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DAR: Kinophile (RUS) v. The Forward Observer (US) - Batt. PBEM


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3 hours ago, c3k said:

Oooo.  I like that idea. Of course, is separating the battlefield going to help the plan? ;)

Keep 'em coming!


I think its de-facto separated, as crossing the river is in plain view of at least 4 different potential hostile OPs, not to mention Drones. Wading across invites slaughter, due to US arty response time. I swear, sometimes it's like I'm in Minority Report trying to outwit some really mean and well equipped Pre-Cogs.

I'm disciplining myself to NOT rush in once contacts are spotted - my usual response has been to pour ground fire in and advance to contact/outflank. Here, I'm spotting contacts then dropping back to let arty do its work, going on the assumption that I.C.U / U.C.ME,

His platoons heading for the industrial area are 2 mins from an arty Mother Of All Sky Sh*ts. I threw in some mortars 5 mins from now, for the giggles.

On the Right Bank my arty at the train station silos/woods seems to have pushed a platoon forward towards my Hotel positions. My GL at the Sports field tower spotted a jav among them but didnt fire (too quick,to acute and angle). I've repo'd that GL team to my side of the tower, hiding them.

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I'm ID'ing 2 clusters of infantry. No vehicles sighted yet - not one.

GROUP 1, LEFT BANK is approaching the Industrial Park. This is at least company strength and either LI or fully dismounted with Brads (not seen yet...) held back to spot/LRF support. It possibly has its reserve pltn holding the Suburbs. There's definitely a Jav team sniping from the tower there, it already tried to take out a HQ BTR on the Right Bank (sbt). There is at least 1 x Zala positioning over this group, with another moving to scan the Suburbs

I have built a nasty HELLO F#CKERS sky surprise for them. I also have maneuvered multiple interlocking ground fires into place - nothing heavy, just solo teams and vehicles, as it's as much about spotting/pinning as it is about killing. My arty is the Big Boi on this battlefield.


2x 152mm Pltns (and a third coming to cut off retreat) plus 2 x 120mm Mortars set to airburst,

He has basically thrust his little Infantry penis straight into my rusty bear trap. Even if he kills off all my ground fires with GPM my arty strikes alone are certain to nail his dick to the plank.

Come get some...

GROUP 2, RIGHT BANK is not much in play yet - My arty strikes along the silos beside the Train Station seem to have scared a platoon forward, its direction guided by the Cathedral garden walls. My Hotel screen are staying hidden mostly, although Im running my engies across the street to blast another couple of interior walls.

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Remember that Sniper Team I had watching the South entrance to the Industrial Park? 

It worked perfectly - at least two dead, including a sniper/marksman,  and the squad pinned down. Time to bail before the inevitable GPM strike. 

My 152s are impacting nicely, but I might shift the 120 mortars west a tad to eradicate that pinned squad. Also a JAV team has setup in a 2 storey near that South entrance and took out my nearby supporting BMP (that itself had dodged two separate GPM strikes (mortar & 152). My GL_3 is deploying under fire,  list his buddy but he's still working. The power of Vet, High!

He also managed to GPM my left flank BMP3 (from the GL platoon) but I'd already bailed out the Pltn Hq,  so not a total loss. 

Like I said though, even if he rubs out my ground fires, my FS will still nail him (and I have plenty more fun replacements). He seems to have jammed two whole platoons up against the Industrial Park, which has a high surrounding wall, but without Breach Kits or even using Arty to blow holes.

He's using GPM to strike my OW units,  but not to blow a whole in the wall. Until that wall is busted open he is in a narrow, defined kill zone. My own 152mm will probably knock an accidental hole but that linear strike will also prevent his unprotected infantry from crossing inside. 

If he tries to retreat I'll simply slaughter his men in the open or in the woods with 152 airburst. 

He's trying to attack forward but that Sniper team has fatally stalled his entry to the Industrial Park, giving me more time to bring in more arty.

I bet he's regretting leaving those Brad's behind,  either in the Purchase or tactically. 

However Maybe I'm over hyping my effects.

We'll see. . . . 

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SIGINT have intercepted multiple repeated enemy MEDIVAC calls in Sector One, Four.

Visual recon confirms two plus hostile infantry casualties. Affected enemy infantry are pinned in place by ground fire. Estimate squad size. Supporting Hostiles in adjacent structure, thirty meters south, firing but target unclear. 

No hostile vehicles sighted or expected in indicated fire zone.

Multiple IDF (6 X 120mm Mortar, AB,  6 X 152mm, G) is in the air and on target. Impact in 1(one) minute. Conditions clean. No incoming on spotter.

All Units Stand Clear. 

