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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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5 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

Dutch Army, the BAOR and the Bundeswehr. I am just not interested in this game till they are included. Fair enough for a US resident to promote his country's contribution. Hope they enjoy themselves.  

Hey I'm American and the force I want is the Canadians!  First Clash!  Don't be so sour.

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4 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

Dutch Army, the BAOR and the Bundeswehr. I am just not interested in this game till they are included. Fair enough for a US resident to promote his country's contribution. Hope they enjoy themselves.  

Yes! NORTHAG for the win! 


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1 hour ago, chuckdyke said:

The 'War on Terror' Started by President Bush is still on going. We don't call war, war anymore but something else. Battles and campaigns don't last long. A war lasts as long till the other party surrenders. I can't see that happening for a few years. Putin may be toast by this summer, but I can't see the Kremlin surrendering. 

err bad analogy.  We don't even have a specific enemy for that one.  Kind of like the War on Drugs.

Kremlin doesn't have to surrender.  Just leave.  Regardless of the military campaign, Russia as going to be in isolation for some time to come.

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1 minute ago, sburke said:

Kremlin doesn't have to surrender.  Just leave.  Regardless of the military campaign, Russia as going to be in isolation for some time to come.

A good question in the New York Times it is my reference. How does the world have an effective U.N. With a country led by a war criminal on the Security Council, who can veto every resolution? 

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22 minutes ago, sburke said:

Hey I'm American and the force I want is the Canadians!  First Clash!

I'll second that!  Still haven't read First Clash, but intend to find a copy. Beyond that, yes, CMCW doesn't really feel complete to me until it has Bundeswehr, BAOR, NVA and hopefully the French and Dutch armies and maybe some Marines (U.S. and Soviet) plus the Norwegians and maybe Swedes and Finns for a North Cape module (I spent probably way too much time in the 90s playing Harpoon Classic, so North Cape looms large on my radar)...

Edited by G.I. Joe
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9 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

A good question in the New York Times it is my reference. How does the world have an effective U.N. With a country led by a war criminal on the Security Council, who can veto every resolution? 

That's a whole other subject.  Should a formation like the UN have anyone with veto power?  Is the US willing to abide by that? I would bet not.

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1 minute ago, sburke said:

That's a whole other subject.  Should a formation like the UN have anyone with veto power?  Is the US willing to abide by that? I would bet not.

Very good question. I doubt if the countries that have it would like the idea of removing veto power, so perhaps a compromise instead of eliminating it altogether would be instituting a system where it can be revoked, but doing so would require a supermajority in the General Assembly... Just a thought I've had.

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4 minutes ago, sburke said:

Should a formation like the UN have anyone with veto power?

You can't get any more undemocratic than giving Veto Power to the victors of WW2. It was the Soviet Union, and the Ukraine was part of it. Which nitwit had the idea to pass it on to Russia??? Get rid of the power to Veto and the UN may have a future in the present form it doesn't. Taiwan had Veto power to till they recognized Communist China, talking about appeasement. France and Great Britain also have Veto powers they're have beens. Just nations in their own right nothing special. 

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2 hours ago, akd said:

Testimony from one of the remaining defenders of Mariupol:


Hey Russia, it seems the spirit of Stalingrad has passed on to better people.

Don't pass this one by unread. It's the least you can do. No, really, the least.

There are rumours floating around (Russian side so.... salt) that a supply (?) ship tried to make a run into Mariupol but was intercepted.

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The U.N. is hopeless, unfixable, and yet necessary. You can't expect to actually do much, or to be anything less than a corrupt mess, but there is somewhat less killing and dying going on than there would be without it. It is at least capable of minimally refereeing conflicts where the theU.S., China , Russia don't have a major stake. It at least attempts to manage some of the vast amount of misery that never makes Western newspapers, much less TV sets.

There is an excellent argument for an enlarged "NATO" that includes the Asian democracies, and mysteriously drops Hungary. The world really is splitting into thirds again. One third advanced democracies, one third that thinks casual murder and torture by entities of the State is ok, and one third that has either just discovered eating regularly, or would really, really LIKE to discover eating regularly. That last third is going to have awful year as the war in Ukraine disrupts grain and fertilizer production.


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5 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

There are rumours floating around (Russian side so.... salt) that a supply (?) ship tried to make a run into Melitopol but was intercepted.

The ship’s last port stop was in Russia… I think Russia just lit up yet another merchant cause they didn’t like where it was / the course it was sailing.

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23 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

You can't get any more undemocratic than giving Veto Power to the victors of WW2. It was the Soviet Union, and the Ukraine was part of it. Which nitwit had the idea to pass it on to Russia??? Get rid of the power to Veto and the UN may have a future in the present form it doesn't. Taiwan had Veto power to till they recognized Communist China, talking about appeasement. France and Great Britain also have Veto powers they're have beens. Just nations in their own right nothing special. 

