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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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8 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Here's the list of what's included in the $800m aid package announcement by Biden today:

  • 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems
  • 2,000 Javelin anti-tank missiles
  • 1,000 light anti-armor weapons
  • 6,000 AT-4 anti-armor weapons
  • 100 drones, reportedly Switchblade “kamikazes”
  • 100 grenade launchers
  • 5,000 rifles
  • 1,000 pistols
  • 400 machine guns
  • 400 shotguns
  • More than 20 million rounds of small arms ammunition, as well as grenade launcher and mortar rounds
  • 25,000 sets of body armor
  • 25,000 helmets



The top two items alone are the stuff of Russian Army nightmares, with the next three compounding the problems. Have no doubt the rest will be gratefully received and rapidly delivered where needed, too. I need to investigate Switchblade, which if memory serves is called that because is has a wing stowed fore and aft of the fuselage which pivots out from the center of the wing.


John Kettler

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8 hours ago, Fenris said:

The term in-discriminant fire comes to mind.  They won't hit anything smaller than a city block like that.  Maybe they want to report mission success but don't want to get too close.


That's certainly not how the Soviets handled rocket attacks during the Cold War. Those were executed from a dive following a popup maneuver at the end of a high speed low level ingress.


John Kettler

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8 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Another late breaking follow up to the Belarus reports:


There might be two separate things going on simultaneously.

Who here has read the original Starship Troopers (i.e. not the movie book)?  Remember what the Humans did to the Skinnies?


I do, including the 30-second bomb. A friend of mine came up with a truly twisted improvement. "I'm a 30-second bomb! I'm a 30-second bomb! 29, 28, 27, I lied." KABOOM!!!  Robert Heinlein had a keen understanding of the use of tailored force as an expression of national displeasure.


John Kettler

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2 hours ago, dan/california said:

Can you imagine the pressure Zelensky is under. He is 96% percent sure he is winning, but he can't be sure how many days/weeks it will take to actually win. Everyone of those days probably cost a thousand civilian lives with 100 of them children, every day is at least another 100,000 refugees, and, and...  And he soldiers on acting like a sane person. If He has made bad call since the Russian tanks rolled I don't know what it was. Just incredible!

It's the horrible choice of having such suffering now and securing the future of Ukraine once and for all - or having an even bigger war with even more victims some years down the line with an unpredictable outcome.

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There's too many Russians who support the conflict, either because of pride or ignorance. They aren't going to fold easily, there will be no revolution. I watched a Russian YouTuber discuss how divided their country is and how it's split like he never saw it before. People who support it aren't going to be dissuaded by economic stress when such violent crackdowns are the alternative. The only major hope is that people at the top will turn on Putin or that Putin will accept a relatively modest peace deal. 

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7 hours ago, sburke said:

Time for a break and an oldie but goody.

aah stranger in a strange land, great book - In 2012, the Library of Congress named it one of 88 "Books that Shaped America"



Pretty sure I never saw that video, but I did manage to find an English translation of the lyrics to Wladimir. The lyrics are pretty biting, in that they not only describe how Putin operates, but there are some brutal comparisons between the US and German systems of government on one hand and Russia's on the other. 



English translation
Align paragraphs


Ladies and gentleman, this song is about a man
I really like, he's so cute, he's so strong
And so powerful!
This song is about
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Chick Chick!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Chick Chick!
Vladimir, I assure you, is deft at this stuff,
A little dic-doc-dictatorship and everybody watches flabbergasted.
It works just because all the world knows: life sucks with no gas,
Therefore everybody fawns upon the Russian, everybody has to knuckle, knuckle, knuckle down before him.
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Chick Chick!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Chick Chick!
The neighbouring countries kept on a short leash, except this U-U-kraine,
For that reason Vladimir takes a quick spree there, going by tank.
The handling of the Crimea-issue is not of his likings,
So he just takes it home by a finger snap.
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Chick Chick!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Chick Chick!
The Germans have got Mutti* and the Russians have got Putin,
And the A-mericans have got Barack Obama,
Their eyes well up with tears of emotion,
Because most people want a strong regime! Ouch!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick – Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick – Chick Chick!
Vladimir is a right one, nobody can really hurt him.
When the others stir up hatred against him, he doesn't give a damn, the Russian.
And the USA have a rough ride with him,
Because he has them by the balls with Snowden!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Chick Chick!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - Chick Chick!
The Germans have got Mutti* and the Russians have got Putin,
And the A-mericans have got Barack Obama,
What's the difference after all, between a dictatorship and a democracy?
They bear different labels, but almost have the same contents.
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick – Putin!
Vladimir, chick chick chick chick chick chick - chick chick!


