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Russian army under equipped?

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The rotating problem only happens with oplots again

Thx vlad. Vlads learnt insanely fast for a pbem virgin :) infortunately i HAD to defer to him wanting to play the commie reds. 

Hattori pm me for turn


John, I swore i wouldnt reply to myself. I cant help myself im just gonna say one thing. For someone with such a terrible TBI you seem to run JK investigates pretty well and seem to have no problem.managing the donations via paypal either huh?

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4 hours ago, John Kettler said:


I was being a bit playful regarding your "discovery" and the possible "hidden counterbalance" it may've represented to the heavily mentioned UA rotating TC problem (forget which tank, not that I really know how to tell which is what). I seriously doubt there's any parameter fudging going on at all.


John Kettler


I'm pretty sure that BFC is not constantly  (ie regular incremental patches,  weekly/monyhly) updating any of its games. Only updates are when the official patches are issued. I know they're tracking issues but they are not patching the game in the background as bugs are revealed. 

We're not fortunate enough (read BFC is basically too small) to get bugs patched quicker than once/twice a year. 

The current build is 1.03 and that number hasn't changed in (my opinion) far too long. 

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I haven't posted in this forum for years as an employment change a while back forced me to into lurking. This forum is, as it ever was, a place where strong opinions are traded regularly, and weak arguments are slammed down mercilessly. May it stay that way forever.

My opinion, this forum is much the richer for John Kettler's participation. He is an asset, he is imaginative and he is loyal. I don't tolerate his posts, I look forwards to the next one.








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I don't think it's getting to the point of a flat  "John, don't post".... But it's certainly at "John,  some of your posts are nonsense",  with the Talon being a prime example. . 

I wouldn't entirely agree with the latter though, as he regularly posts stuff of military interest with a strong slant towards Russian equipment. His style can be... Unnecessarily Overly Dramatic! ...and yes sometimes he has real, wayyy off zingers like the Talon. 

But still. It's  an Open forum, where Politeness is primary*. It does feel a bit aggressive right now. 

*I'm quite guilty of being aggressively passionate re Donbass/MH17/Human Rights in general. . 

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All forums need regular content and contributors to keep lively and not go stale and die off.  JK contributes a lot of content.  I personally am not one for checking out all the vids of futuristic military equipment (I'll believe it when I see it, I know too well how things go off track from R&D to final production), but he does promote conversation.  I don't say this to be mean, but I generally just scroll past all those youtube posts.

JK is also pretty polite and respectful, from the little I have seen.  People like that feel others should treat them the same way, and are very hurt when they feel they are attacked for what they see as no wrongdoing.  It is okay to go after a wrong claim or assertion, and JK will have to defend any of those, but the attacks have definitely started to feel personal.  For example:

14 hours ago, Sublime said:

For someone with such a terrible TBI you seem to run JK investigates pretty well and seem to have no problem.managing the donations via paypal either huh?

Sublime suggested to me one time that I just ignore his posts if I don't like them.  He should probably follow his own advice on this one.  And come on man, seriously, who rips on the guy with a brain injury whose only crime seems to be he believes a lot of this conspiracy stuff or military industrial complex equipment marketing campaigns and then wants to share it with us?  It would be like me yelling at the guy in the leg cast for not hurrying up on the subway -- it only makes me look bad for my complete lack of empathy.

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3 hours ago, Bigduke6 said:

I haven't posted in this forum for years...

BD6! Good god it's great to see you again. It has been a very long time indeed and you have been greatly missed. I had feared that you might have eaten a bullet or something bad had happened to you. Glad to see that is not the case. I hope that it will soon become possible for you to take up your inimitable reporting to us.


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Actually I jave been following my own advice. I told im id rather not and im not responding to anymore of his posts. Seriously I posted one thing. Responded to someone else ajd posted a couple of other things.

This issue to me is dead and really the only thing keeping it alive is everyone continually talking about it at this point.

And as for my advice all of you are free to select me on ignore. I wont get upset i promise. Nor will i go to the moderators or ask others to speak for me or fight my battles.

P.s. on the subway you can see someone with the leg cast. I dont think JK is lying however I have zero proof that he had any injury whatsoever. I dont really care. But i could just as easily say you guys cant judge what Im saying bc i was brain dead for 15 minutes once ( seriously ) and have PTSD and therefore I cant control my anger or my posts.

But we all know thats bs and a straw man. Im well aware of actions and am accountable for them. Im not adressing this further. Anyone can ignore me or feel free to pm me to tell me how much they hate me and ill gladly respond in kind.

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14 minutes ago, Sublime said:

Actually I jave been following my own advice. I told im id rather not and im not responding to anymore of his posts.

The ignore feature is a wonderful invention.  I cannot get the time I wasted over the years back but I can prevent my self from ever wasting another moment on such drivel.


14 minutes ago, Sublime said:

And as for my advice all of you are free to select me on ignore. I wont get upset i promise. Nor will i go to the moderators or ask others to speak for me or fight my battles.


14 minutes ago, Sublime said:

Anyone can ignore me or feel free to pm me to tell me how much they hate me and ill gladly respond in kind.

You can ignore PMs from people too so you don't even have to do that :D

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Folks who don't allow Russian players to bring ZALAs may indeed be 'under-equipping' the Russian army:

"Pentagon Confronts a New Threat From ISIS: Exploding Drones"


"“We should have been ready for this, and we weren’t,” said P. W. Singer, a specialist on robotic weaponry at New America, a think tank in Washington."

