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Do US forces still use claymore mines?

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If they do itd be interesting if we could see those added in. I dont see why the current IED mechanica wouldnt work for a team with claymore mines i.e. you buy teams with that as an option and the team gets a little clacker icon in their squad. Then you could set it up to go off if tripped or on command?

Anyone else think itd be good? I havent heard a lot about them besides Vietnam where I know they worked great.i did see one interview where a US army soldier in Iraq used one but it was never explained if it was Iraqi army equipment; something found on insurgents, issued kit, or something available but not used as much

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They're still in service in the US and around the world (even in Russia and China).


It shoots out pellets in a cone, so it has to face the enemy. Not sure how that'd work with the CM IED mechanic.

It'd be cool if we could booby-trap buildings, and give sappers an ability to clear them.

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Claymores are different than mines. Im not expecting a lot... I know trying to simulate a shotgun blast of projectiles for one specific infantry bit of kit is asking too much, but maybe having them act like a a BIG IED on infantry but tiny IED on vehicles otherwise, make a clacker graphic, and give it same rules as Wire IED teams.  If the clacker guy gets zapped the item has to be scrounged.  you could set them to detonate like IEDs already or on command - thats how it is with Claymores as well.  Anyone?

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They definitely should be in CM:Nam. And Battlefront should hurry up and make CM:Nam. It's going on twenty years.



P.S. The blast would look just like the canister charges in those great Stuart screen shots. The Cone of Deadly Shredding.

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Idk combatintman; I see your point in the sense theres much more important stuff.  However theres an eastern equivalent weapon as well and the canister weapons in WW2 games are fun to use and popular.

Not to be a di*k but frankly a lot of the "how do I do" posts Ive seen om the SF2 board have been some of the worst Ive seen with a new release in regards to RTFM questions or really commonsense questions.

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Mord ill give up a testicle or kidney for CM Nam.in the mean time if someone were to mod it Id use Canadian forces as they always "felt" closest to US Vietnam forces.  Theyre using generally older equipment tham other NATO including an M16 clone that looks like the classic m16. They also used LAWs alot and m113s. I think some uniform stuff or other stuff too helped the vague sense. With some graphical changes... Its the best we.ll ever see. If they wont do PTO we.re screwed on Nam

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41 minutes ago, Sublime said:

Mord ill give up a testicle

Then we'd both have lopsided jockstraps 'cause so would I! *


The guys a Matrix are making Nam for their upgraded John Tiller's Campaign series. That's about as good as it's gonna get in the near future. I'll be getting it. @benpark frequents that board occasionally I believe.




* I don't use them anyway...

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**speak for yourself!**

Isnt that a board game though? There was an interesting first person shooter released that was online US vs VC/NVA that looked decent and fairlu realistiv got an FPS. But other than that really slim pickings; even the usual flight sims that usually at least have one Nam game havent in a long time.


I just watched an old CBS broadcast from 68 on Nam. Called Hill 934. Its on youtube I recommend it. Not so much for the action, you dont see much besides constant arty prep strikes and constant airstrikes that scared the grunts a lot.  And I dont blame them - the day they assault the Hill in questiom a short round causes 10 casualties.  Then a 500lb bomb hits a tree and a piece of shrapnel kills a guy going home in 6 days.

I was struck by the three guys profiled; JC a E6 career army NCO. He survived as of when the broadcast was made. Even as a career soldier he openly despised the war and called it a jail sentence.

Another guy, dont remember his name. He almost "went over thr hill" instead of being drafted. He survives (at the end they explain that the company took unit breaking casualties a month after airing - caught im the open in a heavy mortar attack) but is so heavily wounded in the mortar attack he ended his draft service as a DI in the States.

