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CM Final Blitzkrieg - ALLIED (Defense) BETA Battle Report

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Bill, thanks for that - so unless I'm mistaken, while Baneman has more points to spend it seems you have the advantage because you only need to deny him parts of Phase Line 2 and all of Phase Lines 3 and 4 to win. Added to that, to reach Phase Line 2 he has to cover 2.2km in 90 minutes ... I'm glad I declined your challenge!!!!

Combat-Man - heh, yeah well if he purchased a couple of Panther platoons plus the JagdTiger I could be in trouble and he could probably walk over me.. 90 minutes is a long time.. it'll be interesting for sure to see this one unfold.


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TURN 1 (1:30-1:29)

No enemy contacts yet.. my recon platoon is scattered across the front and are moving into their OP/LP positions.  I am not going too deep, only far enough to get an idea of how my opponent is maneuvering and to hopefully ID a few units.



Recon team moves onto KT1:


Hellcats (trees in the center on the ridge are on KT1):


Team Pain:


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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Looks like it wont take long to identify the enemy AoA(s) and pick a suitable response. You have a force that is covering the whole front. Are there areas you worry he might be able to slip by unnoticed because LOS is a bit tricky on this map? 

Edited by Bud_B
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TURN 2 (1:29-1:28)

Baneman is definitely on the move.  I start getting several contacts this turn as will be seen and explained below...

Situation (refer to this map when reading the following details):


Enemy Halftrack.  This halftrack was spotted towards the start of the turn as my recon team dismounted.  This halftrack is facing the East edge of the map and never moved.  It doesn't appear to be carrying a payload, but it was crewed.


Enemy Infantry (suspected Platoon).  These infantry teams (at least two squads) were spotted, dismounted and running across the field.  They stopped at a hedge on the west end of the field.  I was very surprised to see dismounted infantry.


Enemy Armor (Sound Contacts).  My recon team on KT1 got a few sound contacts, one of which is a tank of some sort, the other could be either a light tank, halftrack, or an armored car.  I will keep a close eye on these contacts.. though neither indicated movement, I might not have been hearing them long enough to notice movement. 


Analysis:  Its a little too early to be certain, but it sure looks like Baneman might be moving down AA2 and AA3.  Another few turns I should have a good idea of what he is up to.. at least initially. 



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TURN 2 (1:29-1:28)

Baneman is definitely on the move.  I start getting several contacts this turn as will be seen and explained below...

Situation (refer to this map when reading the following details):



That image is one of the most dramatic and clear examples of the power of screening enemy movements. You already know a LOT about his dispositions and I would bet my avatar's helmet he knows nothing about yours :)




And what about that soft shadow projecting on the house facade? Nice one, Phil.

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TURN 3 (1:28-1:27)

I have now seen a platoon sized element entering the L Shaped Wood, more on that in a bit... the other infantry platoon continues to cross the open space to the north of Cogne... obviously orienting on the woods to their front.  Seems like Baneman's idea is to keep his dismounts to the wooded terrain, but there are a few problems with that as you shall see.



L Shaped Wood - Part 1.  With elements of a dismounted platoon entering this wood I now suspect his intent is as follows (see the Projected 1 and Projected 2 arrows.  To do this he will have to cross the area I have marked in blue (EA = Engagement Area).  This area is covered by two HMG jeeps and four (soon to be five) Hellcats.  If that is his intent it should be a costly, at least without armor support.


L Shaped Wood - Part 2.  The light armor contact I had next to the L Shaped Wood last turn resolved into a halftrack, a command variant.  So, Baneman had a spot on this scout team and opened fire with this halftrack.. it sounded like area fire (sporadic bursts) so perhaps he did not have a firm contact.  I did take one casualty from this fire and this team is now shaken.  First blood to Baneman!


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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It's amazing how the overview map gives the impression that the distance from KT1 to the L-Shaped Wood is short, yet the screen capture shows that in fact, it would be hard to see the targets (your scouts). Maps (as opposed to the 3-D environment) can be quite deceptive if one does not read them correctly. 

If you have good LOS from KT2 to the EA, you will make it difficult indeed for him to pursue this advance, what with your Heavy units able to get ahead of them and force them to attack frontally and face flanking fire. 

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It's amazing how the overview map gives the impression that the distance from KT1 to the L-Shaped Wood is short, yet the screen capture shows that in fact, it would be hard to see the targets (your scouts). Maps (as opposed to the 3-D environment) can be quite deceptive if one does not read them correctly. 

If you have good LOS from KT2 to the EA, you will make it difficult indeed for him to pursue this advance, what with your Heavy units able to get ahead of them and force them to attack frontally and face flanking fire. 

yeah the screenshots can be very misleading.  I am sure he heard my team as they were moving last turn.  Re: the EA, I Had expected AA1 would be his main avenue of advance so I set up to deny the area outlined as EA from the start. 

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I'd love to see a video aar of this battle with Bil commentary :) That would be cool!

Interesting idea. I guess a lot of people have nothing more than the most basic video recording / editing software, so audio might be a big deal for them. And it'd be a ton more work, I'm guessing. But yeah, a 1-minute video flyover of the map giving a better look at its contours and LOS's would be neat though. Even if no sound or units showing or whatever. That's probably a lot to ask though. Sounds like these gentlemen may already be spending more time on this DAR than their friends and family would prefer. :lol:



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  Following with great interest, as always.  Your AARs are always a class act and tremendously informative.

  Do you have short covered arcs on your screens to keep them from opening fire?  Or do you want them to fire first, cause the advancing enemy to go to ground, and then pull your screens away to different positions to slow his advance?

  Thanks again for doing this battle.  Always greatly appreciated.  What a showcase!!!


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  Following with great interest, as always.  Your AARs are always a class act and tremendously informative.

  Do you have short covered arcs on your screens to keep them from opening fire?  Or do you want them to fire first, cause the advancing enemy to go to ground, and then pull your screens away to different positions to slow his advance?

  Thanks again for doing this battle.  Always greatly appreciated.  What a showcase!!!


Yes 30m covered arcs.  I would rather withdraw before I am spotted.. I don't think exchanging fire with enemy infantry would work out too well with these small teams.

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