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I think - if you're comfortable with it - that it might be best to post them here - so that more than just one pair of eyes can look at them and see if they can reproduce them and think about them. It's just better for validation and testing. Beta testers and the developer themselves read the forums, so what you post will be examined, I'm sure. Sometimes - not saying that's the case here - it can happen that something perceived as a bug turns out to be intended to work that way, but is misinterpreted or insufficiently explained, and having it discussed here, where you can elaborate on your findings, is better than filing a Helpdesk ticket, which are more for computer/technical issues.

Good of you to do this. :)


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Here are some I found, you can take a look at some or maybe forward them on. You may find some interesting.


encyclopedia or in game vehicle stats and weapon stats like cmx1 had
no Fallschirmjäger offered for normandy base game..
huge sparks needed on armor hits with penetrating rounds
mgs could deploy on small walls not below them
ability to turn off engines on vehicles modifier would make spotting that vehicle more difficult and crew can hear enemies ans spot things better via sound with no engine running
more video, sound and graphics options
no dead bodies in vehicles?
no tire deflating?
.50cal rate of fire is way too high
mg-42 is too accurate almost like a laser beam
m-20 and m8 should be able to stop mg-42 rounds an rifle rounds on vehicle at distance. Survivable should be higher in these vehicles.
us half-tracks armor should stop rifle and mg-42 fire over distance
surrendered soldiers should return if enemy is eliminated in certain area
quick battle variables need a ton of work
.50cal and german cannon should leave bullet decals for penetration or deflections in german armor, it's a big round.
small arms should leave small bullet or deflection decals on armor
helmets should have bullet/deflection/shrapnel decals
bodies should have hit decals
trees need knock over ability
vehicle pieces crack off / come off if it hard by heavy rounds, turret explosions needed on cook-off
peak option if near wall or corner
more soldier status displays - lost weapon, unjamming, weapon broke, repairing, bandaging,
emotional status for troops display? cowering, fanatic, heroic, ill, berserk, normal, unconscious, panicked, pinned, suppressed, routing (exiting map)
body parts, limbs lost - hey it's war..
option for troops to dig in - may take a lot of time
ambush option - stay hidden until 50 meters or so then fire from hidden spot.
bayonet / knife close combat
There needs to be a larger decal on armor for exit hole, if round does exit
"open up" command in a vehicle is great but exposes a lot of the body, ability to "peek" over edges of vehicles and manlets to spot would be a nice other option
allied mortar team missing launcher and baseplate weapons when moving

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Those are not bugs. Those are feature requests and game balance ideas. I support many of your points though.

I have one more idea: Hit decals from shells that bounce off could be elongated along the axis of the trajectory, instead of always being round. This would look more like ricochets that plough through a bit of armour before glancing off.

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OK I took a stab at categorizing them (specific comments [inline]). There are a few need more info and or clarification but the good news is only one bug and it is on the radar internally - I think - I'll double check that.

Enhancement requests

encyclopedia or in game vehicle stats and weapon stats like cmx1 had [often asked for / popular request / Steve even said he wants to add at least some info]
huge sparks needed on armor hits with penetrating rounds [yeah not so sure about this ... personally]
mgs could deploy on small walls not below them [that would be a nice animation improvement - same for bocage]
no tire deflating? [this and the next five are under the more model destruction category also a popular request - not sure how high the priority would be but yeah it would be cool]
There needs to be a larger decal on armor for exit hole, if round does exit
.50cal and german cannon should leave bullet decals for penetration or deflections in german armor, it's a big round.
small arms should leave small bullet or deflection decals on armor
helmets should have bullet/deflection/shrapnel decals
vehicle pieces crack off / come off if it hard by heavy rounds, turret explosions needed on cook-off
trees need knock over ability [that would be cool as the tank drives through the forest - yummy]
peak option if near wall or corner [oh man yes +1, again very popular request - including AT weapon use around corner]
ambush option - stay hidden until 50 meters or so then fire from hidden spot. [another popular one]
"open up" command in a vehicle is great but exposes a lot of the body, ability to "peek" over edges of vehicles and manlets to spot would be a nice other option [another popular one - which has had a few tweaks along the way but still getting requested for various vehicles]
allied mortar team missing launcher and baseplate weapons when moving [would be a nice graphical and animation improvement]


Working as intended / that is just the way it is / been asked for and rejected already

no Fallschirmjäger offered for normandy base game.. [yep]
ability to turn off engines on vehicles modifier would make spotting that vehicle more difficult and crew can hear enemies ans spot things better via sound with no engine running [not typical behaviour in combat situations - some of those vehicles require additional gear and dismounting to start again, which was something crews were not included to do with the enemy near by]
no dead bodies in vehicles? [correct, I don't think I have heard Steve say anything about this but I honestly do not think the amount of work would ever be really doable - every soldier model would need a "dead in vehicle pose" or 4 so technically not officially rejected but I'll save you the trouble :)]
mg-42 is too accurate almost like a laser beam [nope it's not: mgs got more powerful and many think they got just enough but should have even more power.  The laser beam effect is from the tracers which are present for every round due to game ease of play reasons]
surrendered soldiers should return if enemy is eliminated in certain area [yes, they do now]
bodies should have hit decals [rejected - I think I remember Steve saying something like no gore in CM ever.]
body parts, limbs lost - hey it's war.. [see above]
option for troops to dig in - may take a lot of time [CM battles are not typically long enough so nope]
bayonet / knife close combat [so rare (during the actual war I mean) they long ago decided not to spend effort in the needed animations etc.]