Then Jim Buckner. Besides being a military brat who lived in Germany he was drafted. He had this infectioys smile; they get ambushed he says hes scared - his dad owned a pizza shop amd he bemoans that he had "all the damned pizza in the world" when they get ambushed he.s asked where would he like to be "on a beach woth a 6 pack. Chasing girls"

22 years old. Poor guy.  Jim Buckner was KIA in the same mortar attack.  I wont lie at the thought of the tragedy - his father losing his oldest son;( maybe only? ) these people I see living and breathing on color film getting killed or legs blown off for what I know is a cause thats pointless and they were largely duped into. One of the guys says "well Ive seen what the communists do and I guess Id rather be fighting them here than seeing this at home.."  Point is these guys still really believed they were serving a purpose.  It made me tear up looking at that 22 yr old kid and realizing he was dead a month later. For nothing.


* Hill 934 CBS news * very good

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3 hours ago, Sublime said:

**speak for yourself!**

I was!

3 hours ago, Sublime said:

Isnt that a board game though?

Nope. It was an old hex based IGUGO game that is at the platoon level plus teams. The hexes are 250 meters, I think it is. You can play with counters (YUCK!) or with little guys and tanks and stuff. It's pretty fun. They updated the old Talonsoft WWII version and then the Middle East version with lots of wars from 1948 to 85. The ME version is more advanced. They are going to eventually do all of WWII under this upgraded engine, after Vietnam. They put out updates adding new features when it's feasible to get them working under code that's so old.

Click the pics and you can zoom in.







It's not CM of course and takes some getting used to but it's pretty fun if you allow your imagination to engage. There's quite a few cool orders you can give, from digging in to laying mines/IEDs, clearing LZs for helicopters, building bridges to cross rivers, building barriers. There's civilians, helicopters, planes, ATGMs, etc. I guess I kind of approach it as an electronic boardgame as it plays much different than CM or Total War. I'd really love to see a game made like this but with 2019 graphics among other things. I like the scale and some of the maps look neat, like the ones in the screenshots, and it's a nice change of pace from games like Combat Mission and TW. The biggest attraction was the exotic battles it covers. They've got everything from the British and French to Israel and Egypt. I think they are gonna eventually release some DLC on the Iran Iraq war.

So, I am looking forward to the Vietnam game.



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P.S. but read first. Mord im smokn up and just thinking and typing too much.dont think I dont appreciate the recommendation, post and response bro! Just an explanation -


"Its pretty fun"





Remember that age thing? I saw hexs and yeah. No. Sorry. The very last I even messed with hexes was Pz General and some oolllld games around then. Cant do it. In fact I NEVER even played CMAK because the soldier representation bothered me so much all along. It speaks volumes of CMBO and CMBBs masterpiece quality that I willingly suffered an abstraction Id never suffer for other games ( it ruined Pz Elite and countless tank games for me, flight sims, infantry is huge to me) I willingly put up with CMx1. And not only were soldiers abstracted fire power was abstrscted into units, and they didnt leave corpses except where last member fell. People thjnk corpses are just gore but no. Theyre a huge arrow sign. You may missed parts of battles except notice lotd of corpses in x2. Also seeing where most the corpses are has taught me many important lessons that only seeing a body for the last man in a squad could mislead you totally on

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16 minutes ago, Sublime said:

Remember that age thing? I saw hexs and yeah. No. Sorry.

LOL. I GET IT! Trust me. I actually bought the original versions of the WWII games from this series back in 2000 and just couldn't deal with it after playing CM at the time. I saw a bunch of let's plays on Youtube last year and it rekindled my interest. It looked fun and this version was exotic. Once I wrapped my mind around approaching it more as an advanced board game than a simulation it was easy to swallow. But I totally understand! I am that way with squares covered in NATO symbols. You want to put me to sleep, show me any kind of game that involves a NATO symbol plastered on a square. I despise them! If that was all this game had we wouldn't even be talking right now. LOL. The little guys and vehicles saved it for me.


17 minutes ago, Sublime said:

that I willingly suffered an abstraction Id never suffer for other games

I totally understand. THAT was my number one gripe with CMBO and BB. And the NUMBER ONE thing I wanted them to change in CM2! Thank (insert your favorite diety here) they did. I can deal with abstraction in a game like the above, but not one as "zoomed in" as CM. It's a different kind of reality.


