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DAR - Snow For The Hungry AXIS PBEM

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A few more minutes have gone by but not a lot happened as I am repositioning my forces for the next phase. KG LINKS cleared KT7 and it is indeed clear so they will hold position.

As @George MC correctly guessed I am gathering my forces for a combined arms assault on Objective ROT. It has at least a platoon defending it, probably more likely a company/squadron sized force and is the most valuable objective in the AO. It's also very easy to defend from attack from the south and will give me a great jumping off point for future manoeuvres.

The left flank of the village is wide open and will allow me to mass my firepower and bombard it from a distance, albeit a not very long distance but I should be able to bring enough guns to bear to overwhelm whatever defences he has arrayed around the objective. Speaking of which, based on the templated enemy forces this is how I would lay out the defences, I've included an AT Gun platoon too even though they are not part of the Cavalry squadron he would have to expect an attack on the objective with armour at some point.


As you can see I'd concentrate on defending the north and west of the objective, sighting the heavy weapons in keyhole positions or in cover of the few trees there are. These will be getting some special attention as will the reverse slope, I think I will just about be able to put fire on there from the open ground to the north.

The plan is to allow the tanks to attrit the enemy from afar and then 1 Ko. will attack along AoA2 and then fan out and clear the town, details of that will follow once I've had time to have a closer look. The supporting assets will then shift fire to pin any defenders in the east of the objective and cut off any retreat or reinforcements.


Support will be provided by the Panthers and Tigers along with 2 Kompanie's SPWs and their weapons platoon. I will use a zug from 2 Ko. to keep pressure on the north side so he thinks I'm attacking from that direction then hit him in the ear with 1 Kompanie who will come in from the west.

The other zug in 2 Ko. will be pushing up AoA1 with the StuG to investigate NAI5 and see if he has any defences at all on this side of the AO.

3 Kompanie will stay on the right flank to provide security against any counterattacks from that direction and perhaps perform a holding attack, yet TBD.

That's the plan, everyone is redeploying at the moment so I'll only provide updates should anything unusual happen, otherwise I'll report back once everyone is ready to begin the assault.




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19 hours ago, AlexUK said:

Enjoying this very much. I would have a crippling fear of gun hits so I would probably keep the tiger at the back and try to win with everything else.....

Thanks, glad you're enjoying it. I must admit I am fearful of the same as I don't have too much armour and they represent a lot of firepower. Hopefully I can keep them alive!


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Quick Update

Alarm! Some intel just in! The scouts I sent across the bridge towards the SBF position to ensure it is clear report a contact on what looks like the banks of the boggy stream (they are the specks at the bottom of the image).


It's an unidentified infantry contact, might be another AT rifle team watching the approach as it would be roughly in line with where the one that fired on the scouts before retreating were. Interesting. If he is alert to my scouts then I may have to step things up slightly before he can react. The Tigers are just over the bridge ready to go and I have a 251/17 overwatching their probe.



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16 hours ago, Chip76 said:

@Monty's Mighty Moustache

     I've really enjoyed reading this.  Thank you for taking the time & putting in the effort to create this.  The blizzard & recon really adds a level of creeping mystery.


Keep up the entertainment!

 - Chip

Thanks, glad you're enjoying it. I know what you mean about the mystery, it's like fighting at night but spotting is probably even worse as the wind and blizzard are making hearing things difficult too (I presume this is modelled). I think, much like night fighting, it will erupt into violent firefights when contact is made and muzzle flashes start giving positions away. 


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The Forty-Second Minute - Angriff!

"He who hingeth aboot, geteth hee-haw" - Jack Jarvis Esq.

(The man who waits does not achieve his goals)

Objective ROT

Shots ring out, large caliber ones at that. None hit and towards the end of the minute I get a solid spot on another AT rifle team.


And so it begins. He's seen my scouts pushing over the bridge, time to bring the pain!

The rest of 2nd zug will now cross the bridge and start advancing across the open ground. I'm bringing the zug's SPWs to the edge of the marsh to provide cover. Then I'll bring the Tigers across.

1st Ko. are dismounting and will advance on foot along AoA2 with the SPWs trailing. I'm not expecting contact as we're still some 600m from the objective and he's still shelling the scrub but you never know.



One of the Panthers got bogged so is a bit behind the other who has almost joined the Tiger section, I'll start the bombardment and he can join in when he catches up.



1st zug are scouting around the south side of AoA4 to see if we can get any spots in the farm ahead. I'm not being particularly quiet about it as I want him to wonder where I'm attacking. The StuG is close by in case it's needed.

2nd zug are watching the open ground between the trees and the objective about to be assaulted in case he tries to reinforce. They are more a screening force, if he pushes armour towards the objective then they won't be able to do much about it but at least I'll know.