John Kettler


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2 hours ago, dan/california said:

Putin is stripping forces from all his other conquest little projects to reinforce failure in Ukraine. This is how the whole thing comes apart at once. If I were Assad i would be looking hard for a plan B, because he isn't getting the next rotation from Uncle Vlad, he will lucky if the current one doesn't just disappear in the middle of the night.


The Roki Tunnel, eh? My recollection is that during the Russo-Georgian War, the Russians took quite a drubbing there from the Georgians, before eventually sorting themselves out. Speaking of the Georgians, for years now they've been subjected to invasion a bit at a time, because at night the Russians move the border fence further into Georgian territory. Naturally, the Russians then take the view that the area on their side of the fence is all sovereign Russian territory, so every night Georgia shrinks a bit.


John Kettler

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When this is all over, someone will need to make this into a scenario - would be interesting to try to 'win' as the Russians. I will quote only the parts relevant for wargaming, but highly recommend reading the whole article (the looting is especially damning):


"A Ukrainian Town Deals Russia One of the War's Most Decisive Routs"

"the two-day battle of Voznesensk, details of which are only now emerging, turned decisively against the Russians. Judging from the destroyed and abandoned armor, Ukrainian forces, which comprised local volunteers and the professional military, eliminated most of a Russian battalion tactical group on March 2 and 3."

"“We didn’t have a single tank against them, just rocket-propelled grenades, Javelin missiles and the help of artillery,” said Vadym Dombrovsky, commander of the Ukrainian special-forces reconnaissance group in the area and a Voznesensk resident."

"Helicopters dropped Russian air-assault troops in a forested ridge southwest of Voznesensk, as an armored column drove from the southeast. Mr. Velichko said a local collaborator with the Russians, a woman driving a Hyundai SUV, showed the Russian column a way through back roads.

Ukrainian officers estimate that some 400 Russian troops took part in the attack. The number would have been bigger if these forces—mostly from the 126th naval infantry brigade based in Perevalnoye, Crimea, according to seized documents—hadn’t come under heavy shelling along the way."

"Downhill from Rakove, Russian forces set up base at a gas station at Voznesensk’s entrance. A Russian BTR infantry fighting vehicle drove up to the blown-up bridge over the Mertvovod, opening fire on the Territorial Defense base to the left. Five tanks, supported by a BTR, drove to a wheat field overlooking Voznesensk.

A group of Territorial Defense volunteers armed with Kalashnikovs was hiding in a building at that field’s edge. They didn’t have much of a chance against the BTR’s large-caliber machine gun, said Mykola Rudenko, one of the city’s Territorial Defense officers; some were killed, others escaped. Russian troops in two Ural trucks were preparing to assemble and set up 120mm mortars on the wheat field, but they got only as far as unloading the ammunition before Ukrainian shelling began."

"Ukrainian shelling blew craters in the field, and some Russian vehicles sustained direct hits. Other Ukrainian regular troops and Territorial Defense forces moved toward Russian positions on foot, hitting vehicles with U.S.-supplied Javelin missiles. As Russian armor caught fire—including three of the five tanks in the wheat field—soldiers abandoned functioning vehicles and escaped on foot or sped off in the BTRs that still had fuel. They left crates of ammunition."


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1 hour ago, Fenris said:

Gets more interesting towards the end.  Would appear UKR morale is pretty good.


Fenris and Haiduk,

The counterbattery fire at the end of this video looks just like the video you posted, Haiduk, where you said Ukrainian artillery was hammering Russians on the road. My sense of it is that what's shown in this video is that same scene, just shot from closer range.