18 minutes ago, Sublime said:

And not only were soldiers abstracted fire power was abstrscted into units, and they didnt leave corpses except where last member fell. People thjnk corpses are just gore but no. Theyre a huge arrow sign.

Yep. Gotchya. The only saving grace for this game in that department is that they do show destroyed vehicles. But I'd go one step further and say bodies tell a story. That's something I love. At the end of the battle you can tool around the battlefield and study the spots where the intensity took place, the corpses, the damaged terrain and buildings, the wrecked tanks and IFVs. You relive it vicariously through the aftermath. It was one of the reasons I wanted hit decals so badly—for the stories the shell holes tell. So, I completely get everything you said. Absolutely!



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2 hours ago, Mord said:

It's not CM of course and takes some getting used to but it's pretty fun if you allow your imagination to engage. There's quite a few cool orders you can give, from digging in to laying mines/IEDs, clearing LZs for helicopters, building bridges to cross rivers, building barriers. There's civilians, helicopters, planes, ATGMs, etc. I guess I kind of approach it as an electronic boardgame as it plays much different than CM or Total War. I'd really love to see a game made like this but with 2019 graphics among other things. I like the scale and some of the maps look neat, like the ones in the screenshots, and it's a nice change of pace from games like Combat Mission and TW. The biggest attraction was the exotic battles it covers. They've got everything from the British and French to Israel and Egypt. I think they are gonna eventually release some DLC on the Iran Iraq war.

So, I am looking forward to the Vietnam game.



Volcano mods has an add on for Lebanon with both a 1982 and 2004 variants including US Strykers 

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7 minutes ago, sburke said:

Volcano mods has an add on for Lebanon with both a 1982 and 2004 variants including US Strykers 

Oh cool. Thanks. I didn't know he did any for the Talonsoft versions. I thought he only did Squad Battles.



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Yeah I agree with you 100% mord. The 1:1 soldier thing was what changed me from meh ( I was excited playex an early demo and was horrified. Went on ahem gocernment vacation for years. I got out and.. Not a lot of money really the board was about beinf social but when I read it was up to the old standard, 1:1 and then I saw theyd done Soviet Afghanistan (!!! Really wecant have nam? I swear to god Ill kidnap and hold a game team to "volunteer" to make a CM:N like CM:A. just offering. )i immediately got thr money and was back in.

And absolutely the bodies tell a story and make the battlefield look so much more realistic. Imagine the old operations where youd have previous battle damage, maybe bodies persistent for one battle after, with the old KO'D vehicles and 1:1. Ugh.. Kills me.

I remember now tjinking about it I also specifically came back and checked the boards because when I left CM Campaigns was announced. I was gone more than a few years I figured it.d be onto a new game or two. God that was a soul crushing bit of news :(

Ya CM was soo better than Combat Mission and it just used to KILL me that noone else seemed to really go nuts at thw idea of 1:1 soldier representation ( boy was I wrong, I just had no clue so many ppl wanted it ) especially since CC had it.  It also made it sooo hard because Id have friends and CM WAS enough to get them - ezcept the 3 man squads. If we werent older and Id had CM2 youd have several hardcore customers. It just lost them there. Dont even get me started on trying in my childhood to get ppl to play Avalon Hill games with me and stuff. Some of the old timers here discuss playing these board games which I simply cannot imagine. I have a hard time getting 4 guys together to play whist for a couple hours let alone 2 teams to do complex math and plans and stuff. My god. Free weed and booze wouldnt even been enough.. Well theyd come but then theyd just complain until I gave up ;)

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That's why they invented Risk, for the free weed and beer nights. "Hey, just move all those guys right there into Madagascar and roll twenty dice!" So easy a stoned drunk can figure it out. LOL.



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I live in Maine, they'd be wiped out the second they stepped over the New Hampshire border. The call to arms would be a tub of butter and a bib. It'd be a short game.



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13 hours ago, benpark said:

I'll be ovah heah, sulkin' in tha cornah with my maple syrup. Boyjeezum.

Waddya think youre clever or somethin? When are youse going to realize the New England accent is THE most American accent of them all. Its wicked pissah guy.

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