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I'm back from some R&R and just getting around to catching up on this thread.  Yesh, how did you guys know I was going to not be here for 4 days?  Simply uncanny.  Now that I am back I have a simple message for you guys:

Knock it off or this thread gets locked.

This is not a place to be bashing or defending a particular poster.  Not just this thread, but the forum as a whole.  If you don't like what a particular person has to say... challenge the information or ignore it.

As for the comments about patches, what has been said is correct.  Patching is a time consuming and often frustrating process.  Small changes can produce unintended consequences, some of which have nothing to do with the fixes themselves.  For example, trying to work through installer bugs, typos in ReadMes, etc.  It all takes time and that time comes at the expense of everything else we need to do.  Therefore, we fix things as we go along and then when we feel there's a significant mass of fixes or a critical need then, and only then, do we go through the hassles of putting a patch out.  Black Sea will have a new patch very soon.


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Great to see you've returned/resurfaced! Perhaps when you have the chance you might tell us, presuming you can, about your activities while away.


That's disturbing news. Maybe it's time to issue waterfowl semiautomatic or pump shotguns with no magazine plugs fitted? Understand I am in no way kidding here. Any weapon which will down a duck or a goose will make short shrift of a flimsy drone, and the drone is no real threat until it either hits the target or is meddled with when found. There are many choices available for as little as ~$400.00. Suggest they use COTS for this. Otherwise shotguns will cost thousands each. This won't, of course, solve the problem of drones operating higher or farther away, but with proper training, I believe waterfowl shotguns could greatly reduce this emerging threat.


John Kettler

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The BBC has a new article out on the drone threat:

"Iraq attack shows deadly potential of 'off-the-shelf' drones"


It looks like the preferred defense is to use soft-kill systems like DroneDefender (http://www.battelle.org/our-work/national-security/tactical-systems/battelle-dronedefender ).

The point I was trying to make related to CMBS, though, was that ZALA being untouchable for the US side should not be considered a gamey advantage for the Russians, as it reflects a real life weakness the US has against micro-UAV because [bingo!] it has no AAA.

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This issue of amateur drones has been a concern since the late 90's. It's only just reached public attention.

Look here to see the size and significant potential payload of hobbyists' model aircraft that have been around for a long time:


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John, Cool Breeze and Mr. Emrys:

It's pleasant to be remembered, unless it's by the tax people. Thanks guys.

I can say this: I'm in Donbass. I've been there since early last year. Nothing secret, nothing clandestine, but my employers want me to to avoid making anything like a public comment on the conflict. Hence the lurking. You've been having some really great arguments in here and it's been all I could do to keep from jumping in. So far my self discipline is holding. But JK is different - the man is an institution. 

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It's worth noting though that small raven-like drones fly well within the range (both in speed and altitude) of being effectively engaged by MG fire.  Flying a Raven or Zala over  exposed anything should be a pretty short lived mission (troops or equipment in heavy cover might choose just to hide though).   I think Raven tops out around 500 feet, and maybe 20ish MPH I think?  A quick look doesn't seem to indicate the Zala is much more capable.  

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BFC's counter to this is (from the CM v3.01 manual): "Small arms, including machineguns, are also never used against aircraft because the chance of success is extremely low while the chance of revealing their positions or being distracted from ground combat is very high." [my emphasis]

I had my life on the line only once while serving and what I remember from that experience is having all eyes on the treeline whence the threat was coming. I can't imagine myself looking up for drones in that situation. My buddies had a similar experience and almost shot the NCO who ran up from behind them. Now, we were conscripts with much less training than @VladimirTarasov's VDV conscripts. [I'm throwing this out there because Vladimir has argued for the potential of conscripts several times from firsthand experience, and I wish to point out that a VDV conscript is probably far better than a vanilla conscript - they're all volunteers, for beginners.] Therefore, I would leave it to you and other veterans on the forum to evaluate BFC's argument. Even if micro-UAVs can be taken out with MGs, how realistic is it to have this capability in game without a specific order for it, which would in turn detract from reacting to ground contacts?

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Well I can tell you that in Syria and Ukraine there has been drones that have been engaged at by small arms, recently Separatists shot down a Raven over the contact line in Donbas (not by small arm fire) It all depends on many factors. Me personally I don't think it's easy at all shooting at those micro UAVs. And cases where they are shot down by small arms are pretty rare. Crew served weapons like .50s on tripod mounts or any stabilized mount could have a chance (if they are able to visually see it, and permitted to hit it) The thing is UAVs like those do not usually fly predictable paths so even trying to hit them with small arms is not likely to work. 

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That was exactly my original point. While the US and others have also shot down ISIS drones, I'm assuming these incidents do not occur while they're distracted by more immediate threats. When I was bringing up the lack of US AAA, the point was the lack of any unit that is specifically tasked with an AA mission AND can shoot down a micro-UAV.

And, another thing to remember when considering the challenge from ISIS drones is that Russian ZALA operators will be way, WAY better at their job than ISIS.

Edited by Machor
Added the last sentence.
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3 hours ago, VladimirTarasov said:

recently Separatists shot down a Raven over the contact line in Donbas

Has the US supplied Ukraine with drones? Are you sure it was specifically a Raven and not a Furia or whatever else the Ukrainians use?

Can you cite some sources?

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