian flags everywhere.  And a lot of Ukrainian Canadians returned to Ukraine to fight for their ancestral homeland.   Some will return home to Canada some day, others will not. The sad reality of war.

So on this Remembrance Day, I raise my stein as in past Remembrance Days and intone that simple ancient Norse toast - "To Our Honored Dead!"    I include all Ukrainian soldiers who have lost their lives thus far in that toast.   They have truly earned entry into the Halls of Valhalla.

 Sláva Ukrayíni!



Those guys from Khersonian territorial defense, who in first fierce days of war tried to defend own city with Molotov coctails and were shot out by occupants in Buzkovyi Park (eng. Lilac Park)... I hope, they are seeing now from own heavens, how an enemy is fleeing back through the Dnipro. They gave own lives for the sake of this day. 

This is about tragic episode, when on 1st of March 43 fighters of local 194th TD battalion tried to ambush Russian VDV column in the park, but because treason Russians knew about this and shot out them with BMD guns. Of course, this story already started to mythologize - they were armed not only with Molotov, but with AK and two old RPG-18 and even managed to hit one BMD, but knife Russian fire didn't leave chances for them - at least 18 were killed in the battle, which lasted about 30 minutes. 13 fighters could retreat to nearby factory, but Russian during mop-up shot dead more guys. Destiny of rest unknown. Several fighters were wounded, but could hide and survive, because Russians after the battle shot out wounded and after all have been sold bodies to their families for money. 

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24 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

Those guys from Khersonian territorial defense, who in first fierce days of war tried to defend own city with Molotov coctails and were shot out by occupants in Buzkovyi Park (eng. Lilac Park)... I hope, they are seeing now from own heavens, how an enemy is fleeing back through the Dnipro. They gave own lives for the sake of this day. 

This is about tragic episode, when on 1st of March 43 fighters of local 194th TD battalion tried to ambush Russian VDV column in the park, but because treason Russians knew about this and shot out them with BMD guns. Of course, this story already started to mythologize - they were armed not only with Molotov, but with AK and two old RPG-18 and even managed to hit one BMD, but knife Russian fire didn't leave chances for them - at least 18 were killed in the battle, which lasted about 30 minutes. 13 fighters could retreat to nearby factory, but Russian during mop-up shot dead more guys. Destiny of rest unknown. Several fighters were wounded, but could hide and survive, because Russians after the battle shot out wounded and after all have been sold bodies to their families for money. 

Today I read about this very episode, short video from the battlefield below. Number was larger then, 67:



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Well guys, at last I got this!  Symbolically in the day of Kherson liberation ) 

Thank you @Kinophile for this initiative and enough "family diplomacy" in resolving of sudden obstacle on "last mile" 😀

Thank you @Battlefront.com - Steve, your "bribe" ) will be worked out ))))

Thank you all, who donated anonymously

Thank you, all other, who just have been reading and support our country - first two months were some nervous and psychologically hard, so this my 24/7 "marathone" here was giving me some emotional relief. 



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1 hour ago, Beleg85 said:

They probably would, and I would agree with them. The issue is that if agreement existed, such -let's face it- very controversial and undemorcatic decision of making secret deals with the enemy resonates in very bad tunes in the ears of endemically divided political public in Ukraine

I don't see how it would be undemocratic for a democratically elected government to allow its civilian controlled military to treat locally, from a position of strong operational advantage,  with a brutal enemy fully capable of inflicting massive civilian slaughter that was effectively holding an entire city hostage. 

The Ukrainian people elected the Zelensky administration in reasonably fair,  open and freely observed elections.  The govs clear wartime mandate is the recovery of Ukrainian land and people at the minimum of losses.

Talking with RUS opposite HQs to free Kherson without an urban fight and concomitant terrible civilian suffering absolutely falls within the remit of the wartime mandate. 

There will always be political attempts to portray talking with the enemy as *"treasonous"  but it's patently false -  the fact of all those Welcome videos versus bloody and slow streetfighting clips, puts the lie to any of that nonsense. 

If this was the result of operational level contact between  UKR and RUS militaries then that bodes far better for the future. It means that the Ivans,  at some politico-military level, are treating Ukraine as a peer. 

Ukraine has forced respect and engagement on some sector of the Russian political landscape, which is absolutely not the Kremlin line. 


Edited by Kinophile
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Full translation of Dugin letter via @wartranslated, these do not seem to be words that can easily be taken back:





EDIT: Also, via @TpyxaNews:

“Iran has suspended the supply of weapons to the Russian Federation,” - Arestovych

Edited by fireship4
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13 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

Well guys, at last I got this!  Symbolically in the day of Kherson liberation ) 

Thank you @Kinophile for this initiative and enough "family diplomacy" in resolving of sudden obstacle on "last mile" 😀

Thank you @Battlefront.com - Steve, your "bribe" ) will be worked out ))))

Thank you all, who donated anonymously

Thank you, all other, who just have been reading and support our country - first two months were some nervous and psychologically hard, so this my 24/7 "marathone" here was giving me some emotional relief. 




LOL that last mile.  Man I did not expect that to be the hard part! 