Definitely. I'd prefer doing away with veto power and probably permanent seats as well. Maybe have long-term seats instead of permanent, I'm sure there are plenty of ways it could be set up. But as you point out, there's no particular logic in today's world to the UK and France having a special say. Nothing against Britain or France of course, but as it stands today, it would make just as much sense for Germany and Japan to have permanent seats and vetos... Obviously that would have been a non-starter in 1946. Times change and countries change too.

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8 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

Hey Russia, it seems the spirit of Stalingrad has passed on to better people.

Don't pass this one by unread. It's the least you can do. No, really, the least.

There are rumours floating around (Russian side so.... salt) that a supply (?) ship tried to make a run into Melitopol but was intercepted.

I have tried to be sort of dispassionate in the forum, but how can any us of listen to that a not call for NATO to get involved. And I do mean 500 cruise missiles in the first hour kind of involved.


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10 minutes ago, G.I. Joe said:

Times change and countries change too.

You can say that again. Congress of Vienna and it was a success no major European war for one hundred years. France was the baddie and so was Poland as they choose the side of the French. Poland was carved up between Prussian and Russia the good guys. But things changed in a hundred years, Poland became one of the good guys again. Europe is like Rubic's cube you can create chaos and fancy patterns to your heart's content. 

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Someone is doing their job on the higher level intel/political side. I know I am a broken record on this, but a successful rebellion in Belarus turns a grinding defeat of Russia into a complete rout. It totally changes what a post war settlement look like, too. This needs every possible lever pulled.



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11 minutes ago, GAZ NZ said:

Scott Ritter: Twitter ban update - ( UKRAINE MILITARY EXPERT )

This is very interesting Scott Ritter UN weapons expert, intelligence analyst he's the guy who said no wmd in Iraq

In his professional opinion
Notes dead people in bucca pro Russians killed in cleansing operation by Ukrainian police

Citing other evidence collaborating this 

Dead people all had white arm bands on as worn by Russian forces
Freshly killed
Biden has also alledgy committed a war crime with his comments as he breached Hague conventions with his comments 
Very interesting take 

Scott Was banned from Twitter but they allowed him back on as he  not breaching there rules and was wrongfully removed 

He also discusses weapons supply by from US mentioned on these forums and issues faced

Old stingers from 80s supplied cannot work at night hence Russian forces operating at nite now etc 

Interesting take on things from ex un weapons inspector and forensic assessor and intelligence analyst 

Scott Ritter is yet another expert that has been on Russian TV over the years.

He was the WMD attack dog for the inspections in Iraq and leading the charge, until he was no longer leading the charge and resigned pointing fingers at everyone else for hindering his ability to uncover the WMDs. Then when he was no longer in charge he was suddenly convinced there weren't any. 

He's gone around the bend and don't think he can be considered as a good source for this board.

And on top of everything else he is, he is a twice convicted sex offender. So right at the baseline you are looking at someone without morals or ethics which makes them pretty hard to trust. Just saying.

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4 minutes ago, sross112 said:

Scott Ritter is yet another expert that has been on Russian TV over the years.

He was the WMD attack dog for the inspections in Iraq and leading the charge, until he was no longer leading the charge and resigned pointing fingers at everyone else for hindering his ability to uncover the WMDs. Then when he was no longer in charge he was suddenly convinced there weren't any. 

He's gone around the bend and don't think he can be considered as a good source for this board.

And on top of everything else he is, he is a twice convicted sex offender. So right at the baseline you are looking at someone without morals or ethics which makes them pretty hard to trust. Just saying.

Also, this is "arson, murder and jaywalking," as they say on TV Tropes, but the claim about old Stingers not working at night makes no sense. If anything, an IR seeker should work better at night (cooler background, no sun to be "distracted" by...)

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2 minutes ago, GAZ NZ said:

Yeah The Ritter bloke is not exactly a reliable source he has been on the RT payroll and also convicted pediphile as you say

I'm always checking sources of info and asking opinions 


Then why did you post it here? 

Regurgitating a bunch of text from a discredited source posted to an disreputable platform has no value here.  You might have noticed we recently banned a long time Forum member who just couldn't stop doing the very same thing, despite endless warnings.  You've had your fair share of those too, so you should pay attention to precedent and modify your behavior.  Yes, this is a warning that banishment is in the cards for you if you stray over the line again.

There's a difference between posting stuff from the buttcrack of the Internet and the hole just below it.  Russian media views posted here are of some value in understanding what the official view of the Russian state might be.  As detached from reality as they might be, there is an argument that it necessary to at least be aware of their viewpoint.

Conspiracy theory crap from far right or far left may have the same feel as things on Russian state media, but it is different.  All conspiracy theory nonsense does is remind us that there are people out there who have cognitive reasoning deficiencies and/or are somehow benefiting from regurgitating Kremlin messaging.  It gives us no insights into the Kremlin's thinking, views of Russian people, or anything else related to this war that has any use.  Smart people know there's nutjobs out there spouting off nonsense without seeing that sort of crap posted here.

Is my point clear enough for you to understand and use as a guideline for your future postings?


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