Edited by Monty's Mighty Moustache
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The Forty-Third Minute

Objective ROT

The scouts return fire and it doesn't take long to supress the AT rifleman.


The other half of the squad run over the road to get a better view.


They engage and take him out with a burst of MG fire. The range is about 300m.



Meanwhile the weapons zug (2 x MG sections) and the rest of 2nd zug push over the bridge.


The first Panther arrives to link up with the Tigers.


Meanwhile 1st Kompanie push along the road overwatched by the SPWs.



All's quiet on the right. The probing continues and I bring some SPWs up to try and make a bit of noise. I now suspect he has an OP in the farm buildings ahead as it would make sense given he needs someone with LOS to call in the mortar fire on the woods. Given the limited visibility this is the obvious place. It will be getting a burst of fire soon.




2nd and 4th zugs from 2 Ko. are pushing over the bridge and advancing towards the objective. They are still well out of range of the town itself.

The Tigers are going to move over next turn, I would move the SPWs first but given I suspect he may have ATGs in the area, or even T34s, I will be sending the big boys first.

1st zug/2 Ko. are nearly at KT7, they will be passing straight on through and investigating NAI5 which has the added bonus of providing a bit of flank security.

1st Ko. continue to advance.


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8 hours ago, Monty's Mighty Moustache said:

I've been trying to find one to work in at the appropriate time, it was the best comedy on TV for a while there IMHO.


Good skillz! :) I did do a double take when i first read it! Aye its classic stuff.

Reckon the quote that works for this phase of your grand plan is "I am a bawhair away fae perfection..."

Looking forward to the next installment!

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The Forty-Forth to Forty-Sixth Minutes

Objective ROT

The scouts advance by bounds and spot the other member of the AT rifle team trying to retreat (to the town I assume). He doesn't make it.



The panzers start crossing the marsh, thankfully the bridge doesn't seem to be mined. I didn't think it would be but you never know.


Once the Tigers are across the first Panther crosses too.


He takes up position and is immediately fired upon. It wasn't an AT gun or tank round, smallish caliber and no idea where it came from.


The infantry soon id the shooter. It's another AT rifle team holed up in the buildings ahead. This seems like a suicidal move given the weapon he has, the range (did he really think he could take a Panther out at over 200m with that thing?) and the amount of guns that are now training on his location. Here the MG42 team is taking aim but they are by no means the only ones who have spotted him. The panzers know where he is but don't have a confirmed spot when the turn ends, but it's only a matter of time.

I shall call him Sgt Plucky.


Good news! The second Panther has arrived on station and will cross the bridge to join in the attack.


1st Kompanie continue to move up AoA2.




The rest of 2nd Kompanie are moving up AoA1 to investigate NAI5. They are about 400m away from the treeline and dismounting. This treeline will be getting a healthy dose of recon by fire as I do not want to get within 200m of any suspected enemy positions.




I left them where they were for these turns to see if they can spot anything but nothing is happening. I am going to conduct some recon by fire next turn on the farm buildings and see if anything shoots back. It might prompt him into action.



Both mortar fires have stopped so I need to be alert for a counter attack through the woods on the right but 3rd Kompanie is in good position to see anything coming that way or trying to reinforce Objective ROT.

On the left the infantry screen is continuing to push towards the objective followed by the panzers, they are nearly in range to start shooting the snot out of the area. 1st Kompanie are moving to their jumping off points and will wait until the town has been bombared before starting their attack. I'm hoping any routing units will break towards the south and the trees (the right on the map) and right into the LOS of 2nd zug/3 Kompanie.


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The Forty-Seventh Minute

Objective ROT

Sgt Plucky is taken under fire from an MG team (area fire) and a few other infantry teams that have spotted him and quickly goes to ground. The Panther that he fired on will be area firing next turn to see if we can dislodge him.




The infantry that has just dismounted quickly get a spot off to the right.


It's another AT rifle team, as the turn ends they are exchanging shots and a couple of the SPWs have spotted him and are rotating and aiming. He might be about to have a very bad day.





On the right fire was laid down on the farm buildings for 30 seconds or so but no response. I think I will start pushing up the right through the trees to see if I can get a response.

A section of panzers are going to move up while the Panther takes care of Sgt Plucky and start area firing on Objective ROT, then I'll get all guns trained on the objective and bring the SPWs up to hose the area down.

On the left we're engaging the other AT rifle team and then will advance on the treeline to see what else he has on this flank.


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The Forty-Eighth Minute

Objective ROT

Here you go Sgt Plucky, have some of this!


The scouts continue to advance and get a spot in the trees outside the objective.


It's another AT rifle team. I wonder if this is the same one who fired on me from the scrub at the start of hostilities and retreated?


A Tiger and a Panther are moving into firing positions.