John Kettler

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2 hours ago, dan/california said:

If I were Assad i would be looking hard for a plan B, because he isn't getting the next rotation from Uncle Vlad, he will lucky if the current one doesn't just disappear in the middle of the night.

This Orlan-10 recently crashed within Turkey, in the province of Urfa bordering Syria (possibly the work of Turkish EW deployed on the border). The Russian command in Syria obviously have worries:


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14 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

I'm sure they are effective against many targets, but so are MANPADs etc. when it comes to low-flying attack aircraft or cruise missiles... these seem to be a bit overkill for those?

Turkish troops in Idlib fired some dozen Stingers at RuAF aircraft in February 2020, only to get bombed by the Russians from medium altitude.

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55 minutes ago, Poorlaggedman said:

There's too many Russians who support the conflict, either because of pride or ignorance. They aren't going to fold easily, there will be no revolution. I watched a Russian YouTuber discuss how divided their country is and how it's split like he never saw it before. People who support it aren't going to be dissuaded by economic stress when such violent crackdowns are the alternative. The only major hope is that people at the top will turn on Putin or that Putin will accept a relatively modest peace deal. 

That's perfectly normal for Russia. Throughout all of its history Russia never had a single democratically elected leader so it always was about some opportunistic group doing the coup. Sometimes the coup was silent (like a removal of Yeltsin from power), sometimes the coup was in full party mode (1917... twice).

So putin either dies or gets 'died'.

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Retired US Army Lt. Colonel Douglas MacGregor, who was senior advisor to Acting SECDEF Chris Miller, has a decidedly contrarian and exceedingly sober view on what's really happening in Ukraine. He had a long and distinguished Army career, and was one of the US Army's brightest and most innovative officers. Learned about him through a brief mention of him in a OSINT show I watch, and not only has be been on TV but interviewed quite a bit on internet shows, too. He sure seems to really know his subject matter and talks specifically in terms of Putin's objectives: must haves, things unacceptable to him and so on. One key takeaway is that Putin is determined to turn Ukraine into a neutral buffer state, thus removing a perceived threat on his front door. NATO membership for Ukraine is obviously a huge unacceptable for Putin given his strategic goal. MacGregor is very clear powerful forces are pushing for, not just proxy war in which Ukraine is carrying NATO's water and Ukrainians are dying because of it, but a full-on NATO war against Russia. In one interview I saw, he even got into the discussion of conditions under which nukes might be used. He was of the view that Putin wouldn't go nuclear first. That said, as I've pointed out several times in this thread, declared Russian strategic doctrine of years standing recognizes both Russian pre-emptive strategic strike (to stop a strategic attack against Russia) and the use of a nuclear strike or strikes (not necessarily strategic weapons, either) to restore the status quo (positive Russian CoF) when CoF has gone negative.



John Kettler

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Un JT de 21 heures ordinaire sur la télévision d’Etat russe
Le journal, qui décrit quotidiennement l’« aide » russe et les « nazis » ukrainiens, n’a pas dérogé à ses habitudes au lendemain de l’irruption en direct sur le plateau de la journaliste Marina Ovsiannikova pour dénoncer « l’opération spéciale » en Ukraine.

Voici des extraits de l’article de notre correspondant à Moscou :

Mardi 15 mars, Ekaterina Andreïeva est de retour à son poste, celui qu’elle occupe sans interruption depuis 1998 : présentatrice du JT de 21 heures, sur la principale chaîne publique. Même débit de mitraillette que la veille, même visage de cire connu dans tous les foyers russes. La présentatrice s’est changée, mais son tee-shirt affiche, comme la veille, un cœur malicieux.

Normalité en plateau, normalité d’un journal télévisé russe largement consacré à l’« opération spéciale » conduite par l’armée russe en Ukraine. Les nouvelles du front sont sommaires : « Aujourd’hui, le ministère de la défense a fait état de la liquidation d’une base de néonazis et de mercenaires étrangers dans les environs de Kiev », informe la présentatrice. Brèves images de véhicules détruits et d’armes – américaines – saisies. Pour une fois, pas de rapport sur les défections en masse de soldats ukrainiens mal nourris fuyant « le fascisme ».

