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UKRAINE current sit rep ( Turkish involvement ? )


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I found this video interesting regarding the current situation update

Can we get Turkish militant and burning tyres addons for CMBS?


I note the site is pro russian however I find many of its reports at times also critical of Russia

Its interesting to read articles and see military footage on these - you take it as you will

Like all media information I do not know if it true or not now days

Since no one else is reporting this its just another angle to consider


With all eyes on the Turkish conflict there has been quite alot going on in the Ukraine and its border lands with actions of both sides not generally reported in mainstream news.

 If Turkey is in there it doesn't look good for Ukraine to have essentially terrorist supporting them.

Else it could be a false flag op by Russia to generate support for a counter offensive if they are attacked?

Hard to say, well see what the summer brings



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Subtle there. Casting Turkey as terrorists. Pretty ballsy. 

Plus, why the **** would they bother? It's not like they're fighting two regional,  geographically spread out wars against quite different enemies,  PLUS  dealing with both homegrown and foreign terror attacks. 

Oh wait. 

They are. 

Edited by kinophile
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It does bring to mind the older style Soviet propaganda that blamed everything on counter-revolutionaries lurking in literally every corner.  

Also sarcasm aside it's pretty badly done propaganda.  The website itself highlights the importance in using people who can talk like a "native" or maintain credibility of same, and instead it's just pretty much RT with some American flags slapped on it.  The low proliferation of same seems to indicate it's either intended as a false external view ("Hello Russians this is what Americans think outside of their ruling elite!") or it's the end result of a poorly planned attempt to infiltrate Russian perspective into western audiences (again, very badly, it's been translated but not interpreted).  

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There is a domestic US audience of conspiracy theorists/anti-establishment folk for that 'Vets' site's Kettlerian woo, and it's also lapped up by foriegn media such as RT.com and PressTV who gleefully regurgitating and promote it.

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I'm just saying I've read yankee imperialist woo and that's not yankee imperialist woo.  I'd contend it's a not-American source trying to disguise itself as American woo.  It's fixated on a very pro-russian margin, with occasional "west is bad/dumb/DOUBT YOUR ALLIES" blurbs which is different from the usual American woo of "everyone is going for your guns/joint French-Russian peacekeepers are on the way to your town/Obama nuked Alaska!" stuff. 

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Yeah the site says Veterans Today and has pictures of US troops.

It would appear they are trying to come

across as US based.

Southernfront.org is a similar setup

Was hoping with Turkish involvement propaganda it might support a new cm bs expansion "sigh" lol






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Yeah the site says Veterans Today and has pictures of US troops.

It would appear they are trying to come

across as US based.

Southernfront.org is a similar setup

Was hoping with Turkish involvement propaganda it might support a new cm bs expansion "sigh" lol






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The suspisciously well read gentlemen before me have rightly condemned VT as an organism of that omnipresent Russian agitprop infrastructure which survives and thrives so well beyond Russian borders-- in nations where the liberty to speak freely and sometimes lie are ripe for the abusing.

There are twitter accounts which post photos and details of every Russian flagged vessel that transits the Bosphorus from Crimea to Tartus and back again.  This process has continued uninterrupted despite at least one kinetic flare up between Russia and Turkey and despite seemingly contrary strategic visions for the region.  As far as OSINT goes, the normality or sudden lack there of in this relationship might be considered by 'educated sorts of swine' to be a valuable 'canary in the coal mine' for assertaining or at least ballparking near future Government of Turkey shifts in posture.  

 Or I could be wrong man

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I found this video interesting regarding the current situation update

Can we get Turkish militant and burning tyres addons for CMBS?


I note the site is pro russian however I find many of its reports at times also critical of Russia

Its interesting to read articles and see military footage on these - you take it as you will

Like all media information I do not know if it true or not now days

Since no one else is reporting this its just another angle to consider


With all eyes on the Turkish conflict there has been quite alot going on in the Ukraine and its border lands with actions of both sides not generally reported in mainstream news.

 If Turkey is in there it doesn't look good for Ukraine to have essentially terrorist supporting them.

Else it could be a false flag op by Russia to generate support for a counter offensive if they are attacked?

Hard to say, well see what the summer brings



Please, lay off the Kool Aid.

