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Operation Resurgence - The Liberation of Rajo


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I could see an unexpected nationwide insurgency on steroids going bad for the US, forcing a political defeat / retreat in a situation where Assad was conventionally defeated but in the aftermath the locals 'unite' to kick out the US forces occupational troops?

One thing I don't see is how the US is going to invade Syria with 15.000 men with contested airspace. More like 500k with uncontested airspace. If you work out the invasion plan in more detail, it will show that 15.000 personnel isn't realistic (I think). On those airbases alone there will be a lot of (support) personnel. 

If you change the scenario to a insurgency type, the backstory can become more plausible easy: "after the invasion and the conventional Syrian army defeated, under political pressure President X decided to withdraw large parts of the invasion forces, etc. While political control of Syria is organized through elections, not everybody is happy with the outcome of those... Export of oil is awarded to some american companies through lucrative deals with the new elite from Aleppo and Damascus proper. Civil unrest flares up. Meanwhile, there are still a lot of experienced fighters and weapons around, plus other geopolitical parties looking for their interests.

It's more of a classic insurgency, but still gives the opportunity for (CMSF2) tactical battles similar to those in your original backstory: US forces under attack from rebel forces with serious gear and or mixed in ex-syrian special forces and the likes.

And like others said; do what you feel like doing 😉 


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Maybe Trump is elected in 2008 and decides to withdraw from Syria early since “the job is 99% done”. But it’s really not. General Mattis (leading the fight in Syria) is sacked due to his protests. The new general handpicked by Trump is incompetent. So give the US horrible soft factors in the editor. The campaign is a series of retrograde scenarios with exit objectives (to the rear) with the Red force attacking from all sides as the 42nd Marines Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion retreats. The unit was first in and now last out. (Hey, catchy name for the project: "First In Last Out".) Sprinkle in some Russian collusion in the form of special forces and little green men and voilà. Perhaps one branch can have the President forced to resign due to his treasonous collusion and a much better general is immediately put in command and they conduct a campaign saving counterattack. I would not bring up climate change since it's too controversial. That’s as best as I can come up with. If we were closer to April 1, I’d think we were getting spoofed. 


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6 hours ago, Lethaface said:

I could see an unexpected nationwide insurgency on steroids going bad for the US, forcing a political defeat / retreat in a situation where Assad was conventionally defeated but in the aftermath the locals 'unite' to kick out the US forces occupational troops?

This is the rough premise I've been using in my post CM:SF 'OSIRIS' storyline.....My assumption is that the US immediately begins to prepare to go after Iran, leaving the same sort of power vacuum in post conflict Syria that they did in Iraq (which has not truly erupted yet in this storyline).

The Iranians are not dumb, they can see the writing on the wall so they begin to mobilise Shia resistance across the region, leading to the formation of OSIRIS

Organisation (of) Shia Islamic Resistance (in) Iraq & Syria.....Think of them as the anti-ISIS, Shia principles (these guys utterly believe they are fighting on behalf of al Mehdi), absolutely no head-chopping of believers, including Christians & Jews (bad press & causes air-strikes) although anyone who has previously practiced Takfir is well and truly ****ed!  Essentially, these are Jihadists that you can play without feeling guilty.  ;)

Pretty much the second the US fully commits to its attack on Iran, OSIRIS are let off the leash (across the entire Shia crescent).....With covert Russian support (probably triggering CM:BS a couple of years down the road).  :o

Still working on the concept.....I'd value the communities' thoughts, positive & negative. 

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That to me is a more feasible concept and frankly more appropriate to the middle east.  It is a morass just like Afghanistan.  Getting in is easy, getting out is hard.  Vietnam in relative terms was painful from the perspective of not liking to accept anything less than victory but we COULD walk away.  The Middle East is much more difficult being a strategic resource.  I am curious that none of the creative backstories includes anything to do with Saudi Arabia.  To me they represent the ultimate weak link.  If the house of Saud fails and a radical Sunni state comes to power just exactly what would the US do then?  US forces in Mecca?  I am just waiting for the day the lid blows off and all options are really bad.  Equal doses of pessimism and fatalistic realism.  The Sunni/Shia conflict in Iraq becomes a minor family squabble in comparison to how bad this could get.