Place, plutôt, à « nos héros, ceux qui risquent chaque jour leur vie pour la paix en Ukraine et la sécurité de la Russie ». Exploits des décorés du jour (« a contre-attaqué sous le feu ennemi… »), visite à l’hôpital de quelques blessés. « Tous sont impatients de retrouver leur unité », assure Ekaterina Andreïeva. Héros encore, ces soldats russes qui distribuent de l’aide humanitaire à des habitants de la région de Kiev, « où les magasins ont été pillés ». Les hommes travaillent « avec attention et respect ». Un médecin militaire donne des gouttes pour les yeux à un enfant, sa mère est émue.

Fait inhabituel, l’ouverture du journal est consacrée à Marioupol, un nom que l’on entend peu à la télévision russe : « Enfin en liberté, des habitants racontent les horreurs que leur font subir les nationalistes ukrainiens. » Habitués aux récits de ces horreurs, les téléspectateurs en seront pour leurs frais. Est seulement montrée l’arrivée d’un autobus de réfugiés de la ville côtière ukrainienne, « qui ont fui en rampant sous les tirs ». Leurs immeubles ont brûlé ou sont détruits. Ils sont épuisés, âgés pour la plupart, mais on n’en saura pas plus : ni ce qu’ils ont fui, ni pourquoi leur ville est bombardée, et encore moins par qui.

"An ordinary 9 p.m. news on Russian state television
The news, which describes Russian "help" and Ukrainian "Nazis" on a daily basis, did not deviate from its habits the day after journalist Marina Ovsiannikova burst onto the set live to denounce "the special operation " in Ukraine.

Here are excerpts from the article by our correspondent in Moscow:

Tuesday, March 15, Ekaterina Andreïeva is back in her position, the one she has held continuously since 1998: presenter of the 9 p.m. newscast, on the main public channel. Same submachine gun flow as the day before, same wax face known in all Russian homes. The presenter has changed, but her T-shirt displays, like the day before, a mischievous heart.

Normality on set, normality of a Russian television news largely devoted to the “special operation” led by the Russian army in Ukraine. The news from the front is sketchy: “Today the Ministry of Defense reported the liquidation of a base of neo-Nazis and foreign mercenaries in the vicinity of kyiv,” informs the presenter. Brief images of vehicles destroyed and weapons – American – seized. For once, no report of the mass defections of malnourished Ukrainian soldiers fleeing “fascism”.

Place, rather, to “our heroes, those who risk their lives every day for peace in Ukraine and the security of Russia”. Exploits of the decorated of the day ("counter-attacked under enemy fire..."), visit to the hospital of some wounded. “All are impatient to find their unity”, assures Ekaterina Andreïeva. Heroes again, these Russian soldiers who distribute humanitarian aid to residents of the kyiv region, “where the stores have been looted”. The men work “with care and respect”. A military doctor gives eye drops to a child, his mother is moved.

Unusually, the opening of the news is devoted to Mariupol, a name that is rarely heard on Russian television: “Finally free, residents tell of the horrors inflicted on them by Ukrainian nationalists. Accustomed to the stories of these horrors, viewers will be at their expense. Only shown is the arrival of a bus of refugees from the Ukrainian coastal town, “who fled crawling under the gunfire.” Their buildings have burned down or are destroyed. They are exhausted, mostly old, but we will not know more: neither what they fled, nor why their city is bombed, and even less by whom. "

Edited by Taranis
Source Le Monde
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4 minutes ago, DesertFox said:

No comment...



A good sign of Putin's fear that his support is eroding under sanctions etc. I highly doubt there will be any change for a good while - it would take a truly catastrophic defeat in Ukraine which, while I do think RUS will eventually be defeated, it wont be in the cascading disaster that is impossible to hide in a closed off media like in Russia.

Of course, when Putin feels fear he always doubles down, so expect yet more Mariupol Theatre strikes.



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