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In my defense, conspiracy theories, paranormal activity and the like are all hobbies of mine.  I believe absolutely none of it, but I find it fascinating to look into as a sort of modern mythology (and also it's often good storytelling.  I love crap like the Jersey Devil and Chupacabre).  So while certainly not reading to believe it, I've had enough exposure to the fringe stuff to know when it smells less of sincere woo and more of propaganda woo.  

The externally directed Russian stuff doesn't seem to work very well though.  Like it finds roots within certain communities but often gets dismantled and only the parts that community wants are being used.  So often what remains isn't the messaging itself, but the assertions that the Russians know Obama is secretly a lizardman.  Same deal with the Russian support of the Alaskan and Texan separatists, they're just so laughably inconsequential* that even it's value in terms of poking the US in the nose is less than the value for making fun of Russians for using real money to support them. 

*For non-yankee imperialists, there's some very small elements of both Texas and Alaska, and indeed some other states that want to break off from the US and form their own country. Most of these movements could also fit all of their members inside of a large closet and still have elbow room, so the fact that Russia even talks to them occasionally is pretty lolwat.  

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In my defense, conspiracy theories, paranormal activity and the like are all hobbies of mine.  I believe absolutely none of it, but I find it fascinating to look into as a sort of modern mythology (and also it's often good storytelling.   

I hear ya.  I might find it more fun to watch, read, listen to but in the back of my mind there is a little voice that says "don't forget there are total space cadets out there who actually believe this made up stuff is true".  At that point I feel sad for humanity and the story is not fun any more.

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Hehe :). І recallng was a video from separatists several month ago. On camera of Russian TV-channel a guy told how they bravely repelled atatck of "junta chasteners and their foreign merceneries". A guy showed flag of Australia and asserted, that under this flag their position attacked whole company of "Australian merceneries", but they all were routed and threw out their flag (need to say it was too clear after threw out in the mud %) ). So, I have better proposition - to include in next module Australian rangers, riding on cangaroo :) 

Edited by Haiduk
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Haiduk, Both sides have had hilarious media coverage :D It would be hilarious if you could send the link here, I heard other hilarious things from the separatists sides, But I'm sure its joking. But of course the separatists have some real fools in there too. I was watching a VICE video, And the Ukrainian lieutenant said that the attacking rebels were under performance enhancers and drugs because they were advancing so fearless. But of course this has nothing to do with fearlessness, They have an order and they were carrying it out. 

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Dunno, given some of the stuff coming out of Donbassian legions of massive freedom, I certainly wouldn't rule out extensive drug use.  

The Australian thing is hilarious. If it wasn't killing people, Russia's stance on the Ukraine would be a lovely farce.  

It would fit as a Monty Pythonesc take on reality. Is indeed a shame such a farce is making real people suffer.

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Haiduk, Both sides have had hilarious media coverage :D It would be hilarious if you could send the link here, I heard other hilarious things from the separatists sides, But I'm sure its joking.

Oh, I totally doubt he was joking.  Lying, yes, but not joking.  Even if he was joking, the propaganda organs are pretending it's real.  There will be no follow up to the allegations, but it will remain a part of the disinformation campaign for a long time.  This has been a very consistent part of the Russian disinformation campaign since Maidan.


I was watching a VICE video, And the Ukrainian lieutenant said that the attacking rebels were under performance enhancers and drugs because they were advancing so fearless. But of course this has nothing to do with fearlessness, They have an order and they were carrying it out. 

Claiming your enemy is drunk or on drugs to explain suicidal determination is fairly common in warfare.  Sometimes it is actually true.  The US experienced attacks by Taliban fighters hopped up on opiates more than once.  I know in the current battle around Yasynuvata Ukrainians have claimed the attackers were either drunk or high on something to explain tactically suicidal behavior.  Whether it's true or not I have no idea.


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Back to the topic that started this... yes, Veterans Today is a long established Iranian sock puppet website.  The people working on it are right wing nutjobs and convicted criminals.  Here are some details:




Two of the best ways to spot a right wing conspiracy theory nutjob website is to see how Israel and 9/11 are portrayed.  The more stories you see about either one, not to mention both, the more you should be suspicious that the site is not what it appears to be.  I'm talking about simply having the stories is a tip off! If you are familiar with right wing nutjob language then you can see it clear as day, often times even the headlines are a dead give away!