The Panther starts firing this turn on the reverse slope at the western end of the village.


Next turn the other panzers will be moving up and start to area fire on the objective. The scouts will stop and engage the AT rifle team while the rest of the zug catches up. The SPWs are going to be moved up too.



The AT rifleman is taken out very quickly by a burst from a SPW. I must admit I'm impressed with the accuracy of my troops thus far.



The contact icon is still there so I assume his pal is still alive. I'm going to start advancing towards the treeline net turn.



Still quiet on the right, the attack continues on the left. As I identify units in the objective this map could get messy so I'm going to provide a close in view whilst the attack is underway.


Things should start heating up nicely now. It'll be interesting to see how he reacts to these attacks, if at all.


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The Forty-Ninth Minute

Objective ROT

The AT rifle team withdraw under fire from one of my teams, another contact pops up to shoot at the same team. It's a DP gunner so I'm assuming it's some kind of infantry squad in the third building from the edge of the town.



One of the SPWs carrying 1 Kompanie bogs near the stream. My fault as I plotted a movement too near to the boggy ground, hopefully he can get himself out next turn.


The panzers are bombard the objective.


The remaining member of the AT team makes a run for it chased by machine gun fire. He wasn''t hit but he was last seen cowering in the stream.



I'm moving sniper around the buildings to get a peek behind. I'm not being particularly quiet about it either.




I'm advancing the scouts from 1st zug, 2nd Kompanie to try and get eyes on the treeline and see what shakes out.

The suppressive fire is going to continue on the objective, the tanks will inch forwards by bounds and the SPWs are going to join in on the next turn.

On the right I'll continue to probe.



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The Fiftieth Minute

Objective ROT

The bombardment continues. I make a stupid mistake and try to move some teams up without having established fire superiority and I lose 3 men, 1 KIA and 1 WIA in different fireteams. The DP gunner spotted last turn took the first two out, not sure who got the third. I've not heard a peep from Sgt Plucky so I assume he's been knocked out of the fight.



One of the casualties was a MG gunner so I will try and recover the weapon.

The panzers are inching closer and now in range of the forces in the town and start taking small arms fire but nothing bigger than that so far. I would expect there to be 45mm guns defending the objective, he may have them keyholed further back so I still need to be quite cautious.

My advancing infantry do get a spot on another squad in the building next to the one spotted last turn. One of the Panthers also has the spot.


The SPWs got in on the action this turn, plenty of fire going into the objective now.


Nothing to report, the infantry continue to advance and no further contact.



1 Kompanie are almost at their jumping off point. I think I'll give it another minute or two of suppressive fire and then they can close on the objective. I'll share my plans of how to do that in the next update.

On the left I noticed that the trees at NAI5 are actually on a slight reverse slope and I can only see into it from the left side of the road so I'll be moving my scouts over onto a small rise so they can put some fire in there and see who shoots back.

The new contact in the objective has been added:



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11 hours ago, IICptMillerII said:

Great shots, especially of the panthers!

Thanks. Plenty more panzer shots will be coming in the next report. 

9 hours ago, Erwin said:

Yes, have put this scenario on my "must play" list.

It’s great fun, remains to be seen how balanced it is for H2H but it’s dripping with atmosphere. 


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The Fifty-First Minute

Objective ROT




All this fire is having an effect. First we spot one of the infantry squads pulling out.


Then an HQ unit from the end building is spotted doing the same. This looks like a controlled withdrawal, they started pulling out at the start of the turn by the looks of it.


The infantry are holding position to tend to their wounded and dead (it was 2 WIA, not 1 as I stated incorrectly last time). 1st Kompanie continue to move up and deploy for the attack, the bogged SPW did manage to get itself out.


The AT rifleman's wingman pops up but he's on a reverse slope so we can't get a shot at him at the moment.


Interesting things happen in NAI5.


Nothing interesting happens on this flank. I'll be moving the sniper out again next turn.




It's a platoon at least in NAI5, it was a squad and an HQ team that was spotted this turn. The troops pulling back on the objective is interesting, I'll be shifting some fire to cover the road between the buildings that they will have to cross next turn.



As promised this my plan for the assault. I'll break it up into a couple of parts as it's quite a bit of effort.

I've broken the objective up into sectors:


The plan is to attack from the road towards sector A, using the SBF position to suppress C and D. B, E and F are a problem as the SBF force cannot put much fire onto those sectors so 1st Kompanie are going to have to take care of that themselves.

Here's the initial supporting fires plan (underway now):


And the first phase of the assault with supporting fires shifted. The fires on the reverse slope will stop before the assault by the infantry begins, 2nd zug are to gain a foothold and 1st zug are in reserve for this phase of the attack:


As he's pulling troops back from sector A it's now time to step it up. Should be fun.


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