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Next turns I hit at least two more,  as his platoon charged in and a guardian squad also opened fire on them. The squad fired for another turn then bailed to the other side of the building.

The OW Sniper team got suppressed by,  I suspect , Bradley LRF. There's very few places where a brad could get eyeline on them so I've sent  a Zara to check.

His PGM keep hitting my IFVs. . .also took out a vital Tunguska . And just before that I stupidly used a Tu to suppress/destroy an OP way south down the river (in New Town) . But I kept the targeting too long and a JAV team adjacent to the OP took out the Tu. Agh. Lesson relearned,  for the millionth time.

So now lost two critical Tu,  exposing my left bank to relentless drone spotting. Either I move a Tu across (making it a big target in motion) , or accept every single left bank IFV will be picked off  or flee to the right bank. 

This is a problem with the possibility to lose me the battle . 

I've already exited most of my HQs from their taxis, as they are my back up Arty callers. I use them to call in long slow,  deep BG strikes,  using my FOs for more nimble tactical work. Tbh,  the BTR's are useful but next time I'll go with even less IFVs ,  and no goddamn BMP3. Those fire so slowly and are slow to move. And their ERA  is laughable . 

Personally  I find the UKR BTR 4 is the best non NATO IFV in game - great fire power,  sensible targeting (no ATGM issues ) and fast. It's a little tall, lacks decent thermals and I wish the cage armor was portrayed in game. But it's pluses far outweigh it's minuses. 

I think I'm gonna play Where's Waldowski and keep 1BGs IFV s in play but constantly maneuvering. I don't want to crowd 2BGs zone and provide a target rich bbq for TFO. 

Don't know why the Tus aren't spotting any UAVs. . . . 

I do still have an unseen advantage:   TFO is expending a lot of effort,  munitions and attention on my IFVs, but that's not where my striking power lies - I'm using Arty and later ATGMs to hit him. I emptied my IFVs of missiles/rockets  so he's basically blowing up empty armed supply trucks. 

He's striking a Mechanized force who's real striking power is distributed and hidden across a fairly dense urban environment . 

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You guys may be one of the few gamers actually playing CMBS these days.  If you ever lose an FO or spotter while its drone, air (or arty) mission is in progress please let us know what happens.  Per my post elsewhere that situation leaves a real puzzle re what happens to the drone or strike.  Its unclear if this is a bug, or what...



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21 minutes ago, kinophile said:

Don't know why the Tus aren't spotting any UAVs. . . . 

I found this to be the case when I played on this map. I suspect it's because of all the buildings in the way. My Tunguskas fared pretty poorly against UAVs (think they got one), but at least they're tremendously entertaining when used as direct fire support against infantry. 

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On 11/17/2016 at 10:24 AM, Erwin said:

You guys may be one of the few gamers actually playing CMBS these days.  If you ever lose an FO or spotter while its drone, air (or arty) mission is in progress please let us know what happens.  Per my post elsewhere that situation leaves a real puzzle re what happens to the drone or strike.  Its unclear if this is a bug, or what...



Drones crash. They used to leave uber size holes in the ground, but I think that has changed. Question. How do you reach the conclusion that few people are playing?

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4 hours ago, Erwin said:

Well other than a few people and a couple of forums, it seems pretty quiet.  Most discussion is political.

As a forum it's pretty quiet, but looking at CMSF and other "legacy" platforms, I know they're getting played a lot from when we all start chatting about it, just I'd contend only a few of us "play" forums often.  

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"Quick" update.



An assaulting US platoon entered the Park to, I suspect, take out/scare off my FO_1, or try to occupy the large central building as a strong point/OP.

However, my FS seems to have trapped them in a 3 storey structure, just across from their OBJ. Unfortunately they managed to wipe out my protective squad, who also tried to occupy that same structure. THe Pltn HQ has occupied the upper floors of a 4-floor structure directly south of FO_1 - several direct strikes have either killed or suppressed that HQ, and will continue until the building is leveled by at least 2 floors. Some US inf appear caught in the open in adjacent woods - IDF will take care of them.

In the SUBURBS, a US Coy(?) has been identified. Zala observation is on route - once postitioned, all available tubes will level the Suburbs, working outside-in.

CAUTION: It is quite possible that the US coy is spread between the Suburbs and the Industrial Park - i.e, with 1 Pltn trapped in the IP, a 2nd Pltn in the woods/low houses south of the IP and a 3rd Pltn in the Suburbs proper. Movement has been detected in the Suburbs, so it is possible he is moving to reinforce the attack. However, the most direct route is extremely exposed and the most covered route (through the Dry River) is observed from 3 sides.