Yet very symbolic timing in the end:) 

So glad it got you in one piece! Is your wife happy with the laptop? 

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12 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:

Today I read about this very episode, short video from the battlefield below. Number was larger then, 67:

Two days ago, there was interview with guy, who participated in this battle and survived, he pointed that they had 43 fighters in the park. Maybe nearby was other detachment, maybe that were civilians, all this have to clear after exhumation. 

Here his interview (in Ukranian):  https://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2022/11/8/7375378/

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21 minutes ago, fireship4 said:

Full translation of Dugin letter via @wartranslated, these do not seem to be words that can easily be taken back:

EDIT: Also, via @TpyxaNews:

“Iran has suspended the supply of weapons to the Russian Federation,” - Arestovych

It's worth also would be translate fragment of video with speech of Dugin.

In short:

- this is not only a war of Russia and NATO, this is a war of God and Devil, Heaven Hosts and demons of Hell

- Western ideology is a lie and sin, because it rejected God, if it rejected God, then it from Devil. 

- We must withstand against western Satan ideology with own ideology of Holy Rus and must build vertical of power like Heaven Power is built. 

Russian ayatollah....

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40 minutes ago, fireship4 said:

Full translation of Dugin letter via @wartranslated, these do not seem to be words that can easily be taken back:

EDIT: Also, via @TpyxaNews:

“Iran has suspended the supply of weapons to the Russian Federation,” - Arestovych

Jeebus, and this guy is considered some kind of intellectual????  It's just jingoistic nonsense.  An intellectual would say something like "This war does not serve the needs of the Russian people or our descendents.  In fact it poisons and impoverishes us & our children.  We must leave Ukraine and overthrow the dictator that forced this disaster upon us and rebuild our status in the world.  Specifically, our cultural, diplomatic, and economic status in the world.  Russia is a great nation because of its intelligent, creative and tough people, not because of its ability to make war."  Because that's the only thing that actually can be said that won't lead to more poison and poverty for Russia.

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1 hour ago, Haiduk said:

Well guys, at last I got this!  Symbolically in the day of Kherson liberation ) 

Thank you @Kinophile for this initiative and enough "family diplomacy" in resolving of sudden obstacle on "last mile" 😀

Thank you @Battlefront.com - Steve, your "bribe" ) will be worked out ))))

Thank you all, who donated anonymously

Thank you, all other, who just have been reading and support our country - first two months were some nervous and psychologically hard, so this my 24/7 "marathone" here was giving me some emotional relief. 



Yeah!!!!!  This is an excellent week for all of Ukraine, isn't it? :)

Credit really goes to Kinophile for coming up with such an excellent idea in the first place.  And yes, lots of familial diplomacy finally paid off!


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OK, we are starting to see some evidence of what Russia didn't manage to withdraw.  Odd that nobody tossed a grenade into this on the way out of town, but then again we've seen a few thousand vehicles abandoned without sabotage so I guess why not a helicopter!

We've also seen a few of the usual videos of abandoned positions and destroyed equipment, but the above is the first real "trophy" video I've seen today.


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4 hours ago, Haiduk said:

Russians see this too and in some very rare heads a sparkle appears:


Translation: Khersonians met us with protests. But AFU meet with flowers. Then for what our guys give own life?

Wow!  Next thing you know a Russian will say "Ukrainians really do seem to think they are a real nation separate from Russia.  Was it really worth destroying our nation to prove it?"


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I harshed on RAND a few years ago and have had more than one occasion to question the quality of their analysis since this war started.  But holy crap, I missed this one:

Below is a link (it was original in Foreign Policy Magazine in late January).  I think the mood today is so good that it's actually a good time to read this.  I found myself laughing at it more than wanting to punch a hole in the wall ;) Especially when I just watched videos of Humvees and M113s streaming into Kherson with soldiers armed with Javelins and US small arms:



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4 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

Wow!  Next thing you know a Russian will say "Ukrainians really do seem to think they are a real nation separate from Russia.  Was it really worth destroying our nation to prove it?"


How did that (massive) flag make it through the occupation? Quick work if that was made since the Russians left. 

Or maybe the crisis actors brought it with them? (Sorry, couldn’t resist)

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7 minutes ago, Maquisard manqué said:

How did that (massive) flag make it through the occupation? Quick work if that was made since the Russians left. 

Or maybe the crisis actors brought it with them? (Sorry, couldn’t resist)

Honestly, I'm not sure that is in Kherson.  Could be some other city, such as Kyiv or Lviv, celebrating.  That's a lot of civilian vehicles driving around.  But it if is Kherson, I'll have to figure out how to smile more.  If this keeps up I might have to get some plastic surgery to put my face back to where it was yesterday :)

This posting from Dimitri supports a point I made a few pages ago.  Russians might be brainwashed imperialist thugs, but they aren't all genetically stupid.  Some are beginning to understand how bad things are and are not at all happy about it.  Note that there is STILL the expectation that this war isn't totally lost and things can be reversed.  There's only so many times people like this can be disappointed before something snaps.  Of course it is an amazingly large number, but it can't be infinite ;)


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