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v1.03 bug report


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I think this was happening before, but but my guys get stuck bailing out of a wrecked Vulcan. They had move orders 3 turns in a row but the loader is still exiting. 


Also, the left drive sprocket on the M48 & M60 is still not turning. :( 



link to save game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0esbc79hm0x42is/US Campaign (1979) 20.bts?dl=0

Edited by Halmbarte
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Rather than start a new thread also going to tack on a potential bug. I've already reported it to a beta tester I have on that hotline bling but hey, he's a busy man. US light infantry do not have any squad level automatics (e.g.: only M60s are the pair at the platoon level) at any era or location - not sure if that is a bug or accurate TO&E for this time. 


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This is correct, I believe. I know that SAWs (M249) were not introduced until 84-85 so beyond this time frame. That was the first change to having a squad level LMG. BARs were long gone by 79-82. Each fire team has a grenadier, and some squads have a Dragon launcher. 

Over the years there were a number of studies about putting M60s in squads, but it's too much for one person to effectively handle, unlike a BAR. So until the M249 came about, the usual practice in light infantry was to have 1 rifleman with an M16 in each of the two fire teams designated as an automatic rifleman. 

This is different than mechanized infantry.


Edited by Ultradave
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2 hours ago, Rinaldi said:

not sure if that is a bug or accurate TO&E for this time. 

Painfully accurate.  I say this because we spent days banging this out.

https://archive.org/details/fm7880rifleplatoon/page/n17/mode/2up   Section II

There are minor differences in game but they have to do more with limitations of the engine and most players will not ever really see them.  

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17 hours ago, Halmbarte said:

I think this was happening before, but but my guys get stuck bailing out of a wrecked Vulcan. They had move orders 3 turns in a row but the loader is still exiting. 


Also, the left drive sprocket on the M48 & M60 is still not turning. :( 



link to save game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0esbc79hm0x42is/US Campaign (1979) 20.bts?dl=0

Both bugs reported.

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I'm still playing 1.2 Steam version and keep on doing free beta testing.

I skipped the 3rd mission of the Soviet campaign and proceeded to 4th mission.

Unfortunately, now it's completely bugged. I can't place my defending units in the set up stage, because my PC is freezing.

I tested 4th mission on 1.1 version and it runs fine (I keep it on my computer with old save files). 

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1 hour ago, dbsapp said:

I'm still playing 1.2 Steam version and keep on doing free beta testing.

I skipped the 3rd mission of the Soviet campaign and proceeded to 4th mission.

Unfortunately, now it's completely bugged. I can't place my defending units in the set up stage, because my PC is freezing.

I tested 4th mission on 1.1 version and it runs fine (I keep it on my computer with old save files). 

Can you post or send the last save file you may have before it freezes?


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Running CMCW through Steam (v1.03) and the game I am playing has 2 oddities.

1. BTR-60PA (1Co - 2nd Pl) - engine was knocked out but it kept driving

2. ZSU-34-4 - killed multiple 113s but it did not get credit for the kills. I counted 3 and only got credit for 1 x M113 but did get credit for the crews inside the M113. All kills were solo.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/rt17ug32t7s6ajn/Quick Battle (Bug Report).bts?dl=0

I hope this link works as this is the first time I have tried this. 

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On 11/30/2021 at 12:06 PM, dbsapp said:

I'm still playing 1.2 Steam version and keep on doing free beta testing.

I skipped the 3rd mission of the Soviet campaign and proceeded to 4th mission.

Unfortunately, now it's completely bugged. I can't place my defending units in the set up stage, because my PC is freezing.

I tested 4th mission on 1.1 version and it runs fine (I keep it on my computer with old save files). 

I played around with the save file you posted and had no issues at all. I was able to move around, place units. Nothing unusual happened.

HOWEVER, I'm on a MacBook Pro, not a PC, and that may make a difference if it's a graphics issue. Perhaps someone with a PC could also take a look at this.


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1 hour ago, Ultradave said:

Perhaps someone with a PC could also take a look at this.


Loaded and worked just fine for me.....I'm on a fairly grunty PC, my (Battlefront) CM:CW install is patched to the latest update (1.03 IIRC).

PS - @dbsapp  When @Halmbarte had an issue like this with 'Ashsh Al Dababir' I was able to run his turn, re-save it and when I sent it back the file started working for him again.  I'm wondering, if I moved one or two units and re-save the file whether you might be able to play it again? 

Here's the re-saved file if you want to try it (I moved the three vehicles of your MANPADS platoon by about a tile each):

https://www.dropbox.com/s/xtztdcghadp14ch/Soviet Campaign - Mis4start Reboot.bts?dl=0

It's unusually big for a save game at 56mb.....Might this be part of the issue?


Edited by Sgt.Squarehead
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@Ultradave @Sgt.Squarehead thank you, guys!

Actually, I've already comleted this mission. 

I found that scrolling zoom in and out helps bring the game out if deadlock. The freezes begin when I try to move around one of the units (most often AT gun or ATGM). After I relaunched the mission from the beginning and applied zoom in zoom out method the freezes didn't disappear but became tolerable.

I reported this issue because I didn't experience things like that before and it runs fine on 1.01.


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I am wondering if your problem with your Vulcan crew not being able to bail is also related to one of mine oddities. My ZSU-34-4 killed a Vulcan but it did not appear to die and ZSU never got credit.


US unit appeared to remain active for 3 additional turns after status changed to knocked out. Then another of my units fired upon it which killed the remaining crew member. For those 3 turns status = 'knocked out' but the icon remained - which usually disappears after a vehicle is knocked out. Do crew not bail now when their unit is 'knocked out' and until they do, the killing unit does not gain credit for the kill?

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12 minutes ago, Canada Guy said:


I am wondering if your problem with your Vulcan crew not being able to bail is also related to one of mine oddities. My ZSU-34-4 killed a Vulcan but it did not appear to die and ZSU never got credit.


US unit appeared to remain active for 3 additional turns after status changed to knocked out. Then another of my units fired upon it which killed the remaining crew member. For those 3 turns status = 'knocked out' but the icon remained - which usually disappears after a vehicle is knocked out. Do crew not bail now when their unit is 'knocked out' and until they do, the killing unit does not gain credit for the kill?

I had the same issue with vulcan - it didn't want to die no matter what.

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15 minutes ago, Vanir Ausf B said:

In that save file Tank Hunter 6 has no move orders. If I give it one it does move.

Yeah, in the previous 2 turns I gave them move orders and they dropped the orders when I hit go. I did get them to bail out and remount, but they still won't move for me. 

Tank hunter 6 now has a slow move order in this save and they dropped it when the turn started: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pnne0e3d7m6z9dx/US Campaign (1979) 33.bts?dl=0


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