Need more info / not so sure

more video, sound and graphics options [?? what is missing]
.50cal rate of fire is way too high [need reference]
us half-tracks armor should stop rifle and mg-42 fire over distance [I am pretty sure they do - do you have a reference that shows the current distance is wrong]
quick battle variables need a ton of work [need way more detail there - I don't even know what you are looking for here]
more soldier status displays - lost weapon, unjamming, weapon broke, repairing, bandaging, [lost weapon - ever happened :D, jamming etc I don't think we need that, repairing what could you possibly repair while in combat?, bandaging its there - called medic]
emotional status for troops display? cowering, fanatic, heroic, ill, berserk, normal, unconscious, panicked, pinned, suppressed, routing (exiting map) [yeah no idea what to say, is this really worth putting on an enhancement list - sorry MHO]


Yeah sounds like a bug

m-20 and m8 should be able to stop mg-42 rounds an rifle rounds on vehicle at distance. Survivable should be higher in these vehicles. [I'll check that it is logged but I am pretty sure it is]

While I certainly do not represent BFC I have been around these forums for a long time and I feel pretty confident that is how those ideas would break down.  Any one feel free to point out the error of my ways.

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I have one more idea: Hit decals from shells that bounce off could be elongated along the axis of the trajectory, instead of always being round. This would look more like ricochets that plough through a bit of armour before glancing off.

I thought they did already?  Or am I just thinking about the effect as seen on armour slope.

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Ah...the fallschirmjäger....would like to have the formation quality tab in unit purchase screen not just swap a couple of arms to a more obsolete one (MG42 -> MG34), but to remove some weapons entirely. The german mot. Paras pretty much look like what is decribed in Lions of Carentan, when von der Heydte made his personal influence felt to make the 6. Para Regiment such a formidably equipped force. In the game they´re currently like heavily armed assault engineers and you can´t get rid of that extra machine gun, as well as the satchel charges by use of formation quality setting. The given formation would be appropiate for an "elite" type setting and particularly the 6th para regiment (in June 1944, but not long after), but seldomly for any other the german para formations, particularly the higher numbered ones in NWETO (3rd, 5th, 6th Divisions....). A "regular" quality setting then should partly remove the 2nd lMG, as well as the satchels. That would largely apply beginning in late summer/autumn 1944 and beyond.

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I thought they did already?  Or am I just thinking about the effect as seen on armour slope.

Well as far as I have seen, hit decals are always round, they just show the point of impact. That's ok for penetrations, but for shots that bounce off it would be nice if the dent in the armour were more like a long scratch, streak, or furrow in the direction that the shell travelled...

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According to US Army Field Manuals the 50 cal typically would be fired at about half the sustained rate of fire of weapons like the M60 MG.  However, I doubt that Combat Mission places the various MGs into different categories so I'm pretty confident that altering the 50 cal's rate of fire would be impossible to do without significant work with the game code. 

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I think when doing an attack or assault, all defending infantry troops should have the ability to dig in for free, producing one square of foholes for each team. Or maybe it would just be easier to make foxholes and trenches way cheaper for the defending side in attack or assault missions, with assaults getting the biggest discount to reflect more time to prepare.

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Nice wishlist.

Back to (possible) bug topic. Just wanna know if anybody finds this crater created from a 500kg/1000lb bomb dropped from a P-47 to be of the correct size :huh:


Crater View3.jpg

The crater is way too big. According to your table, the maximum size of the crater under optimum conditions (soil/burst depth) would be 45 feet = 13,7 metres. A jeep is 3,36 metres, so the biggest possible crater should be 4 times the length of the jeep, but a quick measuring on my screen shows that the crater is around 6,6666 times the length of the jeep. Which gives us approximately 22,3 metres, so the crater on that screenshot is a lot bigger than the maximum possible in real life from such a bomb. If your table is correct.

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Really...the argument is over whether its 4 or 6 times the width of a jeep.  Is there not enough content in these games that this is what the discussion has come to?   I  mean come on...Is this how you spend your spare time?  Measuring the width of craters and jeeps on screen.

Let's not worry about gun elevation, action spot anomalies, fire, etc.  Let's really dig up stuff to be fussy about.  If was Steve, I'd quit after reading this thread.  To each his own, but at some point I have to just shake my head.


PS  I love how an actual historical document is just dismissed as scribbles.  That is very cool.

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