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Hasty AAR: Rahadnak Valley Search (USMC)

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Sitrep 8:55

There's another delay between the turns, so I'll deploy My Reserve scrEenshots (or "konservy") that I keep for just such an occasion to make you folks happy. It's my b-day 🎂 and a day off also, so I just chill, waiting for Life is Strange 2 to finish downloading.

1st Platoon is hurt, but not broken, and keeps clearing the houses:


2nd Platoon's Marines are about to enter the trenches where the enemy sniper is located (and supposedly suppressed by now two 50 cals):




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8 hours ago, IanL said:

Happy birthday! Ii see you have a nice new avatar for the occasion. 👍


11 minutes ago, Mord said:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my man! Hope it is an excellent one!

Thank you, guys!

Sitrep @ 8:57

Ah, the sweet revenge! AAVs successfully suppressed the enemy, while the Marines stormed into the trench and killed him. He was alone, it seems. So I must have killed his partner already... Tough guys none the less, killed a few of my Marines already. GIF:


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Sitrep 9:01

Have you ever read an AAR that's 1 hour + long? Well, now you have. It's 9:01 on game clocks. I hope it's not boring for my partner. I'm definitely not a true, violent & aggressive Marine.

Anyway. News from the front. I was going to stop 1st Platoon from clearing any further houses and resupply them. But one of the teams got fired upon while moving between the houses. Nobody was able to spot the shooter. General direction - NE. Further side of the first part of the village, northern side of the road.

2nd Platoon also received contact. Marines have spotted two men, an RPG team, one with RPG-7, another with an AK. It would be hard for any vehicle to target them in the trenches, but I ordered a few to try.

3rd Platoon is still in reserve, resting. Scout Snipers have reached the SE corner of the map, marked Hill 56. LAR Platoon's dismounts have found an abandoned AT-3 Sagger launcher, at its original location. Here go the screenies.

Scout Snipers on Hill 56.


RPG team near 2nd Platoon:


That AT-3 Sagger launcher that destroyed two humvees and lots of my Marines:


1st Platoon's Marines hug the sand after being fired upon. Hiding the boners from adrenaline rush? Nothing to be ashamed here, fellas!


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Sitrep @ 9:02

Oh boy. 1st Platoon was fired upon again, this time from the southern side of the Route Major. Two men down. Some Marines managed to react quickly and return fire, killing two enemy combatants.

At the same time, AAV fire from various angles isn't that effective in 2nd Platoon's vicinity, so one of the Scout Sniper teams that got eyes on the trenches is calling in mortars. Line, airburst. ETA 4 minutes.

1st Platoon's legendary "LUCK":


Marines return fire, killing two enemy combatants:


Scout Snipers call in mortars on enemy trenches where RPG team was spotted and (hopefully) pinned down.


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Sitrep @ 9:03

Who gets more casualties? 1st Platoon gets more casualties. What a shock. Well, actually, RPG-29 team popped up on one of the buildings and made a big bada boom into my Marines' faces. RPG dude ran off fast, so there's little point shooting at that building. But I ordered some area fire and AH-1 Cobra strike on it anyway, just in case. There haven't been many of those so far, so why not.

RPG-29 hit:


RPG-29 location (duh):


2nd Platoon's AAVs were ordered back and high up the hills, to get better firing solutions.


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Thank you for your support, people! I really appreciate it!

Tactical situation & plans

Mkay, I'm gonna get a little creative here. Bonus points to people who can guess all the references. I came up with a couple of defined objective areas I need to clear to complete my mission.

1st Platoon is barely hanging in there. It's low on ammo and manpower. But there are two areas I need them to clear. Obj Drake is the rest of the village up until the Bridge 003, minus the separate badass walled compound where the RPG-29 guy is currently residing (that's Obj Vasquez). 

2nd Platoon is in good shape, with only one squad being currently engaged in the trenches. As soon as mortar fire mission is over, I'll get the smoke screen up and let Marines rush to the nearest compound (Obj Morty). Getting to Obj Rick would be their next move.

3rd Platoon is still in Reserve and will be tasked with clearing Obj Phelps & Jones. The situation there is a complete mystery (hint hint) to me. Someone'd have to investigate the safest & quickest route for AAVs to use so I could drop the Marines off as close as possible (probably the main road aka Route Major).

Scout Snipers & LAR Platoon will keep scouting the flanks, southern and northern respectively. 

That's it for now.


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Well Drake is the well-known (Candaian) rapper & music producer - so one is easy. 

Vasquez is a "strong person who may have gone thru a lot of tough walls."  So perfect for MOUT ops.

Morty (Smith) is the popular cartoon character.

Ooops... have to go.  Spousal unit #1 is calling...




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Yep, Drake & Vasquez are Colonial Marines from the Aliens. Rick & Morty are pretty obvious characters. But who can guess the last two? What are these here? 🎷 📷 🔦 

Sitrep @ 9:06

I came up with the spreadsheet to calculate and track headcounts. Somewhat late, but whatever.


1st Platoon is at 62% manpower. 2nd and 3rd are at 96%. Total headcount is at 84%. Vehicles are fine, minus just two heavy weapons humvees so far.