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Yes, i like that we are finally all sharing our own backstory and adding in more flavor to each other's.

For story sake, i think after US have fully withdrawn from Syria after the disaster in my storyline. They decide to help Ukraine to combat Russia as revenge for their hand in the organized uprising of the rebel coalition.

This should lead to CMBS with US/Ukraine forces vs Russia forces.


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I've been mucking about with the OSIRIS concept for a while, but it's only really taken the above shape in the last month or two.....I believe I may have mentioned it in a couple of posts, but the idea was little more than that at the time, and of course a play on the whole Isis/Osiris thing.  ;)

7 hours ago, sburke said:

I am curious that none of the creative backstories includes anything to do with Saudi Arabia.

That's where the Mehdi will be headed, if he's any sort of Mehdi worth mentioning.  :ph34r:

But there's another issue too, Israel & Jerusalem.....Assuming OSIRIS, Syria & Iran can locally defeat Israel & Saudi Arabia's main supporter, the US, the leader of OSIRIS will be declared al Mehdi (Think Jesus with a Kalashnikov.  :P) and become defacto leader of the Shia alliance.  He will surprise the world by proposing peace with & and unconditionally announcing recognition of the nation of Israel within its current borders, without even making any demands of the settlers (he's leaving those jobs for public opinion).  Lebanon will join the alliance at this point (Hezbollah are already part of OSIRIS) increasing the pressure on Israel.

My assumption is that, given the potential options on the table (Permanent peace & security or Armageddon!  :o), Israel would jump at this offer.....The settlements hadn't exploded back then as they have in recent years, so this outcome effectively results in a functional Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem.  B)

Mehdi Xmas All.  :lol:


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On 12/24/2018 at 8:37 PM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

This is the rough premise I've been using in my post CM:SF 'OSIRIS' storyline.....My assumption is that the US immediately begins to prepare to go after Iran, leaving the same sort of power vacuum in post conflict Syria that they did in Iraq (which has not truly erupted yet in this storyline).

The Iranians are not dumb, they can see the writing on the wall so they begin to mobilise Shia resistance across the region, leading to the formation of OSIRIS

Organisation (of) Shia Islamic Resistance (in) Iraq & Syria.....Think of them as the anti-ISIS, Shia principles (these guys utterly believe they are fighting on behalf of al Mehdi), absolutely no head-chopping of believers, including Christians & Jews (bad press & causes air-strikes) although anyone who has previously practiced Takfir is well and truly ****ed!  Essentially, these are Jihadists that you can play without feeling guilty.  ;)

Pretty much the second the US fully commits to its attack on Iran, OSIRIS are let off the leash (across the entire Shia crescent).....With covert Russian support (probably triggering CM:BS a couple of years down the road).  :o

Still working on the concept.....I'd value the communities' thoughts, positive & negative. 

Sounds interesting! The various Iranian backed 'fighters' seem to be reasonably well trained, equipped and experienced. Hezbollah gave Israel a 'bloody nose' just before CMSF. They have been fighting IS in Iraq and one would presume a rather significant part of the fighting in the civil war in Syria. Finally, in Jemen the Saudi's are having quite some problems with the Houthi's (although those happen after CMSF). In my amateur opinion these forces seem to outperform what most conventional Arab armies have shown the last ~70 years.
So, imo, the OSIRIS faction could be credible featuring well trained, equipped and motivated irregular fighters with decent leadership. Lot's of rocket artillery and ATGMs. One could imagine some ex Syrian army dudes also joining the fight.
Another thing: how would the Kurds and the Turks behave themselves in such a scenario? The Turks seemed not too capable in Syria, but do have the military capabilities of a large scale 'stabilizing' of Kurdish lands in Syria and Iraq. The coup in Turkey, and it's influences on leadership in the Turkish army, didn't happen yet.

