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North Africa Mini Mod

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Heinrich and I tried the PBEM last night of my new scenario "Tobruk Easter Battle" but his system kept crashing during the turn resolution. A 2km x 2km desert map.

I can play it fine against myself. Anyone else want to try the new scenario against me? I will make a smaller version for he and I to battle.

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Who wants to play this battle as axis? Come on! :D


It is 0645 on Sunday 13 April 1941. Easter Sunday. Light wind off the sea to the north. 
Dusty, hot and sunny. You are south of Tobruk near the El Adem road about 2km from the 
first defensive belt, the "Red Line".... Your mission is to create a path through the wire, mines and tank 
ditches to allow the panzers to penetrate into the enemy rear.
You are attached to Group Ponath as part of Machine Gun Battalion 8 of the 5th Light 
Division. Your men, like many others in the DAK, are exhausted and dead on your feet. 
But in Tobruk awaits cold beer and cans of pineapple! You must summon your final ounces 
of courage and determination to complete the assigned task.
Preserve your force and use firepower to suppress the enemy strongpoints. Clear the 
mines and wire using demo charges. Fill in the tank ditch at the designated spot by (a) 
destroying the wall with demo charges and (b) using the rubble to level it off. Part (b) 
is of course simulated.
The plans for the Italian-built defenses are in our hands and we have aerial recon 
photos. But we don't know many details on how the British have manned or equipped them. 
We believe the cream of their desert army has been siphoned off to Greece so we should only 
encounter relatively inexperienced, 2nd line forces.
Achieve Points by reaching touch objectives and destroying enemy units.
The majority of your Kompanie are with you under cover in a small depression. A few 
teams are struggling with the heavy weapons and are to the rear. A few teams have 
crawled slowly forward over the last several hours to close the gap with the wire. You 
have no significant artillery support as of yet. A Flak battery will arrive later in the 
morning to set up to provide direct fire support. The panzers are set to begin their 
movement at 0730. They will proceed toward your bridgehead in the wire, pass through you 
and onwards to rip open the Tobruk defenses. Follow on the tanks or in their wake as the 
situation warrants... 
...it is early morning, 0645. Not fully light yet. The battle is 1 hour long. Watch the 
clock up at the compass in the upper right corner. You get several mobile 37mm Flak guns at 0700 arriving at 
your rear corner behind you. Your company of PzIII arrives at 0715 on your left flank.
Good luck....remember it is Easter and Gott Mit Uns!
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The north Africa theater means so much to me. It conjures up my own youth when all of this was new and fresh to read about events of THEN only 30+ years before..relatively recent. My own father was a WW2 veteran and many of his friends and our relatives were as well. I personally feel seasonally out of the loop with the coming CMFB release. I will most likely wait to purchase it later in the year when I get my winter mood for Bulge battles. At that time I would also return to the CMRT Ost Front for some modding based on new 3D models from CMFB. Probably somebody will already have done it by then, which is fine. So, anyway, I have decided to hunker down and enjoy some CMFI Africa Mod. I know of at least a few people who have installed it. Please give a shout if you have played anything with the [africa] mod. I am working on some scenarios and maybe even a campaign. Maybe even a CMPzC Operation is in the works!


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  • 2 weeks later...

hmmm...maybe something is wrong with the page right now...

I tried to upload some pictures of my first africa scenario yesterday and that did not work either :wacko:

But then again...Maybe it is not this page that is the problem (atleast not in my case). My photobucket account have been messing with me a bit lately...

The scenario is closing in on a finished product and will hopefully be avaliable in a week or two...



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Sure, whatever you'd like to do can only make things better. Modtag them [za]?

I imagine it is glaringly bad when the default British voices are used for the voices of the other "non-Blighty" national troops.

What does everybody think? I think there is probably a core of the voice files which are the most important to change. Curses, rally calls, stuff like that. Other stuff might be standard terminology and less an issue. Of course I also think it depends on the strength and tone of the British accented default voice file.

Any linguistics specialists here? :D

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drafting up the battle 1 briefing...

It is early morning on the April Easter weekend of 1941. The mild temperatures of the night are over and as the greatcoats come off here in the desert the temperature will now slowly climb until it is warm soon and eventually even hot later in the afternoon. The khamsin winds blow strong from the southeast reducing visibility. You are in a concrete Italian-built strongpoint on the so called "Red Line" outer ring of defenses around Tobruk, Libya. Your strongpoint, designated R33, is integrated with anti-tank ditches, barbed wire and minefields.

In this battle your initial focus is 3 Section of 14 Platoon, D Coy of 2/17 Australian Battalion of 20th Australian Brigade of 9th Australian Division under the charge of Sergeant "Blue" Donnelson. Also assigned to R33 is a Vickers MMG. A D Coy Forward Observer is in the company area and has radio link to the battalion mortars and the Royal Horse Artillery 25-pounders. Your platoon leader is inspecting the other strongpoints in the platoon sector and should be along shortly.
Machine-Gun Battalion 8 is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Gustav Ponath. Though reduced in numbers from the 1200 that arrived a month ago at Tripoli to about 300 now, they are well equipped, experienced and highly motivated opponents. Their goal is to penetrate the defenses and create a hole for the tanks of the 5th Panzer Regiment.
Defend R33 and your sector from enemy incursion.
Your score on this battle determines the follow on battle. Achieve an extremely difficult Total Victory by keeping the Germans from touching anywhere on your side of the wire and the next battle would be on the same map with their renewed efforts to breach the wire. Anything less than a Total Victory and the next battle will assume the axis have successfully penetrated into the Tobruk defenses and be on a different map. However, a "player feedback battle" will open after this current battle concludes to more accurately branch off as the story continues. Note that the spirit of your defense and success in eliminating the enemy will be of great assistance in future battles.
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  • 2 weeks later...


I have finished my first arfica scenario...Rats in Gabes

The player will be commanding the 7th Argylls battalion/ 51st Highland division. The battalion have been tasked with assulting the town of Gabes, west of the Mareth-line in march 1943.

The 51st along with a few other formations have been able to bypass the axis defences along the Mareth-line by circuling around the Matmatahills to the south.

Your battalion are now in a good possition to assult the town from the south. If succesful this will close the only escaperoute west for the axis troops holding the Mareth-line.

You will initialy be commanding 2 companies of infantry supported by a few shermans from the 8th armoured brigade. Later one more company (depleted) will become avaliable.

The size of this scenario is BATTALION MINUS.

I have also included a 'reserves function' in this scenario. About halfway into the fight the player will recieve some additional reinforcements (reserves) from an other battalion.

If your attack boggs down and you feel that you will not be able to achive your asigned objectives you will be able to commit these troops to the battle.

However..these troops where initially intende to do other things and it will not go down well with you 'higher up' if you need to commit them.

The player will lose points in this scenario if he does. A total victory will no longer be possible. Use them only if you need them...

The map is basically a rubbled town with some desert infront of it. Al the larger modular buildings and some of the smaller ones as well as some of the independent buildings have fully functional internal doors.

The scenario will take advantage of several of the north africa mods that Kohlenklau have put together in his north african dropbox folder...

Many thanks to the modders ! :)

A few pictures...












I tried to upload the scenario to the scenario depot but that did not work...probably due to the size because of the mods...

You can download it here...



Good luck with the fighting !

/ RepsolCBR


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