LAR's LAVs shift to Hill 55 BOF position:


Overview of the 1st Platoon's position and surroundings:


Obj Drake is pretty straightforward. Elements do consecutive moves on both sides of the road, covering each other. Outside help from LAV-25s and AAVs pours in 25mm, 40mm and M2 fire when needed, also providing flank security:


Getting onto Vasquez's 4th base would be hard. 1st Platoon's Assault team survivors (two Marines) still got some explosives, so going into the front door can be avoided. Can also get help from the 2nd Platoon for this. Anyone got any ideas?


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16 hours ago, L0ckAndL0ad said:

Getting onto Vasquez's 4th base would be hard. 1st Platoon's Assault team survivors (two Marines) still got some explosives, so going into the front door can be avoided. Can also get help from the 2nd Platoon for this. Anyone got any ideas?

Is it neccessary to occupy? Since 1st plt is depleted, I would just bypass and have them watch the objective... After all the enemy only has 3 exits from that compound

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On 10/2/2018 at 10:44 AM, L0ckAndL0ad said:

Getting onto Vasquez's 4th base would be hard. 1st Platoon's Assault team survivors (two Marines) still got some explosives, so going into the front door can be avoided. Can also get help from the 2nd Platoon for this. Anyone got any ideas?


I am certainly not the best to answer this question. What do you have left in term of indirect support?

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17 hours ago, contrails said:

Is it neccessary to occupy? Since 1st plt is depleted, I would just bypass and have them watch the objective... After all the enemy only has 3 exits from that compound

Well, the briefing is vague and does not explicitly says so, but yes, I have to clear it. Obj Vasquez is the place where the RPG-29 team was last seen (and operated effectively from there), and leaving it uncleared would make me quite vulnerable further down the road (quite literally, actually).

16 minutes ago, ncc1701e said:

I am certainly not the best to answer this question. What do you have left in term of indirect support?

Uhm. 60mm mortar is currently busy firing, and would certainly be ineffective for any serious ehm.. urban redesign, if that's what you're asking. 1x AH-1 Cobra is currently getting in position to engage the largest building in Obj Vasquez compound, ETA 7 minutes IIRC. I hope it'll use the Hellfire missile and blow it up (I targeted the lowest floor), but no guarantees. I may have to call in additional strikes, but that's 99% wasting ammo. Might just use TOW humvees or what not.

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Sitrep @ 9:08

Mortar fire mission on the trenches was shorter than expected (~ 5 rounds total), but I don't have time to call in another one. I called in a smoke screen instead, and this time using FO, so ETA is just 2 minutes. 2nd Platoon and AAVs were called off the hill in preparation for the assault.

Another thing that I think about right now is that I feel pretty okay about this move. Yeah, 2nd Platoon is about to run ~250 meters over VERY exposed open grounds, but I'll provide TWO smoke screens (one by mortars, second by AAVs' smoke dispensers). At the same time, southern area of the map is the one with the least enemy resistance and friendly casualties so far.

Even if it'll go badly, there's no excuse for the 2nd Platoon to sit on their butts for so long doing absolutely nothing. 

2nd Platoon assembles before rushing to Obj Morty:


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44 minutes ago, L0ckAndL0ad said:

Ugh... 1st Platoon again. One of the teams have thrown the smoke grenade the opposite way of where it was needed, and we're two more men short again. Oh boy..  (quite not the first time it happens to me in CM 😕

Below is my pop smoke drill for infantry.  I always give a Face command to make sure of the direction of the throw. 

1. Check wind direction & strength1.

2. Position throwing team so the 20 meter thrown grenade lands where needed.

3. On the turn of the throw don't move the unit popping the smoke (Team “A”).
4. Give team “A” a Face command in the direction you want the smoke thrown.
5. With team “A” still selected, choose the Pop Smoke command.
6. Next turn, Fast the moving team across area (If Quick they may stop to shoot).

Notes: Smoke grenades, thrown by one team, can reliably obscure up to 3 A/S (24 meters). Smoke (not frag) hand grenades are automatically thrown 20 meters by the AI (three action spots).   1) Wind strength not more than medium.

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34 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

Below is my pop smoke drill for infantry.  I always give a Face command to make sure of the direction of the throw.

Nice. I frequently have frustration over smoke from infantry. Often it is really useful but sometimes goofy stuff happens. If @MOS:96B2P has found a happy path I'm going to follow in his foot steps.

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Yeah, I know there are some quirks with throwing smoke, but in this particular instance I used a dedicated team to do it. Originally, the team in question (4 men MMG team) had 360 arc. I gave them a  Face order and a Pop Smoke order. They were in the building, first floor. Ordering them to Face while having 360 arc on turned them facing 180 in the other direction. Then they threw smoke.

What I actually did wrong was that I did not wait for the next turn for the other team to run across the danger area. I gave them 40-45 sec delay instead. Which wouldn't be enough for the smoke to deploy properly anyway. So that's 100% on me, regardless.

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Always need to Face the smokers.  But #3 took me a long time to learn...they almost never throw where you Face them if they have a movement order, even with up to a 30 second pause. (Not tested, just a fairly consistent observation over the years.)

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1 hour ago, L0ckAndL0ad said:

Originally, the team in question (4 men MMG team) had 360 arc. I gave them a  Face order and a Pop Smoke order. They were in the building, first floor.

I have seen that kind of thing before in buildings - changing the face command ends up being ignored for some reason. If you give them a move order to the same floor and put the face command on that end point it will work more consistently.

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