Anyway, not sure if @Ridaz's thread is the best one for feedback on your scenario. Although if he doesn't mind? 🙂

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2 hours ago, Lethaface said:


Sounds interesting! The various Iranian backed 'fighters' seem to be reasonably well trained, equipped and experienced. Hezbollah gave Israel a 'bloody nose' just before CMSF. They have been fighting IS in Iraq and one would presume a rather significant part of the fighting in the civil war in Syria. Finally, in Jemen the Saudi's are having quite some problems with the Houthi's (although those happen after CMSF). In my amateur opinion these forces seem to outperform what most conventional Arab armies have shown the last ~70 years.
So, imo, the OSIRIS faction could be credible featuring well trained, equipped and motivated irregular fighters with decent leadership. Lot's of rocket artillery and ATGMs. One could imagine some ex Syrian army dudes also joining the fight.
Another thing: how would the Kurds and the Turks behave themselves in such a scenario? The Turks seemed not too capable in Syria, but do have the military capabilities of a large scale 'stabilizing' of Kurdish lands in Syria and Iraq. The coup in Turkey, and it's influences on leadership in the Turkish army, didn't happen yet.

Anyway, not sure if @Ridaz's thread is the best one for feedback on your scenario. Although if he doesn't mind? 🙂

Well I guess my thread inadvertently helped others to be more open about their storyline without the fear of getting harsh criticism. 

I think most people who play any CM games long enough would have their own imagined storyline no matter how inaccurate to ridiculous it may sound, it is always good to share our thoughts with each other and provide feedback that aims to add more value to the narrative instead of demoralizing its creators. 😉

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Lethaface stop messing around and secure that road junction against my fiighters.

I seriouslymay have found a new fav factiom to play.  I also took glee in my land mines or at mines working ( not many casualties its just like.. The fun of guessing right or being devious with a ap field outside a door entrance.

With their weapons mix (crappy to kornets and rpg29s!) And IEDs and spies I literally CANT wait for the combat to begin against Lethafaces Canucks

Questions -

I selected uncon and could only get inf only. No technicals? Also no VBIEDs?


In SF1 I liked the Canucks their older weapons and their assault rifle being heavily based on the m16 and looking like the older cold war era American M16s always appealed to me. Almost made it feel like Vietnam era troops. Partially thats why I gave em to Lethaface - theyre quite capable but definitely not as lethal as say USMC weapons wise ( the USMC firepower is overwhelming )

I also really want a uncon (pref me) vs syrian army...


I screwed up big as I didnt see off map arty so no spotter. Then I realize the fighter hqs had a 81mm mortar. In modern enviroments the US can get away with direct fire 60mms but against NATO spotting and the heavier caliber I suspect my direct fire mortars wont last long... Luckily I came up with a creative solution to that

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Ridaz I am a bit late to the party. My account is pretty new but I am no stranger to this place and there are certain reasons why I never was too excited to get a forum membership. Some reasons and individuals we could definitely find in your thread but lets get to the topic 😀.

I´ve digged into your idea and to be honest it sounds very interesting. I can´t (and won´t) speak for all of us like others here that think they´re godsent to speak for all of us. But while we at it lets us think his objection through: He states the community dismisses a campaign idea because its surrounding story ends eventually in defeat and claims nobody wants to play this… To be honest this is like not wanting playing the Germans in WW2 from onwards 1943... Ridaz I hope you see how irrational and narrowminded this objection is and we both know that this definitely nothing more than a private opinion wrapped into some -speaking for the community- greatness in order to give it some legitimization. Also kudos that you ignored his further hostile responses and his troll attempt to derail your thread with his cuisine issues frankly nobody cares about. 💪

Also I don´t agree with the strange claim that CM and narrative can´t go along. To share my view on this: Watching a playthrough of the CMBN campaign "The Field Where the Poppies Grow" which features great story and characters was what got me into Combat Mission after all. And - surprise, surprise - the campaign was received very well by the community. I think it is from Dragonwynn (which is responsible for some of the best custom campaigns in CM) but perhaps I am wrong. Apologizes to the author/s when I´m giving false credit here. But you should definitely check his outstanding work out. I would even suggest to contact him in order to get some help when you´re ready but at the moment it looks like he isn´t around since months now when he went off due to a relocation project. I hope he is well.

I just wanted to let you know that there are definitely guys that back you up on your idea and hope that you and other potential designers won´t get discouraged by some of the stuff here 😉


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