Another simple test is to read an article that appears to have a very different view on a particular event than you expect.  As you read through the article look for language that tries to tie the views on Subject A with controversial/nutjob views on other subjects.  The more you see connections between wacky thinking, the less likely the site is credible.

I have to say that Veterans Today is one of the "better" fake news sites.  They make sure to include enough REAL news (that doesn't conflict with their agenda) which is at lest reasonably accurate.  This causes people to hesitate to write off the website as a wingnut outlet.  But the agenda is clearly there and if you know what to look for it's easily spotted.  This is the model that Russia Today follows and it explains why it was so successful in the West until Russia's invasion of Ukraine.  That's when they overreached and their plausible credibility facade cracked, exposing the outlet as nothing but a pure propaganda organ of the Russian state.   At times a very inept and laughable one.  Which means it shares the same thing in common as Veterans Today... worth looking at to see what the propaganda message of the day is, but absolutely not a credible source for truthful information.


Edited by Battlefront.com
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Yeah that's pretty much how it is

You just missed all there other links as there are so many duplicated websites giving the same disinfo

So with Turkey ( supposedly being in the Ukraine lol ) can we get a new supplement with new units


Combat Mission Turkish Delight 

With option of drugged troops?   We can choose what they are on Voka, gives aim -30  and motivation extreme


On a serious note any updates for CMBS coming soon or a new modern games series being made?

Is a new version of Shock Force viable?

You pretty much have all the weapons and unit data / models already for SF?

its just a matter of putting them in the new CM engine


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I have to say that Veterans Today is one of the "better" fake news sites.  They make sure to include enough REAL news (that doesn't conflict with their agenda) which is at lest reasonably accurate.  This causes people to hesitate to write off the website as a wingnut outlet.  But the agenda is clearly there and if you know what to look for it's easily spotted.  This is the model that Russia Today follows and it explains why it was so successful in the West until Russia's invasion of Ukraine.  That's when they overreached and their plausible credibility facade cracked, exposing the outlet as nothing but a pure propaganda organ of the Russian state.   At times a very inept and laughable one.  Which means it shares the same thing in common as Veterans Today... worth looking at to see what the propaganda message of the day is, but absolutely not a credible source for truthful information.


There are like hundreds of "news" sites like these "catering" to my country now, all using the free domain ".com.ua". And for "some" reason their "news" are dated no earlier than february 2014. Some even try to mask themselves through posting 5 anti-russian news filled with hate and then one semi-intelligently crafted and clearly anti-ukrainian news piece directly contradicting those 5, often copying stuff directly from russian media, probably hoping to seem legit that way. They fail one simple check though - not a single link to the source/proof. They also fail to make much of a dent, but, hey, russians waste actual money to spam these.

Edited by kraze
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Sadly, I am aware of this.  I think Russia has figured out the Putinbots in comment sections of legitimate websites doesn't work.  Maybe someday they will figure out fake websites doesn't work either.  Such a sad misallocation of Russia's finite national resources.  If I were a Russian taxpayer I would not be happy.


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Well I remember once reading an article saying the pay these Putinbots get is very low by Russian standards ;)

Also, are you sure it doesn't work? I have a feeling that it works pretty well with "low-information" people aka 80-90% of the population.

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Well I remember once reading an article saying the pay these Putinbots get is very low by Russian standards ;)

Also, are you sure it doesn't work? I have a feeling that it works pretty well with "low-information" people aka 80-90% of the population.

For sure the ignorant and uneducated are just as easily misled and misinformed as they always have been.  But for the most part this segment of Western society is more likely to be anti-Russian anyway.  The wingnuts are an exception, but their world view is so messed up that we can't give Putinbots any credit for the trouble they might cause.

From what I can tell, the primary target of this nonsense is Russian speaking peoples in and immediately outside of Russia who are not already decidedly anti-Putin.  Here is where there seems to be a lot of success.  But it is only one small part of the effort to control them and, IMHO, not the most important.  For example, if Russia had a functioning representative form of government the Putinbots would be more of an issue.


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