1st Coy/2nd Pltn/2nd Squad has re-positioned to take over protection of FO_1. 

FS 120/152 continues to rain down on the suspected US PLTN trapped in the IP. Other assets are target the New Town high rises south, down the river, while all remaining assets are adjusting to flatten the Suburbs.

Sadly, he took out a  3rd Tunguska - it spotted the drone but the strike was already inbound.

ps.. @Haiduk has mentioned before that CMBS is often played like  WW2, where as in reality this kind of battle would be a company engagement, rather than the two coys+ I have here. I think he's right - I'd trade in at least two pltns of ground humpers for one more AC and a 152mm pltn. Artillery is just so effective v Infantry. Now, if he'd brought Bradleys, well then...





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He continues to push for the Industrial Park. He has lost at least 15+ visually confirmed so far - I've lost...5....


MY IDF is dropping on his supporting inf just south, outside the Park, with a 3 pltn grouping 6 mins out. 

He assulted up into the build my FO was in but lost at least 4 to the FO's own ambush, supporting GL fire from outside the Park catching his ascending men, MG fire catching them on the other side of the building AND his own suppressive fire took out at least 1, if not 2 men.

Not the most..impressive.. attack I've ever seen. Determined, very fast but lacking any real OW fires.

And I still have two squads in the Park, counter attacking/repositioning. He's also lost at least 1 HQ team, probably Pltn level. 

i dunno... this cant be a feint, he

s lost too much for so little, and Id agree, tis a critical structure that if he controls he can do a lot of damge with. But he brought no heavy guns to help so I dont know what he thinks he'll achieve in the med/long term.

Its costing me very little to bleed him.

His general push so far:




He's pushed forward towards the Sports Field. I have a network of GLs, flanking infantry and two FOs watching, with an AC repoing his Zala overhead.

This is a dangerous area for him to push into, as the Field creates a funneling effect, essentially narrowing his frontage of attack as he moves forward.

Feels like a more fluid Park fight is coming....


His Arty has continued to strike the Barracks hill..he must really fear those sightlines.

What uses sight lines?


What fears ATGMs?




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On 11/18/2016 at 2:31 AM, Chudacabra said:

 My Tunguskas fared pretty poorly against UAVs (think they got one), but at least they're tremendously entertaining when used as direct fire support against infantry. 

They are almost orgasmic when used as direct fire against groundpounders.....  ;)

I've got some footage somewhere of a single minute in a PBEM, where my Tu took out 16 men. That was just wow....

Looking forward to the next installment @kinophile

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Its interesting just how little infantry I had compared to him. I essentially never had a chance, as JAVs turn a US infantry battalion into a Mech inf battalion in terms of killing power.
I certainly wouldn't buy BMP-3s again - their ROF is suicidedly slow, they're slow to maneuver and their ERA is extremely limited in cover. BTR82s were much more flexible and have a wonderful ROF, but my use was uncoordinated and I kept neglecting to maneuver them. I did not care too much about them though, I was happy for him to "waste" his PGMs on them, as I thought my Arty could provide sufficient, timely response times. All my arty was elite, all my FO/ACs were elite, yet response times and accuracy towards the end were abysmal, just as he was launching a proper attack. I had the full strike landing in the open field to my left of the Industrial Park, ye the damn FO was in perfect view of the tall buildings in that Park, which that bloody strike was meant to level. It wasn't even an 'Emergency' strike. Just a normal, all tubes heavy. Maddening. I was attempting to level the industrial park to towards the end, but 4 batteries were hitting a TOT of 7-9 minutes. Pretty useless... especially if they were gonna start hitting 100 m to the LEFT of of target! >:(
Also, RUS drones - he had lines of infantry in the open on his left and an observing drone saw NOTHING for a solid 20 minutes. I guess crappy RUS drones don have any usable IR. Even so, Id definitely use a lot more ACs, for the flexibility of shifting strikes. TRPs are too limited in scope, and really only good for pin-point strikes on highly specific structures/high points.
I defended that Industrial Park with just 7 inf and the FO team. Plus some supporting GLs, but they were very much opportunistic strikes. Oh and the sniper team :)
I think about 40% of my losses were vehicle crews...
In the end I was undone by:
1 - Un-Concentrated arty use - I spread my strikes too thin at the start, and used my arty too often, too disparately to effectively count. Plus RUS arty has terrible accuracy and ROF (as particularly mentioned by someone earlier).
2. I should have protected my  IFVs more - the BP3s were almost useless, but the BTR82s are the way to go, definitely. 
3. I lost 2 x Tungus too quickly and stupidly.
4. Moar snipers pls. 
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